mad fairy

Chapter 135 Murloc

Chapter 135 Murloc
Survival entered the secret realm hand in hand with Zhong Ran, so the two entered the secret place at the same location.

As for the rest, they were probably scattered in different areas of the swamp.

Flying is prohibited in the Tianshan Secret Realm.

So after carefully observing the surrounding environment, Survival walked towards Tianshan Mountain together with Zhong Ran, paying attention to the 'Inheritance of Ancient Immortals' that might appear at any time along the way.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs a dead horse.

Coupled with the prohibition of flying in the secret realm, and the need to be careful of possible dangers along the way, Shenghuo and Zhongran did not walk very quickly.

So after driving for nearly a day and a night, the two of them could still only vaguely see some shadows of the Tianshan Mountains through the thick fog on the swamp.

They are still quite a distance away from the Tianshan Mountains.
In this way, the two walked for about half a day, and suddenly saw that the reeds on the swamp had inexplicably increased.

Almost all of these reeds growing on the swamp are no less than ten meters high, densely packed and covering the surrounding vision.

And as the number of reeds increased, a figure also appeared not far away—it was an unknown creature with a fish head and a human body.

Zhong Ran stopped, with surprise in his eyes: "That thing in front is a mermaid?"

"To be precise, it should be a murloc."

Shenghuo explained: "In my hometown, people with a human head and a fish tail are called mermaids, while those with a fish head and human lower body are called murlocs."

The murloc not far away seems to be a creature with self-awareness and intelligence.

It was among the reeds, cutting the yellow-brown reeds with a sickle, and kept throwing the tips into the basket behind it.

Maybe it was because of the eyes of Chenghuo and Zhongran.

The murloc cut halfway, and suddenly stopped without warning, and stared at the survivors with both eyes.

The murlocs didn't seem hostile.

It just waited for Chengsheng and Zhongran without speaking, nor did it show any intention of attacking them.

After a moment of confrontation.

To be on the safe side, Chenghuo said to Zhong Ran who was beside him: "Let's take a detour, there is no need to provoke that thing."

"Indeed." Zhong Ran nodded in agreement.

She and Survival faced the murloc together, and slowly backed away.

not far away.

The murloc saw that the survivor and the survivor retreated, so he stopped paying attention to each other, and just silently cut the reeds with yellowish-brown tips.

The murloc cutting the reed just now seemed to mark that the survivors had entered a special area.

As the two continued to go deeper, there were more and more reeds along the way, and the number of encounters with murlocs became more and more frequent.

Although these murlocs have weird appearances, their behaviors are no different from normal humans.

When they survived, some of them were cutting reeds, some were catching fish in small ponds in the swamp, and some were wandering aimlessly on the swamp.

In the beginning, Shenghuo and Zhongran would try their best to avoid these murlocs.

But as the number of murlocs around became more and more, and these murlocs only stared at the survival without showing too much hostility.

So over time, Sheng Huo got used to the existence of murlocs.

Finally, he bravely found a murloc who was cutting reeds, and at a certain distance from him, he said cautiously, "Excuse me, can you understand me?"

"Of course it can." The murloc stopped his work, put the sickle on his waist, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Survival reveals the color of thinking.

Considering that the murlocs would catch fish in the small ponds in the swamp, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the dried fish that he never ate, and handed it to the murloc.

With the dried fish, Shenghuo asked: "Are you human beings too? Why don't you find it strange at all when you see us?"

The murloc took the dried fish, weighed it in his hand, and sniffed it again.

After confirming that there is no problem, he ordered his subordinates and replied: "We... can be regarded as human beings, our ancestors were, but after being cursed, we became what we are now."

It's good to be able to communicate
Seeing that the murloc was willing to accept the dried fish, Survival was overjoyed and said, "Then do you know if there is any inheritance left by the ancient immortals around here?"

"I don't know." The murloc replied: "But you can go to the village ahead and ask, maybe you can find out some news related to the inheritance of the ancient immortals."

"The village?" Cheng Huo said with a strange expression, "Do you still have a village?"

"Why not?"

The murloc took it for granted and said, "Apart from our weird looks, we are no different from ordinary people, so naturally we have our own village."

"Our Murloc Village has always been short of food, so you just need to bring some food to our village, and it shouldn't be difficult to get some useful information."

"Are you short of food?" Zhong Ran glanced at the frame behind the murloc.

He glanced at the murlocs who were catching fish in a small pond not far away, and said puzzledly, "I see you guys eat a lot."

"you misunderstood."

The murloc said: "The sharp tip of these reeds can be eaten, but because there are too few, we can't get enough to eat at all, so we cut the reeds mainly to make fire."

"We murlocs are also humans, so we don't eat raw food, and there are only a few trees on the swamp, and most of them are dilapidated, so it has become our habit to use reeds to make fire."

"As for the fish in the pond."

The murloc continued: "Catching fish can indeed fill our stomachs, but like reeds, those fish are too few, and we are almost always hungry."

Zhong Ran was surprised and said: "So, you just live by eating the tips of reeds and the fish in the small pond? Won't you finish catching those fish?"

"No." The murloc said, "Every once in a while, a lot of fish will fall from the sky in the Tianshan secret realm."

"Some fish landed in the village and were eaten directly by us, and some fell in small ponds or under the mud of swamps."

"These fish will become our rations for a long time to come."

Maybe it was to dispel the worries in Chenghuo and Zhong Ran's hearts.

The murloc said, and added: "Anyway, as long as you have something to eat, you can go to our village in exchange for information."

"Because monks come to our murloc village every year or even every month, so we have long been familiar with it."

"So there won't be too many murlocs paying attention to you."

"You are no different from other monks."

"There won't be too many murlocs paying attention to us? Not necessarily." Zhong Ran retorted, "Almost all the murlocs who saw us along the way stared at us, including you."


The murloc said speechlessly: "You misunderstood, our murloc's eyes are protruding, not staring at someone."

"This..." Zhong Ran said speechlessly, "Okay!"

Survive thoughts for a moment.

In order to find out which monks came back to the Murlocun, he deliberately did not mention Daliang Country, but only asked the Murloc with words: "May I ask you what you just said, where most of the monks who came to your village came from?"


The murloc said, "Like the Realm of Pain, the City of Mitian, and many other small places, monks almost always come to the secret realm of Tianshan to hunt for treasures."

The domain of pain?

Mitian City?
Survival subconsciously looked at Zhong Ran who was at the side.

The latter also cast puzzled eyes on Shenghuo.

From this point of view, not only did he survive, but Zhong Ran had also never heard of the two places, 'Field of Pain' and 'Big Sky City'.

So no surprises, these two locations should be located outside the Liang Kingdom.

Shenghuo secretly wrote down the names of these two places.

Considering that the murlocs around did not show any hostility, and these murlocs were not very strong, they only had a cultivation level around the embryo building stage, so their safety was guaranteed.

Therefore, Shenghuo decided to go to the murloc's village to have a look first.

First, it was to inquire about the news about the inheritance of the ancient immortals.

Secondly, it is to learn everything about the secret territory of Tianshan Mountain as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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