Chapter 61 Baicao Pill


There are some things that Xu Fei, a big man, can't say

Therefore, he planned to find Wang Tieniu later and let her chat with Uncle Wang slowly.

Now, let's try to heal him first.

Grab Uncle Wang's arm and make a cut in his skin.

Xu Fei transferred the mutated cancer cells into his body.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it entered Uncle Wang's body, the mutated cancer cells were directly inactivated without any reaction.

After getting it back into his body, it became normal again.

Xu Fei instantly understood that these things were mutated in his body and had already been marked with his exclusive label, so they were useless to other people.

Uncle Wang asked: "Does it not work for me?"

"It's okay, I don't care."


Seeing that Uncle Wang was about to turn around and leave, Xu Fei stopped him.

He grinned and said, "Who said it's useless to you!"

Xu Fei cut off a small piece of meat from Uncle Wang's hand, then cut a hole in his own arm, and buried the meat in it.

"You are this?"

Uncle Wang asked puzzledly.

Xu Fei replied: "You can't train it, then I will help you train one!"

His mutated cancer cells are exclusive and cannot be used, so create a mutated cancer cell that belongs exclusively to Uncle Wang!

If his body can't support the emergence of mutated cancer cells, Xu Fei will help him cultivate them.

It's like being a test tube baby!
Xu Fei is the test tube!
Of course, this test tube is not so easy to be.

We must always pay attention to it, it can only be swallowed by cancer cells, and the flesh and blood tissue that belongs to Uncle Wang alone,
After that, it split and multiplied crazily, until it reached a critical value, and mutated into a new form, a mutated cancer cell exclusive to Uncle Wang.

What Xu Fei has to do is to provide energy for this flesh and blood tissue of Uncle Wang, keep it active and cultivate cancer cells.


Uncle Wang didn't know what Xu Fei's so-called method was.

But judging from the things in front of him, this method seems a bit like some kind of sorcery.

"Xiao Fei, this won't do you any harm, will it?"

Xu Fei waved his hand indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter to me."

"Don't forget, I have a super recovery ability!"

Thinking of Xu Fei's perverted ability, Uncle Wang felt a little relieved.

Turn around and leave
Xu Fei went to Wang Tieniu and talked to her about doing his father-in-law's ideological work.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, Wang Tieniu immediately became nervous.

We live together on weekdays, and no one really noticed Uncle Wang's problem.

Listening to Xu Fei now, I didn't expect the problem to be so serious.

Wang Tieniu anxiously wanted to do ideological work immediately.

Xu Fei said: "Wait a while, make me something to eat, I'm hungry!"


"Brother Fei, why are you hungry again?"

"No, your food intake has been increasing every day recently."

Xu Fei only noticed this problem after hearing what she said.

Because the food intake has always been very large, even if it increased, I didn't notice it for a while.

After careful comparison, his daily food intake has indeed increased by half compared to before.

Xu Fei thought about it, and as his body strengthened, his consumption also increased.

He will eat more and more in the future, and even in the end, ordinary food may not be able to meet his needs for energy absorption.

Touching his chin with his hand, he pondered for a while.

It seems that it is necessary to find a high-energy food to replace the food you need to eat every day.

Xu Fei thought of a nutrient solution!

It is the nutrient solution that the hospital gives to those patients who cannot eat normally after the operation, through infusion to supplement the body's energy.

This nutrient solution is small in size and high in energy.

Another advantage is that Xu Fei can defecate less every day!
No need to carry out bucket after bucket!

It's a pity that this kind of nutrient solution has not become popular at this time, and there is no way to buy it.

Xu Fei had to think of another way.

While eating the food sent by Wang Tieniu, he was looking for a way in his mind.

In the end, Xu Fei really found a good thing in the medical book.

Ge Hong, a Taoist theorist in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, a famous alchemist and medical scientist, is known as Xiaoxianweng in the world.

The medical book "Baopuzi" inherited and developed the alchemy method since the Eastern Han Dynasty.

He recorded a kind of elixir in "Baopuzi": Baicao Dan.

Ordinary people can eat for three days without eating.

It is a must-have elixir for ancient Taoist retreats.

Xu Fei felt that he could try to refine it.

The refining method of Baicao Dan is very simple.

Just according to the ratio, put the required materials in a pot and boil until it becomes sticky and dry, then knead it into balls.

Xu Fei went to buy materials.

It is said to be Baicaodan, but in fact only 46 kinds of materials are needed.

Millet, beans, hemp, wheat, and rice account for one-third of the weight ratio.

After collecting all the materials, return to the laboratory to cook.

It only took a few hours to cook successfully.

Because it is the first time to refine, so the materials used are relatively small, and there are only four elixir.

The last step, wrap it in gold leaf!

The golden Baicao Dan was successfully refined.

Xu Fei took out one and weighed it in his hand, it was quite heavy.

Swallowing it into the stomach is like eating a stone, and it feels like there is a hard foreign object in the stomach.

Rubbing his stomach with his hands, Baicao Dan was quickly digested by Xu Fei.

By comparison, a piece of Baicao Dan is equivalent to a meal for him.

From this point of view, he only needs to eat five pills of Baicao every day, which is enough to provide the body with the energy it needs.

"nice one!"

Xu Fei then boiled another big pot and rubbed out hundreds of Baicao Pills.

From now on, you don't have to worry about eating anymore.

Life is on track.

Except that Guo Xingbang would come to him from time to time and bother him with the troublesome things he encountered in the drug processing factory, Xu Fei's life was quite comfortable.

this day
Guo Xingbang came to look for Xu Fei again
It is said that there is another sect called the Changle Gang who will always come to the factory to make trouble.

If the factory hadn't arranged a few guards with guns, I'm afraid it would have been smashed by the Changle Gang.

Xu Fei is also bored!
Always hiding in the dark and sneaking around, being harassed by all kinds of young people.

It's better to just do things directly on the bright side!

Unite with other forces and do it openly!

"You go back first!"

"I'll figure out a way to deal with it!"

Send Guo Xingbang away

Came to a western restaurant alone.

Xu Fei had a crazy plan in mind.

If he succeeds, he will have no troubles in Hong Kong from now on.

The owner of this western restaurant is Owen Davidson.

On the surface, he looks kind and friendly, but in fact, he has been doing tobacco business secretly.

The point is, he is also very familiar with the chief of police.


(End of this chapter)

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