Chapter 211 Qingling Jade Flute
Li Mu's aura poured out like a lion and tiger, his spiritual pressure swept in all directions, and the ground beneath his feet began to crack inch by inch. The five elements of spiritual energy spread around him, restrained and containing a powerful threat.

Facing a strong person in the Void Refining Realm, Li Mu didn't dare to rely too much on him. If the other party wanted to test him, he had to show some strength. Firstly, he could gain some face for himself, and secondly, he could intimidate the other party and show his worth.

Although I don’t know if I will continue to be involved with the Kun family in the future, the stronger I am and the better my talent is, the less I will be seen by others.

"The best spiritual roots of the Five Elements! It's rare. It's a pity that those who practice the Five Elements can't understand any of them. If they stop moving forward, they won't be able to take another step forward. Others have spent their whole lives cultivating one or two spiritual roots. Xinxue, you have cultivated the five elements simultaneously, and it is a thousand times more difficult than others, and now you can actually comprehend the two elements of yin and yang!"

"It's just a hodgepodge. Young people must not be too greedy. It is fundamental to choose what suits you. If you bite off more than you can chew, your future achievements may be limited!"

Lord Kun Yuan stepped out, ten feet away from Li Mu, pointed out the disadvantages of Li Mu's cultivation of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots, and reminded him with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Mu smiled and said nothing. Everything the other party said was true. Even if an ordinary monk had the Five Elements Spiritual Roots, he would choose the two that are easiest to cultivate in order to prioritize his practice.

The more exercises you practice, the more directions you need to understand. It is easy to get confused and unable to extricate yourself, resulting in the five elements being mixed together, and ultimately failing, making it difficult to make progress in cultivation.

This also makes many cultivators in the world who have the spiritual roots of the five elements unable to cultivate the five elements together, let alone the two poles of yin and yang.

A cultivation method like Li Mu's is undoubtedly suicide in the eyes of many practitioners, and it is obliterating their own future path.

However, Li Mu has the talent of absorbing spirits. After practicing till now, his cultivation relies entirely on absorbing spirits, and he has no worries in this regard.

After listening to this senior's kind advice, Li Mu could only politely express his gratitude.

"Thank you for your advice, senior, but I have made up my mind!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mu sacrificed five fifth-level top-quality spiritual swords from the nine hidden spiritual beads, and the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain was sent to the sky.

The Five Elements Domain suddenly enveloped him from all directions, trapping Lord Kunyuan in it.

"Sixth level spiritual treasure?"

Lord Kunyuan, who had looked calm just now, had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Lord Tianshang who was in the pavilion couldn't help but have a gleam in his eyes. He stood up slightly surprised and asked without asking: "My dear friend, could this sixth-level spiritual treasure be refined by you?"

Faced with the inquiry from Lord Tianshang, Li Mu did not hide it and responded with a smile: "The Five Elements Spiritual Mountain is indeed a spiritual treasure refined by me, but it was refined by chance. Most of the materials are It’s a fifth-level material, and this spiritual treasure is only a sixth-level low-grade spiritual treasure. If I repeat this process, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do anything!”

"What? A sixth-level spiritual treasure that you refined yourself?"

Hearing this, Master Kun Yuan's expression became particularly exciting, and he looked at Li Mu in shock.

At just a hundred years old, he can master his weapon refining skills to the point where he can refine sixth-level spiritual treasures?

is it possible?

Could it be that this boy's weapon refining ability can be compared with that of Lord Tian Yan?
Li Mu only showed his hand, and Lord Kunyuan couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts, and even couldn't see through him.

But after thinking about it carefully, I was shocked by Li Mu's evil talent. He had already gone astray in practicing the Five Elements Yin and Yang method, but he never thought that he would reach such a high level in weapon refining technology!
This is simply adding mistake to mistake, but if the way of cultivation is not feasible in the future, focusing on the way of cultivating weapons will definitely achieve extremely high results in the future, which can be considered a way out.

In the pavilion, Lord Tianshang was confirmed, golden light bloomed in his eyes, and he wanted more and more to recruit Li Mu to the Kun family.

Another person appeared in the pavilion. It was Venerable Kun Ling who felt the fluctuation of true energy and came to find out.

Both of them were speechless and looked at the two people who were about to fight.

"Senior, can we start now?" Li Mu smiled slightly and asked respectfully.

"Wait a moment, don't damage my yard!" Lord Tianshang stopped him quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lord Tianshang waved his hand, and a black earth dragon rose from the ground. It hovered for a moment, and in an instant it turned into a large martial arts stage, with a large earth element formation attached, surrounding Lord Li Mu and Lord Kunyuan inside.

"Hmph, since you are ready, then come on! I will teach you a lesson today, what will happen if you seek too high a goal?" Kun Yuanzun reprimanded Li Mu in the manner of a senior.

I saw that he directly suppressed his cultivation in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and then took out a jade flute from the jade pendant-shaped storage magic weapon on his waist.

The material of the jade flute is particularly exquisite. It is emerald green all over and exudes a gleaming green light. A strange spiritual wave ripples out. A half-inch long snake is wrapped around the jade flute. A pair of cold and ruthless eyes look directly at Li Mu. .

Li Mu frowned, and his eyes couldn't help but become particularly alert.

This jade flute is not simple. With a glance, the innate magical power of identifying all spirits immediately obtained all its information.

【Qingling Jade Flute】

[Grade: Sixth-grade low-grade spiritual treasure. 】

[Characteristics: Call the wind and rain, gather yin and subdue yang, and disturb the soul. 】

[Status: Full of spirit and ready to go. 】

[This spiritual treasure is refined from the sixth-level Qingfeng Jade, the sixth-level Xiyue dyed wood, and the bones and essence of a sixth-level phantom sound snake. It has extremely strong power to summon wind and rain, and is very suitable for practitioners of the spiritual root of wind. When used in conjunction with the unique skills, the power that bursts out is extremely astonishing. The sound of the jade flute blown from the mouth has the miraculous effect of disturbing the soul and pulling people into an illusion. It has two miraculous effects: attack and illusion. 】

Sixth level spiritual treasure?

Good guy, to deal with an early Yuanying, is it better to use a sixth-level spiritual treasure?

"Why, you seem a little unhappy when I use the sixth-level spiritual treasure!" Lord Kunyuan looked at Li Mu's expression and couldn't help but smile slyly.

"Ahem, no, no!"

"You also use the sixth-level spiritual treasure, I also use the sixth-level spiritual treasure. This is fair. If you beat me later, you won't have people talking about you behind your back for using the sixth-level spiritual treasure." Lord Kunyuan seemed to be smiling. Feixiao said jokingly.

It's all some twisted truth, but Lord Kunyuan is just afraid that he will lose and lose face. Seeing that he has used the sixth-level spiritual treasure, he is afraid that the outcome will be unpredictable, so he makes excuses to use the sixth-level spiritual treasure himself.

Li Mu complained in his heart and his attitude became serious.

In the pavilion, Master Tianshang and Master Kunling both laughed silently.

"Senior, offended!"

Li Mu put away all his thoughts and took the lead to activate the Five Elements Spirit Realm in the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain. The spiritual power of the earth was as heavy as Mount Tai, blessing Master Kunyuan.

In an instant, Venerable Kunyuan was carrying a heavy weight.

The fireflies danced like stars, and like snowflakes falling suddenly, roots suddenly took root in the earth, and countless vines wrapped around Kun Yuanzun's limbs. The earth was filled with water mist, and the soil covered his feet, and then became as solid as a rock. , the power of the Five Elements was imprisoned in Lord Kunling.

Five fifth-level top-grade spiritual swords formed a five-element sword array. The five-element sword energy was like a sky net, cutting off life in all directions and sweeping towards Kun Yuanzun.

"It's interesting, but it's not enough."

The vines tied to Kun Lingzun's arms were easily cut open by the powerful wind blade emanating from the jade flute in his hand.

Facing the five elements attack at close range, Lord Kunling put the jade flute to his lips.Li Mu's eyes tightened and he shouted: "Explode!"

The fireball, which was like a firefly, burst out with countless dazzling rays of light in an instant, and suddenly exploded, filling the sky with a sea of ​​fire and drowning Lord Kun Yuan.

The Five Elements Sword Qi also attacked him, and within the explosion circle, the Five Elements' light burst out, both dazzling and brilliant.

The powerful force is enough to destroy miles of land into nothingness.

This power far exceeds the attack power of Yuanying monks, and is not inferior to the attack of the gods.
I am afraid that the earth element formation in the martial arts stage cannot withstand it. For the sake of safety, Lord Tianshang will take action.

I saw the Lord Tian Shang summoning a whisk, and with a slight wave, white light emerged in the sky, and nine hundred-foot-long bronze doors engraved with extremely ancient patterns suddenly fell down, and the earth trembled violently.

The giant bronze doors are connected in a line to form an inseparable area, blocking the terrifying explosion power that originally poured out.

The terrifying power, which was enough to destroy the land for miles, hit the bronze door and disappeared without even a ripple, leaving only thick smoke covering the scene.

The power of the falling bronze door made the entire Kun family's hanging house tremble, and countless clan members were shocked.

"What's going on? What a terrible real energy fluctuation?"

"This spiritual energy wave belongs to Venerable Tianshang. It's strange. Whose is the other extremely powerful five-element true energy wave?"

"Is there an intruder?"

"This is Houshenyuan. What happened? All Kun family disciples obey the order. Except those at the Nascent Soul stage and above, all other disciples should retreat. The rest will follow me."

In a large hall, a powerful man in the late stage of divine transformation soared into the sky. He had a bad premonition and called for other companions to follow him.

But in the next second, a voice as majestic as a bell suddenly sounded: "Don't panic, it's just a martial arts competition. Don't break into the Houshen Garden, and don't spread the news. Otherwise, you will be severely punished by family rules!"
The voice of Lord Tianshang echoed in the ears of the tribe, and the tribesmen all looked puzzled.

Martial arts competition?

what happened?

Who is sparring in Houshen Garden?It actually exploded with such powerful power!
The monks below the Nascent Soul Lord were not clear about the situation, but the monks of the Kun family in the realm of gods were keenly aware that the fluctuations in the five elements of spiritual energy just now should have come from the Nascent Soul monk.

The powerful power released in an instant would kill an ordinary Nascent Soul if it were touched at its peak. Even the Master of Transformation God would not dare to touch such an attack with his physical body.

Could it be that the person who got the attack just now was the Nascent Soul monk who was rumored to be suddenly visiting?
If it's really him, that's really incredible.

While the tribesmen were suspicious, smoke and clouds were still lingering inside the giant bronze gate of Houshen Garden. Li Mu moved his fingertips slightly, preparing for the next attack.

A wonderful, melodious jade flute sound sounded in the smoke.

The next moment, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color.

Thunder raged over the Kun family house. Suddenly, a strong wind swept through the bronze door, and all the smoke and clouds were torn apart.

I saw Master Kun Yuan, his whole body shrouded in bright green light, his whole body slowly floating in the air, his whole body unstained by smoke and dust, and he was still extremely free and easy.

Especially when he plays the jade flute in his hand, his elegant posture can be said to be extraordinary handsome.

Li Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his hands to resist the raging terrifying wind. He did not expect that the terrifying moves that could damage the realm of gods just now had no effect on the opponent.

The opponent is still so calm. It seems that it is difficult to successfully break through the defense with ordinary tricks.

Li Mu speculated in his mind and began to plan the next attack method. Suddenly, his hair, which was blown by the strong wind, was cut into several sections in the next second.

The spiritual robe on his body suddenly creaked and cracked, with several wounds and blood flowing on his skin.

"Wind Blade..."

Li Mu was particularly shocked. The green robe worn by these people was a fifth-level top-grade spiritual weapon with extremely strong defense.

I never thought that it would be torn apart by the strong wind, leaving bloody traces. It was really terrifying.

"It's still too late to admit defeat and avoid the physical pain." Kun Yuanzun put down the jade flute with a calm expression, as if everything was under control.

Obviously, he had been merciful just now and did not attack the vital points.

After hearing this, Li Mu slightly channeled his spiritual energy into his robe, and the torn robe healed instantly. As for the wound, the shallow stab wound was restored to its original state in an instant.

Li Mu did not reply to his intention to persuade him to surrender. He took out a pair of finger tigers from Jiujiuzang's spiritual beads and wore them on his fists.

"So many fifth-level pseudo-spiritual treasures?"

Lord Kunyuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. According to previous rumors, Li Jianxian was a sword cultivator. The sword formation just now was enough to prove it.

I have never heard of this person carrying such a weird spiritual weapon. What is this?
In the world of cultivation, there is no Zhihu.

Therefore, when Li Mu showed his finger to the tiger, everyone was confused. They wondered what the function of this spiritual weapon was.
Look at the sharp and protruding spikes on the fists. They look like close-range spiritual weapons, but can sword cultivators use close-range weapons?
Li Mu ignored it, and driven by his spiritual thoughts, the power of the Five Elements Spirit Mountain was once again imposed on Kun Yuan Zun.

Now his own gravity has reached a thousand times, and his figure sank slightly, looking quite uncomfortable.

"No matter what plan you make, it's all in vain. You are also the Nascent Soul True Lord, but how can your chaotic cultivation compare to the Wind Spirit Root that I have cultivated for thousands of years."

"Since you are so stubborn, let me show you how powerful a true spiritual root cultivator is." Lord Kunyuan no longer wanted to waste time, so he held the jade flute in his hand and played it to his lips again. .

The sweet sound of the bamboo flute resounded throughout the sky.

The world suddenly changed again, and the colorless wind turned into dozens of giant wind dragons. The strong wind blew and the earth was swept up into the sky and the earth.

The Five Elements Sword Formation was blown to the point of collapse by the strong wind, and the sword formation could not take shape. Only the Five Elements Spirit Mountain could compete with it.

The Void Refining Realm is truly terrifying.

Even if he lowers his cultivation level, the attacks he launches casually are stronger than those of ordinary God Transformation Realm experts.

"It's too late to admit defeat now. If you lower your cultivation level, I won't be able to control my strength. If I hurt you, don't blame me then." A smile flashed in Lord Kunyuan's eyes.

But the next moment, Li Mu was urging the Five Elements Sword Formation, and the five swords combined to form a Five Elements Giant Sword, under the blessing of the Five Elements Spirit Mountain.

It turned into a thousand-foot giant sword and suddenly fell down, making the sky and the earth pale.

"Huh, this kid can't be taught." Lord Kunyuan said with some disappointment, he played the jade flute at his mouth, and the wind dragon swept forward in rage.

(End of this chapter)

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