Chapter 116 Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum
Li Mu Yujian landed on Yangmianfengyan in the Yinyang Valley, looking at the 15 acres of lingzhi fields planted with Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum. Tiny purple Ganoderma lucidum seedlings can stand out from the soil, [-] yuan Ziyang jade, evenly scattered In the center of every mu of spiritual fields, wisps of purple spiritual accumulations are scattered.

Li Mu's eyes fell on the seedlings of Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum, and the innate supernatural power-recognition of all spirits took effect, and the virtual frame of the character immediately displayed all the information of the Ziyang Ganoderma seedlings.

【Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum (seedling stage)】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: It is born facing the sun, the purple air comes from the east, and the sun accumulates to remove dust. 】

[Status: Yang Qi is strong, accompanied by Ziyang Yuling, growing rapidly]

[Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum seedlings, fourth-order spiritual plants, naturally love the sun, born in the sun, growth needs: a place where the yang energy of heaven and earth gathers, with sufficient spiritual power, accompanied by the energy of Ziyang Lingyu, matures in 18 years, blooms in one year, blooms in one year As a result, the 20-year-old Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum is one of the main materials for refining Ziyang Dan, and the 50-year-old Ziyang Ganoderma is one of the main materials for refining Ziyang Dan. 】

Looking at the information in the virtual frame, no dead seedlings were found, and they were all in good condition, so Li Mu couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

The aura-planting group of the first-order Wind Spirit Grass has a very limited increase in the value of the foundation-building period, so it can be proved that if the fifteen acres of fourth-order Ziyang Ganoderma are successfully planted, the Yang Qi attribute that can be provided to him is estimated to make him Directly break through the foundation building stage and advance to the Jindan realm.

20 years!This time is not long at all.

With the help of the Yin-Yang Hunyuan Formation, the ripening time of Ziyang Ganoderma may be greatly advanced!
The only problem is that the reserves of Ziyang Jade are somewhat insufficient!
Li Mu exchanged the vast majority of his recent contribution to the refinery for Ziyang Jade, Taixuan Yuelu, and used it as a reserve for two kinds of spiritual plants. Xuanzong's contribution warehouse is out of stock!
It caused several true disciples to complain.

no!Just in case, we have to find other channels.

After checking the growth status of Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum, Li Mu flew to the back of Yangfeng - Yinling Valley.

【Shame fruit (seedling stage)】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Tends to be yin and grows, condenses yin to form soul, transforms yin to form soul. 】

[Status: Gathering Yin Qi, accompanied by Taixuan Yuelu, growing rapidly]

[Yinpo fruit seedlings, fourth-level spiritual plants, love yin by nature, gather yin qi and grow, growth needs: a place where the yin qi of heaven and earth gather, with sufficient spiritual power, accompanied by the air of Taixuan moon dew, 16 years mature, two years Blooming, two-year fruit drop, 20-year-old Yinpo fruit is one of the main materials for refining Huntian Pill, and Yinpo fruit that has not borne fruit after a hundred years of medicine can be promoted to Taiyin Grass, which is the main ingredient for refining Huaying Pill one of the materials. 】

Fifteen acres of Yinpo fruit seedlings were inspected one by one, and after confirming that there was no problem, and after checking the concentration of the aura of the Taixuan moon dew in the valley, Li Mu left with a sword at ease.

During the 20-year period, two fourth-order spiritual plants must be guaranteed to be in good condition!
It's not that easy to grow a field!

Li Mu Yujian landed in the yard, looked at the red wolf and confessed: "I want to go out for a while, you stay at home, don't cause trouble! Come back and bring you delicious food!"

"Wow!" Chilang yelled at Li Mu, signaling to go with him.

"Xiao Jin, watch it, if you dare to make trouble, beat it to death!" Li Mu chuckled, looked to the right side of Xiao Jin, who was about the same height as it, with big limbs, well-behaved and obedient, and motioned.

"Oh!" Xiao Jin responded with a smile, stretched out his hand and pulled the red wolf into his arms.

"Aww, aww!" The red wolf retorted and wanted to bite Xiao Jin's hand, but it slapped it on the head, and immediately became honest.

Seeing that Xiao Jin easily suppressed the red wolf, Li Mu smiled slightly, secretly happy in his heart, Xiao Jin's aptitude is indeed extraordinary, under the feeding of a large amount of Jinmai pills, he grew rapidly, and within three months, the demon power in his body had already reached the second level At the peak of monsters, there is a tendency to continue to advance.

However, if you want to break through to the third level, you may have to go through a lot of battles!

Li Mu frowned. In the next 20 years, if he didn't break through the Golden Core cultivation, he wouldn't leave Qiongfeng, let alone leave the Qingxuanzong headquarters easily. In this way, Xiao Jin could only spend time with him in Yueqiong Peak. Missed the growth period of the best learning to fight.

After missing these 20 years, it will be very difficult for Xiaojin to advance to a breakthrough again in the future!
It's really not good, just keep it like this!Raise waste, raise waste!Xiaojin was accepted back then because of the animal skin recipe for wine making.

Thinking of the third-order brewing recipe that Xiaojin had unsealed, Li Mu couldn't help feeling dizzy. Recently, he has been busy refining weapons, setting up formations for the spiritual field, farming, drawing talismans, and refining puppets. In a hurry, there is no time to gather materials to brew a high-level and complex spiritual wine like Baguola.

Besides, Li Mu has refined a batch of Cui Ling wine, and he hasn't finished drinking it yet!
That kind of spirit fruit wine seems to require the cooperation of the demon ape to make it. Another day, I will gather hundreds of spirit fruit ingredients and let Xiaojin try brewing it himself.


Seeing Xiao Jin playing with the red wolf, several thoughts flashed in Li Mu's mind, and then he took off with the sword, flew out of Yueqiong Peak, and flew towards Bailian Peak.

Bailian Peak, Bailian Pagoda.

"See you, Elder Li!" Chen Zhuo bowed his hands to Li Mu, and at the same time reported: "Elder Li, you and my master! Unfortunately, he went to visit Yunfeng!"

"Eh! That's okay, I'll come back another day!" Li Mu nodded, turned around and left.

Hearing the name Wang Yunfeng suddenly, Li Mu's heart skipped a beat and started beating violently.

The three words 'Wangyunfeng' touched something that Li Mu had always been vigilant about.

Thinking back when we were exchanging the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Classics, the "Senior Sister Lu" who appeared on purpose was a disciple of Wang Yunfeng. The Qingwen Zhenjun of Wangyun Peak should still be thinking about the outer disciples who practiced the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Classics!
If the Nascent Soul Master Wangyunfeng knew that he had cultivated the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Sutra to the foundation, and would soon have a chance to forge a golden elixir, that would be a great scene!
Li Mu was preoccupied, quickly turned around and left Bailian Peak, fearing that he would run into that Qingwen Zhenjun!
"Elder Li, hey, I haven't said yet..., alas! Strange, what's going on with this Elder Li?"

Watching the back of Li Mu leaving in a hurry, Chen Zhuo murmured in bewilderment.

Coming out of Bailian Peak, Li Mu changed his way to Taixuan Peak, and exchanged two 90-acre second-order exquisite spiritual grasses and second-order Tianfeng grass spiritual seeds at the Contribution Hall. Then, he drove the Qingyun spirit boat and headed to Qingyun city.

Qingyun City is the closest city for cultivating immortals to the headquarters of Qingxuanzong. The city's population is dominated by monks. Various organizations in Qingyun City, Jindan family, foreign chambers of commerce, various establishments,..., or the appearance of the elders of the sect Families, or affiliated sects, are more or less related to Qingxuanzong.

Li Mu's Yuzhou landed on the Yuzhou Terrace outside Qingyun City, and after putting away the spirit boat, he paid the guard at the gate to enter the city.

At this time, Li Mu changed into a black robe, put away the disciple token of Qingxuanzong, and changed the face of 'Old Zhang' into the Linglong mask, and entered Qingyun City in the appearance of an old foundation-building monk.

Not long after entering Qingyun City, Li Mu fixed his eyes on the tallest and most luxuriously decorated building in the city, and walked straight over.

"Senior, welcome to Wanbao Pavilion!"

At the door, four slender and graceful female cultivators in cool clothes bowed and greeted in unison.

Without squinting, Li Mu entered through the door.

"Senior, welcome to Wanbao Pavilion. What spiritual object do you need, little girl-Huang Caiyun, I would like to introduce you to senior." A female cultivator in a yellow gauze skirt greeted Li Mu cordially.

"Well, the old man has a batch of second-order talismans to sell." Li Mu nodded his forehead and said straight to the point.

In the past three months, except for farming, refining weapons, Li Mu painting talismans, and refining puppets, he used the refining tools to earn contribution points and successfully exchanged for the third-order talisman of Qingxuan Talisman.

After learning several third-tier talismans from Qingxuan Talisman, he exchanged a batch of third-tier monster skins in the Hall of Contribution. Li Mu has already started to draw third-tier talismans and stocked them up. There is no need to keep the second-order golden sword talisman and the second-order golden armor talisman.

The longer the talisman is stored, the more the spiritual power dissipates, and the power of the talisman will gradually weaken.

In addition, Yue Qiongfeng has recently set up a large number of magic circles, and the consumption of middle-grade spirit stones is too high. It has been a long time since a large amount of spirit stones have been credited. Li Mu urgently needs to sell the refined spirit talismans to restore a wave of blood.

"Okay, senior, please come with me, and I'll ask the spirit appraiser to help you estimate." Huang Caiyun nodded and made an inviting gesture.

Li Mu quickly followed.

Soon, the two came to a secret room, and Li Mu showed the spiritual talisman to be sold to the spiritual master.

"Second-level top-grade golden sword talisman, 30 middle spirits, one second-level top-grade golden armor talisman, 35 middle spirits, and second-level best, add 10 middle spirits on top of this, senior, what do you think?" The spirit appraiser carefully examined the two talismans, finally looked at Li Mu, and said a price.

"Well! For this price, how much do you charge for Wanbao Pavilion?" Li Mu smiled slightly, looking at the spiritual master and asked.

"That's right!" The spirit appraiser nodded with a smile, full of confidence.

The quality of this batch of talismans is good. The top-tier golden ape talisman skins are second-tier. The talisman makers are skilled.

Soon, the confident smile on the spirit appraiser's face froze immediately, and a look of emotion appeared on his face.

I saw that the 'old talisman repair' in front of me took out stacks of talismans from the storage bracelet, as if he didn't need money, and took out hundreds or thousands of tier two gold talismans in a blink of an eye.

Could it be that this kind of talisman can already be drawn in batches?A trace of panic flashed across the spirit appraiser's face.

"Second-grade top-grade golden sword symbols: 520 pieces, second-grade top-grade golden armor symbols: 480 pieces, second-grade top-grade golden sword symbols: 1240 pieces, second-grade top-grade golden armor symbols: 870 pieces, please count the number!" Li Mu Leaving a small portion of top-grade golden sword talismans and golden armor talismans, clearing most of the second-order talismans at once.

"Okay, okay! However, such a business is too big, I can't be the master, I need to ask the shopkeeper for instructions, senior, please wait a moment." Huang Caiyun looked at Li Mu with mixed surprises, and gestured respectfully.

I have been 'cooperating' with Wanbaoge for a long time, and I can trust him, Li Mu smiled and nodded, waiting patiently.

Soon, Huang Caiyun went back and forth, and brought a woman in red who was about her age.

(End of this chapter)

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