Chapter 186 Breaking the Seal
Back in the secret room, Li Mu took out the formation device, set up a trapped dragon formation to isolate the spiritual consciousness, and entered the treasure house of the painting world again.

Appearing in the Baofu space, Li Mu first inspected the growth of the spiritual plant, and after confirming that it was all right, he took out a simple tortoise shell from the storage compartment.

Suddenly asking for ten drops of the true spirit's blood from the seventh-level true spirit-Zixiao Cang Lei Beast was just an excuse to refine the Zixiao Spirit Hammer. Li Mu had other intentions for these ten drops of the true spirit's blood.

Li Mu stared at the tortoise shell, and soon, under the gifted supernatural power-identify all spirits, all the information of the tortoise shell appeared in the character log.

[Spiritual Fortune Mysterious Tortoise Shell (Sealing)]

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Object]

[Characteristics: fortune divination (sealed), no cause and effect (sealed), time does not invade (sealed)]

[Status: Self-appointed as a fetish, spirituality is not revealed]

[After 5000 years of experience, the leftover armor left by the mysterious tortoise, the leftover armor is self-sealed, and it needs to be infiltrated with ten drops of true spirit blood to make it unseal itself. This armor is one of the best materials for refining divination treasures . 】

Looking at the Lingyunxuan tortoise shell in his hand, Li Mu couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

Unknowingly, this spiritual tortoise shell has been placed in the storage compartment for more than [-] years. Back in the day, when he was a little Qi-refining monk, he successfully picked it up from the Wanbao Pavilion spiritual master-Wei Lao. After discovering this big leak, I have been secretly delighted!
However, the blood of the true spirit could not be obtained, and for decades, the Lingyun black tortoise shell had been left in the storage compartment to eat ashes.

Now, it is finally time for it to break the seal and regain its glory!
Li Mu poured out ten drops of the true spirit's blood, raised his spiritual power, and sent it to the mysterious tortoise shell of spiritual fortune. All the ten drops of deep purple blood of the true spirit melted into the mysterious tortoise shell of spiritual fortune, and the blood quickly dissipated.

After the vicissitudes of time, the simple and inconspicuous blue-black tortoise shell, with the incorporation of ten drops of true spirit blood, the tortoise shell gradually bloomed with aura, and a powerful spiritual wave was suddenly awakened.

"Papa...", a slight crisp sound came from the tortoise shell one after another, as if it was sharply changing and peeling off the shell.

Li Mu's eyes lit up, and with his innate supernatural powers, the Lingyun Xuanguijia he saw had absorbed the spirituality of the blood of the true spirit, successfully broke the seal, and rejuvenated.

Li Mu input a piece of spiritual power and poured it into the tortoise shell of Lingyun Xuan.

With a sound of "Puff!", the ancient green armor attached to the surface of the Lingyun Xuan tortoise shell cracked and flew, revealing a pure white and crystal clear white tortoise shell. The back of the tortoise shell is engraved with mysterious gossip patterns, full of powerful spirituality and mysterious charm.

Li Mu put his spiritual thoughts into the natural engravings on the back of the Lingyun black tortoise shell, and immediately felt the powerful mysterious Dao aggregates, filled with the laws of the Dao related to fate, and he couldn't look at it for a long time.

Li Mu sighed. After unsealing, the sixth-order spiritual luck mysterious tortoise shell and the seventh-order-star beast bead, which contain the laws of the road such as time, future, and destiny, want to refine them into a sixth-order divination spirit. Bao, with his current refining skills, he can't do it at all!
The unsealed Lingyun Xuanguijia still had to be left to eat ashes.

Unless, the Nine Sun Spirit Grass in the Tianxu Cauldron can be matured, it can be taken together with the Nine Yin Spirit Grass to increase spirituality and continue to improve the level of the refining technique.

Li Mu put the Lingyun Xuanguijia into the storage compartment, remembered something, and took out a white jade slip from the Jiuzang Lingzhu. It was the jade slip given to him by Venerable Huang Gang and Venerable Jiang Yan.

With the excitement of Tianhuo these days, Li Mu was so engrossed in crafting that he forgot to check the contents of the jade slips.

Putting his spiritual consciousness into it, Li Mu immediately obtained the information in the jade slip.

Li Mu frowned, and fell into deep thought. The information recorded in the jade slips was endless, and the content was probably entered by Venerable Jiang Yan casually.

The Jade Slips recorded a place where the sect was passed down. It was the place where the founder of the Bailian Sect, Wanbao Taoist, passed the test of his true inheritance before he ascended to the ascension. Only by successfully refining a specific sixth-order spiritual treasure can one enter it. .

Venerable Huang Gang and Venerable Jiang Yan gave up the competition with Tianhuo after they learned that he was about to be able to refine the sixth-order spirit treasure, and hoped that he could go to Bailianzong to discuss cooperation matters and let him help refine the sixth-order spirit weapon. If you seek the true method of refining weapons, you will be given rewards and the like.

Li Mu thought for a while, then gave up the idea of ​​going to Bailianzong.

After acquiring Jiyang Tianhuo and upgrading the eighth-level Tianhuo tempering method, Li Mu's next focus will be on planting spiritual plants and continuing to improve his cultivation base.

Li Mu didn't want to get involved in too many trivial matters. What's more, could the true biography of the Bailianzong's weapon refining method be more fragrant than the heavenly-eight-fold skyfire tempering method?

Putting the jade slips into the Jiuzang Lingzhu, Li Mu recruited Jiyang Tianhuo and began to put it into the refining tool.

After a few days.

The lightning in the Tianhuo refining furnace shone, and in the next second, a purple thunder hammer carrying a tremendous amount of lightning force rushed out of the Tianhuo refining furnace, turning into a thunder tiger and soaring into the sky, wanting to escape Refining room.

Li Mu smiled slightly, put his five fingers together, and the power of the five elements condensed the spirit palm, and slapped it to the ground.

Lei Hu Qi Ling opened his bloody mouth wide open, wanting to pounce on Li Mu, the Zijin Fire Phoenix flew out from the refining furnace, Zhan Yi wanted to refine this ugly thing again.

"Forget it, forget it! It's not sensible yet, don't worry about it!" Seeing this, Li Mu quickly smiled and stretched out his hand to stop it, and waved a wave of spiritual power to form a spiritual power wall, blocking the Purple Gold Fire Phoenix.

The spirit of the fifth-order red spirit and blue tiger became a weapon spirit under the coercion of the spirit of sky fire. After becoming a weapon spirit, it no longer belonged to the femininity, and its spirituality was reborn, yearning for freedom. Escape from the control of Tianhuo Furnace and Li Mu.

A tiger and a bird faced each other across the aura wall, grinning.

Li Mu smiled slightly, and shot a burst of spiritual power at the Zixiao Thunder Hammer, sealing its spirituality, turning it into a hammer with purple thunder patterns, and collecting it into the Jiuzang Lingzhu.

After successfully refining the Zixiao Spirit Hammer, Li Mu did not rush to stop refining the weapon, but continued to refine the fifth-order spirit sword instead.

This time Li Mu learned a little lesson. In the battle with Demon Lord Jiuyou, he was severely injured by his five top-grade spirit swords with only a fifth-level magic spear, and his spirituality was damaged.

From this, it can be seen that the number of fifth-order spirit swords is not enough for me at the late stage of the Shanghua God Realm, and I need to refine more for preparation.

For this spirit weapon transaction, Sect Master Lei was very generous, and almost gave him all the power of the sect, providing him with a large amount of five-level and six-level five-element refining materials, plus the spoils of more than a dozen Nascent Soul Demon Lords from the Nine Demon Sect. .

These high-level five-element materials are enough for Li Mu to refine a batch of five-element spirit swords!

Relying on the efficiency of the Tianhuo refining furnace, Li Mu devoted himself to the refining. Almost every hour passed, a five-element spirit sword full of spirituality rushed out of the Tianhuo refining furnace.

Soon, twelve five-level spirit swords turned into spirits gathered, and the weapon spirits of various monster larvae paraded around Li Mu, playing and chasing, sometimes leaning on Li Mu, and sometimes falling on Li Mu. They felt the five-element sword spirit The Dao Yun of Dao Body likes to be close to him very much.

Li Mu waved out twelve strands of spiritual power, using all his energy to refine them and put them away.

There are still a lot of five-element high-level swords left, and there are more than [-] high-level spirit swords that can be refined. However, the number of high-level spirits of five-element monsters is limited. Four handles, only one handle in the water system.

Yulingzong does not rely on the sea or the lake, so high-level water-type monster spirits are particularly rare.

So be it!

Almost time to leave!It's time to find a place suitable for planting both yin and yang plants, and plant yin pod and Ziyang ganoderma.

Li Mu collected Jiyang Tianhuo, his figure flashed, and his figure disappeared in the Baofu of the painting world.

After making up his mind, Li Mu appeared in Lingyun Pavilion and sent a message to Venerable Lei Hong immediately.

After receiving the message of Feijian, Venerable Lei Hong turned into a thunder shadow, and appeared in front of Li Mu with a bang.

During this period of time, Venerable Lei Hong couldn't eat, couldn't handle the affairs of the sect, and had been waiting for news from Li Mu. However, more than ten days had passed, and he hadn't come out. Fearing that something might happen to him, he wanted to use his spiritual thoughts to find out. , however, the divine sense was cut off by the formation.

"Li Daoyou, what happened to the refining result!" After Venerable Lei Hong appeared, he looked at Li Mu nervously and asked.

"Live up to expectations!" Li Mu smiled slightly, summoned the Zixiao Thunder Hammer, and at the same time lifted the ban on the weapon spirit.

I saw that Zixiao Thunder Hammer turned into a winged thunder tiger, and with a stretch of thunder wings, with a sound of "Zi", it turned into a purple thunder shadow and rushed out of Lingyun Pavilion.

"If you want to run, there's no way!" Venerable Lei Hong's eyes lit up, and his figure turned into a thunder shadow, and he chased after him.

"Hahaha! Good baby, good baby!"

After a while, Venerable Lei Hong went back and forth, laughing happily, holding a purple thunder hammer in his hand, surrounded by thunder yuan, and looked very mighty.

"Sect Master Lei, quickly test whether this device fits with the other two array devices." Li Mu reminded with a slight smile.

"En! Thank you, Fellow Daoist Li!" Venerable Lei Hong smiled happily, and quickly injected a burst of Lei Yuan spiritual power to temper Zixiao Lei. Pieces array.

"Zi la!" There was a loud noise!
The Thunder-Suppressing Monument suddenly releases a large number of thunder pins, which are placed on the Zixiao Thunder Hammer, and the thunder element array disk suddenly enlarges, and the three thunder weapons echo each other in the distance between the sky and the earth, and the huge thunder spirit circulates between them.

All of a sudden, a lightning net from heaven and earth was gathered to surround all the important lands of Lingshan. The thick thunder and lightning were extremely dense, and the sky and the earth changed color.

"What's the situation? The Nine Demon Sect is attacking again?"

"The protective thunder array is activated again! Prepare to fight!"

"What's going on? What is the suzerain doing?"

"Wow! The power of the protective thunder array is much stronger! Which thunder hammer caused it?"

"Where is the enemy! Where is the devil boy?"


The lightning net that suddenly appeared in the sky made Qi Qi, a disciple of Yulingzong, change his expression greatly. They all rose up with their swords like frightened birds, preparing to face the enemy. There was a heated discussion.

"This sect is inspecting the protective array, and there is no enemy attack, so what should we do?" Venerable Lei Hong signaled in a thunderous voice.


"Sure enough, it's the Thunder Hammer, which strengthens the power of the Protector's Thunder Formation!"

"I heard that Sect Master Lei entrusted Master Li to refine the array!"

"Elder Tianhong's Skyfire is really worth it! Now, the sect no longer has to be afraid of the demon sect's invasion."

"That's right! If Elder Tianhong gave up Tianhuo earlier, this formation weapon would have been forged long ago, and there would be no need for so many fellow disciples to die!"

"Hush! You can say this, arrange Elder Tianhong, you want to die!"


The disciples of Yulingzong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and landed back one after another. However, they didn't leave just then, they looked up to watch the excitement, and various whispers of discussion quickly spread.

Hiding behind the crowd, Tianhong Zhenjun heard the comments and negative comments on him from the disciples of the sect, and his cheeks twitched slightly. Then, he thought of something again, sighed slightly, and his complexion was complicated. I don't know if it was regret, or Regret.

About a quarter of an hour passed, and the Zixiao Thunder Hammer's fit test was over, and the thunder net dispersed in the sky, and the figure of Venerable Lei Hong appeared in front of Li Mu.

Venerable Lei Hong held the spiritual hammer in his hand, flushed with excitement, and solemnly thanked Li Muxing: "Li Daoyou, you have excellent skill in refining weapons, thank you very much! With this spiritual weapon, the Thunder Prison Formation will be completely perfected, and it will be used later. In the Thunder Prison Formation, there is no need to use top-quality spirit stones to fill the gap, this weapon can also be used alone, and its power is extremely extraordinary,..."

Venerable Lei Hong was inexplicably excited, and he talked endlessly about the power of the Zixiao Thunder Hammer to Li Mu. Although it was only a fifth-order top-grade Houtian spirit treasure, it was very suitable for the Thunder Prison Formation, and it was not inferior to the sixth-order spirit treasure. , quite well.

Hearing this, Li Mu heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded with a smile: ""Sect Master Lei is as long as he is satisfied, and I have successfully completed the assignment!" "

Venerable Lei Hong took out a storage ring from his bosom, enthusiastically handed it into Li Mu's hand, and said without any rejection: "Li Daoyou, there are still some five-element refining materials here, as a reward for refining the spirit hammer, please be sure to accept it." .”

"Uh!" Li Mu accepted it helplessly, swept his spiritual sense, and immediately found that there were a lot of fifth-level and less sixth-level materials stored in the storage ring. In order to thank him, Sect Master Lei probably gave everything he had!
Looking up at the enthusiastic Venerable Lei Hong, Li Mu knew what he meant, cupped his fists and said, "Then I will accept it brazenly, thank you Sect Master Lei!"

"Haha! It should be, without your adventurous rescue, the entire Yulingzong would cease to exist, just a little refining material, nothing more!" Venerable Lei Hong smiled happily and waved his hands.

"Sect Master Lei, I have been bothering you for a long time. I am going to leave. I will go to a spiritual land to find some training materials. I wonder if you know of a spiritual land that can contain both yin and yang densely at the same time?" Li Mu smiled and asked Lei. Venerable Hong inquired about a piece of news, and mentioned his farewell by the way.

"A place where yin and yang are dense?" Venerable Lei Hong frowned and thought about it. If the place is dense with spiritual power, he knows a little bit. If the yin and yang are dense, it has always existed alone. I have never encountered a place where both coexist. Pass.

Venerable Lei Hong frowned, thought hard for a long time, and finally shook his head and said: "I'm really sorry, Yin and Yang are densely coexisting at the same time. This kind of place is very rare. I have traveled abroad for hundreds of years, and I have never seen such a place. There are very few people who know about this rare spiritual place, if necessary, I suggest you go to an intelligence organization like Tianji Pavilion to inquire."

Li Mu nodded, cupped his hands and bid farewell to Venerable Lei Hong: "Well, since that's the case, I'll go to the Tianji Pavilion. Your Excellency, this is my farewell!"

"Li Daoyou, if you need it in the future, you only need to crush this token, and within ten thousand miles, Lei will definitely feel it." Venerable Lei Hong knew that Li Mu had decided to go, so he didn't want to keep him anymore, and took out a silver token and handed it to him. Give him a sign.

Li Mu looked at the silver token in surprise, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it. He also knew that Venerable Lei Hong wanted to repay his kindness, so he happily accepted it.

Soon, under the gift of Venerable Lei Hong, Li Mu called out the wings of thunder, turned into a flash of light, flew out of Yulingzong, and then changed to Tiansuo spirit ship and flew towards Tianluo City.

(End of this chapter)

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