mad fairy

Chapter 202: Understanding the Avenue of Destiny

Chapter 202: Understanding the Avenue of Destiny
"Everyone, get up!" Facing the onlookers and saluting passers-by, Chengshuo showed no expression on his face and just stretched out his hand to give some support.

in response.

Some of the passers-by stood up from the ground as told.

But there are also those who still kneel down and pray for blessings of survival.

What's more, they even took over the incense burner they used to worship the immortals and burned incense and kowtowed to them.

Everyone ignores this.

After setting up the stall, Cheng Sheng spread the bamboo pieces used to draw the candy figures on the stall, then scooped a spoonful of syrup with a sugar spoon, and then concentrated on painting the candy figures on the bamboo pieces.
While drawing the candy figures, Cheng Sheng also reminded the passers-by: "For those of you who don't want to buy, please step aside. Don't crowd around here and interfere with my business."

I don't know why.

Cheng Huo's voice was obviously not loud, and could even be easily drowned out by the noise in the market.

But every word he said, and even every syllable, was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

So passers-by spontaneously gave way to both sides of the street, making way for the surviving sugar painting stalls.

Like the Light Feather Star, a planet with backward technology and low productivity, most of the people at the bottom are very idle.

They don't have enough to eat, their income is meager, and at the same time they have a lot of free time every day.

An hour has passed here, but there are still three to four hundred people eating melons around the Chenghuo Tang Painting stall.

After nearly an hour or so, Chengshuo finally completed the first sugar monkey of the day.

As soon as the sugar monkey was painted, a man wearing a Confucian robe and a turban came up to Cheng Huo and bowed.

He said in a respectful tone: "Old fairy, I bought this candy monkey. Will it still be sold for ten taels of silver as before?"


Not long after he finished drawing the candy monkey, Chengshuo concentrated on drawing the second candy man.

Without raising his head, he said to the man in Confucian robes: "Tell me, do you have anything to do with me?"

"The old god has great eyesight!" The man in Confucian robes praised Chengsheng and said hurriedly: "I am an aide in the Prime Minister's Mansion of the State of Zhao. My lord has specially ordered me to come and invite the old god to come to the house to have a talk. The house is ready. We have tea, a banquet, and some yellow and white things. I wonder if the old god would be interested in drinking a cup of tea and having a casual chat with my lord?"

"Okay." Cheng Huo replied while drawing the candy picture: "Go back and tell your master that I will attend the appointment in the evening."

"Hey!" After the staff member Shuai Rong responded, he bowed to Cheng Huo again and silently left the crowd.

Among the onlookers, a few people recognized the identity of Shuai Rong's staff.

In addition, Shuai Ronggang's conversation with Chengshuo did not make any cover-up.

So soon, the news of Zhao Chenghuo's invitation to a banquet at the Prime Minister's Palace spread throughout the streets and alleys of the East Market.

For a time, passers-by became more and more respectful and respectful to Cheng Sheng.

Cheng Sheng can draw a candy figure every hour or so. As soon as his candy figure is finished, someone will rush to buy it, or even fight over it.

In desperation, Chengshuo had no choice but to set a new rule of limiting the purchase of one piece per person per day.

And the candy bought cannot be resold to others.

In this way, order on the street became slightly more stable.
Chengshuo continued painting the candy figures until noon, and it was time for lunch.

as usual.

Feeling a little hungry, Chengshuo took out three pieces of multigrain cakes from the space gem in his chest like a magic trick.

This kind of multigrain cake is a very common food in Daye City, which is good quality and cheap.

This kind of cake is made from peas, bran, buckwheat, corn and other grain and legume crops, and also contains pickled pickles.

It tastes very dry and requires water.

But because it’s packed with pickles, it’s easy to eat.

In addition to being delicious, this kind of cake only costs two yuan per piece in Daye City, which is very cheap, so it is deeply loved by the people at the bottom.

"Old fairy!"

In the crowd of onlookers.

Someone saw Chenghuo take out the multigrain cakes, hurriedly rushed forward, and handed the lunch box that had been prepared to Chenghuo.

The lunch box was still warm, and you could even vaguely see the steam rising from it.


The person who handed over the lunch box was already prepared.

This lunch box is prepared with fish, shrimp, thinly sliced ​​beef, and various seasonal vegetables, densely packed on white rice.

When people look at it, they just feel like they have a big appetite.

Chengshuo glanced at the dishes in the lunch box and took them without shirk. He said openly: "You are really interested."

"As long as the old god likes it!"

The person who presented the lunch box had a high-pitched voice and a pink face and white beard, like a eunuch coming out of the palace.

The eunuch was overjoyed when he saw that Chengshuo was willing to eat the lunch he handed over to him. He quickly took out a gold-plated invitation card from his arms and presented it to Chengshuo respectfully: "Old fairy, there is an adult in the palace hosting a banquet, and I would like to invite you to taste it. Appreciate and appreciate, I don’t know”

"Then let's do it tomorrow!" Chengshuo accepted the invitation generously and said no more.

Seeing that Cheng Huo had accepted the invitation, the eunuch stopped pestering him and respectfully left the crowd.

In this way, in the next few hours, several people dressed as writers and staff came to invite Chenghuo to the banquet.

There is also an endless stream of customers buying candy.

There was a lot of excitement in front of the live candy man stall.

Time flies and it comes to evening.

into the night.

The Prime Minister's Mansion of the State of Zhao in Daye City.

Prime Minister Bai Haosi stood at the entrance of the reception hall with his hands behind his back.

Seeing his staff member Shuai Rong walking towards him quickly, he hurriedly said, "How's it going? Is the old god here?"

"The stall has been closed, but..." Shuai Rongwei said, "The old god clearly promised to come to the appointment in the evening, but the direction he left when he closed the stall was towards the south of the city. I'm afraid he will break the appointment."

"This" Prime Minister Bai Haosi was startled when he heard this.

He was about to say something when he suddenly heard an old voice coming from the living room: "Who said I was going to break the appointment? Didn't I already come?"

The staff member Shuai Rong was shocked when he heard this voice. He quickly looked behind Prime Minister Bai Haosi and saw the old god standing in the lobby with a smile on his face.

Shuai Rong hurriedly bowed and saluted, and said in a respectful tone: "I have met the old god!" Is he already here?

Seeing Shuai Rong's reaction, Prime Minister Bai Haosi also hurriedly looked behind him, and saw that Cheng Huo was sitting on the main seat of the hall, enjoying various delicacies on the table alone.

He even didn't forget to comment while eating: "The food is good, it suits my taste, but there is a little less chili."

"Do you like spicy food, old immortal? I will ask the cook to add more spicy food next time." Prime Minister Bai Haosi came to Chengshuo and poured wine for him: "Old immortal, does he want to eat something else? Just give him an order and I will know it. Let the servants prepare it and send it over."

"That's enough." Chenghuo drank the wine poured by Bai Haosi in one gulp, and then looked at the other party quietly, silently.

Prime Minister Bai Haosi understood what he meant and hurriedly poured another glass of wine for Chengsheng.

As the Prime Minister of the State of Zhao, Bai Haosi poured wine for the old man who had become a candy seller in front of countless servants and staff.

This is actually a very embarrassing thing.

But Bai Haosi, who did this, was always happy with it and did not feel any discomfort.

After pouring a glass of wine, he took the initiative and said, "Old god, do you know the identity of the young man in purple robe who came to your stall that day?"

Chengshuo poured the wine from the cup into his mouth and wrote lightly: "Isn't he the Emperor of Zhao? What's wrong?"

This old god actually knew this a long time ago?
After hearing Cheng Sheng's answer, Bai Haosu looked thoughtful.

Shaoqing, after thinking about the right words, he spoke: "Old immortal, I want to communicate with people like you. It's useless to talk about righteousness or to pull tiger skins, so I will say it directly: I want to Let you come out to help me and help me ascend to the throne of God!"

Bai Haosi's tone was extremely sincere: "The little emperor Zhao Yuan is also a good emperor and a benevolent king, but he only deserves the word 'benevolence'."

"He is a benevolent king but not a wise king."

Bai Haosi said seriously: "If I become the emperor, I can make all the people of Zhao State full, and I can use the most thunderous means to deal with all natural and man-made disasters and unfair things in Zhao State, so I am more suitable than Zhao Yuan Do that position.”


In the reception hall.

Chengshuo chuckled lightly and looked at Bai Haosi with a playful look on his face: "You asked me here just for this?"

"What do you mean?" Seeing Chenghuo ask, Bai Haosi seemed to suddenly think of something.

There was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

But Cheng Huo said slowly: "The monks on Guangyu Star practice mostly by absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth."

"With this kind of cultivation, firstly, only those with spiritual roots can enter the Tao. Secondly, the upper limit is not very high. No matter how talented the practitioner is, he will only reach the early stage of Nascent Soul cultivation in his lifetime."

Prime Minister Bai Haosi breathed rapidly when he saw Cheng Huo voluntarily mentioning cultivation.

He had already guessed what Chengshuo was going to say next: "So what the old immortal wants to say is: You actually have a way to let people who have neither cultivation talent nor spiritual roots enter Taoism to practice? Just like those who ate the candy man before Like people?"

"That's right." Chengshuo stroked his long beard and explained with a smile: "There is a very special power on Guangyu Star: that is the 'power of luck' between heaven and earth."

"Almost everyone has this power. People who are unlucky may have less of it, but people who have good luck have it slightly more."

"As for some children of destiny who have great opportunities and great luck, their luck is so rich that it seems like substance."

"This power can help people achieve enlightenment and become immortals."

In the reception hall.

After hearing what Cheng Huo said, Prime Minister Bai Haosi suddenly said: "So, the reason why the candy figures painted by the old immortal can help people achieve enlightenment and become immortals is because they are mixed with the power of luck?"


Chenghuo shook his head and said: "The total amount of 'power of luck' between heaven and earth is always fixed. If it is absorbed uncontrollably, it is very likely to cause an imbalance in the luck of Guangyu Star, which will lead to flash floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and even volcanic eruptions. Waiting for natural disasters. In view of this, I did not mix the 'power of luck' into the candy people."

Bai Haosi followed Cheng Sheng's words and said: "The old god just said that the 'power of luck' can help people achieve enlightenment and become immortals. Then he said that this power cannot be absorbed casually and has not been mixed into the candy man. Therefore, the candy man drawn by the old god , how on earth do people become immortals?"

"Change your life!"

Cheng Huo said: "Actually, everyone's fate is not fixed. For example, if someone is born into a family of emperors, generals, and prime ministers, but they do too many unscrupulous things and do too many bad things, they may suddenly die unexpectedly one day."

"This is a person's acquired virtue, which affects his luck."

"Another example is someone who comes from a mediocre background, but his way of dealing with others is hard to find fault with. He is also very kind-hearted and works hard."

"Such people can improve their luck through acquired efforts."

"This change in luck is not an absorption of the luck that already exists between heaven and earth, so it will not cause an imbalance in the luck on the Light Feather Star."

"I call this situation where a person's luck changes due to human influence as 'fate change'."

"I understand." Bai Haosi realized something after hearing this: "So the candy man painted by the old fairy has the effect of changing the fate of others. It is precisely because of this effect that after eating your candy man, he will There is a certain chance that your luck will rise to the extreme, and you will be able to achieve enlightenment and become an immortal!"


Chengshuo nodded and said: "The principle behind this is the same as telling someone's fortune."

"Of course, not everyone's luck can change from bad to good."

"It's like rolling dice: if someone eats a candy man and rolls six, his luck will skyrocket."

"And some people are unlucky and can't roll a six, so they won't have any effect. Can you understand what I'm saying?"

"This" Bai Haosi said speechlessly: "If you want to eat the candy man to have an effect, you must have good luck, and if you want to have good luck, you must eat the candy man to have the effect. Isn't this the same as who comes first, the chicken or the chicken?" It’s like an egg, is there a paradox?”

Cheng Sheng said with a helpless smile: "Fate is one, mystery is mystery. After I came to Daye City to live in seclusion, I have only been enlightened for a year, so I can't explain the reason clearly. It will take a lot of time to really understand the reason. A long time.”

Bai Haosi was able to become the prime minister of Zhao State, so he was naturally a person who was very good at observing words and emotions and was very good at making troubles.

Hearing what Cheng Sheng said, he said without thinking: "The old god is enlightening on the road of destiny. In the process, I have something to ask for. I can directly ask the prime minister's office to send a message. As long as it is the old god's order, no matter how difficult it is, I will do my best." Go all out to help the old god complete it!"

Survival laughed.

What he was waiting for was this sentence from the other party: "I really have something for you to do: I want you to collect all the people from all over Zhao who have experienced great ups and downs in life, such as experiencing great wealth and poverty at the same time. people."

"Another example is a person whose entire family is prosperous, or whose official career is prosperous, but then suddenly plummets."

"These people will be of great help to me in understanding the path of destiny."

"Junior, take note of this!" Prime Minister Bai Haosi respectfully agreed to the matter.

Seeing his cooperation, Chengsheng was in a good mood and took the initiative to ask: "So what do you want from me? What do you want specifically for being so cooperative?"

"How about I help you seize the throne of Emperor Zhao?"

Chengshuo thought about it and suddenly changed his words: "No, in fact, there is no need for me to take action at all. I only need to give a few words of advice, and the Emperor of Zhao Kingdom may pass the throne to you on his own initiative. After all, when you are an emperor, how can you The freedom that comes from attaining Taoism and becoming an immortal?"

"What the old immortal said is true." Prime Minister Bai Haosi agreed: "So, after listening to what the old immortal said, I no longer want the dragon chair."

"Juniors also want to become immortals."

"So I only hope that the old god can help me change my destiny after understanding the road of destiny. As for the rest, I have nothing else to ask for!"

(End of this chapter)

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