Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 150 Heavenly Absolute Demon Lord

Chapter 150 Heavenly Absolute Demon Lord
Because of the appearance of the vast thunder cloud, Demon Venerable Tianjue led the disciples of the Nine Demon Sect to launch an expedition against Qingxuanzong ahead of schedule.

Are you kidding me? To produce such a grand thunder disaster, the strength of the person who crosses the disaster must be extraordinary. If he is allowed to successfully survive the thunder disaster, how can he win Qingxuanzong? Hundreds of years of plans will be ruined.

Right now, the most critical issue is to prevent the other party from passing the tribulation smoothly.

The disciples of the Nine Devil Sects, driving the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, rushed towards the location of the Thunder Tribulation Terrace of Qingxuanzong.

"Master is not well, people from the Nine Demon Sect came to our door, and our people suffered heavy losses."

"Master, 36 sword peaks have been broken, people from the Nine Demon Sect are coming to the Seventh Main Peak!"


The wounded disciples of Qingxuanzong anxiously reported to Venerable Qingfeng that the Nine Demon Sect suddenly invaded the hinterland of Qingxuanzong, and the sect was in danger.

"Brother, do you want to activate the sect protection array now!" Zhenjun Qingwen looked at Venerable Qingfeng and suggested.

"No, this lightning calamity is very powerful. If the sect-protecting formation is activated, the mountain-protecting formation may not be able to last long under the thunder calamity, and it will also destroy the opponent's crossing tribulation." Venerable Qingfeng rejected True Monarch Qingfeng's proposal without even thinking about it.

The reason why the Tribulation Terrace was set up at Tianxuan Peak and surrounded by the sect-protecting formation was to protect the tribulation passers-by. Once the tribulation-crossing people were unable to support the thunder calamity, they could open the sect-protecting formation to help resist the tribulation thunder. Even if they failed to cross the tribulation, they could still protect their lives.

However, the current situation is different. The Nine Devil Sect's people are about to kill the sect's hinterland, and they can only be resisted by opening the sect protection array.

However, the members of the Nine Demon Sect are about to be killed. If the Great Formation of Protecting the Sect is not activated, it will really be over!
For a while, whether to open or not to open the protective array became a problem.

Venerable Qingfeng thought for a while, and directly sent a voice transmission to the person who crossed the catastrophe: "It is a great honor for you to choose to cross the catastrophe in this sect. However, now that the Nine Demon Sect's army is coming, we have to open the sect-protecting formation, which will interrupt the thunder tribulation of fellow daoists. In my opinion, please fly out of the tribulation platform and pass the tribulation outside the sect-protecting formation.

Li Mu, who was going through the thunder calamity, received the sound transmission from Venerable Qingfeng, and immediately focused on dual purposes, letting go of his spiritual sense to explore the outside world.

As Venerable Qingfeng said, a large number of people from the Nine Demon Sects killed the Qingxuanzong headquarters, and the corpses of the Qingxuanzong disciples were swept into the corpse mountain. The blood flow gathered into a sea, and they were heading towards the seven main peaks of the Qingxuanzong. The purpose is self-evident.

The Nine Demon Sect chose this time to attack Qingxuanzong, probably because of the influence of the super-large-scale thundercloud!
Li Mu sighed, and against the thunderbolts, he floated up in the air, flew away from Dujietai, and flew out of the care range of Qingxuanzong's protective array.

"Quickly, quickly activate the sect-protecting formation, and order all the disciples to return to the main peak." Seeing this scene, Venerable Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief and signaled loudly.

"Yes! Senior Brother!"

Several Nascent Soul True Monarchs immediately returned to the seven main peaks to lead the guardian formation.

Countless disciples of the Qingxuan Sect received the order, gave up resistance one after another, and fled back to the Seven Great Ancestral Peaks. Those who were too late to retreat could only be killed by the hands of the Nine Demon Sect.

"噗, 噗..." The seven main peaks of Qingxuanzong emit magnificent spiritual pressure, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathers, connects with each other, and immediately merges together to form a huge spiritual energy barrier. Venerable Qingfeng flies into the formation hole of Tianxuan Peak, and remotely controls the killing sword generated by the gathering of heaven and earth spiritual energy in the Qingxuanzong Protecting Sect Formation - Qijue Illusory Killing Formation, but does not shoot it.

The heaven and earth lore sword, tens of thousands of feet high, was suspended in the air, aiming at the corpse mountain and blood sea army of the Nine Demon Sect, barely stopping the attack.

"Great! The guardian array has finally opened!"

"Saved! I survived."

"Look, that thundercloud group is moving towards Baiyun Peak."

"It must be the ancestor who persuaded him to leave Tianxuan Peak, otherwise, such a big thunder cloud, the guardian formation really couldn't hold it!"

"What a terrifying thunder tribulation! If he can pass through smoothly, we will be saved!"

"The Nine Devil Sects are coming to kill at this time, because they are afraid that our ancestors will survive the thunder disaster!"

"By the way, which patriarch is going through this thunder calamity! I just saw Patriarch Feng, and he is not the one who crosses the tribulation!"

"It's not the elders of Zhenjun, I saw them just now."


With the opening of the Protecting Sect Formation-Qijue Illusory Killing Formation, the safety of the seven main peaks of Qingxuanzong has greatly increased. The disciples of Qingxuanzong looked at the huge loophole-shaped thunder disaster in the sky, and kept guessing about the identity of the person who crossed the disaster.

"Mo Zu, the survivors outside the Qingxuan Sect have all been killed. Most of the disciples are hiding in the sect's protective formation, and they can't move for the time being."

Tianjue Mozun has a pair of jet-black pupils that are different from ordinary people, but his eyes are coquettish blood red, with a trace of light green and a trace of light blue mixed in, which does not make people feel cloudy, but instead has a sense of coquettish and seductive.

He was tall and straight, wearing a black suit and a blood-colored cloak. He was not angry and majestic, with great oppressive force, and the arrogance of the world.

However, Tianjue Mojun looked at the thunderclouds in the sky, and watched the man who had crossed the tribulation accept the baptism of the sky thunder again and again, his calm face revealed a trace of sternness.

"Has the identity of the person who crossed the catastrophe been found out?" Tianjue Mozun asked coldly, turning a deaf ear.

Compared with the disciples of Qingxuanzong, Tianjue Demon Venerable was more concerned about the information about the man who survived the tribulation in the sky.

"Demon Ancestor, most of the core disciples have been searched for souls. The origin and identity of the person who crossed the catastrophe is still unverifiable. It is suspected to be a true biography of Jindan-Wang Jianfeng, but according to our understanding of Qingxuanzong Wang Jianfeng, it is definitely not this person."

"Continue to investigate, and set up a Great Yin Formation in the place where this person crosses the tribulation. No matter how much he pays, he will not be allowed to escape from the Great Yin Formation after completing the tribulation." Tianjue Demon Lord said solemnly with a cold expression.

"Understood, do you want to continue attacking the main peaks of Qingxuanzong, and eradicate the remnants of Qingxuanzong hiding in the sect's protective formation?" The Blood Yuan Demon Lord ordered and asked.

"Don't worry about those turtles, let's deal with the person who has crossed the catastrophe first." Tianjue Mozun refused without thinking, and ordered in a cold voice.

"Mozu, do you want to send some people to die to strengthen the power of Thunder Tribulation." Primordial Blood Demon Lord nodded, looked at Tianjue Demon Lord and signaled.

"Forget it, sending Jindan disciples is useless, and letting several demon kings take action will not increase the power of the thunder disaster, but it will only increase the casualties. You can go to the formation!" Tianjue Demon Venerable thought carefully and vetoed.

"Yes!" The Blood Yuan Demon Lord took the order and left, and asked his subordinates to set up the Yin Yin formation with all their strength.

In Tianjue Mozun's view, the remnants of Qingxuanzong hiding in the sect's protective formation are all chickens and dogs. Even Qingfeng, the ancestor of Qingxuanzong who transformed the gods, the Tianjue Mozun didn't notice.

However, the person who crossed the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation in front of him was different. He was not sure whether he could survive such a grand and powerful thunder disaster.

Once this person survives the thunder disaster safely and his strength rises further, he will definitely become a big threat in the future.

It's a pity that this person is in the process of crossing the catastrophe, but whoever strikes at him will be included in the attack range of the thunder catastrophe. With such a powerful thunder catastrophe, every sky thunder of the thunder catastrophe may kill a Nascent Soul Demon Venerable.

Therefore, Demon Lord Tianjue vetoed the proposal of Demon Monarch Blood Yuan, and sent other disciples to die, offering some strength to increase the intensity of Thunder Tribulation.

It's definitely not that Tianjue Demon Lord can't bear to sacrifice the lives of his subordinates, but that this kind of behavior can't bring any benefits, and it's even easy to share the damage of tribulation thunder to those who cross the tribulation.

The power of this catastrophe is too great. If you want to use the life of Nascent Soul Demon Lord to fill it, I am afraid it will take dozens or hundreds of people to increase the power by [-] to [-]%.

Seeing that the man crossed the tribulation with ease, even if he increased the power of the thunder tribulation by [-]% or [-]%, it was just a painless situation for him. If he helped him divert the power of the thunder tribulation, the gain would outweigh the loss.

Where did the evildoer come from, with such a deep foundation of true energy cultivation and body training.

Tianjue Mozun stared at Li Mu, who was crossing the thunder calamity, feeling a sense of irritability in his heart. The success of the hundreds of years of planning is imminent, and now such a monstrous person blocking the way has been killed halfway, it is really speechless.

Qingxuanzong, Tianxuan Peak.

Venerable Qingfeng, as well as a group of Nascent Soul True Monarchs and Jindan disciples are all concerned about the situation of the Thunder Tribulation and the Nine Demon Sects outside.

"People from the Nine Demon Sect are surrounding the 'Old Ancestor' and forming a magic circle!"

"It's over! Shall we go out to support the ancestor?"

"Why is this thunder tribulation not over yet? We can't let the people from the Nine Demon Sects set up a large formation!"


The disciples of the Qingxuan Sect talked a lot, and they were very worried about the 'Old Ancestor' who was facing the foreign robbery. Seeing that he was surrounded by countless disciples of the Nine Demon Sects, he waved the sky and demon banners, and released the Yin Ling Cloth Great Formation.

"The people of the Nine Devil Sect seem to be setting up a great array of extreme yin, senior brother, shall we take action?" Zhenjun Qingwen frowned and asked Venerable Qingfeng for instructions.

"No hurry, when the thunder tribulation is over, we will use the heaven and earth spirit sword to break through this formation." Venerable Qingfeng waved his hand, staring at the form of the catastrophe.

It has been so long before the Five Elements Thunder Tribulation was passed, and the size of the vast thunder cloud shrank to only one percent of its original size. However, the size of the calamity cloud shrunk, but its power increased hundreds of times.

However, it seems to be able to bear it easily when placed on the person who has crossed the catastrophe.

Under the bombardment of thunder after thunder, the dark skin on the surface of Li Mu's body was peeled off piece by piece, revealing a flawless white skin. Under the baptism of thunder, Li Mu's body ushered in a reborn marrow.

After the baptism of the Five Elements Thunder Tribulation, Li Mu's Five Elements Dao Body was completely solidified.

At this moment, the size of the thunder cloud shrank again, and a new thunder calamity was brewing. Taking advantage of this gap, Li Mu took out a bottle of elixir from the storage compartment, poured out a bodhi pill and swallowed it.

Bodhi Pill is one of Li Mu's preparations to assist in crossing the catastrophe. There were other healing pills originally, but they were useless after the Five Elements Thunder Calamity passed safely.

However, for the next thunder catastrophe, Li Mu did not have the confidence to face it, so to be on the safe side, he took a Bodhi Pill in advance, just in case.

The five-element thunder tribulation has a total of five rounds of thunder tribulation - 45 thunder tribulations, and survived safely. What kind of thunder tribulation will be dealt with next is unknown, but Li Mu dared to give it a go for other thunder tribulations.

Only in the face of the inner demon tribulation, Li Mu did not have much confidence in passing it.

After taking the Bodhi Pill, Li Mu's brain remained clear and ascetic, and the Buddha's will protected his heart, waiting for the thunder to fall.

There was a loud "boom", and a black lightning struck Li Mu. The black lightning did not cause much damage to his body, but the magnetic field illusion generated by the black thunder brought Li Mu's spirit into the illusion.

"The most difficult heart demon tribulation in the Nine Nine Thunder Tribulations! I hope that the ancestor can get through it safely!"

"It's terrible, is it so difficult to cross the catastrophe!"

"Ninety-nine thunder tribulations, one thunderbolt is more terrifying than the other, can the ancestor really survive it smoothly?"

"Black Thunder, this is the first time I have seen this kind of black Thunder!"

"Don't make a fuss, black represents the demonic nature, that is the calamity of the heart demon, also called the calamity of the heavenly demon, which tests the mind of those who cross the catastrophe."


The disciples of Qingxuanzong who hid in the protective formation and paid close attention to Lei Jie talked a lot. They were full of admiration for the 'ancestor' who crossed the robbery, and they were full of awe for the vast thunder disaster.

The same is true for the side of the Nine Demon Sects. They have stopped attacking, and after setting up a large array of yin and yin around them, they all pay attention to the heavenly thunder tribulation, and are shocked by the magnificent thunder calamity.

The two forces suspended the fighting. It seemed that the outcome of this thunder disaster could determine the direction of the follow-up situation. Everyone was waiting for the end of the thunder disaster.

The demon cultivators of the Nine Demon Sect wished that the person who crossed the calamity would die under the thunder calamity and the battle would end as soon as possible.

At the same time, after watching this terrifying thunder tribulation, the demon cultivators were also worried about their fate in the future.

"It's too scary, there are more than forty such powerful thunder tribulations."

"This Heavenly Demon Tribulation, he probably won't be able to get through it!"

"When we survive the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation in the future, there is a high probability that this Heavenly Demon Tribulation will also occur!"

"Damn! Hack him to death quickly, and end it quickly!"

"Grass, what ghost thunder calamity, after so long, it still can't kill people."

Compared with ordinary monks, in order to improve their cultivation base, demon cultivators, regardless of means, create a large number of killings and cause a lot of karma. Therefore, once they cross the catastrophe, they will 100% face punitive thunder catastrophe.

In addition, the method of improving the cultivation level of the magic cultivator is relatively quick, and the foundation is not stable. Therefore, the probability of successfully surviving the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation is only one-two tenth of that of ordinary monks.

Now, seeing the horror of this thunder disaster with their own eyes, it is inevitable that countless monks of the Demon Sect will empathize with them.

They cursed hysterically, venting their fear.

(End of this chapter)

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