Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 263 The glory of Poseidon will shine on every piece of land on the mainland

Chapter 263 The glory of Poseidon will shine on every land on the mainland

303AC, November.

Since the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings, Westeros has experienced years of melee. The new order originally established by the Lannister family has been disintegrated, and King's Landing has been besieged again.

In fact, King's Landing has not been besieged once or twice. Even this time, there are [-] elites from the West and thousands of Sons of War from the religious orders in King's Landing.

But the situation faced by King's Landing this time is unprecedentedly difficult.

Because at this time King's Landing was surrounded by not only the 1 men from the North, but also the 1 Vale Army and the [-] Dorne Army, as well as the [-] Iron Fleet that had blocked Blackwater Bay.

In addition, the Reach, which had been defeated by the Western Army, also sent 6 people to surround King's Landing.

In other words, there are a hundred thousand troops outside King's Landing at this time, as well as five thousand navy.

A large table has been set up outside King's Landing. Cersei, Jaime and Qyburn are sitting on the side near the gate of King's Landing.

The Iron Throne took the initiative to initiate a temporary settlement to jointly deal with the crisis from the north, and Cersei, Jaime and Qyburn attended the negotiations on behalf of the Iron Throne.

"Didn't he come with you?" Cersei said impatiently.

"The time has not come yet, why are you in a hurry? His Majesty can come whenever he wants." Tormund looked at Cersei with a look of displeasure. If Kasar hadn't stopped him, he would have used his big ax long ago. Cut off the head of this charming woman.

"There is only one King of the Seven Kingdoms, and that is Tommen Baratheon." Cersei glanced at Tormund with disdain. Tormund's strange accent sounded like the accent of the wildlings beyond the wall.

"Yes, there is only one king in the Seven Kingdoms, because our Majesty is the emperor. Emperor~Emperor~, do you know what emperor means? Kill all the kings, and the remaining one will be the emperor!

As for Tommen Baratheon you are talking about, after the war begins, I will personally chop off his head and present it to His Majesty, and you, you son of a bitch, I will strip you naked."

Before Tormund had finished speaking, James suddenly drew out his long sword and said with a warning look on his face:

"Shut your bitch, savage, or I will cut off your tongue with my own hands, and then put your head on the tip of a spear and hang it in public at the city gate!"

"Hahahaha, hahahahahaha, what are you talking about, you damn cripple, do you know what you are talking about?

I heard you are siblings?

Oh my God, can you tell me what your sister smells like? Is it more comfortable than a woman who is not related by blood?Or maybe this feeling will make you feel more excited and make this slut tighter? "

During the time that Tormund became a general, his verbal skills increased like a dragon.

No, Tormund's words not only made Cersei look livid, but also made Jaime almost lose his mind, but Tormund still looked at Jaime without any fear.

"That's enough. We are here to negotiate, not to quarrel or fight. Please calm down." Tyrion shouted.

Although Tyrion hates Cersei, he doesn't want to see anything happen to Jaime, because he knows very well that Tormund will kill him whenever he wants, without thinking about the consequences.

"Shut up, dwarf. I've seen you unhappy for a long time. If His Majesty hadn't done it for Princess Myrcella's sake, you would have been burned into a roasted monkey by dragon flames. I think you can't understand your status clearly. Yeah?"

As one of the Northern Iron Triangle, Segon did not give Tyrion any face at all. They in the Northern Iron Triangle looked down upon Tyrion the most.

The Northern Iron Triangle refers to Tormund, Segon, and Kassa. They are the three generals in the north, representing the peak of power reached by the original wildling faction outside the Great Wall.

Although the three of them are still under the control of the cabinet and parliament, one thing is unquestionable, that is, the army is in their hands.

Tyrion looked ugly after being scolded by Segon. Just when he was about to retaliate, a dragon roar came from the horizon. Everyone immediately became quiet and looked up.

Corakxiu fell from the sky, and the hurricane set off by his wide wings made everyone unable to open their eyes.

After Jack got off the dragon's back, Colakxiu did not return to the sky, but followed Jack closely, and finally stopped next to the negotiation table.

Looking at the approaching behemoth, Cersei and James were very nervous, while Qyburn secretly looked at Colakhui curiously.

Contrary to the reaction from the side of the Iron Throne, the North led by Tormund Iron Triangle, Dorne led by Lord Yronwood, and the Vale led by Royce, as supporters of Jack Poseidon, He looked at the side of the Iron Throne with a proud expression.

"You guys came so early?" Jack sat in the middle seat as he spoke.

In fact, Jack arrived when Tormund was angry at the Iron Throne. Relying on Corak's facial features, he knew what was happening below, so he deliberately came down a little late.

The moment Cersei saw Jack, she was stunned, and the memory of the Targaryen family that had disappeared in her mind reappeared.

Jack is definitely a Targaryen with very pure blood, especially the color of his hair and eyes, which are exactly the same as those of the Targaryen family.

"Are you Jack Targaryen?" Cersei asked.

"Jack Targaryen? Who is that? I don't know him. My name is Jack Poseidon." Jack looked around and then said seriously.

"Silver hair, purple eyes, isn't this the appearance of a Targaryen? Do you think I'm a fool?" Cersei's face darkened. He felt that Jack was humiliating her.

"Ahem." Qyburn reminded Cersei with a slight cough.

He doesn't understand why Cersei is so stupid. The Targaryen family has ruled the Seven Kingdoms for 300 years. In most people's hearts, the Targaryen family is the orthodoxy of the Seven Kingdoms.

Jack Poseidon has already changed his last name to Poseidon, which is equivalent to giving up the blessings brought by the Targaryen bloodline to a certain extent, and Cersei is still emphasizing the other person's bloodline, which is simply stupid. .

However, Cersei didn't understand what Qyburn meant at all, and continued to talk, completely unaware of the strange expressions on the faces of the people around her.

Fortunately, no one from the Reach came to participate. If Olenna came, she would definitely take this opportunity to mock Cersei severely.

"Okay, I'm not here to discuss my last name with you. I only give you two options, surrender or wait for death. This is not a discussion, but a notification. I know your relationship with James. As long as you surrender, For the sake of Myrcella, I allow you to return to live in the West."

Jack simply doesn't have the patience to listen to Cersei's nagging, nor does he have the patience to listen to Qyburn's terms of temporary reconciliation.

Hearing Myrcella's name again, James couldn't help but feel a sense of anger. He naturally knew that Myrcella was his daughter, innocent and beautiful, but she was kidnapped by Jack and forcibly possessed. Dorne, who was a party to the marriage, also became an ally of Jack Poseidon.

But James still held back his anger and said:

"There are [-] elites from the Western Region in the city, and there are [-] elites somewhere in the king's territory. As long as you dare to attack the city, my army will be able to defeat you internally and externally."

Jaime wants to use the army of the West to persuade Jack to retreat. In fact, Jaime wants to take Cersei and Tommen to the West. The Iron Throne is not important in Jaime's eyes.

But unfortunately Cersei didn't think so. Cersei told James that Jack Poseidon would definitely kill Tommen Baratheon. James was finally persuaded by Cersei and decided to resist to the death.

It's just that whether Cersei is doing it for the power in her hands or really for Tommen's sake, James doesn't know, doesn't want to, or doesn't dare to know.

"I think you were knocked unconscious by this bitch. Open your dog eyes and see what that is?" As he said this, Tormund pointed to Corakxiu.

"Hey! Tormund, what are you talking about? This shows how rude we are. Shut up." Jack scolded Tormund symbolically.

After all, this kind of thing is fine if you are not there, but if you are present and you still scold the other party, although it is very satisfying, it will appear very rude.

Cersei smiled coldly, "There are currently 80 civilians in King's Landing. If you dare to let the dragon attack the city, they will hate you, let alone recognize your rule!"

When she said this, Cersei looked arrogant, as if she had already grasped Jack's fate.

In Cersei's view, if Jack uses the dragon, the dragon will inevitably injure a large number of civilians. Judging from Jack's attitude towards the civilians in the north, the other party will never do this.

It would be better if Jack didn't use the dragon. She could block Jack's attack by relying on the tall walls of King's Landing.

In this case, Jack's best choice is to cooperate with her to deal with the White Walkers. As long as Jack cooperates with her, he has entered her trap.

"Pfft, hahaha, I'm sorry, don't look at me with that shocked and angry look. What you said is really funny."

Jack couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud. He really didn't expect that the other party had the confidence to negotiate with him because of the 80 civilians they held hostage.

However, Tyrion spoke again at this time, and he said to Cersei angrily:
"You actually bet the lives of 80 people? That's a full 80 people, not eight people, not 80 people or 800 people!

It is everyone's responsibility to fight against the White Walkers. We can unite to fight against the Night King, but you cannot use the lives of 80 people as a bet and a threat! "

Jack looked at the righteous Tyrion with a half-smile. At this moment, Tyrion looked like a hero who always thought of everyone, whether it was his actions, tone or expression.

But probably only he knows what Tyrion is thinking.

Tyrion was stunned by Jack's half-smiling expression, but fortunately Jack quickly withdrew his gaze.

Jack looked at Cersei solemnly, "So you think you can use the lives of 80 people in the city to make me surrender?"

"Is it because my preferential treatment to the civilians in the north has led you to misunderstand me? It seems you don't know much about me."

As he spoke, Jack looked at the civilians who were being controlled on the walls of King's Landing, and then waved gently.

Colakxiu immediately took action and flew directly to the city wall and sprayed out a burst of dragon flame. The city wall, guards, and the civilians who were tied up were all reduced to part of the ruins by the dragon flame.

Cersei watched as Corakxiu destroyed the walls of King's Landing in just a moment. Her face turned pale, and fear instantly enveloped her. Even Jaime's face turned pale.

At this moment, she felt like a clown.

"Why do you think you can blackmail me with civilians? I am good to the civilians in the north. That's because the north already belongs to the empire.

As for the civilians of other forces, they are nothing more than resources to me, and they are renewable resources with strong resilience. "

"There are 80 civilians in the city. If you let the dragon slaughter them or lead troops to fight in, you will not be able to sit on the Iron Throne!"

Cersei still wanted to struggle at this time, still trying to use 80 lives to make Jack stop.

Tyrion also said to Jack with a sincere and worried look:

"Your Majesty, 80 is not a small amount. Mad King Aerys was overthrown because of the indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

If you attack King's Landing forcefully, you will only make the 80 people in King's Landing resent you, and your future rule will be turbulent.

In this case, why don't we unite to deal with the army of the dead first, and then have a decisive battle after the White Walkers are dealt with. This can greatly reduce casualties, and the people in King's Landing will thank you in the future. "

Jack lazily talked to Tyrion, and decided to strip him of all his powers after Tyrion finished singing blackface in the next reforms.

Now it seems that this guy has a lot of little calculations in mind. No wonder he often gets confused in the later stage.

On the other side, after Colakxiu destroyed the city wall, he did not continue to destroy it, but obediently returned to Jack.

"Even if these 80 people resent me, I don't care. There will be no turmoil or crisis in my rule. Do you know why?"

"Why? Just rely on the dragon?" Tyrion asked subconsciously.

"His!" A thunderous roar suddenly echoed through the Blackwater River, like a god coming to the world!
Jack crossed his arms and chuckled:
"The dragon has never been the foundation of my rule. The glory of Poseidon will shine on every piece of land on the continent!"

(End of this chapter)

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