mad fairy

Chapter 212 Visiting the 'Kitchen'

Chapter 212 Visiting the 'Kitchen'

"Good job."

In the fried chicken warehouse.

Li Ge did not show any dissatisfaction with the surviving trio's success in killing the two delivery people. Instead, he praised: "What I need is people like you. At first, I thought you couldn't come back." I’m here, I didn’t expect you to bring back both the goods and the money.”

With that said, he dialed a number in front of Chengshuo and others.

He looked at Wolfe and said: "Originally, it is impossible for you and your two friends to see Brother Kun so easily, but our 'kitchen' is really short of people recently."

"Coupled with your relationship with me, I trust you. So, I will take you to the 'kitchen' to meet Brother Kun tonight."

"At that time, you three will be considered one of our own."

While talking, the phone was dialed.

There was a low voice on the other end of the phone, which sounded like a middle-aged man in his forties: "How's it going?"

Brother Li said in a respectful tone: "It's done. The three of them, Wolfe, not only brought the goods back alive, they also brought back the money."

over the phone.

After a brief silence, the middle-aged man said, "Okay, bring them to the 'kitchen' tonight. I want to meet them in person."

The middle-aged man who spoke to Brother Li also seemed busy.

It could also be that he was acting with caution.

In short, after saying less than a few words to Brother Li, he hung up the phone in a hurry and said no more.

Brother Li looked at the three surviving people who passed the examination and said happily: "You three are lucky. Now hurry up and change into a set of cleaner clothes. I will take you to the kitchen to meet Lin Kun in the evening."


At the same time, the surviving trio returned to the fried chicken warehouse.

Lonsky region.

A certain residential building with stains on its exterior wall looked dilapidated.

as usual.

It wasn't until about four o'clock in the afternoon that Eddie woke up from bed.

The first thing Eddie did when he woke up was not to go to the bathroom to wash up and brush his teeth. Instead, he fumbled around on the bed for a long time.

He found the leftovers from last night, about half a bag of chicken popcorn, and poured it all into his mouth.

Although what Eddie was eating at the moment was fried chicken bought from Hualai Tu, which was considered a substitute after the Kenda Chicken shop closed.

But as a sufferer of severe fried chicken syndrome, Eddie has never been picky about fried chicken.

It would be best if there is fried chicken that is willing to buy chicken or McDonald's chicken.

If not, you can also satisfy your craving by eating fried chicken from Hua Lai Tu, Hao Dai and Zheng Xin.

In short, Eddie is not happy without fried chicken.

Since suffering from fried chicken syndrome, he has reached the point where he feels extremely uncomfortable if he doesn't eat fried chicken for a day.


In the rental house.

After finishing the fried chicken, Eddie took a big gulp of Coke and let out an extremely comfortable burp.

After everything last night, he seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He lay on his bed with dull eyes and enjoyed the aftertaste of eating fried chicken.

But just when Eddie felt extremely enjoying it.

I don't know why.

Eddie, who was lying on the bed, suddenly made a strange noise in his stomach.

Along with the sound, his stomach began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, there was an indescribable feeling of huge hunger.

very hungry.
I really want to eat fried chicken.
Really want

Driven by a huge hunger, Eddie climbed out of bed.

After letting out a deep roar, he opened the door to the room and walked out of the residential building with dull eyes.

at dusk.

In Lonsky Prefecture, in a residential building with a remote location and few people entering and exiting.

The three brothers Chengshuo, Wolfe and Mallory followed Brother Li and walked around the residential building for a long time before finally arriving at the entrance to the legendary 'kitchen'.

"No fuss."

at the entrance.

After Brother Li knocked on the security door, he said to the three survivors behind him: "We have no choice but to make the kitchen so hidden."

"Since the closure of Ken's Chicken and McDonald's stores, the Federal Law Enforcement Agency has become more and more strict. Our 'kitchen' has been discovered countless times by federal agents."

"Then in order to avoid the Federation people, we kept changing the location of the 'kitchen', and in the end we ended up in this damn place."

Brother Li said, suddenly laughing at himself: "This place is very dirty. In order to prevent the smell of fried chicken from wafting out of the building, we specially blocked all the vents with cloth and sponges. , only a few range hoods were left, so the smell inside the 'kitchen' choked me to death."

During the conversation, the security door of the 'kitchen' was suddenly opened from the inside.

Seeing that the person coming was Brother Li, the man quickly put away his nervous expression and opened the security door from the inside: "Here we come, Brother Li. Brother Kun is inside, come in quickly!"

With that said, he invited Brother Li and Chengshuo into the house.

As soon as he entered the house, Chengshuo smelled an extremely strong aroma of fried chicken mixed with oil smoke.

have to say.

The fried chicken on Fried Chicken Star does have a magic that is hard to describe in words.

After Cheng Huo and others entered the 'kitchen', just by smelling the aroma of fried chicken, they felt that all the cells in their bodies couldn't help but jump for joy.

"This scent" As a monk in the stage of transformation, he can distinguish the type of fried chicken aroma in the air with great accuracy: "Unexpectedly, in this kitchen, Kendall's Chicken, McDonald's Chicken, and Hua Lai Local's are being made at the same time. product."


in the kitchen.

As soon as Cheng Sheng finished speaking, he saw a middle-aged man with semi-grey hair walking out of the kitchen: "Ali, the three newcomers you brought tonight seem to be really something. They can smell me out so easily." Assortment of fried chicken in the kitchen.”

This middle-aged man has semi-gray hair, a hooked nose, and sword-shaped eyebrows.The whole person can no longer be described in one word: handsome.
the other side.

Hearing the middle-aged man mentioning himself, Ali only glanced at Chengshuo and didn't say much.

And life was as familiar as it came naturally. He asked the middle-aged man: "So the so-called Ken Chicken and McDonald's brands on the market are actually made in the 'kitchen', not from Ken Chicken." Did it come from the headquarters of Chicken and McDonald's?"

"No, no, no." The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Our goods also come from the headquarters of Kendak Chicken and McDonald's Chicken."

"There's just one thing you need to understand."

The middle-aged man explained: "If fried chicken is frozen after being fried, its taste will be easily affected by long-distance transportation."

"So in order to solve this problem, Grandpa Ken and Colonel McDonald will look for 'kitchens' like ours in various states of the federation, and then transport the prepared semi-finished fried chicken and use our 'kitchens' 'The equipment and manpower are used for secondary processing."

"After processing, the fried chicken will be shipped to various Kenda Chicken and McDonald's stores for sale."

"Of course."

The middle-aged man continued: "Due to the recent federal closure of all McDonald's and McDonald's stores in Lonski Prefecture, our 'kitchen' operations have been transferred from above ground to underground. Now the sales of fried chicken will be Directly on the black market.”

After Chengshuo explained the reason, the middle-aged man extended his hand in a very friendly manner and introduced himself to Chengshuo and others: "My name is Lin Kun. People in the circle usually call me Brother Kun. You can also call me that way."

Seeing his actions, Chengshuo immediately shook hands with Lin Kun in a polite manner: "My name is Chengshuo."

Wolfe and Mallory followed closely, and both introduced themselves to Lin Kun.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kun put on a gas mask in front of Chengshuo and others.

Seeing the doubts on the faces of Chenghuo and others, he explained: "I'm different from you. Although I sell fried chicken, I never touch it myself, let alone eat it, so in order to prevent myself from being tempted by the smell of fried chicken. , I always put on a gas mask whenever I’m near the workbench.”

Brother Kun actually doesn’t eat fried chicken?
After hearing what Lin Kun said, the surviving trio all showed expressions that were both surprising and reasonable.

The three of them all looked at each other in unison.

There has always been a rumor on Fried Chicken Star:

It is said that the truly powerful people on the Fried Chicken Star never touch fried chicken, and do not even smell the aroma of fried chicken.

It is said that they do not eat fried chicken to manage their body shape.

Some people still believed this rumor at first.

However, many Internet celebrities on the Internet have lost shape and collapsed due to eating fried chicken.

Over time, the rumor that "powerful people don't eat fried chicken" became self-evident.

But I didn't expect that this rumor was actually true.

"Why, are you surprised?"

Lin Kun seemed to see what Chengshuo and others were thinking. He explained: "Those so-called Internet celebrities you see on the Internet actually do not meet the standard of 'powerful' at all. At best, they are just They are just a group of nouveau riche, so news about eating fried chicken occasionally breaks out."

That's it
Chengshuo and others nodded to express their understanding.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kun introduced them to the process of making fried chicken in the kitchen.

Lin Kun knocked on the beaker on the workbench and said to Cheng Huo and others: "Did you see the beaker on the stand?"

"The fried chicken semi-finished products of Kendall Chicken and McDonald's contain blood, so you need to use warm water to soak all the blood in the fried chicken before frying."

"This soaking in blood water is very particular. If it is hot, the texture of the fried chicken will become stale. If it is cold, it will be difficult to soak all the blood water, and the fried chicken will be very fishy."

"Then there's the marinade."

As Lin Kun spoke, he poured a small packet of marinade from Kenda Chicken headquarters in front of Cheng Huo and others.

"You all, dip your hands into the marinade to taste it, and then remember the taste to prevent anyone from deceiving you with fake products in the future."

Lin Kun Education Chenghuo and others said: "The profits in our line of work are so huge that it is tantamount to licking blood on the tip of a knife."

"So not only do we have to have bright eyes, but we also have to have sharp noses and mouths, so that we can distinguish the real from the fake at a glance."

The process of making fried chicken is extremely complex.

For example, when wrapping in egg liquid, the viscosity of the egg liquid, how far it needs to be broken up with chopsticks, how long it should be soaked in water when coating the flour, and how thick the flour should be. All of these are important. Be particular about it.

To train a highly skilled chicken maker requires a lot of resources and effort.

Those skilled chicken makers are respectfully called 'chefs' in the industry, which corresponds to the word 'kitchen'.

Chefs are popular wherever they go.

They are important resources that various organizations and forces must fight for, even at the cost of fighting and bloodshed.

After demonstrating the whole process of making fried chicken to Cheng Huo and others, when it came time to sprinkle the flour, Lin Kun said: "All fried chicken on the market has a crispness index. If you fry it for too long, the surface of the fried chicken will be damaged." The crispy shell will be too hard and old, but the frying time is too short, because the flour on the surface cannot be fried, and the chicken inside will be half-cooked.”

"So, the crispiness of fried chicken is generally around 50%, which is optimal."

"The fried chicken produced in our kitchen usually has a crispness level of about 49% or 51%, which is considered the best fried chicken on the market."

"In jargon, this kind of fried chicken is called 'golden crispy chicken'."

"Because it tastes so good, sometimes after customers buy it, they will even suffer from anorexia due to the principle of 'everything must be reversed', and then they will no longer be interested in other fried chicken except our fried chicken."

“To prevent this from happening, we sometimes deliberately add a small amount of Walai fried chicken to the fried chicken from Kendall Chicken and McDonald’s. That’s why you smell Walai chicken in our kitchen. That’s why the fried chicken smells so good.”

"After mixing with Hualai local fried chicken, the resulting fried chicken is called 'Silver Crispy Chicken' in jargon. The taste and texture are just a bit worse than 'Golden Crispy Chicken'."

"Then, 'Silver Crispy Chicken' is what you sell every day."

Lin Kun finally emphasized: "In short, our fried chicken must be good enough and delicious enough. After all, we are not a short-term business. Only by making the fried chicken to the extreme will we have a steady stream of repeat customers in the future."

"Okay, I've made it clear to you what needs to be said."

In the kitchen, Lin Kun finally looked at Chengshuo and others and said, "Now, do you have any questions to ask?"

"I have a question." Seeing the opportunity, Cheng Sheng, who had been holding back for a long time, said hurriedly: "Speaking of which, Brother Kun, do you know why the federal people closed down the fried chicken restaurant in Lonski State? What's the explanation? ?"

Seeing Chengshuo suddenly ask this question, Lin Kun glanced at Chengshuo with confusion, and his eyes looked thoughtful.

I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

After being silent for a long time, he finally spoke: "Even if I become the leader in the fried chicken industry, I still only have a partial understanding of the reasons why Kendall's Chicken and McDonald's were closed down."

Lin Kun looked mysterious and said: "It is said that fried chicken actually has problems, and the more delicious the fried chicken, the bigger the problem will be over time. This is why the really powerful people don't eat fried chicken. reason."

"As for me"

Lin Kun pointed at himself and said: "Although I am not at the level of the so-called 'rich and powerful', since those who are truly rich and powerful do not eat fried chicken, then I will not eat fried chicken either. This is definitely It can’t be wrong.”

(End of this chapter)

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