mad fairy

Chapter 22 The Old Man's Eyes

Chapter 22 The Old Man's Eyes
that night.

After agreeing to Mr. Song's request, the three of them, including Shenghuo, were all stationed in the 'Mortal Dungeon' under the jurisdiction of the Song family.

The descendants of the aristocratic families in Ghost Mother City cherished their lives extremely.

After learning of the 'disappearance incident' in the dungeon of the Song family, they no longer entered the dungeon here to practice.

Therefore, there are only three survivors in the dungeon tonight.

Although the "Mortal Dungeon" is free to the children of the family, the fees for casual practitioners and gang members are extremely expensive.

So shortly after entering the dungeon, the two monks, a man and a woman, seized the time to torture the mortals in the dungeon, in order to extract as much 'power of pain' as possible to practice.

According to personal preferences, the man and the woman chose the two tools of leather whip and tongs respectively.

When the victim passed out from the pain, the two monks would pour cold water on him to wake him up, and then apply ointment.

After the injury is healed, continue to torture.

so repeatedly
After a period of time, bursts of black 'power of pain' gas gushes out from the bodies of the tortured hapless ones.

Hearing the painful groans coming from his ears, coupled with the ubiquitous rancid smell in the cell, Survival really couldn't stand it, so he went outside the cell alone to breathe.

The night is cold as water.

After standing outside for a short time, the voices in the dungeon suddenly stopped.

Confused, he turned around.

Coincidentally, the male monk who was tormenting mortals in the dungeon also came out of the dungeon at this moment.

"Smoking a cigarette?"

The male cultivator took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Shenghuo.

The latter took the cigarette reflexively.

But the moment he received the cigarette, Survival realized something was wrong, and quickly jumped back to distance himself from the male monk: "Who are you?"

Nanxiu stared at Chenghuo without saying a word, just kept laughing on the spot.

This man has a problem.
Seeing the other party's weird smile, without any hesitation, Dang even turned around and fled towards the Feisha gang's garrison.

I don't know how long I ran away.

"It's dry, be careful with candles!"

on the street.

Only when he heard the sound of a watchman beating the watch not far away, did Chenghuo slow down a little.

He turned his head and saw that the male monk hadn't caught up, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's dry, be careful with candles!"

Not far away, the sound of the watchman calling the watch sounded again, and he walked slowly in the direction of survival.

Seeing that the watchman was getting closer and closer to him, Shenghuo quietly leaned towards the side of the road so as to keep a certain distance from the watchman.

"grown ups."

The watchman didn't seem to notice Survival's little tricks, but just stared at the cigarette in Survival's hand: "It's a very dry day, you smoke at night, be careful not to go out."

! !
The moment he heard the word 'smoking' from the watchman's mouth, Shenghuo's figure flashed, and he rushed forward more than ten meters away in an instant.

He turned his head and saw the watchman standing there, laughing non-stop, but did not catch up.

Just like the male monk before.

It seems like I can't get rid of this thing.
After realizing this, Shenghuo didn't dare to flee to Feisha Gang's resident anymore.

After all, the members of the Feisha Gang are just mortals.

Surviving to bring the "things that haunt him" to the Feisha gang's resident will only kill all his subordinates and not help them.

In desperation, Shenghuo thought of fleeing to the Song family.

After all, only with the background of the Song family's aristocratic family can it be possible to subdue that unknown existence.

But before Survival had time to take action, he suddenly realized a very serious problem:
In Ghost Mother City.

More than [-]% of mortals with spiritual talent are locked in the "mortal dungeon" for the practitioners to extract the "power of pain".

The rest of the mortals who don't have the talent for cultivation need to work every day.

Cultivation, transportation, cooking, tailoring... All the work in the ghost mother city is almost done by mortals.

Because they don't need to work, the children of aristocratic families indulge in sensuality almost all day long.

Even at night, the children of the aristocratic family are not looking for flowers and willows, but on the way of looking for flowers and willows
Therefore, the nightlife in Ghost Mother City is extremely rich.

But at this moment, not even a living person could be seen on the street.

Not only that.

The whole city is also quiet and a bit too eerie.

It was as if there was no one in the city at all.
Thinking of this, Cheng Sheng had a guess:
Is there a possibility that he was not entangled by a certain existence, but fell into a certain illusion from the very beginning?

It is also because it is an illusion, so when I am running on the streets of the ghost mother city alive, I can't see the living people all the time.

Thinking about it this way, everything can be explained.

As for where is the entrance to this illusion?
On the street, Survival turned around and ran decisively in the direction of the Song family's 'mortal dungeon'.

Not surprisingly, he probably fell into this "cigarette illusion" at the moment when he walked out of the "mortal dungeon".

Therefore, the entrance and exit of the 'Mortal Dungeon' is most likely the exit of this illusion!
It must be so!

With this in mind, Survival ran all the way, and soon fled back to the entrance of the 'Dungeon of Mortals'.

at the entrance.

The male monk who handed Surviving the cigarette disappeared at this moment, leaving only a half-burned cigarette butt still in place.

Survival glanced at the cigarette butts on the ground, ignored them, and walked into the 'mortal dungeon'
next second.

He just felt dizzy for a while, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he was being carried on the shoulders of a man in black, running forward.

Not far from him.

The two monks, a man and a woman, were also carried by the two men in black and rushed forward.

Seeing that Survival was sober, the man in black who was carrying him was startled, and Dang even threw Survival on the ground.

The man in black, who was in charge of resisting and surviving, said with a hint of puzzlement in his tone: "It's the old man's eyes that even the two embryo-building stage monks in the dungeon would be recruited, but this man is said to be in the stage of worshiping gods, but he is inexplicably Woke up, so how did he wake up?"

"I don't know." Another man in black said, "But he can't escape anyway, so we'll know if we can see it."

As he spoke, he raised his foot and kicked at Cheng Huo's waist.
Accompanied by the sound of bone shattering, the moment the man in black raised his foot, he felt an inexplicably powerful force attacking his right foot.

In the next second, he fell to the ground and howled loudly.

And the instigator of all this, Survival, slowly stood up from the ground, his whole body surging with evil spirit.

Seeing this scene, the man in black showed a terrified expression: "Are you a demon?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm not some demon."

Surviving said, he stretched out his right hand again like lightning, and clenched it into a fist.

Accompanied by his movements, the right leg of the man in black who was carrying two monks, a man and a woman, was crushed to pieces one after another.

The three men in black screamed and fell to the ground.

"Lower your voice!"

The sound of survival is not loud, but it works.

As soon as he uttered these words, the three shadow men immediately held back the severe pain from their legs and did not dare to make any more noises.

Seeing the three of them shut up, Shenghuo asked, "What are those 'old man's eyes' you just mentioned?"

(End of this chapter)

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