Chapter 135 Star Beast Bead (seeking monthly ticket)

Nine storage rings of Nascent Soul Demon Lord, 75 top-grade spirit stones, thousands of top-grade spirit stones, tens of millions of middle-grade spirit stones, plus nine storage rings with a large space, these properties add up It is an amazing wealth.

Li Mu took out the high-level spiritual objects from the storage rings of the nine demon lords one by one, and sorted them into categories, one seventh-level spiritual object, three sixth-level spiritual objects, eighteen fifth-level spiritual objects, and four of each Tier [-], Tier [-] spirits are countless,...

Under the innate supernatural power-the identification of all spirits, the information of various spiritual beings is presented in the virtual frame.

【Star Beast Bead (Seal)】

[Rank: seventh-order causal wonder]

[Characteristics: Tracing back to the source, condensing the cause to see the result, ninety-nine Yao Ming]

[Status: Spirituality does not appear, fetish self-proclaimed]

[The orb left by the seventh-order void star beast at the end of its life, the void star beast returns to the ancestral land when it is dying, and crosses the river of time. The special material of the magic weapon can be unsealed by using the watch of the bead tempered by the sky fire. 】

【House of Disgust】

【Rank: Tier [-] Spirit Artifact】

[Characteristics: Gather Yin Qi, condense Yin to heal the body, and avoid catastrophe]

[Sixth-rank disgusting beast skeleton, sixth-rank Luoshen wood, sixth-rank Huangquan Jingyu refined sixth-rank coffin of disgusting gods, has the effect of self-gathering Yin Qi, speeding up the recovery of ghosts, refining the body, and the best support for the cultivation of corpses. artifact. 】

【Nine Yin Grass】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: extreme yin into yang, nourishing soul and strengthening consciousness, condensing yin into spirit]

[Nine-Yin Spirit Grass formed from [-]-year-old Yinfeng Grass contains extremely Yin spiritual power, extremely Yin to Yang, and has the effect of opening the spirit and strengthening the soul after taking it. and taking) is one of the main materials for refining the Jiuzhuan Huanhun Pill. 】

[Tianxu Ding (missing) (sealed)]

【Rank: Tier [-] Spirit Artifact】

[Characteristics: Void space in the sky, transforming spirits into objects, offering sacrifices to hundreds of demons. 】

[Status: The tripod cover of the sky is missing, the spiritual fire of the sky is missing, and the spirit of the weapon is self-appointed]

[Sixth-order Tianque Jingjing, sixth-order Xuyuan soil, sixth-order demon-suppressing stone, the Tianxu cauldron refined by the fire of the spirit, this tripod can refine demons into pills, the cover of the cauldron of the sky, the fire of the spirit is lost, the weapon The soul sealed itself, retrieved the cover of the Tianxu cauldron, the fire of the spirit void, and the Tianxu cauldron unsealed itself. 】

【Blood God Crystal】

【Heavenly evil stone】


The information of various high-level spirits is presented in the virtual frame one by one.

There is only one seventh-order strange item, and the quality of this batch of spoils is beyond Li Mu's imagination.

Li Mu also found a batch of fourth-order soul wood hearts, which are as many as ten squares. This is the ultimate material for refining the original nucleus of the clone puppet. Next, there is no need to worry about the materials for refining the original nucleus of the high-level puppet.

There are also a large number of soul-receiving bottles, blood-receiving bottles, body bags, filled with millions of corpses, copper corpses, ghost corpses, ..., all kinds of high-level magic cultivators, filling the storage ring.

Li Mu's scalp was numb, he didn't know how many people they killed to collect these magic cultivation resources.


There was a crisp cry from the spirit beast bag, and at some point, Xiaobai got out of the spirit beast bag by himself, staring closely at the soul-absorbing bottle in Li Mu's hand with a pair of big black eyes. Food' presence.

"Little glutton, you have such a good nose." Li Mu smiled and handed the soul-absorbing bottle to Xiao Bai.

With a sound of "boo", the soul-absorbing bottle opened by itself, Xiaobai flicked his body, opened his mouth to block the mouth of the bottle, and began to suck in big mouthfuls of "coo coo, coo coo".

In less than a few breaths, 10,000+ living souls in the soul absorbing bottle suddenly entered Xiao Bai's stomach, and its snow-white body exuded a milky white soul mist, and a palpitating soul power emerged.

"Chichi, hiccup!" Xiaobai happily yelled at Li Mu and hiccupped.

"Understood! Go to bed!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, and put away the remaining dozens of soul absorbing bottles. These are Xiaobai's rations, and there will be no need to prepare food for him in the future.Otherwise, every time I hunted before, I would specially collect the spirits of monsters for Xiaobai.

These living souls have been stripped of their original soul memories by the demon lords, leaving only negative ones, which are used to refine the ghost's soul body and feed Xiaobai with them. Li Mu has no psychological burden at all.

Each soul-absorbing bottle is 10,000+ human lives, dozens of soul-absorbing bottles, plus the number of body bags and blood-receiving bottles, one can imagine how many lives the demon cultivators sacrificed to collect these things .

With a flick of his body, Xiao Bai landed in Li Mu's arms, got in, lay in his arms, and fell asleep soundlessly.

Li Mu felt the warm body of the little guy, and tidied up his pocket to make him sleep more comfortably.

Next, Li Mu continued to sort out the loot. First, he collected the corpses used by demon cultivators, blood essence, magic skill cheats, poison and magic pills, and put them into a storage ring. He will find a chance to dispose of them later.

All kinds of low-level spiritual objects, refining materials, ..., Li Mu collected Jiuzang Lingzhu one after another.

Looking at several high-level spiritual objects, Li Mu calculated their uses.

Both the seventh-order star beast bead and the sixth-order imperial spirit bracelet need to be refined with sky fire to unseal them or recruit spirits again.

Spiritual objects like Skyfire, no matter what, had to find a way to get them.

If it really doesn't work, I will go to the Zhongzhou Lingyu when I am promoted to Nascent Soul.

The seventh-order star beast bead and the sixth-order spiritual tortoise shell both have the attributes of divination and causality. If they can break through the fifth level of the refining technique, after unsealing these two pieces, they can refine a sixth-level or even seventh-level tortoise shell. A high-level divination tool.

Um!If you have the opportunity, you should also learn arithmetic.

At that time, go out and do fortune-telling to reduce the chance of getting into a crisis.

Li Mu happily put the seventh-order star beast bead into the storage compartment, and put it together with the Lingyun black tortoise shell.

The god-hate coffin is a good spiritual tool for refining corpses, but after learning the puppet technique, Li Mu is not going to follow the way of refining corpses, and it is really disgusting to have to work with corpses all day long.

The high-level spiritual object of the disgusting coffin is a bit tasteless, Li Mu put it in the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and prepared to exchange it for a high-level spiritual object, or dispose of it.

"This kind of high-level spirit grass that can strengthen the soul is really good! It's a pity that there is no Nine Suns spirit grass to neutralize it." Li Mu put the Nine Yins spirit grass back into the ice jade box to see if he can find it later Take a Nine Yang Spirit Grass to neutralize it.

Li Mu's soul is already very strong, taking the Nine Yin Spirit Grass is the icing on the cake, so there is no need to worry.

However, Li Mu pays more attention to the spirit-enlightening effect of the Nine Yin Spirit Grass. I don't know if this spirit-enlightening effect is related to spirituality.

Artifact refining, talisman making, puppetry, ..., these cultivation arts, because of the lack of the key attribute of spirituality, are stuck at level 5, and cannot continue to use free proficiency points to improve.

Even the free proficiency points obtained by successfully refining high-level spiritual weapons and puppets cannot be improved.

Li Mu was a little anxious, and was always looking for high-level spiritual plants that could increase spirituality.

If the Nine Yin Spirit Grass can increase spiritual points, Li Mu is going to plant a batch of Nine Yin Spirit Grass. First, he will look for the spiritual seeds of the Yin Phoenix Grass, and plant them until the Yin Wind Grass advances to the Nine Yin Spirit Grass.

Seriously putting the jade box containing the Nine Yin Spirit Grass into the storage compartment, Li Mu looked at another sixth-level spiritual object - the Tianxu Cauldron.

The texture of the Tianxu Ding Ding is gray and black, old, with mottled patina on the surface, and the three tripod legs are about two feet high and one and a half feet wide..., which looks extremely ordinary.

If it weren't for the gifted ability to recognize all spirits, how could Li Mu have never expected that this dilapidated small cauldron turned out to be a sixth-order spiritual weapon, and it has the powerful function of refining demons into pills.

It's a pity that both the lid of the Tianxu Cauldron and the fire of spirit void in the cauldron are missing, and the spirituality is not revealed. Where can I find it?
Li Mu sighed, and prepared to put the Tianxu Cauldron in the storage compartment and put it in the bottom of the box.
At this moment, a flash of light flashed in Li Mu's mind, thinking that not long ago, he asked several Yuanying Zhenjuns of Qingxuanzong about the Five Elements Spirit Beast.

Zhenjun Zhou Hong said that in Tianfeng Mountain, a mass of spiritual void fire was bred in a ground fissure, and a sixth-order spiritual void demon sparrow, could it be that this mass of spiritual void ground fire was lost by the Tianxu cauldron? Spirit fire?

As soon as this idea appeared, Li Mu couldn't help but want to go to find out immediately.

If the Tianxu Cauldron can be restored, it will be extremely difficult to use this device to capture a few high-level monster cubs.

Li Mu frowned, thinking seriously, Huanlang Lingshan is not far ahead, should he go to explore the caves of Huanlang Lingshan first, or change his way to explore the Lingxu ground fire of Tianfengshan, and capture the cubs of monsters? Going to explore Huanlangling Mountain again?

Li Mu weighed the pros and cons, and soon made a decision.

Compared with exploring the unknown Guxiu Cave Mansion, it is more sure and less dangerous to deal with monsters. Li Mu immediately decided to divert to the Wanyao Mountain Range. That ancient cave mansion.

In addition, Li Mu planned to use the time when the Tissot spirit ship arrived at its destination, using the fourth-order soul wood heart to refine a batch of fourth-order clone puppets.

Unlike dealing with monks, dealing with monsters is easier and can use some scheming and tricks.

The clone puppets, as well as the army of puppets, talismans, traps, etc. can all be used. When dealing with high-level monsters, using the clone puppets can save Li Mu himself from risking himself.

(End of this chapter)

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