Chapter 63

did not expect

Hongquan disciples after the first day of work
Hong Zhennan went straight to Xu Fei.

"You'd better explain to me, what's going on?"

"Otherwise, I'll blow your head off with one punch!"

Xu Fei looked at the piece of smoke soil he threw.

He picked it up with a smile and explained: "This is the raw material we use for pharmaceuticals."


"What kind of medicine did you make?"

"Is it the poison that poisons us Chinese?"

Seeing Hong Zhennan who was a little agitated, Xu Fei didn't say much.

Take him to the factory and enter the factory.

This is a non-experimental staff, forbidden to enter.

The people inside are all technicians sent from above.

The manufacturing technology provided by Xu Fei is all top secret.

Xu Fei showed him around, and then showed him the newly produced morphine.

And explained: "See? This is a medical tranquilizer, morphine!"

"As you know, our country is currently suffering from war."

"A lot of drugs are used on the battlefield."

"And all the medicines produced by our factory are provided to the frontline."

Hearing this, Hong Zhennan was no longer so excited, but still asked in doubt: "Then why do you want to trade with foreigners?"

"Don't you know that they are not good people?"

Xu Fei smiled and said, "What can I do?"

"I was also forced, just like you used to work for foreigners."

"Only from foreigners can such a large amount of raw materials be purchased."

"And, as their largest acquirer, we
Because they can make a lot of money from us
Therefore, not only will foreigners not come to trouble us, but they can also solve many problems for us. "

In this way, Hong Zhennan will have no other problems.

He also actively cooperated with the work, allowing his Hongquan disciples to work hard and protect the safety of the factory.

After solving Hong Zhennan

The pharmaceutical factory is officially on the right track.

Black and white, no one dares to harass.

With the development of aboveboard, the factory has recruited many technical personnel.

Not only can it be produced, penicillin, morphine, but also many other drugs can be produced.

For a while

It has become the largest pharmaceutical production base in Hong Kong.

And Xu Fei was officially noticed by the people above because of this great achievement.



The mutated cancer cells that Xu Fei cultivated for Uncle Wang finally appeared!

call uncle wang
After Wang Tieniu's persuasion, Uncle Wang's spirit is much better than before.

Watching Xu Fei remove the cloth wrapped around his arm.

A horny, knobby, tree trunk-like arm was exposed.


"Xiao Fei, are you sure there is nothing wrong with your hand?"

Seeing Uncle Wang's nervous look, Xu Fei smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, it's fine, just clean it up!"

Take out a sharp dagger and scrape off the excess on your arm.

The arm became bloody in an instant.

Cut a hole, pick out a piece of flesh and blood, inside is Uncle Wang's exclusive mutated cancer cells.

He also cut a hole in Uncle Wang's arm and put this piece of flesh into it.

After bandaging.

Xu Fei asked, "How do you feel?"

Uncle Wang shook his head: "I don't feel anything."


Then wait a day and see! "

time of day

Xu Fei has been paying attention to the changes in Uncle Wang's body.

how to say?

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as rejuvenating!
The hair gradually turns black from the root.

Skin becomes taut first, wrinkles disappear

Then, a layer of old skin can fall off with one rub, and the new skin is as delicate as a baby.

The rickety body began to straighten slowly.

The loose and worn teeth fall out one by one, and a new row of teeth slowly grows in.

"I go!"

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Compared with Xu Fei, Uncle Wang's transformation is more like an evolution.

Under the horrified eyes of Wang Tieniu and Wang Tie, Uncle Wang changed back to his 20s in just one day.

"I have been drifting up and down for a long time, and today I will break the golden lock!"

Hearing Uncle Wang's chanting, Xu Fei was a little puzzled, does this special effect still exist after human evolution?
Uncle Wang looked at Xu Fei, smiled and said, "It's true, I've done it!"

"(⊙o⊙) what?"

Xu Fei was dumbfounded for a moment: "How did you do it?"

I complained in my heart: evolution also has the effect of improving the realm, why don't I?

Uncle Wang explained: "The mystery is so mysterious that I can't speak it!"

"The thing to pay attention to is one: the word 'enlightenment'"

"However, I can tell you that the key for me to become Baoyi Realm is Tiger Fist!"

Xu Fei asked again: "Then what is the supernatural power you obtained?"

"Divine thought, but I prefer to call it: whim!"

"When something bad is about to happen, I can be alert in advance!"


Xu Fei took a deep breath and thought jealously: I also want this special ability.

It's a pity that hugging is not so easy to achieve

If Xu Fei is to be enlightened, he probably won't be able to realize it until he dies.

Since you can't realize it, then pile it up!

Xu Fei finds Guo Xingbang

Let him ask for some truly peerless martial arts cheats from the organization.

The best is the kind of cheats that have been passed down for a long time and involve the highest level of kung fu: the realm of holding one.

Guo Xingbang is not a warrior, so he doesn't understand the meaning of Xu Fei's words.

So he agreed directly.

And promised to let Xu Fei rest assured that he has made such a great contribution to the organization, as long as the organization has it, it will be sent to him.

Xu Fei's request went directly to Mr. Zhou at the base.

After Mr. Zhou heard about it, he laughed!
He didn't expect that the person who made such a great contribution was actually a martial idiot!

That being the case, then satisfy him!

There are so many strange people in the organization.

And their loyalty is beyond doubt, and all the needs of the organization are resolutely fulfilled.

Not long
A copy of the sect inheritance was sent to Xu Fei.

Uncle Wang was very excited when he saw these unique skills, and picked them up one by one to appreciate them carefully.

Twelve bridges of Hongquan, double shape of tiger and crane...

Bajiquan, Yama's three-point hand, shooting a cannon into the sky...


After Xu Fei browsed through it roughly, he took out the two most exquisite cheat books.

Wudang School, "Taiyi Sleeping Immortal Technique"!
Legend has it that it was created by the patriarch Chen Tuan Xiyi, which can make people reach the realm of harmony between man and nature!
Longhushan, "Eight Parts of Vajra Kungfu", Qigong for health maintenance, Taoism's unique skill!

It can dredge the meridians, exercise qi and blood, wash the meridians and cut the marrow.

These two books are both cheats that can achieve the realm of hugging!

It's a pity that these two cheat books are extremely time-consuming and require a lot of energy to complete!

but it does not matter!

Xu Fei has plenty of time!
Xu Fei asked Uncle Wang to leave secretly to find a small island in Southeast Asia as a way out in the future.

Uncle Wang's rejuvenation can also be explained by the promotion of martial arts.

But in the future, how should Xu Fei help Wang Tieniu, Wang Jun, and even his own son evolve physically?
Shouyuan is an extremely scary question.

Once exposed, Xu Fei will be fine, at worst, he will wake up from the dream!

But others can't!

Later generations can't control

At least, the few existing people can't have an accident.

The war is over, and it's time to reward meritorious service.

On the night of leaving Hong Kong for the mainland, Xu Fei's family disappeared at sea.

For a while, it became an unsolved mystery.

time flies
a hundred years have passed

Xu Fei became an island owner on an island in Southeast Asia.

Live every day, be free and easy!

But time has proved that human evolution can only prolong life by about 30 years.

Both Wang Tieniu and Wang Jun passed away.

Uncle Wang lived 30 years longer and died with them.

Except for his first son, Zhuzi, who helped him evolve his physical body, Xu Fei didn't help other descendants.

The wealth he left was enough for them to enjoy for a few lifetimes, there was no need to leave them a time bomb.

It's a pity that Xu Fei only missed the goal, but he couldn't make it through!


(End of this chapter)

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