Chapter 168 Special Information
Li Mu's silence made Li Xiaotian a little embarrassed.

Li Xiaotian looked at Li Mu, embarrassed to continue explaining: "Master Ye, the Nine Demon Sect is definitely not dead, and will definitely send disciples to secretly monitor the movements of the Five Sects. If we go to the Spirit Control Sect at this time, we may also be targeted by the Nine Demon Sect. Master, can we wait for the meeting with Zhenjun Tianhong later, after Li has dealt with the family affairs, I will definitely find time to introduce Zhenjun Tianhong to you."

Li Mu frowned and thought for a while, nodded in agreement and said, "Well, let's do it according to your wishes! There is no rush for this matter."

A few months ago, when the Nine Demon Sects attacked the Qingxuan Sect, Li Mu personally fought with the Absolute Demon Lord that day.

The Nine Demon Sects returned after a major defeat, the Nascent Soul Demon Monarchs lost more than [-] people, and the Demon Lord Tianjue was even beaten and fled. His strength was greatly damaged, and he could not recover without recuperating for a period of time.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Tianjue to be able to gather and integrate the powers of Corpse Refining Sect, Yinhun Sect, Bone Sect, Blood God Sect, Tianmo Sect, Demon Sound Sect, Tiansha Sect, Wuxinmen, Evil Buddha Sect, and the Nine Great Demon Sects. Mozun is a powerhouse who turns into a god, and there must be a stronger force behind him.

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help but think of the last time, he rashly used the seventh-order causal wonder-the star beast legacy, and peeked into four future pictures from the long river of time.

There are black shadow war beasts everywhere, dense battleships in the sky, a war between foreign forces and local monks, standing in the air with a black robe sitting on a black dragon, holding a blue long sword, covered with wounds, The ground is full of dead bodies, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of corpses of monsters, and corpses of monks are scattered all over the battlefield on the ground.

It seems that in the world, he is the only one left to fight the terrifying demon king, but he is surrounded by the demon king's army and cannot escape...

Thinking of the four future images again, Li Mu couldn't help falling into a state of trance, with a slightly heavy heart.

"Master Ye, although we can't go to Yulingzong to find Zhenjun Tianhong for the time being, I will find a way to contact him. If he goes out, I will notify you as soon as possible!" Li Xiaotian didn't notice Li Mu's distraction, He gestured gratefully.

Li Mu suddenly woke up and looked at Li Xiaotian.

It is really difficult to deal with such high-level spiritual things as Tianhuo, forget it, the matter of Tianhuo can only be discussed in the long run.

"Okay!" Li Mu nodded happily
Li Mu really urgently needs to collect sky fires and practice that day-level weapon refining method. However, for now, the keel of the bloodthirsty violent flood dragon is repaired to form a two-dragon bound fairy formation, which is equipped with a five-element sword formation, and the combat power is greatly improved. Refining a batch of high-level combat puppets and preparing more trump cards to deal with the enemy, when the time comes, it doesn't matter to go to the Imperial Spirit Sect again.

After talking about the business, Li Xiaotian politely declined the expensive gift. Li Mu drank spirit wine, tasted spirit fruit, and chatted about some anecdotes with him. The atmosphere was relaxed.

After chatting for a while, Li Xiaotian was sent away. Li Mu entered the Dongtian Lingbao-Huajie Baofu again, harvested a thousand cubic meters of star wood, and began to refine the battle puppets.

In order to be able to smoothly carve puppet patterns on the fifth-order star wood, Li Mu purposely refined a set of fifth-order puppet carving knives with the hard and sharp fifth-order gold system refining material - Tianyun Ruijin.

In the stone room, Li Mu devoted himself to carving the body of the star wooden puppet. The carving knife made of Tianyun sharp gold is extremely sharp, and the carving patterns are carved on wood, and the wood is cut like mud.

Shards of star wood, as heavy as iron, fell and flew.

As time passed bit by bit, a star wooden puppet body with 'silver stars' on its surface and covered with puppet spirit patterns gradually took shape under Li Mu's nimble hands.

Soon, Li Mu reached out to open the puppet array source of the star wood puppet body, took out a puppet source core from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and put it into the puppet core array eye, and then took out twelve A top-grade spirit stone, embedded in the puppet power array.

Powerful fluctuations of spiritual power quickly spread from the star wood puppet, and the spiritual pressure increased rapidly. Soon, the combat puppet made of star wood reached the strength of the spiritual pressure of a monk at the peak of Jindan.

Li Mu looked at the seven-foot-tall battle puppet, the star wood was thick and hard, with a mysterious aura emanating from it, low-key but powerless.

Divine Ability Talent - Recognizing All Souls, the attribute information of this star wood battle puppet is presented in the character log box.

【Battle Puppet】

[Rank: Tier [-] Ultimate Puppet]

[Characteristics: Starlight Gathering Power, Unparalleled Defense, Autonomous Fighting, Star Gathering Shield, Power of Thousands of Catches. 】

[The fourth-order soul wood heart, the fifth-order star wood, the refined fourth-order battle puppet, the soul wood source core has an independent fighting consciousness, and the star wood puppet body layout: star-gathering array, star-force gathering array, giant puppet array , Combat strength is unparalleled. 】

Seeing the attributes of the star wood battle puppet, Li Mu couldn't help but smile, very happy.

Although this battle puppet is only at the fourth level and cannot reach the fifth level, but with the special strength of the upper star wood and several puppet battle patterns related to the application of star power, although it only has the spiritual pressure of the golden core peak period, its combat power is almost equal to Nascent Soul early stage monk.

Li Mu has a large number of fifth-level star wood and a large number of fourth-level soul wood hearts. This level of battle puppets can be refined a lot, and it is no problem to form an army of battle puppets.

A large number of fourth-level soul wood hearts were obtained from the spoils of the Nascent Soul Demon Monarch of the Nine Demon Sects, and the Tianjue Demon Lord. This kind of high-level Yin-attributed wood is a constant item for soul refining and corpse refining demon cultivators. It is suitable for nourishing souls, refining Soul, at the same time, is also suitable for refining to refine the fourth-order puppet pronucleus.

When he was on the road or in his free time, Li Mu refined the fourth-level soulwood hearts into puppet source cores. Assemble the puppet army.

Thinking of this, Li Mu's heart skipped a beat and he was eager to try.

It takes about half an hour to carve the body of a star wood battle puppet, but it doesn't take much time to refine the body of a thousand star wood puppets.

After refining the body of the combat puppet, the leftovers can be used to refine a lot of self-explosive spider puppets. Ordinary second- and third-order talismans are not a threat to Nascent Soul cultivators. At that time, it is necessary to increase the rank of the self-explosive talisman to equip the self-explosive spider puppets. Some high-level thunder talismans and fire talismans.

Tut tut!This batch of battle puppet army has been refined, and there is another trump card.

Li Mu's heart was moved, and he acted quickly, throwing himself into refining the body of the star wood battle puppet, staying in the secret room of Li's courtyard, and crazily carving puppet patterns on each star wood.


Time flies, and seven days pass in a blink of an eye.

Li Mu left Li's courtyard with a tired face, and went to Tianji Pavilion to purchase a batch of supplies.

These days, Li Mu has worked tirelessly to refine a large number of star wood battle puppets, and at the same time, refining self-explosive spider puppets is also indispensable.

Next, Li Mu plans to draw a batch of high-level talismans for the self-explosive spider puppet, but there is a lack of talisman paper for drawing fourth-level and fifth-level thunder talismans and fire talismans.

Li Mu had to go out and go to Tianji Pavilion to buy a batch of high-level talisman papers, or, for the corpses of high-level thunder-type or fire-type monsters, peel off the talisman papers by himself.

In order to avoid revealing the identity of 'Master Ye' in the Tianji Pavilion, Li Mu put on a black robe, deliberately changed the appearance of the spirit fox mask, replaced it with the image of 'Old Zhang', reversed the breath and changed the Yuan, and restored the cultivation of the Yuanying junior monk for.

Soon, Li Mu, who disguised himself, came to the door of Tianji Pavilion.

In Tianji Pavilion, the teahouse lobby on the first floor was extremely lively, dozens of tea tables were filled with tea guests, and almost none of them were absent.

Behind a mahogany desk in the center of the hall, Dr. Tea, as always, talked about the current hot news.

"The following news, I believe everyone here will be interested. Have you heard of the Guyuan Battlefield?"

"Some of the Daoist friends present here are still young and may not have heard of it. Let me briefly introduce here. There was a great battle with the Yaozu, and the Guyuan Plain was the most tragic battlefield, and it was the victory of that battle that allowed us humans to gain a foothold in the Southern Lingyu..."

"Now, the Guyuan battlefield has been taken back by the monster race. However, the Guyuan battlefield is still the place where the conflict between our human race and the monster race is the most intense. The war continues, and countless outstanding monks of our human race have been buried. It caused many sects to disappear here,..., under the leadership of Tianxuan Sword Sect, the five sects joined forces to open up wasteland in order to win the Guyuan battlefield,..."


Dr. Cha talked endlessly about the battle that took place in Guyuan Battlefield, which attracted countless tea drinkers to listen, not daring to miss the exciting content.

Li Mu was not very interested in these sect wars, so he went directly to the welcoming maid, and under her guidance, he walked to the secret room on the second floor where information was sold.

"Senior, please drink a cup of spiritual tea first, please wait for a while, the celestial master you want to meet is now receiving guests!" The maid led Li Mu into the side hall to wait, and went back and forth, holding a cup of steaming spiritual tea in both hands. Tea, handed it to Li Mu respectfully, and explained.

Li Mu nodded, took the maid's spiritual tea, brought it to his mouth to taste, and waited patiently.

Li Mu made an appointment to meet with Tianji Master Shi Hongyao. Unfortunately, she was entertaining guests, and she didn't know when she would have to wait.

Sky secret room.

Shi Hongyao's eyes were slightly closed, and he was communicating with Tianji Pavilion's inheritance treasure-Tianji mirror, inquiring about the information purchased by the other party.

Venerable Lin Hai sat opposite Shi Hongyao, patiently waiting for the other party's reply.

"Senior Lin, the information you want has been found. However, this person is good at disguising and has multiple identities. His information is not so accurate." Shi Hongyao opened his eyes, ended the communication with Tianjijing, and looked at Lin Hai His Holiness signaled.

"Well! Just find the target, and give me his information!" Venerable Lin Hai said urgently with a happy expression on his face.

In order to buy this information, Venerable Lin Hai emptied most of his wealth. However, you get what you pay for. This Tianji Pavilion is worthy of being a professional in intelligence. They really let them find out the cultivator who killed Venerable Tianyun.

"Yes!" Shi Hongyao nodded happily, and began to write on the rice paper on the table.

"This person's characteristics: the five elements are gathered together, he has the cultivation base of Yuanying, he is good at using the five elements sword array, his combat power is extremely strong, he can surpass the ranks and defeat the monks who transform the gods, and he used a mountain seal magic weapon and a thunder magic weapon when fighting Venerable Tianyun , decisive in killing, cautious in character, now I don’t know where to escape.”

"The person who highly meets these characteristics is: Qingxuanzong Artifact Refining Elder - Li Mu. At the same time, he is also the guest minister of Wanbao Pavilion Artifact Refining. In addition, another identity: Jian Chen. As for what other identity he used, it is impossible to find out. "

"This son is extremely cautious and low-key. He has been hiding secrets in Qingxuanzong for nearly a hundred years. No one in the sect knows his true cultivation. He is good at refining weapons, arranging sword arrays, and the way of puppets. Xuanzong, this person just happened to be promoted to the Nascent Soul with the aptitude of a century-old bone age, and successfully survived the Ninety-Nine Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation.

"After this person survived the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, he used his own strength to fight fiercely against the Demon Lord Tianjue. His strength was evenly divided. After fighting for nearly a quarter of an hour, he prevented Venerable Qingyun from helping him. He succeeded in a decisive battle with a thousand swords. Killing the Heavenly Jue Demon Venerable's dharma body will make the Nine Demon Sect's attack on Qingxuanzong come to naught."

"When this person was cultivating at the golden core, he was suspected to be 'Jian Chen', and he fought nine times in one battle, killing the number of Nascent Soul Demon Lords, Blood Shadow Demon Lords, Bone Demon Lords, Heavenly Corpse Demon Lords,... , Waiting for the nine Demon Lords to save the five Yuanying True Lords of the Qingxuan Sect."

"When this person was cultivating at the Golden Core, before he crossed the Nascent Soul Thunder Calamity, he did not know what he had stolen from the Mountain and River Sect - Venerable Huo Tian. He was hunted down by the Venerable Huo Tian for decades. However, because of his cautious character, he was good at Pretending to hide, forbearance, has not been found by Venerable Huotian,..."

"After this person was promoted to Nascent Soul, he defeated Tianjue Demon Venerable, and his true cultivation was exposed, so he simply left Qingxuanzong and went straight to Huanlang Lingshan. From the comprehensive judgment of time, combat power, characteristics and other aspects, this person is Venerable Tianyun fought fiercely and successfully killed Venerable Tianyun."


Shi Hongyao wrote down the information of 'Li Mu' with a pen, and explained it to Venerable Lin Hai in detail.

A piece of rice paper is full of intelligence information. The intelligence content includes specific examples, estimation and judgment, analysis and deduction, ..., the intelligence collected from various aspects is gathered together, and the intelligence information of the target is almost analyzed clearly. clearly.

If this information was seen by Li Mu, who was waiting in the lounge outside the secret room, his face would turn pale with fright. The Tianji Pavilion almost took off his underpants. One appeared in the intelligence paper.

Shi Hongyao handed the densely packed information paper to Venerable Lin Hai, and said with a smile: "Senior Lin, this is the murderer who killed Senior Tianyun, please have a look."

Venerable Lin Hai accepted the information paper with a solemn expression, as if he had received a hot potato.

I thought Venerable Tianyun underestimated his opponent, and was killed by a mere Nascent Soul cultivator under carelessness. Who knew that this Nascent Soul cultivator was simply a monster!With Jindan cultivation base, he can defeat nine Yuanying Zhenjun with one opponent.

He even crossed the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation with a bone age of a hundred years. After successfully surmounting the tribulation, he would be able to compete with the veteran cultivator-Tianjue Mozun in strength.

Venerable Tianyun's death at the hands of this guy was not careless at all, but rather, he fought hard and died.

Tianyan Shenjun's Dongtian Lingbao was acquired by this evildoer, do they still have a chance to get it back?
Thinking of this, Venerable Lin Hai's face was as dark as the bottom of a casserole. Facing such a monster, he felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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