This pair of array flags and array disks are combined to form a fourth-order array called: Sleepy Dragon Array Disk.

The heavenly treasure of Tianyan Shenjun, the spiritual objects related to the formation, in addition to the inheritance of the Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation, Li Mu also obtained some formations related to the formation, and this fourth-order sleepy dragon formation plate is one of them.

The sleepy dragon array was activated successfully, generating a huge power of the magic circle that quickly spread around the entire Linggu.

Soon, a spiritual power mixed with dragon energy quickly gathered around Linggu, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into an energy array filled with blue aura, which enveloped Linggu and isolated it.

Seeing this scene, the Blood Refining Demon Lord's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately rushed out of the pit.

The blood-refining Demon Lord is wearing a blood-colored robe, with a disgraced face, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, ..., he looks very embarrassed, but he has no longer cared about his appearance, and a pair of scarlet blood pupils are staring at the green-robed man who is floating in the air. Full of killing intent.

This guy came out of nowhere, he must be an upright monk from some sect, he was caught off guard!
But that's all there is to it!

The blood refining demon monarch grabbed it with his big hand, and he grabbed a blood-colored sword from the blood pool in his body. A burst of strong death energy gushed out from the blood-colored sword, quickly filling the entire world.

The right hand of the Blood Refining Demon Monarch firmly grasped the blood-colored demon sword, and the demonic sword power emanating from the blood-colored demon sword also rose steadily, and a wave of blood-colored demonic energy surrounded him.

In the next moment, a terrifying sword intent emanated from the Blood Demon Monarch, which merged with the demonic nature of the Scarlet Demon Sword, reaching the state of the fusion of human and sword.

Li Mu's expression froze, and he felt the spiritual pressure of the blood refining demon king, his strength and aura had undergone astonishing changes, and he became vigilant

The Blood Refining Demon Lord opened his angry eyes wide, swiped his sword and slashed, and a blood-colored sword energy instantly turned into half a moon, and struck sharply.

Li Mu had expected it a long time ago, and the thunder wings behind him spread out, turning into a beam of thunder light, avoiding the bloody sword energy.

In the next second, Li Mu turned into a blue thunder light and charged towards the Blood Demon King, thunderous.

There was a loud "boom", and the bloody sword energy slashed fiercely on the cover of the magic circle. However, being blocked by the cover, it only caused ripples on the energy circle, and the trapped dragon magic circle was as solid as gold.

The fourth-order trapping dragon formation has a very strong effect of trapping the enemy. Although it is not as good as the second-level dragon binding fairy formation, it cannot be broken in an instant by ordinary brute force.

Li Mu flashed out close to him, and punched out with a punch close to his body.

There was a loud "touch", and the blood refiner was sent flying by Li Mu's punch.

However, Li Mu didn't feel well either. His fist hit the blood-colored Demon Lord's sword that was resisted by the blood-colored demon sword, and he immediately felt a powerful, bloody evil thought invade the sea of ​​consciousness along his arm.

Li Mu snorted coldly, and the powerful spiritual thoughts condensed in the Xingyun Temple turned into a bunch of star swords and cut it off in an instant.

The bloody sword in the hand of this Nascent Soul Demon Monarch is quite weird, Li Mu didn't want to continue to fight with it in close combat.

Intentionally testing the actual combat power of the star wooden puppet, Li Mu's eyes were cold, and with a move of his mind, he threw himself into the Jiuzang Lingzhu.

The next moment, dozens of figures flashed out of thin air instantly, they were seven feet tall, dotted with silver light, wooden body battle puppets, silver stars gathered on their bodies, forming a thin layer of silver energy shield, enveloping The whole body exudes a powerful breath.

Seeing this scene, the Blood Refining Demon Monarch changed his expression, and was surrounded by dozens of fighting puppets, each of which exuded such a powerful force that it made his scalp tingle!

no!Must escape!
In the face of dozens of high-level puppets, the blood refiner did not dare to fight any more, and sprayed a mouthful of blood at the magic sword, and the magic sword immediately emitted a terrifying and terrifying devilish energy.

"Want to go? Can you go!"

Li Mu chuckled, and his divine sense commanded dozens of star wooden puppets to scatter and siege towards the blood refiner.

Dozens of star wood battle puppets suddenly scattered, up and down, left and right, surrounded the blood refiner in the center, dozens of eyes locked on him, the cold and emotionless eyes of the puppets, like chickens waiting to be slaughtered looked at him like a sheep.

The dead soul of the Blood Refining Demon Monarch was terrified, his scalp was numb, and it was too late to escape. The trap was so strong that he would not be able to break through it for a while, and dozens of puppets surrounded him in an instant. Now, he can only forcefully Let's fight on the scalp and defeat this group of puppets.

The battle is imminent.

The fighting puppets besieged and went up, purely punching and attacking, each punch was powerful and heavy, as heavy as a mountain.

Even the blood refining demon who has reached the realm of the unity of human and sword, facing the puppets' boxing and fighting against all directions, can only be tired of parrying and lose sight of the other.

"Bang bang..." The sound of violent collisions, the loud noise of swords and fists colliding, continued continuously.

The more the blood refiner was beaten, the more frightened he became. Under the siege of puppets, he seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, getting deeper and deeper, and he couldn't escape the end of being beaten by the crowd!

Each blow of these puppets is far more powerful than that of the ordinary Nascent Soul, and their bodies are extremely hard. Even if the Blood Sea Demon Sword slashes on them, it is difficult to cause destructive damage. They have a layer of star array attached to them, which is difficult to break.

This is really going to kill me!
The sneak attack just now had already seriously injured him, and his strength had dropped by [-] to [-]%, making it extremely difficult to fight.

Under the siege of so many puppets, the Blood Refining Demon Lord was unable to fight against the group of puppets with both fists. He was tired of coping.

At this time, the blood refining demon finally understood why a mere Nascent Soul Zhenjun dared to attack them in the early days. It turned out that he was not only a body training cultivator, but also a powerful puppet master, with so many powerful fighting puppets!

I'm afraid I'm going to be planted this time!
Facing dozens of fighting puppets with the strength of Nascent Soul, the blood refiner struggled hard, his heart was ashamed, and he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

The blood refiner was suppressed by a cliff, with his back against a huge rock, passively defending against the fists of the fighting puppets.

Even if the Blood Refining Demon Monarch consumes blood essence and uses famous stunts-'Heavenly Blood Sea', 'Blood Shadow Escape', 'Blood God Clone', etc. to consume supernatural powers, it is still difficult for them to escape from the siege of puppets. With a strong sense of consciousness, he predicted in advance again and again, judged his spells, and commanded the battle puppets to block him in advance.

If you don't get rid of him first, you won't be able to escape the encirclement of all the puppets, and the battle puppet forged from the wood of the stars, the blood demon sword is hard to cause damage,...

The Blood Refining Demon Crystal swung the sword again and again, resisting the fist of the Starwood battle puppet, and staring at Li Mu who was manipulating the puppet, the killing intent in his heart was extremely strong.

Only by killing him can the situation be reversed!
The Blood Refining Demon Lord is sure, he thought so, and he did it, he decided to fight for a chance for himself with all his might!
Taking advantage of the gap between the siege of the puppets, the blood refiner once again used the 'Blood Shadow Clone' golden cicada to escape the shell, and performed the blood escape technique, turning into a beam of blood, and charged towards Li Mu.


The Blood Refining Demon Lord swung the Blood Sea Demon Sword and was about to kill him, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

However, the joy on the face of the Blood Refining Demon Lord soon froze, and he saw the smile on the other party's face, showing a trace of panic.

"Shua!" With a swipe, the Blood Sea Demon Sword in Blood Refining Demon Crystal's hand slashed fiercely, and with a "bang", the opponent turned into a broken log, which turned out to be a stand-in puppet!

The Blood Refining Demon Monarch's heart skipped a beat, he looked sideways, and immediately saw a figure appearing in front of his eyes, and the shadow of a fist rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes.

With a loud "bang", the blood refiner's eyes stared like gold stars, and he was sent flying with a punch.

The next moment, all the fighting puppets rushed to them in an instant, punching and kicking out together, and the sound of fist-to-flesh collisions resounded continuously.

The screams from the blood refining devil became weaker and weaker. Under the gang fights of the puppets, the blood refining devil's body was already unbearable torment, and there was no good part of his body.

The Blood Refining Demon Lord resolutely abandoned his body, the Nascent Soul left his body, and fled from the encirclement of puppets.

Seeing this, Li Mu spread his wings behind him and flew out, blocking his way.

Li Mu condensed a big hand of the Five Elements Spirit Fire, and grabbed the Nascent Soul of the Blood Refining Demon Monarch.

Before the blood refiner had time to beg for mercy, Li Mu immediately used several spiritual power restrictions to seal his Nascent Soul, and then took a soul-absorbing bottle and put it in it.

"Primitive Spirit of the Yuanying Consummation Realm, Xiaobai, wake up quickly! I have prepared high-quality rations for you!" Li Mu smiled slightly, and received the storage bracelet on the Blood Refining Demon Lord from a battle puppet.

Li Mu used his divine sense to violently destroy the imprint of the soul on the storage bracelet, and penetrated into his spiritual consciousness to find what he needed.

This blood refiner practiced blood demon skills, and there were a large number of blood refinement tools in the storage bracelet. Li Mu soon discovered a magic tool that specially stored a large amount of blood essence. Essence of blood, essence of monster blood.

There are so many that it can almost reach a small lake.

How many lives would this kill?

Li Mu's face was gloomy. If it wasn't for the purpose of restoring the spirituality of the bloodthirsty and violent flood dragon bone, he would definitely not use this filthy thing.

Just when Li Mu was thinking, a strange scene appeared, the magic sword held by the blood refining demon monarch flew towards him on his own initiative.

Li Mu frowned slightly, and cast his gaze over.

【Blood Sea Demon Sword】

[Rank: Tier [-] best magic weapon]

[Characteristics: Essence and blood traction, evil thoughts infection, bloody sword energy, blood soul impact]

[Status: The sword master died, the magic sword weapon spirit was severely injured, and the magic sword blood slave resisted and escaped! 】

[Blood Sea Demon Sword, made from the bones of the fifth-order gods, the real water of Taiyin, and the blood spar. Its wounds will not be healed, the blood will be swallowed, and eventually become the nutrient of the magic sword, and the soul will be absorbed into the magic sword to become a sword slave. This magic sword can absorb enough blood and souls, and can be upgraded to the sixth level. 】

Innate Supernatural Powers - Under the recognition of all spirits, the detailed information of this sword is presented in the virtual character frame.

At this time, Li Mu also understood.

Because the master of the magic sword just died, the spirit of the magic sword was injured and temporarily sealed. The endless sword slaves swallowed by this sword were born with resentment, and now they have no control. The endless grievances in the sword came to Li Mu and begged him Help, get rid of the control of the magic sword.

Li Mu put his consciousness into the magic sword, and immediately 'saw' the densely packed grievances in the sword body all over the world, people and beasts, they were full of pain, roaring in pain, scrambling to be the first to struggle desperately, wanting to escape from the magic sword Controlled by the sword.

Faced with the pleas of so many wronged souls, Li Mu was moved with compassion,

Li Mu immediately sent out five top-grade fifth-level spiritual swords from the storage compartment, gathering the power of the five elements, and the five-element spiritual swords merged into one, turning into a giant five-element sword, facing the blood sea demon sword suspended in the air, Cut off sharply.

With a crisp sound of "ding", the five-element giant sword slashed fiercely on the sword body of the fifth-order blood sea demon sword, and the world was shaken by it!
The blood sea demon sword broke at the sound, the magic pattern was broken, and there was no more binding power. In an instant, a large number of sword slaves bound by the magic sword spewed out.

Li Mu took out a stack of exorcising talismans, and swayed them out to dispel the resentment of all wronged souls.

The resentment was eliminated, the evil spirit of blood on Wan Gui disappeared, the power of resentment was purified, and a faint white light appeared on all the unjust souls.

Wan Hun was so grateful that he kowtowed to Li Mu, and then his figure gradually faded away and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

After Li Mu withdrew the Five Elements Spirit Sword and was thanked by Wan Dao's wronged soul, he vaguely felt that his thoughts were transparent and open-minded. However, for everything he did, Li Mu only felt that it was nothing more than a little effort.

Li Mu smiled slightly, not caring about it, and began to put away the star wood battle puppets, and at the same time, check their injuries.

Each star wood battle puppet is engraved with a star guard, which protects the puppet's body very well.
Li Mu checked, and the fifth-order Blood Sea Demon Sword did not leave any fatal damage to them. However, the consumption of spirit stones is a bit high. In this level of fierce battle, 36 top-grade spirit stones can only last three Only twice.

However, after this actual combat test, the powerful combat effectiveness of these puppets was confirmed, and Li Mu was very satisfied with this.

To replace the battle puppets with new spirit stones, Li Mu put them into Jiuzang Lingzhu one after another, and then packed up the formation flags, formation disks, and the fourth-order sleepy dragon formation disk is also a very useful formation weapon. When the time comes, arrange this array first, and you will no longer have to worry about the enemy escaping.

Li Mu put away the trapped dragon array, and at the same time kept releasing his spiritual thoughts, he suddenly discovered that eight powerful spiritual power fluctuations formed a circle, surrounded this place, and rushed towards him at a very high speed.

Li Mu was slightly taken aback, frowning, thinking about something.

Through the attire of the visitors, Li Mu probably knew their origins, and was hesitant to use his identity to deal with them.

Soon, Li Mu made a decision, and his consciousness landed on the fifth-order spirit fox mask, which removed the disguise and revealed his true face, a handsome, young face, probably in his early 20s.

Li Mu stood in the air with calm eyes, waiting for someone to come.

Soon, the eight strong auras were all Yuanying Zhenjun. They galloped and surrounded the Linggu in all directions. They scanned the entire Linggu battlefield, and finally looked up and down curiously at Li Mu who was standing in the air.

"What happened here? Where did you come from?"

An old man with blue Taoist robes, white eyebrows and silver hair flew up to Li Mu and asked carefully. (end of this chapter)

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