Chapter 120 Auction
The next day
After checking the condition of more than 300 acres of spiritual plants, and putting Xiao Jin on Yueqiong Peak to recuperate, Li Mu went to Qingyun City alone to participate in the auction of Wanbao Pavilion.

The status of Qingyun City is more than one line higher than that of Gangyang City.

For the auction of Wanbao Pavilion in Gangyang City, monks in the Qi refining period can enter.

Qingyun City is close to the headquarters of Qingxuanzong, and the geographical location is superior. The auction of Wanbao Pavilion in this city requires foundation-building monks to enter, and you have to sit in the lobby. The VIP room is open to Jindan monks or Yuanying Zhenjun.

Relying on the name of 'Master Li', Li Mu easily got into an independent VIP room with the guest badge.

"Master Li, please drink spiritual tea here for a while, and I'll entertain some seniors!" Gongsun Chu asked Li Mu for instructions with a smile.

"Well, you don't need to call me, go get busy!" Li Mu nodded with a smile and watched him off.

Watching Gongsun Chu leave the room, Li Mu took out a copy of "Nanling Chronicle" from the Jiuzang Lingzhu and flipped through it.

Li Mu is a high-ranking guest secretary in Wanbao Pavilion, and he has already learned in advance of the spiritual objects that Wanbao Pavilion puts up for auction, so there is nothing worthy of his attention.

The reason why I came to participate in this auction is that not only Wanbaoge's own products are included in this auction, but more importantly, it includes other auction customers' auction items, which may contain good opportunities to miss.

Time passed bit by bit.

As the last Jindan monk entered the VIP room, the auction of Wanbao Pavilion officially began.

"Welcome all distinguished guests. The triennial auction of Wanbao Pavilion officially starts today. I, Wan Yuncheng, have been invited to preside over this auction." Going up to the auction stage, he smiled and introduced himself while looking at the auditorium and the VIP rooms on both sides.

"There will be a lot of high-level spiritual items, spiritual weapons, and spiritual pills in this auction. If you are not prepared enough, you can participate in the auction by asking for a price. After the auction, you can use equivalent spiritual items. You can negotiate with the shopkeeper of Wanbao Pavilion to offset the items. The rules of fair bidding, please carefully consider the auction before bidding with the auction order, please do not disturb the order of the auction."

"After the auction starts, everyone can use the auction token in their hands to participate in the auction. This auction mode is very secretive and will not reveal any information about your bidding. The bidding data will be displayed on several channels below me, so that everyone can confirm the bidding in time. Very Easy."

After briefly introducing the bidding rules, Wan Yuncheng said with a smile: "Not much gossip, next, the auction will officially begin."

As soon as the words fell, Wan Yuncheng took out a cyan pill bottle from the small teleportation platform of the auction stage, and showed it: "The first lot, the third-order top-grade breaking god pill, there are three pieces in total, taking this pill can grow the soul, and at the same time Repairing the loss of the soul is a rare soul pill, and it is the master of Alchemy - Master Luo Yu, an ingenious work."

"This elixir can be taken by both monks who build foundations and real people who are golden elixirs. It can greatly improve the soul. Three God-breaking Pills will be auctioned together. The starting price: 1 Zhongling, time limit: [-] breaths. You can bid as much as you want!" Wan Yuncheng looked around the audience, nearly a thousand foundation-building monks, and a hundred VIP rooms, and announced loudly.

As soon as Wan Yuncheng's voice fell, the bidding mirror was displayed directly below the auction stage, the data changed immediately, and the first bidder appeared.

Auction order No. 143, bid: 1.2 pieces of Zhongling, countdown: 98 breaths.

The next moment, this set of data immediately changed.

1.3, 1.5, ..., 2.7,
One hundred breaths of time passed by in the blink of an eye, and the data presented on the mirror froze.

"The time is up, the auction is over. Congratulations to Fellow Daoist No. 29, you won the three God-breaking Pills at a price of 3.5 Zhongling!" Auctioneer Wan Yuncheng announced excitedly as he lowered his hammer.

Wan Yuncheng then quickly took out another auction item from the small teleportation array on the auction platform, and introduced with a smile: "The next auction item is a panacea, which is composed of fourth-order Zhuyanguo, Wanshengcao, Tianluo Flowers, to refine the elixir of retaining beauty and prolonging life, there is only one elixir, and it has the effect of eternal youth."

"What! Zhuyan Pill! The second auction item is Zhuyan Pill!"

"My darling, how could such a panacea appear, the nuns are going crazy!"

"This panacea appeared in the second lot, what's next! Is it the life-extending pill?"

"Oh! If you don't buy this Zhuyan Pill, Matchmaker will blame me!"

"This Wanbao Pavilion is really looking for trouble! Why is there only one such panacea? Isn't this looking for trouble!"


As soon as the resident Yan Dan came out, there was an uproar in the hall, and the foundation-building cultivators were discussing a lot. Many foundation-building female nuns were red-eyed, and the Jindan bosses in the VIP room also had headaches.

Li Mu thought for a while, but he didn't get involved in this auction. He is still young, and when the Ziyang Spirit Flower and Yin Soul Fruit are planted and mature, it will take about 20 years at most before he can build the Fundamental Pill. By then, his lifespan, body and appearance will all be In the case of rejuvenation, there is no need for this kind of elixir.

Before, Li Mu intervened for the three God-breaking Pills, and finally gave up after seeing the vigor of the Golden Pills in the VIP seat.

The effect of three God Breaking Pills may not be as powerful as that of an acre of green green fruit ripened!
"A time limit of 5 interest, the starting price of this pill: [-] pieces of Zhongling, the auction begins!" Wan Yuncheng announced loudly, the noisy scene came to an abrupt end, and all the monks participating in the auction put in the bidding order to check the bidding price .

Sure enough, the starting price of 5 Zhongling couldn't stop those female cultivators who were crazy about their looks, and those male cultivators who paid for their Taoist companions.

8, 10, ...

Soon, there were only a few Golden Core cultivators left, competing for the price.

The number of bids rushed towards 20 middle-grade spirit stones.

Wan Yuncheng watched quietly on the auction stage. He didn't need to guide or add fuel to the fire in this fierce bidding. He just had to wait for the end of the bidding time before the hammer dropped to announce the result.

"Bidding for fellow daoist No. 21: 9 Zhongling pieces, remaining time: [-] breaths, is there any bids?" Wan Yuncheng yelled as if to add at the right time.

As soon as Wan Yuncheng's words fell, the bidding figures that had slowed down suddenly jumped violently again. Several potential competitors made efforts in vain, and the bidding became fierce again.

In the end, the time of 9 breaths passed, and this Zhuyan Pill was finally auctioned on the 12th auction order at the price of 30 middle-grade spirit stones, resulting in 6 times the bargaining price.

"Sure enough, this Zhu Yan Pill is in the pocket of Senior Jin Dan, and it is not something we can peek at!"

"Hey! The auction of Wanbao Pavilion is getting more and more high-profile every time. Should we wait here to watch the show?"

"One Zhuyan Pill has 30 spirits. Has this spirit stone depreciated again? Could it be that another large spirit mine has come out!"

"What a hero! With 30 Zhongling, you can buy a few fourth-order spirit weapons."


In the auditorium, the monks of the Foundation Establishment Realm did not have the chance to participate in this level of auction, and they all ate melons to watch the excitement.

Relying on the fiery atmosphere created by Zhuyan Pill, the auctioneer Wan Yuncheng quickly announced that the third item was still a panacea, three fourth-order Huntian Pills.

The time of one hundred breaths is fleeting, and the third lot falls into the hands of the No. 11 VIP room, and the final bidding is: 4.8 pieces of Zhongling.

Then, the fourth lot is still the fourth-order panacea-Ziyang Pill, five Ziyang Pills, and the final bidding price: 6 Zhongling

The fifth lot: a fourth-order sky-replenishing pill, with the ability to complete the qualification, the final bid: 8 Zhongling

The sixth lot: a fourth-order infant congealing pill, which has the ability to break the golden pill and help infant formation. The final bidding price: 45 Zhongling.



All the Jindan monks in the VIP room were blindsided, and the melon-eating 'Foundation Establishment monks' also went crazy!
A large wave of high-level elixirs, all of which were golden elixirs, which the foundation-building cultivators desperately longed for on weekdays, but which were rare, suddenly appeared, and the golden elixir monks in the VIP room took action one after another and took them decisively.

More than a dozen precious high-level panaceas were auctioned off one after another, creating an auction feast.

"Okay! The auction of the elixir has come to an end. Next, the auction of the spirit artifacts will begin. The spirit artifacts for this auction include the artifacts refined by Keqing, Master Chen, and Master Li. There are also those sent by customers. The spiritual artifacts are all top-quality spiritual artifacts that have been carefully selected by the spiritual masters in this pavilion." The auctioneer - Wan Yuncheng looked around the audience and introduced in detail.

Wan Yuncheng looked around the auditorium under the tower, and announced loudly: "Now we are entering the auction of spiritual artifacts. Please look at the first lot, a fourth-grade high-grade flame sword refined by Master Li."

As soon as the voice fell, a sword box appeared in the small teleportation.

Wan Yuncheng opened the sword box, reached out to grab it, and took out a fourth-order spirit sword that was blazing with white flames.

"This sword is composed of fourth-order extreme flame spirit crystals, marrow flame essence stones, and fourth-order black flame snake monster bones. It is refined by Master Li's secret method. The fire flame is extremely spiritual. If it is a fire-type spiritual root, a monk who majors in fire art Take it, not only doubling your combat power, but you can also rely on the fire element of this sword for secondary training on weekdays, and your training speed will double!" Wan Yuncheng grabbed the Huoyan Lingjian in the sword box, waved it lightly, and immediately used the spirit The sword drew out an incandescent fire snake, and the temperature was frighteningly high.

The expressions of the Foundation Establishment cultivators sitting in front of the auditorium changed drastically, and a chill appeared in their hearts.

If it is pounced on by this incandescent fire snake, it will turn into ashes in just two breaths. The power of this fire-type spirit sword is really terrifying.

"What a sword, what a terrifying spirit sword!"

"It's so powerful and spiritual. This fire-type sword intent can transform spirits casually! It's amazing!"

"The spirit of the fire snake gathers together but does not disperse. It is a good sword!"

"Such a peerless sword, Master Li really deserves his reputation! He can't be the same person as Elder Li of Qingxuanzong!"

"It seems that Elder Li of Qingxuanzong was originally from Wanbao Pavilion Refinement Keqing! It's really amazing!"

"The spirit sword here is too strong, and it will definitely attract competition from Jindan seniors. Even if you lose your fortune, you can't afford it. You are destined to miss it!"

"Fourth-order spirit sword! I can only wait and see..."


Seeing Wan Yuncheng use the power of the fourth-order fire-element spirit sword to easily cut out a fiery snake sword energy, which gathered for a long time without dispersing, the eyes of the monks on the scene suddenly became extremely fiery, and they talked excitedly.

"Since the old man does not practice fire-type kungfu, he can only display 5% of the power of this sword, so I won't show it too much here. This sword is very suitable for monks with fire-type roots or who have practiced fire-type kung fu. " Wan Yuncheng introduced it with a smile, and then quoted: "The starting price of this sword: 180 pieces of Zhongling, the auction time limit: [-] points, now, start the auction!"

As soon as Wan Yuncheng's words fell, the auction price scene was displayed under the auction platform, and there was a fierce bidding change immediately.

6, 7, 8... In just a dozen or so breaths, the bidding price skyrocketed to more than 10 Zhongling, and the price then slowly stopped
The auditorium fell into silence for a while, and the foundation-building monks watched blankly. Some people were unwilling to participate in several bidding bids, and quickly gave up.

This spiritual weapon has already become the target of frenzied competition by the Jindan seniors, and there is no room for the foundation cultivators to intervene.


First the elixir, and then the auction of the spiritual weapon. Even if it was the auction of his own spiritual weapon, Li Mu was not interested at all. He continued to read the ancient book "Nanling Chronicle" to pass the time.

Maybe there are too many high-level spirit tools refined, without fusion spirit, without birth tool spirit, spirit tools are equivalent to no soul, in Li Mu's eyes, this kind of spirit tools are rubbish, even if he refined them himself , is also not worthy of attention.

If it wasn't for what Gongsun Chu said, some high-level spirit beasts, spirit plants, and some special exercises books would appear in the auction, Li Mu would not have participated in this auction.

In order to prevent the attention of the Qingxuan sect's high-level officials, Li Mu first used retreat as an excuse, and even postponed the weapon refining task arranged by Elder Yin.

There are not many things that can make him take care of now. Li Mu only wants to stay in Yueqiong Peak to cultivate Lingzhi, and cultivate Xiaojin by the way, or contract a few high-level spirit beasts with better aptitude to train them to serve as spiritual beasts. In the future, I don't want to get involved in other things.

Time passed bit by bit, and the auction had been going on for more than half an hour.

The spirit weapon session was a bit long, so Li Mu would pay attention to it occasionally. The six fourth-level spirit weapons he refined were all sold at a good price, and the commission could earn 34 and five Zhongling, which was far from earning as much for Zongmen refining weapons.

However, taking into account the discounts provided by Wanbao Pavilion for purchasing spiritual objects, and the cost of searching for high-level spiritual resources through Wanbao Pavilion channels, the various invisible benefits provided by Wanbao Pavilion, the value created for the refining of spiritual weapons for the two is not much different.

"Thank you for your active bidding. The auction of spirit artifacts has come to an end. Next, we will enter the auction of spirit beasts. This time, we have received many entrustments from fellow Taoists to auction a batch of high-level spirit beast cubs, beast eggs, and spirit insect eggs. I will introduce them one by one," the auctioneer Wan Yuncheng announced.

"This is the end? I haven't bought a suitable spiritual weapon yet!"

"This is gone! I haven't bought the anti-device yet!"

"The spirit weapon in this auction is too high-end, I can't even grab it!"

"It's in vain! I didn't buy a spirit weapon!"

"Why is it gone! There are too few spirit weapons in this auction!"


As soon as the auctioneer's words fell, it immediately attracted the dissatisfaction of most of the foundation cultivators in the audience. They finally found time to participate in the Wanbao Pavilion's auction, but they became spectators. Many people didn't buy any spiritual artifacts, so they were out of stock up.

"Dear friends, please be calm and don't be impatient. Due to time constraints, we can only take out high-end and precious spiritual artifacts to participate in the auction. If you haven't bought your favorite spiritual artifacts, you can ask my shop assistant later. There are still a large number of high-quality spiritual artifacts in the pavilion that have not been able to participate in the auction. At that time, you can choose as you like, and you can buy them at a lower price. In addition, today, our Wanbao Pavilion also provides extremely high discounts for fellow Taoists!" Wan Yuncheng As expected, he motioned unhurriedly.

"So that's how it is, this is what it looks like!"

"What a discount!"

"If you can buy a suitable spirit weapon at a low price, I will often come to your Wanbao Pavilion to take care of you in the future!"


Hearing this, all the Foundation Establishment cultivators in the audience breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately had a good face.

"Introduce the next lot, which is a fourth-order demon egg!" Wan Yuncheng looked at the small teleportation platform and introduced.

As soon as the words fell, the small teleportation platform had a flash of inspiration, and a gray-colored demon egg more than two feet high and one foot wide appeared, exuding exuberant vitality. There were countless gray dust around the demon egg, which was an earth-type demon egg. It is formed by the gathering of spirit elements by itself.

It means that this fourth-order monster egg is an earth-type monster with excellent aptitude and potential

"This is a monster egg of a Tier [-] Ironclad Rock Lizard. It has excellent qualifications and excellent quality. It is a rare assistant in combat power." Wan Yuncheng introduced with a smile.

"It's a rock lizard! I thought it was a black stone turtle!"

"The iron-clad rock lizard is ugly! And it's still a fourth-order demon egg. I don't know how long it will take to raise it to adulthood!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, if it's an Iron Armored Black Rhinoceros, you have to fight for everything, even if it's a rock lizard!"

"Who would raise this kind of gold-swallowing beast! The resources to raise it are enough to cast gold pills by yourself."


As soon as Wan Yuncheng's introduction fell, countless foundation-building monks complained about its shortcomings, and expressed their dislike for it and would not participate in the auction.

Seeing the audience's reaction, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Wan Yuncheng's face, and he hurriedly proceeded to the next step and announced, "The starting price for this egg: 3 Zhongling, the auction time limit: 60 interest, and the auction begins."

As soon as the words fell, everyone turned to the bidding platform to see who would bid to buy this item.

Auction order No. 72, bidding: 3.2 pieces of Zhongling.

"Hey! Someone is willing to increase the price by 2 Zhongling to buy this egg, and he is still a senior in the VIP room!"

"Indeed! Ironclad rock lizard! This thing needs to eat spirit ants to feed it, how can it afford it!"

"Strange! Ironclad rock lizards are hard to raise, ugly, and have low combat power. Why do you raise them?"


All the monks who established the foundation expressed their incomprehension, and none of the Jindan monks in the VIP room argued with him. In the end, as soon as the 60 breaths arrived, the spiritual object was successfully photographed by the people in the VIP room 72.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist No. 72, you won the auction of a fourth-order demon egg!" Wan Yuncheng, who thought he would fail the auction, breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly announced that he didn't even bother to quote the price.

Then, Wan Yuncheng quickly entered the auction of the next lot, and introduced in a passionate tone: "The next lot, the third-order golden-winged cloud eagle demon eggs, there are three demon eggs this time, and the auction starts one by one. On the auction, the starting price: 5 pieces of Zhongling, and the bidding time limit: 150 interest."

"Wow! Tier [-] Golden Wing Cloud Eagle wow! Wanbao Pavilion can actually sell this kind of monster egg!"

"It's indeed a good thing. It's much better than the Tier [-] Ironclad Rock Lizard. Although there are three of them, I'm afraid I won't be able to compete!"

"That's right! Compared with the armored rock lizard, it's a world apart!"

"Forget it! This is such a good thing! I definitely can't get it."


As soon as the auctioneer finished his introduction, the auditorium once again became 'in an uproar'. However, compared with the disgust before, everyone was very excited this time, wishing to win the auction. The atmosphere was completely different.

"I announce that the auction for the first Golden Winged Cloud Eagle demon egg has begun!" Wan Yuncheng announced excitedly.

The next moment, the bidding price immediately changed dramatically. 7, 8, ..., the bidding kept rising all the way, soaring to more than 15 in a blink of an eye.


In the VIP room No. 72, Li Mu watched with a smile as they bid for the Yunying demon egg, and did not participate in it. He participated in the Wanbao Pavilion auction today and successfully bid for the fourth-order demon egg. Today was not in vain.

When everyone saw that it was a rock lizard, they were immediately intimidated by such factors as the ugly appearance of this monster, the difficult breeding conditions, its timid character, its inability to fight,..., and other factors, even though its price was extremely low , as high as the fourth level, no one dared to take it lightly.

However, Li Mu has the supernatural talent to recognize all spirits!A supernatural power that can see through the roots of everything.

That monster egg is indeed an iron-clad rock lizard, but it is also a hybrid monster egg, but the other half of its high-level monster blood has not been revealed!
No!It should have appeared!It's just that no one pays attention to it, let alone think about it in any way!

Around the fourth-order iron-clad rock lizard egg, a large number of earth-type spiritual elements gathered, which is one of the strange images. This is a demon egg produced by the mixed blood of the fourth-order iron-clad rock lizard and the sixth-order black jade dragon.

The dragon gave birth to nine sons with grotesque shapes, and the nature of the dragon is obscene, so is the dragon, because the blood of the dragon itself is inherited from the dragon, so it also inherits its nature.

This missing one is okay, but Li Mu still hopes that the hatched rock lizard can be more respectful to its father, not to be too ugly!
In the book "The Painting of Demons and Spirits", which introduces various monsters, Li Mu has seen the appearance of the armored rock lizard. It has a long body and a short mouth, a bit like a pangolin magnified a hundred times. , I don't know if that Moyu Flood Dragon is too suffocated, or it wants to try something new, but it will attack the Iron-clad Rock Lizard.

This point, it is estimated that the vast majority of monks on the scene can't think of it!
Li Mu looked at the continuing auction scene, showing a happy smile, waiting for the next auction item.

If he can gather five five-element monsters, refine natal spirit weapons for them, and then teach them to arrange five-element arrays and even five-element sword arrays using the spirit-controlling technique, it will greatly improve and help his overall combat power. look!
Suddenly thinking of this, Li Mu's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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