Chapter 108 Nine Phantom Flames
"Qingxuanzong, there are seven main peaks, respectively: Qingxuan Peak, Tianxuan Peak, Taixuan Peak, Guyue Peak, Wanjian Peak,..., the Suzerain Hall, the Elder Hall, the Law Enforcement Hall, and the Teaching Hall are located on Qingxuan Peak, Climb to Heaven Pagoda, Cross Tribulation Terrace, located in Tianxuan Peak,..."

Yun Xiaozi led Li Mu to the Artifact Refining Hall for examination and registration, explaining to Li Mu the situation of the main peaks of Qingxuanzong along the way.

Qingxuanzong has a strict hierarchy, except for a large number of disciples who are handymen and outer disciples, they have not entered the inner sect of the sect before they formally worshiped Qingxuanzong. Many secrets of the sect that are not known to the public, with the introduction of Yun Xiaozi presented in front of Li Mu.

For example: after the disciples of the inner sect get started, the disciple tokens assigned have extremely convenient interactive functions. The Houtian Lingbao refined by Xuan Taoists is extremely powerful.

For example: Inner sect disciples can climb the sky tower and participate in the fighting competition without harming their lives.

Another example: the generous benefits of inner disciples, as long as the cultivation base is improved quickly enough, freedom, and fair competition for resources, can be protected by the sect's laws and regulations.


There are many things, there is a huge gap between the inner sect and the outer sect, after entering the inner sect, one is probably the master of Qingxuanzong!

"Hmm! Qingyun Peak where Senior Brother Yun lives?" Li Mu asked curiously after listening to Yunzi's introduction.

"Qingyun Peak belongs to the Elder Peak. It is a true disciple. It is a high-level spiritual peak where the elders live. There are a total of 500 spiritual peaks of this level. Currently, there are more than [-] vacant peaks. Each of the spiritual peaks has at least one second-level The above spiritual veins, the patriarch killed countless demon kings in order to occupy this spiritual peak group, and the demon emperor took it!" Yun Xiaozi explained with a smile.

"Junior Brother Li, if you pass the assessment of the elders of the Artifact Refining Hall and take down a spiritual peak to be my neighbor, you should be fine." After the introduction, Yun Xiaozi looked at Li Mu and added.

"It would be great if that's the case!" Li Mu nodded happily, the hope of owning a spiritual mountain filled him with energy.

Under the guidance of Yunxiaozi's Qingyun Peak, Li Mu wandered around and was extremely envious.

More than 300 acres of spiritual fields have been reclaimed on the flatter land on Lingshan Mountain, all of which are top-grade spiritual fields, medium-grade spiritual fields, and various elixir medicines are planted. There are two mine veins being cultivated, hiring people to breed spiritual animal husbandry,..., many industries, in addition to paying a certain percentage of income to the sect every year, relying on the output of a spiritual peak, he can harvest hundreds of thousands of gold coins every year. spiritual gain.

"Junior Brother Li, Qingyun Peak belongs to the relatively high-ranked spirit peaks. You have to go to the Hall of Contribution to confirm what kind of spirit peak you can be assigned to. Junior brother, don't be disappointed by then! However, the spirit peaks of these spirit peaks The quality should not be bad." Yun Xiaozi looked at Li Mu and said in advance.

"I know." Li Mu nodded with a smile.

Li Mu is satisfied with being able to control a spiritual peak alone, with tens of acres of high-grade spiritual fields, and a hundred acres of middle-grade spiritual fields, and he dare not aspire to the same treatment as Yun Xiaozi.

While speaking, Yun Xiaozi led Li Mu to a spirit peak full of flames, a spirit peak of an active volcano, and in the middle of the crater, stood a tall tower, dragged by thick iron chains, floating in the sky. crater without falling into the volcano.

The tower is more than [-] feet high. The tower has thirteen floors. It is extremely magnificent. At the bottom of the tower, there are more than a dozen entrances to the bridge. Each stone bridge has a group of monks lined up in a long line. I don’t know if they are waiting in line. wearing something.

"This spiritual pagoda is another important treasure of Qingxuanzong's sect: the Bailian Spiritual Pagoda. In the space of the pagoda, there is a group of heaven and earth spiritual fire - Nine Phantom Spirit Flame. Most of the juniors lining up below are disciples of Bailian Peak. , queue up to enter the tower, and use this spirit fire refiner." Yun Xiaozi noticed Li Mu's curiosity and quickly introduced him.

"Nine ghost flames, what level of spiritual fire is it? Is it as high as sky fire?" Li Mu's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked.

One of the benefits of joining the sect is that you can obtain more information and materials on high-level spiritual objects. Li Mu will not forget that there are still several high-level spiritual objects in his storage box, one of which needs to be re-refined by Tianhuo. The sixth-order imperial spirit bracelet that can summon the spirit of the weapon, and a mysterious tortoise armor that requires ten drops of true spirit blood to unseal.

If these two high-level spiritual objects can be unsealed, restored, and refined, their combat power and life-saving ability will be greatly improved.

"What level of spiritual fire is it? I don't know that well. When you go in and meet Elder Yin, you can ask him yourself!" Yun Xiaozi frowned and gestured.

After finishing speaking, Yun Xiaozi took Li Mu and flew straight into the pagoda without any intention of queuing up with other disciples.

Flying into the pagoda, the space inside is much wider than Li Mu thought, and many Foundation Establishment disciples came and went, seeing Yun Xiaozi, they all saluted and greeted.

"See you, Senior Brother Yun!"

"Senior Brother Yun, why do you come to Bailian Peak when you have time, do you need my help!"


All the disciples at Refining Peak warmly greeted him, Li Mu couldn't help confirming that Yun Xiaozi had quite a status and prestige in Qingxuanzong when he saw him.

"Junior Brother Chen, is Elder Yin refining weapons? If not, take me to him." Yun Xiaozi looked at one of the Foundation Establishment disciples who were in charge, and motioned.

"My master is receiving guests. Brother Yun, wait a moment, I'll ask for instructions." Chen Zhuo signaled.

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhuo quickly turned around and walked into a room. After a while, he went back and forth, gestured to Yun Xiaozi, and invited: "Brother, please! The master's guests should also be recognized by the brother."

"Oh!" Yun Xiaozi nodded curiously, followed Chen Zhuo into the room, followed by Li Mu.

In the room, an old man with white beard and hair was entertaining a Jindan female cultivator who looked about [-] years old, had a handsome face and was dressed in a red dress.

"Senior Sister Ling, when did you come back!" Yun Xiaozi asked in surprise when he saw the nun in the red dress.

"I just came back and asked Elder Yin to refine a spiritual weapon. Why, does Junior Brother Yun also want to refine a weapon?" The red skirt female cultivator asked with a smile.

"No! Elder Yin, this is Li Mu, the master craftsman I know. At my kind invitation, he is willing to join our sect, and I will bring him to participate in the entrance examination." Yun Xiaozi shook his head and pulled back. Li Mu introduced it to Elder Yin.

"Yeah!" Yin Xianwen closed his smile, and looked at the young man introduced by Yun Xiaozi in surprise.

The young monk in front of him, although he had built a foundation, but his bone age looked young, which made him doubt Yun Xiaozi's words.

"Yun Zhenchuan's words are serious? Are you sure this little brother can refine fourth-order spiritual weapons?" Yin Xianwen looked at Yun Xiaozi carefully for a while and asked.

"Of course, this is the wishful seal that I entrusted Master Li to refine." Yun Xiaozi smiled slightly, took out a small milky white square seal from the storage bag, held it in his palm, and showed it to Yin Xianwen.

Looking at the fourth-order square seal spiritual weapon in Yun Xiaozi's palm, Yin Xianwen couldn't help being moved, and said eagerly: "Yun Zhenzhuan, can you lend me this tool."

Yun Xiaozi nodded, and stretched out his hand to offer it.

Yin Xianwen took off the Ruyi seal with his hands, put his spiritual consciousness into it, inspected the base and pattern of the vessel, and muttered evaluation: "The materials are tightly combined, and the quality of tempering has reached. Well, the base of the vessel is very stable, and even a little careful. Hey! How did you use these device patterns? It’s a bit of a waste!”

"When you were refining this spiritual weapon, why did you use some unnecessary patterns! For example: hidden breath, imitation,..., these patterns are flashy, wasting the power of this weapon!" Yin Xianwen checked After the pattern of the Ruyi seal, he looked at Li Mu in puzzlement and asked.

"Elder Yin, because this weapon has other uses, I specially explained this matter, so Master Li refined it like this." Yun Xiaozi interjected with a slight smile.

"I see!" Yin Xianwen nodded, looked at Yun Xiaozi nodded and said: "If this weapon is really made by him, it is more than enough to become the elder of this sect's weapon refining!"

"Come on, follow me to the refining room!" After finishing speaking, Yin Xianwen looked at Li Mu and invited excitedly.

Li Mu glanced at Yun Xiaozi.

Yun Xiaozi nodded with a smile, and accompanied Li Mu to the refining room.

A trace of curiosity flashed in the eyes of the female cultivator in the red dress, and she also walked towards the refining room.

In the huge refining room, there is a refining furnace embossed with two dragons in the center, made of purple gold, powerful and domineering.

"Shuanglong Zijin Furnace, the bottom of this furnace is the same as that of the Hundred Refining Pagoda. It can mobilize the suppressed Nine Phantom Flame. You can use it to refine boldly! It is also easy to burn sixth-level refining materials." Yin Changming smiled. He pointedly said.

"Hmm! I would like to ask, Elder Yin, do these Nine Phantom Flames belong to Tianhuo?" Li Mu nodded and asked with concern.

"Heavenly fire! It's not really considered, it can only be considered as a fifth-order spiritual fire!" Yin Xianwen frowned and introduced.

After finishing speaking, Yin Xianwen took out a material storage bag and handed it to Li Mudao: "Here are the materials, you can choose them arbitrarily, there are no requirements for this assessment, you are free to play, two opportunities for refining, as long as you can successfully refine If you produce a fourth-level low-grade spiritual weapon, you will be considered qualified."

Li Mu took the storage bag and glanced at it. There are all kinds of fourth-order materials, and this assessment is not too difficult.

Li Mu nodded to Elder Yin, thought for a while, and started refining.

The spiritual consciousness was thrown into the storage bag, and pieces of Taixuan Shenjin, Moyu Lingjing, and Taiyi Shajin flew out one after another, and were thrown into the Shuanglong Zijin refining furnace one after another.

Ssangyong Zijin Furnace, Ssangyong walked around the surface of the Zijin Furnace as if alive, and the next second, a blue flame emanating from the Zijin Furnace emanated frighteningly high temperature.

Soon, under the firepower of the Nine Phantom Flame, pieces of fourth-order spiritual ore in the furnace quickly turned into several balls of molten metal, and under the support of Li Mu's spiritual consciousness, they quietly suspended in the refining furnace, and the molten metal The volume of the body keeps shrinking, and the impurity minerals mixed in it are quickly peeled off, and several groups of molten metal quickly convect and interact, mix, and condense tightly, as if there is a mysterious big hand stirring up the molten metal in the refining furnace.

Seeing that the materials were almost mixed, Li Mu condensed the gold-type spiritual energy with his hands, and drove them into the liquid metal mass one after another to build the base.

There was Elder Yin, and the other two golden elixirs were watching the refining tool from the side. Li Mu decided to hide his clumsiness, and instead of using the divine refining method to refine the tool, he used ordinary methods, mixing the raw material of the tool, and the base of the coagulator.

Following Li Mu's output of gold-type spiritual power time and time again, the molten metal in the purple gold refining furnace gradually cooled and solidified, and the shape of the embryo gradually revealed, which was a five-foot-long Qingfeng giant sword.

Slowly take the sword embryo out of the refining furnace.

Li Mu took out the former refining guy from the storage bag, a spiritual hammer with a handle, and began to forge the embryo, injecting spiritual power, and assisting the condensing pattern.

"嗡" sounded the sword, and every time the hammer was struck, the first weapon pattern condensed out, and the sword embryo burst out with aura, celebrating the new life.

Li Mu continued to work hard and continued to forge weapons to infuse spirits, the second weapon pattern-sharpness, the third weapon pattern- Yuling,... .

too fast!
The sword embryo kept oscillating, and the patterns were formed one after another.

"Elder Yin, is refining so simple?" Ling Hongyu looked at Li Mu's arrangement of refining, and asked Yin Xianwen in surprise.

"Simple, it's so simple! When refining the artifacts, the neutralization of several refining materials must be in order without chaos. The carving of the basic matrix of the artifacts needs to be refined to the deepest level. One step consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness, and the requirements for spiritual power control are extremely strict, so it's not easy!" Yin Xianwen replied angrily.

"I think his agglomerate pattern is so easy, one can be formed in a few strokes, one can be formed in a few strokes." Ling Hongyu nodded and said with a sigh.

"That's because he has a very solid foundation in refining weapons, and he has become proficient and simplified! It's amazing to have this kind of refining skills at this age!" Yin Xianwen explained with emotion, watching him for a while. A sense of beauty.

The speed of the agglomerator pattern is fast and accurate, the control precision of the spiritual power, and the proficiency in the agglomerator pattern are simply like a machine. It is easy to use, and the efficiency is so high that there is no reason for it.

It's too heaven-defying, it takes a profound talent for refining and a solid foundation for refining to achieve this level.

Yin Xianwen's eyes lit up and he was very happy.

Yin Xianwen asked himself, when he was at his age, it would be difficult to refine a third-tier spiritual weapon, let alone a second-tier spiritual weapon, let alone refine the weapon at his speed and condense the weapon pattern!

Found a treasure!

Yun Xiaozi sent Bai Lianfeng a baby bump!

When Yin Xianwen was distracted.

There was a flash of spiritual light on the forging platform, and there was a sword cry of "Om!", and the Qingfeng giant sword made a sharp sword cry!


With a "bang", Li Mu was forced back by the sword energy released by Qingfeng's giant sword, and took a few steps back.

Yun Xiaozi stepped forward quickly, stretched out his hand, and grasped the Qingfeng giant sword that was full of spirituality and was about to escape, his face was full of joy.

"Junior brother! Are you alright!" Yun Xiaozi swung Qingfeng's giant sword horizontally, retracted his sword intent, and looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"It's okay!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, looked at Yin Xianwen and said, "Elder Yin, I have passed the examination!"

"Passed! Definitely passed! Fourth-rank high-grade spirit sword, congratulations, you have become the youngest elder of the sect." Yin Xianwen nodded repeatedly, looked at Li Mu and congratulated you.

After finishing speaking, Yin Xianwen stretched out his hand and begged Yun Xiaozi: "Yun Zhenzhuan, please show me the spirit sword!"

"Elder! Elder Yin, this spirit sword is very suitable for me, I wonder if it can..." Yun Xiaozi reluctantly handed out the Qingfeng giant sword, and said Qiqiaiai.

"Of course no problem. This time, recommend Elder Li to enter my Bailian Peak. It is a great achievement. After I confirm, this sword will be given to Yun Zhenchuan." Yin Xianwen interrupted with a smile, and then looked at Li Mu and smiled. Said: "Elder Li refined this sword, I am afraid it is also to give back to Yun Zhenchuan!"

"Is that so!" Yun Xiaozi was overjoyed, and asked Li Mu for proof.

Li Mu smiled slightly, nodded and said: "If Elder Yin is not willing to give it away, I will make another one for Senior Brother Yun in the future."

"Hahaha! That's right, that's right! Junior Brother Li will be troublesome for refining weapons in the future!" Yuan Xiaozi suddenly realized, and simply put Qingfeng's giant sword into Yin Xianwen's hand.

Seeing this scene, the female cultivator in the red skirt couldn't help showing envy on her face. Yun Xiaozi and Elder Li had a good relationship, so he didn't have to worry about getting any spiritual weapons in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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