Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 118 Imperial Spirit Transference

Chapter 118 Imperial Spirit Transference (Two in One, ask for a monthly pass)

Soon, under Gongsun Chu's warm greeting, the two sat down in the reception room.

"Master Li, please taste it. This is Qingxuanzong's most famous Qingxu spiritual tea, which has the effect of strengthening the spirit and nourishing the spirit." Gongsun Chu smiled and motioned Li Mu to serve the tea, and introduced.

Li Mu nodded with a smile, picked up the teacup, and began to taste it carefully.

Li Mu also planted ten acres of third-order Qingxu Lingcha on Yueqiong Peak, because he took a fancy to Qingxu Lingcha's effect of strengthening the spirit and nourishing the spirit.

However, in order to satisfy the growth environment of the Qingxu Spiritual Tea, Li Mu has made a lot of troubles. The Qingxu Spiritual Tea needs to be planted in a high-grade spiritual field, full of green wood aura, and accompanied by the Xuling Snake, in order to grow smoothly.

The first two conditions are well satisfied. Li Mu set up the Cyanwood Yuan Formation, and while consuming a large number of spiritual stone bags, he filled the ten acres of high-grade spiritual field with Cyanwood spiritual energy continuously. The Void Spirit Snake is a third-order special spirit beast. Li Mu It was not easy to rent from a certain elder of the sect after paying a lot of rent and owed a favor.

At the entrance of the Qingxu Spiritual Tea, there is a light fragrance of spiritual pills, which is extremely sweet. The spiritual tea turns into warm currents and rushes to the sea of ​​consciousness. The soul is cleared and very comfortable. Recently, refining weapons, setting up arrays, etc., have tense nerves For this reason, the feeling of fatigue goes away.

"Good tea!" Li Mu exclaimed with a satisfied smile.

After being stimulated by the Qingxu Lingcha, Li Mu felt as if his soul had been washed away. Li Mu also felt that he was too nervous during this period of time, and he was too eager to get things done. .

"If Master Li likes to drink, I will bring some later." Gongsun Chu looked at Li Mu with a smile, and said enthusiastically.

"Okay! I won't be polite. There is a refining arrangement in the pavilion. Shopkeeper Gongsun, just ask." Li Mu nodded with a smile, and said that Tao sent Li Bao.

"Of course there is. In five days, Wanbao Pavilion will hold the triennial auction. I am worried that there will be no place for high-grade spiritual artifacts. Master Li, you came just in time. Can you refine a piece of magic weapon for this auction?" For the batch of top-grade spiritual weapons, the refining commission will be increased by 5% on the basis of the capital. Master Li, if you need any auxiliary resources, you can leave it to me to organize. Basically, it’s a 9% discount.” Gongsun Chu looked at Li Mu and generously said.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help being moved. This female shopkeeper's courage is comparable to that of Wang Wenbao. Although Wan Wenbao gave him a 10% increase in refining commission last time, in the end, they all used the excuse of more cash flow and replaced it with The material was buckled back.

Gongsun Chu was different. He slightly raised 5% of the refinery commission income, and also gave discounts on materials, which can be described as a comprehensive discount.

"Okay! What spirit weapon do you need to refine, please give me the materials and the list! I will try my best to make it in the past few days, but you should try to help me raise the materials I need." Li Mu nodded, looking at Gongsun Chu gestured.

"Okay! I'll make arrangements later, Master Li, just tell me what materials you need." Gongsun Chuxin nodded and asked with a smile.

"Ziyang Jade, Taixuan Yuelu, Tianmai Zhenshui, Huanwu Spiritual Soil, ..., are there any goods in these spiritual material pavilions?" Li Mu mentioned a dozen kinds of third- and fourth-level spiritual materials in one breath, looking at Gongsun Chu and asked .

Almost all of these spiritual materials were prepared for the 330 acres of high-level spiritual plants in Yueqiong Peak, especially Ziyangyu and Taixuanyuelu. He had exchanged all the contribution warehouses of Qingxuanzong, so he came to Wanbao Pavilion to prepare.

Gongsun Chu frowned, his expression was different.

"What! What's the problem?" Li Mu looked at Gongsun Chu and asked with concern.

"To be honest, Master Li, there are all these materials in the warehouse of the material pavilion. However, Ziyang Jade, Taixuan Yuelu, and Qing Xuanzong's true biography are all asking for them. These two spiritual objects are the key items of this auction. If the master does not If you need it urgently, can you wait a little longer? Ziyang Jade is produced in Tiannan Region - Ziyang Mountain, Taixuan Yuelu is produced in Wanxing Sea Region, Yuehua Island, just need to wait for a while, and the goods can be dispatched." Gongsun Chu Looking at Li Mu, he explained.

Hearing this, Li Mu was slightly startled. Unexpectedly, the Qingxuanzong warehouse lacked Ziyangyu and Taixuanyuelu, and those true disciples would find Wanbao Pavilion.

This situation seems to be facilitated by myself!
I have already stocked up a lot of goods, so I can't grab them from those true disciples.

"It's not urgent, I still have a batch of stock available, I can wait a little longer, but how long will it take for these two spiritual items to be transferred?" Li Mu waved his hand and asked with concern.

"About three months, is it too late? Master Li, I will try my best to transfer you as much as you want at that time." Gongsun Chu looked at Li Mu and gestured.

"Okay! Ziyangyu, Taixuanyuelu, you can adjust as much as you can. I need at least 500 million spirits. If there are not enough spirit stones, I will sell myself to work for the shopkeeper Gongsun!" Li Mu looked at Gongsun Ce, gestured with a smile.

"Okay!" Gongsun Chu narrowed his eyes with a smile, and nodded in response.

The two chatted about some refining matters. About an hour later, Li Mu took a batch of high-level refining materials, left Wanbao Pavilion, and flew to Yueqiong Peak with Yujian.

Li Mu has no time to stare at Yueqiongfeng's Lingzhi every day, so he stays in the Spirit Artifact Workshop of Wanbao Pavilion for refining weapons.

"Shopkeeper, you just let Master Li take away millions of refining materials! In case, if he doesn't come back,..."

Gongsun Chuyu and several shopkeepers warmly sent Li Mu away from Wanbao Pavilion, and one of the stewards asked worriedly.

"Don't worry! Master Li's name is worth those spirit stones!" Gongsun Chu smiled and said boldly.

During the investigation during this period, Gongsun Chu clearly knew how many high-level spiritual weapons Li Mu had refined for Qingxuanzong during this period, and the value of those spiritual weapons, if added up, could easily exceed the refining tools he took away Material.

Gongsun Chu fully believed in Master Li, and would not tarnish his reputation as a great master of crafting for the sake of a little material.

The actual situation is even more praised than Gongsun Chu expected. Li Mu obtained a piece of the same refining material for free when he refined a fourth-level spiritual weapon for Qingxuanzong, and even more. This time, if it was not for Ziyangyu , Taixuanyuelu, need to ask for Wanbao Pavilion.

A mere refining commission is not worth Li Mu's efforts to refine weapons for Wanbao Pavilion, let alone steal the refining materials. On Yueqiong Peak, there are more and more spiritual weapons for transforming spirits, and there is a lot of trouble. less trouble.

If you casually sell a fourth-order spirit weapon with an artifact spirit to the outside world, the price may be higher than that of a fifth-order spirit weapon.

Li Mu Yujian returned to Yueqiong Peak, and immediately planted 90 acres of second-order Linglong grass spirit seeds and 90 acres of second-order Tianfeng grass spirit seeds respectively, performed a cool wind and rain spell, watered the spirit fields, and inspected the spirit fields at the same time field.

After confirming that the various second- and third-tier spiritual plants were growing smoothly, Li Mu felt at ease and landed his sword in the courtyard.

Seeing Li Mu's figure, the red wolf, Xiao Jin couldn't wait to run up to him, acting coquettishly, begging for food, every time Li Mu came back, he would bring them delicious food, either panacea or monster meat, believe this This time will be no exception.

Li Mu fed them a spirit pill, Xiaojin fed a Jinmai pill, and Chilang fed a feeding spirit pill. Then, he turned to the ice cellar and took out a large piece of hind leg meat of a third-order cloud stepping deer. Start firing on the stove.

Meal time is the time to often practice-the fifth-level earth-level exercise-eating souls and nourishing the body.

After three meals a day and continuous training, Li Mu now needs to eat third-order monster meat in order to meet the needs of the soul-eating art.

While eating the meat of the third-order monster, he performed the Whale Swallowing Spirit Transformation, the Whale Swallowing Bone Refining, and the Whale Swallowing Bone Refining, and the Spirit Devouring Refining Blood. At the same time, he used three kinds of body cultivation supernatural powers to improve the effect of body training.

Now, Li Mu's body has been cultivated to the strength comparable to that of a third-order monster, and he can easily swing a punch of [-] jin.

Soon, the hind legs of the third-rank cloud stepping deer were cooked thoroughly. Li Mu took a small knife, cut off a piece of meat that was roasted until it was golden, and put it in his mouth to enjoy it.


"Want Want! Want Want!"

The red wolf who smelled the smell of meat, Xiao Jin, ran to Li Mu, screaming constantly, looking at his master eagerly, begging for a bite.

"This is third-tier monster meat! You can't digest it after eating it, have you forgotten the lesson from last time?" Li Mu smiled and reminded.

"Wangwang! Wangwang!" The red wolf clearly remembered the lesson, but it didn't want to give up and yelled in the direction of the ice cellar, signaling Li Mu to go to the ice cellar to get the second-tier monster meat, and the first-tier monster meat to come out and roast.

"It's out of stock! The rest are Tier [-] monsters. If you don't believe me, go to the ice cellar to see for yourself!" Li Mu responded to Chilang with a chuckle.

The red wolf understood it, and walked towards the ice cellar in disbelief. The difference in spiritual energy between the first-tier and second-tier monster meat, and the third-tier monster meat was huge, and it could tell the difference.

Not long after, the red wolf came out of the ice cellar with a dejected expression on his face, and angrily called Li Mu "Wangwang" twice, asking, "It's out of stock, why don't you buy first- and second-grade monster meat? What do they eat?"To starve the dog to death!
"Smelly dog, you are fat! How dare you teach me how to do things! Come here!" Li Mu waved to Chilang angrily and amusedly.

The red wolf was taken aback. At this moment, it knew that it would definitely be beaten when it stepped forward, so it ran away as if fleeing.

Seeing that the red wolf ran away sensibly, Li Mu continued to bury his head in eating meat. At the same time, he tried his best to run the soul-eating art to quickly digest the third-level monster meat, continue to cultivate his body, and improve his cultivation.


Xiao Jin didn't leave, staring at the piece of meat in Li Mu's hand, as if he had made up his mind, he called out to his master.

"Uh! You still want to challenge? Are you sure?" Li Mu met Xiao Jin's eyes, and felt Xiao Jin's determination from the seal of Yuling Deed.

"Squeak!" Xiao Jin responded with gritted teeth, as if telling Li Mu that Xiao Jin cannot be defeated by a piece of meat.

"Okay! Okay! If you want to eat, I'll just give you a piece! If you're greedy, what excuses are you looking for!" Li Mu was annoyed and funny, and cut off a piece of meat the size of two fingers, and handed it to Xiaojin.

Xiao Jin took the piece of meat, put it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it whole.

The rich and powerful power of the demon spirit burst out from the third-order piece of meat, and the blue veins on Xiao Jin's face were immediately exposed.

"Roar..." Xiao Jin couldn't help but knelt down on his knees, hugged his belly with his hands, and let out a painful roar, venting the huge demon power in his body.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu's heart moved, feeling Xiao Jin's state at this time through the Yuling Deed Seal, and suddenly an idea popped up.

The earth-level skill - the book of imperial spirit, after the level is upgraded to level 5, several magical powers of imperial spirits are derived: the art of imperial soul attachment, the art of imperial soul explosion, the art of imperial soul co-existence, the art of imperial soul control, Spiritual knowledge transfer technique.

Because he was afraid of the influence of this technique on the spirit master's soul, Li Mu did not use any other derivative spells except the original spirit control seal technique.

However, Li Mu probably knew the functions of these spells. The soul control technique, as the name suggests, means that something happens to the body, and one can attach one's soul to the beast, and survive.

The soul blasting technique is to detonate the soul of the beast, and let it explode to its full limit when it is dying,...

These derivative soul techniques can firmly control the beast master in the hands of the master spirit master, and cannot escape control for a lifetime.

However, the spirit-controlling technique is different from the magical soul technique. It seems that it can pass on the practice skills and experience to the beast-controlling!

If this is the case, can the Soul Devouring Body Cultivation Art be passed on to Xiao Jin through the Soul Control Technique?

Xiao Jin, who has practiced this kind of body training method, will definitely grow faster!

If the transmission is successful, I will teach it some melee combat techniques in the future!
Relying on the body of a second-level monster, and learning the close-combat skills of the human race, then refine a set of high-level defensive spiritual weapons for it, paired with a spiritual stick, it is simply a humanoid weapon!
Thinking of this, Li Mu's heart skipped a beat.

"Xiao Jin, I will pass on to you a kung fu technique for quickly absorbing monster meat, you should learn it carefully!" Li Mu looked at the painful Xiao Jin, and motioned.

"Squeak!" Xiao Jin raised his head and responded to Li Mu, expressing his understanding.

Li Mu closed his eyes slightly, and sensed Xiao Jin's soul contract, and silently used the supernatural power to control the spirit to pass on the knowledge, and passed on the cultivation method and five-level practice experience of "Spirit Devouring Cultivation Art".

"Roar!" Xiao Jin howled in pain, feeling the sudden influx of a large amount of exercise information into his soul, causing his body and soul to suffer shocks at the same time, causing more injuries.

Fortunately, this kind of pain comes and goes quickly.

According to the exercises that appeared in the soul, Xiaojin practiced quickly, and his stomach, which was bursting with the spiritual power of the third-level demon flesh, suddenly surged with extremely high digestion power, making his body gradually recover.

Li Mu had already opened his eyes, stared at Xiao Jin, heaved a sigh of relief, and a happy smile floated on his face.

Xiaojin's status bar shows: it is practicing the soul-eating art.

Li Mu's idea came true!

The exercises I have learned can be passed on to the imperial beast through the imperial spirit deed seal. However, this method of imparting seems to cause damage to the imperial beast's soul. Just now, Xiao Jin's soul was shaking and suffering. Li Mu saw it in the eyes.

The number of times a royal beast can receive the transference technique is probably limited!Moreover, if the aptitude is not good, the soul will easily collapse.

"Squeak!" Xiao Jin looked at Li Mu and yelled pitifully. Then, a hungry cry of "Gulu, Gulu" came from Xiaojin's stomach.

Li Mu frowned, cut off a large piece of venison and handed it to Xiao Jin.

However, a large piece of third-tier monster meat was eaten up by Xiao Jin within a short effort.

Soon, a huge monster force erupted, and Xiao Jin continued to practice the Soul Devouring Art, and his body became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, Xiao Jin's body quickly shrank back, and his body became more and more solid. The breath became thicker, giving Li Mu a feeling of being refined once.

"Soul Swallowing Body Refining!"

"No way! How did Xiaojin skip the first two steps? Could it be because it is a monster?"

Seeing Xiao Jin's situation, Li Mu frowned in puzzlement.

The characteristics of Xiao Jin's cultivation of the Soul Devouring Health Art are exactly the same as the form of "Spirit Devouring Body Refining", and the changes are much more conspicuous than his. Obviously Xiao Jin's physique is more suitable for practicing this exercise.

"Squeak!" Xiao Jin woke up again when Li Mu was distracted, staring at the roasted deer leg in Li Mu's hand with pitiful eyes.

"Okay! You can eat it all, I'll eat it for you!" Li Mu looked helpless, and handed the whole roasted leg to Xiao Jin, feeling that he had caused a big trouble for himself, and brought out a big eater.

"Squeak!" Xiao Jin yelled at Li Mu gratefully, and then began to eat the roasted deer leg with big mouthfuls.

Sure enough, Li Mu's premonition was not wrong.

Xiao Jin quickly finished eating the whole roasted deer leg, then turned his head and went up to practice devouring spirits to nourish his body. That kind of diligent and hardworking appearance made Li Mu feel ashamed.

However, Li Mu felt that Xiao Jin did not cultivate for the sake of being strong, but for eating more roasted monster meat.

Seeing the aura emanating from Xiaojin's body become stronger with the change of naked eye speed, Li Mu sighed helplessly, walked into the ice cellar, dragged out half a third-level cloud stepping deer corpse, five elements of spiritual fire, 10th level baking technique , with the baking up.

In less than a quarter of an hour, half a fan of third-order cloud stepping venison was roasted sizzling and fragrant, and the red wolf lying on the ground was so greedy that his mouth was drooling.

Helpless, the roasted monster meat exudes a strong spiritual pressure, and the red wolf who has been taught a few times dare not eat it anymore, so he can only watch Xiaojin helplessly, eating Haisai.


Time flies, three days have passed.

Li Mu flew to Bailian Peak with his sword in hand, handed in the refining task to Yin Xianwen, and did not receive any follow-up refining tasks.

In the past few months, Li Mu has unknowingly refined seventy or eighty fourth-order spirit weapons for Qingxuanzong, and his popularity in Qingxuanzong has been greatly improved.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the sect, the sect master will receive him, and the elders will visit and express their condolences. This is not in line with Li Mu's strategy of keeping a low profile and farming in Yueqiong Peak.

Li Mu didn't want to make friends with the senior officials of Qingxuanzong, and he was even more afraid of the Qingwen Zhenjun who looked at Yunfeng. He didn't want to have any chance to meet him. Therefore, taking the opportunity of handing in the task this time, Li Mu expressed to Elder Yin that he wanted to retreat and practice. , to prepare for the impact on the next level of realm.

Yin Xianwen responded very understandingly, Li Mu has already built a foundation at a young age, and is fully capable of going further.


After leaving Bailian Peak, Li Mu flew directly to Qingyun City and delivered six fourth-order spiritual weapons to Gongsun Chu in Wanbao Pavilion. order form.

"Master Li, this is the bidding order for tomorrow's auction. If you value those spiritual objects, you can bid them. The transaction price will also enjoy the discounted price of senior guests, and also enjoy the discounted price I gave you." Gongsun Chu handed it Li Mu reminded him with a VIP invitation to participate in the auction with a smile.

"Okay! I'll come and have a look tomorrow when I'm free!" Li Mu nodded with a smile.

Soon, Li Mu left Wanbao Pavilion under Gongsun Chu's warm gift.

However, Li Mu didn't leave Qingyun City directly, but went to the inn to change his clothes, removed the disguise of 'Master Li', and sneaked into the 'Royal Beast Room'.

It was rare to come to Qingyun City to do business, so Li Mu specially brought 'Xiao Jin' with him, preparing him to hone his fighting consciousness in the Colosseum.

"Senior, do you want to buy a ticket to enter the arena, or do you want to bet on the arena! There are several wonderful matches today, and the No. 3 arena is undergoing a peak duel between the Golden Core Magic Cultivator-Blood Hand and the third-order Scarlet Soul Beast. , I recommend you to go and have a look." Seeing the customers entering the store, a quick-spoken young man quickly stepped forward to introduce them.

"No need, I'm going to wait for the Beast Master to participate in the battle, I don't know how to sign up?" Li Mu waved his hand and gestured.

"You want to participate in the beast battle! Then you have to go through the competition channel. However, to participate in the beast battle, the strength of the beast master must reach the second level, and you need to pass some strength tests. Not just casual beasts can participate !” said the servant of Yushouzhai.

"However, senior, if your beast master can participate in the beast battles and win the competitions, each game can bring you a large amount of income. If you can persist in the end of the first quarter and become the king of beasts, you can also get high-level rewards. Bloodline spiritual rewards, the reward for this season's Beastmaster is: a fifth-order blood bodhi, to sign up for the beast fight, go this way, senior, please follow me." The young man led Li Mu to the passage on the right, explaining as he walked up.

"Hmm! Is my Beast Master going to the ring with weapons and armor?" Li Mu nodded and asked curiously.

"Certainly not. Refined weapons and armor cannot be brought on the field. However, there are some monsters that can use raw materials weapons, such as monster apes, half-monsters, and fox monsters. These human monsters are weak and can be brought A primitive weapon." Stoudemire quickly replied.

Li Mu nodded, feeling a little regretful.

In order for Xiao Jin to participate in this beast fight without suffering too much damage, Li Mu proposed to refine a suit of armor and a spirit stick. If he cannot bring weapons and armor to the battle, he can only use a piece of blood iron wood to bring it. .

Soon, under the guidance of the servant, Li Mu was led to a registration office in the backstage of the fighting beast. Many beast masters brought various monsters to register and test their strength.

Looking around, various second-level monsters followed their masters, queuing up to be tested by a Golden Core cultivator.

Violent bear demon, red-blooded wolf demon, ghost-toothed black snake, ghost-eyed blue lizard, ..., each monster looks ferocious and huge.

"Senior, you can take out the imperial beast and register in line." The servant in the Qi Refining Realm looked at the monster team in awe and gestured to Li Mu.

Li Mu nodded, took out the spirit beast bag, and called Xiao Jin out.

With a "swish", a blue-eyed golden ape half a head taller than Li Mu appeared beside Li Mu.

"Senior, this is your imperial beast? It's not yet an adult! Why don't you come back when it grows up?" The servant looked at the burly second-order monsters with strong breath in front, and reminded Li Mudao kindly.

"Squeak!" Feeling the servant's contempt, Xiao Jin put his head in front of him, and looked at him with a pair of green eyes.

The young servant's face turned pale immediately, and he was frightened by the powerful demon power overflowing from Xiao Jin's body.

"Queue up obediently, don't mess around!" Li Mu patted Xiaojin on the head angrily, and signaled.

(End of this chapter)

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