Chapter 189

"Old guy! Take it easy, the teleportation array is not something you can peek at!"

Li Mu's divine thoughts threw himself into the teleportation pattern, and he was immediately hit by the powerful Moment Dao, his face was pale, and at the same time, there was a ridicule from a cultivator of Yihuashen, and suddenly a spiritual force penetrated into his body, Help him gather his spiritual thoughts back.

Li Mu quickly stabilized his divine sense, cast a grateful look at the cultivator in white clothes, and thanked him: "Thank you, thank you, senior, for your help!"

This scene, in the eyes of the Primordial Soul cultivator of the Illusory God Sect who led the teleportation formation, was no surprise at all.

Every time there are some people who don't know how to live or die, use their spiritual sense to peek at the lines of the teleportation array. If they are better, their spiritual sense will be damaged, and if they are bad, they will be involved in the space-time lines, their souls will be injured, and their cultivation will drop.

After recovering, Li Mu saw that the huge magic circle was enough to accommodate a hundred monks, but it only had to carry about half of them.

Li Mu looked at the entire teleportation array. Under the gifted supernatural power-identify all spirits, all attributes of the teleportation array were displayed in the character log box.

【Teleportation array】

[Rank: seventh-order space-time array]

[Characteristics: One hundred thousand miles of teleportation, constant time and space, reverse time and space, guardian of time and space]

[The seventh-order space-time teleportation array is drawn with the seventh-order space boundary stone, the seventh-order time-space star, and the seventh-order Wanrong Lingyan, combined with the teleportation pattern drawn by the power of the law of time and space. Consuming a large amount of spirit stones to open the time-space guardian, time-space The power of teleportation can teleport the target to hundreds of thousands of miles away. 】

After reading the attribute information of the teleportation formation, Li Mu looked sad, as if he had suffered a major blow.

No wonder his divine sense was swept away by the space-time formation. This teleportation formation was as high as the seventh level, and Li Mu's formation technique was stuck at the fifth level. This large transmission formation is indeed not something he can peek at now.

The four True Lords of the Illusory God Sect sit in command, and the teleportation array uses the four directions as an image, pinching the spell with their hands, and sending strong spiritual power to the array in front of them.

"Welcome everyone to ride the teleportation array of our sect. After the teleportation array starts, everyone must avoid any fights and stimulate spiritual power, otherwise it will easily cause unstable teleportation, collapse of teleportation, and it is very likely to get lost in the turbulent flow of space, or Yes, the body is torn apart by the power of the teleportation array,..., everyone guards the spiritual sky, and the spiritual power returns to the field, this sect can ensure that everyone reaches the destination safely."

Master Nascent Soul of the Illusory God Sect who was in charge of the teleportation formation, looked at the passengers in the formation with a blank expression, and told the warnings he had said many times.

Everyone nodded and listened to the other party's advice.

"Okay! Ready to launch."

After seeing everyone's comprehension, Zhenjun Yuanying of the Illusory God Sect gave orders decisively.

In the next second, the teleportation array shone with spiritual light, and the hundreds of top-quality spirit stones inlaid in the array sent pure spiritual power to the array, and a powerful force of time and space was born accordingly. Li Mu only felt that his whole body was wrapped in a burst of supernatural power, which was extremely mysterious .

Is this opportunity to teleport, Li Mujing guards the altar, silently feeling the power of time and space blessed on his body, and comprehending the principles of time and space.

When the formation technique can be upgraded to level 7, this legendary formation must be learned in a way.

If it can be made into an array, it will definitely be an extremely efficient means of saving your life when you face a strong enemy. If you lose the enemy, turn on the teleportation array and escape!

Just when Li Mu was distracted and thinking, the four Nascent Soul True Monarchs of the Illusory God Sect joined hands to inject the most powerful spiritual power into the teleportation formation.

In an instant, the teleportation array was filled with spiritual power.

The people around, including Li Mu, floated in the air, and felt a huge pull in the next second, and everyone turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared.

In the teleportation array, Li Mu saw the colorful scenery around him, but he couldn't see the outside situation clearly, and the feeling of dizziness followed.

Li Mu was dizzy and felt quite uncomfortable.

The Jindan monks around showed bitter expressions, and the situation of Yuanying Zhenjun was not much better.

This is the negative state of riding the teleportation array, everyone is like this?

In less than a hundred breaths, this uncomfortable feeling disappeared, and with a sound of "buzz", Li Mu only felt his body lighten, and the surroundings suddenly changed greatly, and the space-time guardian power on his body disappeared.

Li Mu already felt 'down to earth', and the feeling of dizziness made him a little light on his feet. However, the perfect level of Soul Devouring Body Cultivation Art made his body extremely strong, and easily overcome this physical discomfort.


"My God! It's so uncomfortable!"

"Ouch! No, I can't sit anymore!"


Li Mu looked around, only the two cultivators who transformed spirits were safe and sound, and they looked at him curiously, while the cultivators of Jindan were all around, and the cultivator Nascent Soul was retching with an ugly expression.

A foul smell wafted from the magic circle, and several Golden Core cultivators couldn't help pouring out the dirt in their stomachs.

Li Mu backed away silently, the situation of Nascent Soul True Monarchs has improved a little, so they won't lose their composure like this.

"Everyone, welcome to Bitian City. If you don't need to stay, you can leave through the right door. If you want to take a teleportation circle, you have to take a rest in the Illusory God Sect after ten days, and you can do it on the day when it opens." notify,"

A chubby Nascent Soul Zhenjun cupped his hands to the people in the formation, and a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators quickly stepped forward to clean the 'battlefield' with sanitary utensils, obviously not surprised by this scene.

This teleportation arrived at Bitian City, which was not as prosperous as Luotian City, and it was a remote place. The strongest cultivator in the city was only a late Nascent Soul.

Under the leadership of this Yuanying Zhenjun, Li Mu lived in a courtyard, re-arranged the formation, and waited for ten days to transfer.

There are no strong people in Bitian City, Li Mu felt a little relieved, and arranged for Xiaojin and Xiaowa, who had recovered from their injuries, to guard in the courtyard.

And leaving a few star puppets behind, they entered the room, and after setting up the trapped dragon array, Li Mu took out the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion from the storage compartment, and threw his figure into it.

Huajie Baofu Space.

The blue-eyed armipede shrunk its size, sat on the back of a fourth-order crane demon, flew to Li Mu, and reported to Li Mu: "Master, master, the sky grass has matured for a long time, and it will wither if it is not harvested!"


Li Mu nodded with a smile. This time, he suddenly entered the treasure mansion of the painting world because he was notified of the contract of the blue-eyed armipede's imperial spirit, and the purpose was to enter the space of the treasure mansion to harvest spiritual plants.

When you come to Linggu, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers, thousands of acres of Tianfengcao emit green light, the breeze blows, rustling, full of spirituality, and the unique fragrance of Tianfengcao rippling makes people feel refreshed.

"Good job!"

Li Mu praised the blue-eyed gibbon and began to harvest the wind spirit grass.

Li Mu's praise made the blue-eyed armpit ecstatic.

"Master, you are busy. I'll go and catch the spirit beast for you." The blue-eyed armipede smiled and fawned, and drove the crane demon to go somewhere to hunt spirit beasts.

Li Mu nodded with a smile, spread his five fingers, multiple golden saber techniques were thrown away in an instant, and the light of the vertical and horizontal sabers flashed away in the spiritual field.

Thousand acres of wind grass fell down one after another within a few breaths, Li Mushen swept away, and balls of green light rushed towards him, wrapped him up, and instantly dyed him into a green giant.

[Innate supernatural power - planting spirit extraction takes effect, you have absorbed a group of planting spirits, free proficiency points +1]

[Innate supernatural power - planting spirit extraction takes effect, you have absorbed a group of planting spirits, free proficiency points +2]

[Innate supernatural power - planting spirit extraction takes effect, you have absorbed a group of planting spirits, free proficiency points +2]


After harvesting the thousand acres of spiritual fields, Li Mu glanced at the personal character column. This time, he harvested more than 500 million free proficiency points, plus the remaining before, a total of more than 700 million free proficiency points.

With a sweep of the cut grass, Li Mushen sent them to a group of third-tier red-haired maned cows.

Facing the delicacy that fell from the sky, the herd of cows went crazy with joy and began to eat like crazy.

Li Mu smiled slightly, cleaned up the spiritual field, cast a spell to turn the spiritual field, and planted the second-order Tianfeng Grass Spirit.

Li Mu cast a spell of "breeze wind and call rain", and the heavy rain covering a thousand acres of spiritual fields poured down.

After dealing with all this, the blue-eyed armpit in the distance flew to Li Mu with a giant fish demon on its shoulder.

'Bang' sound.

The blue-eyed gibbon threw the giant fish demon on its shoulders to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The corners of Li Mu's eyes twitched slightly, and he waved out an earth-type spell to drive away the flying dust, and looked at the blue-eyed gibbon in puzzlement.

"Master, can you roast this fish demon and give me a few mouthfuls?"

The blue-eyed gibbon looked at Li Mu pitifully, and asked expectantly, with traces of hala flowing from his mouth.

Last time, when he killed the fourth-order cow demon, Li Mu roasted and ate most of the corpse, leaving a lot left over.

Attracted by the scent, the blue-eyed gibbon took a sip, and the taste was absolutely incredible. It devoured the rest of the meat, and it was so delicious that it wished to eat its own tongue.

He never thought that the beef monster meat roasted by the master was so delicious. Since then, the blue-eyed gibbon has been thinking about it, and he can't forget the monster meat roasted by Li Mu.

This time I found the master's free time, so I got a fish demon and asked Li Mu to cook it.

"Okay! As long as you help me guard the spiritual field, eating and drinking will not be a problem." Knowing the "wishful thinking" of the blue-eyed gibbon, Li Mu laughed and agreed happily.

As soon as the words fell, Li Mu casually drew out a spirit sword, disemboweled the fish demon, and quickly started cooking.

The blue-eyed gibbon was not idle, and pulled out a big tree under Li Mu's command.

Li Mu raised the sword in his hand and lowered it, the spirit sword cut it into a long sharp stick in a few strokes, piercing through the body of the fish monster from head to toe.

The blue-eyed gibbon moved two huge rocks and placed them on both sides to serve as a barbecue grill.

On the nearly ten-foot-long fish demon frame, Li Mu casually summoned a ball of five-element spiritual fire, and slowly roasted it.

The blue-eyed gibbon stayed aside, its eyes staring like copper bells, looking expectantly at Li Mu roasting the fish demon.

After a while, the fish was almost roasted, and a burst of fragrance filled the air, making the blue-eyed armpit's mouth water.

Half an hour passed, and the fish demon was finally roasted until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Okay, let's eat!"

Li Mu chopped off the lower half of the fish and gave it to the blue-eyed gibbon as a reward.

"Thank you master."

The blue-eyed gibbon held up half of the fish in surprise, and began to bite it, the appearance of eating was a bit horrible.

The Crane Demon, who was captured as a mount, couldn't help trembling with fear when he saw such a terrifying scene. He was afraid that he would become a plate of food after a while. Watching them gobble it up, his throat throbbed, wishing he could get a piece of it too. .

One master and one beast are all big eaters. It didn't take long for the ten-foot-long huge body of the fish demon to be eaten, leaving only a giant fish skeleton.

After a full meal, Li Mu patted his belly contentedly, looked at the blue-eyed gibbon who was still holding the fish head and kept licking it, and said funnyly: "Okay! Don't gnaw it, I'll get it for you next time!"

The blue-eyed gibbon's eyes lit up, and he quickly put down the fish skeleton, wiped the fur behind him with his hands in a humane manner, and waited for instructions.

"Take me to Qingning Lake!" Li Mu gestured with a smile.

"Okay, master."

Li Mu didn't rush on his way, and sat on the back of the white crane demon with the shrunken blue-eyed gibbon, and slowly flew to the sky above Qingning Lake.

Qingning Lake is in a canyon surrounded by mountains on all sides. The surrounding water is dense and full of water spirit. Li Mu sat on the crane demon, and the oncoming air seemed extraordinarily humid.

Looking at the lake below, the clear water and clear pool are sparkling and clear to the bottom. You can clearly see some spirit fish playing and chasing in the pool. The spirit beast, Fu Pu is drinking water by the lake, all in peace, and the scene is peaceful.

Li Mu took out a nine-leaf green lotus spiritual seed, and focused his gaze on the spiritual seed.

(End of this chapter)

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