Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 213 Advancement of Beast Control

Chapter 213 Advancement of Beast Control
Lord Kunyuan fell silent, recalling the battle just now. He stood up slowly, walked out of the pavilion, and looked at the bright moon hanging in the sky, looking very worried.

"Actually... I just had a discussion with this guy. Even though the opponent has tried his best, but after thinking about it, I feel that he still has some trump cards that he hasn't revealed yet." A strong man in the Void Realm is so sharp, Admiral Kun Yuanzun said. come out.

When the Lord Tianshang heard this, he stroked his beard and smiled, without saying much.

Lord Kunyuan met the eyes of Lord Tianshang and nodded with a wry smile. It seems that he also saw it!
Perhaps this child is really expected to break through and reach the Mahayana stage.

After three days.

Early morning, light fog.

After the temple!
Li Mu, Lord Tianshang, buried his head in the fields, working hard in the fields.

At that time, Xuan Lingzi, who was holding a spiritual sword in the distance, landed at the edge of the field. He was holding a storage ring in his hand and said respectfully: "Great Elder, the spiritual seed has been delivered."

"Wait a moment, my friend and I will finish planting this garden before we talk." Tianshang Zun raised the hoe and continued digging in the soil. Li Mu put in the spiritual seeds one by one behind him.

While the two were farming, they were still talking about scriptures. From an outsider's perspective, it looked like a young man and an old man planting spiritual fields in the field, which was nothing unusual.

But Xuan Lingzi became more and more frightened as he watched.

Tianshang Zun is a person in the middle stage of the Void Refining Realm, but his strength is far more powerful than the ordinary people in the late stage of the Void Refining Realm. Even if a strong person in the late stage of the Void Refining Realm sees him, he does not dare to show any slightest indifference. In the family, The status is extremely high.

However, such a strong man treated a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul like a peer, and his attitude was more cordial than his direct descendant, which made him feel extremely incredible.

What shocked him even more was that Lord Kunyuan was sitting in the pavilion, tasting the wine carefully, and from time to time, he would flick his fingers and two glasses of spiritual wine would fly away.

The Nascent Soul monk was not polite, took it, drank it in one gulp, and then sent it back with his spiritual power.

It's amazing enough to be friends with the Lord Tian Shang as equals.

I never thought that Lord Kunyuan would personally deliver spiritual wine to the Nascent Soul monk. The other party's reaction and attitude gave people the feeling that they were old friends. This was too outrageous!

What is the origin of this man?
Xuan Lingzi scratched his head and couldn't figure it out. The origin of this Yuanying monk has now become an unsolvable mystery in the hearts of everyone in the Kun family, but last night the three ancestors gave the order.

The identity of this person is kept extremely confidential, and the clan members are not allowed to explore it, let alone leak it.

Anyone who dares to leak the news will be severely punished by family rules. If the situation is serious, he will be expelled from the clan and stripped of the Kun family name.

This stern order scared the Kun family away from exploring the origins of this Yuanying monk. At this point, it was finally over.

"Haha, it's so comfortable!"

After plowing the fields, both Tianshang Zun and Li Mu smiled, and they walked side by side back to the pavilion.

"Come here!"

Tian Shangzun waved, and Xuan Lingzi immediately came to him and respectfully placed the storage ring in front of him.

"Little friend Li, all the remaining spiritual seeds you need are inside. Each species can cultivate about a hundred acres." Tian Shangzun handed the storage ring to Li Mu and said with a smile.

Li Mu took the storage ring and probed in with his spiritual consciousness. As expected, he found many high-level spiritual species. In addition to the fourth-level and five-element yin-yang spiritual species, there were also some fifth-level spiritual species, the fifth-level bodhi flower, the fifth-level seven-star Lingling,..., Each kind has a hundred acres of land.

Such a large number of high-level spiritual species made Li Mu overjoyed.

"Junior thanks senior!" Li Mu gratefully expressed his thanks to Lord Tian Shang.

"Haha! Li Xiaoyou, you're welcome. Speaking of which, I should be the one waiting to thank you!" Lord Tianshang stretched out his hand and smiled heartily.

Li Mu smiled and nodded, understanding what the Lord Tian Shang meant, so he stopped being too polite.

"Senior, I've been bothering you for a long time. There are still spiritual beasts in my house that Lingzhi needs to take care of. I'm going to leave now and I'll visit you another day!"

After getting what he needed, Li Mu didn't want to stay at Kun's house anymore. There were still Yin and Yang spiritual plants that needed to be taken care of in the Yin and Yang Valley, so he went straight to say goodbye to Tian Shangzun.

So much time had passed, and Li Mu was a little anxious for fear that something might happen in Yin Yang Valley.

"So urgent?" Lord Tianshang asked in surprise.

"Senior, I do have something important to do. It's really inconvenient. When we go to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains, this junior will definitely come."

"Okay, this is my token. If you want to leave then, I will notify you!" Tianshang Zun nodded calmly, took out a purple token from the storage ring, and handed it to Li Mu.

Li Mu took the token and bowed his hands slightly to everyone present and said goodbye.

After that, Li Mu left Kun's house with Xuan Lingzi's gift, stepped on a spiritual sword, turned into a stream of light, shot straight into the sky, and soon disappeared in the ancient city.

Deserted ancient city, Ji family.

In a boudoir filled with fragrance and wealth, Venerable Ji Yun looked pale. At this moment, the Buddhist beads on her wrist flashed, and the light shone directly into the distance.

"It's that damn Nascent Soul cultivator." A look of anger flashed across Venerable Ji Yun's pale face.

She knew that her prey had just left the ancient city, but she did not dare to chase him out.

After experiencing the last battle outside the ancient city, Venerable Ji Yun was frightened by Venerable Kun Ling's lifeless fighting style.

He was barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. Venerable Kunling fought with them almost risking his life, leaving no way for him to escape.

Venerable Ji Yun, who was arrogant by nature, was also frightened by such a mad dog-like person. She did not want to meet Venerable Kun Ling again, so she could only let the Nascent Soul cultivator go for the time being.

Anyway, after a hundred years, the Kun Ling Venerable will emerge, and it will not be too late to deal with the Yuanying monk who does not know whether to live or die.

"Wait, let me be so seriously injured. When I catch you, you will be crushed to ashes, your Nascent Soul will be thrown into the Ten Thousand Refining Furnace, and you will experience the pain of burning your soul for eternity, otherwise it will be difficult to understand the hatred in my heart. "Venerable Ji Yun looked grim and swore secretly.


"As expected, I didn't come after you!"

Li Mu stepped on the spiritual sword and rushed out of the ancient city a hundred miles away. Along the way, he placed a large number of reconnaissance spiders, ready to see if the Venerable Ji Yun would pursue him.

The other party did not pursue him. If the other party really insisted on pursuing him, Li Mu couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He also thought about going back for revenge and killing him as quickly as possible to avoid future troubles.

Li Mu will never allow a follower behind him. If Venerable Ji Yun discovers the spiritual field in Yin Yang Valley, everything he has worked so hard for will be in vain.

Li Mu must avoid this situation!
Seeing that the opponent did not pursue him, Li Mu was quite disappointed. He took out the Tissot Spirit Ship, turned around and entered it, and moved forward at full speed.

After several days of flying, Li Mu finally arrived at the outskirts of Yin Yang Valley.

Looking at the lifeless scenes outside the valley, Li Mu couldn't help but smile.This is a very good disguise.

In order to prevent anyone from following him, Li Mu released his spiritual consciousness, confirmed that no one was following him within a radius of two hundred miles, activated his spiritual talent, wrapped his spiritual consciousness, and flew into Yin Yang Valley.

After some careful flying, Li Mu arrived at the core area of ​​Yin Yang Valley and saw the scenery in the valley that was like a paradise.

"Master!" In the distance, Xiao Jin Xiaowa rode the falcon spirit beast and quickly came to Li Mu, shouting excitedly.

"Go down first!" Li Mu smiled slightly and fell from the sky to the side of Lingshan Waterfall.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa followed closely behind. As for the falcon spirit beast, it also followed behind him. It had been subdued by Xiao Jin.

If it dares to run away, it will be beaten. It doesn't have the guts!

"How is the situation in the valley while I'm out? Are there any other changes?"

Li Mu asked Xiao Jin, but then he remembered that this guy couldn't speak at all, so he summoned the blue-eyed brachiosaurus from the Painting World Treasure Mansion.

"Master!" The blue-eyed brachiosaurus quickly shrunk as soon as it appeared, and immediately helped Li Mu to pat his shoulders attentively.

When Xiao Jin saw it, he immediately became unhappy and rushed to the other side, rushing to massage Li Mu's shoulders.

But in the end, these two guys almost got into a fight because they clamored to massage his shoulders. Li Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw this.

These two bastards kept making trouble all day long.

Xiao Wa sighed and knelt at Li Mu's feet, looking obedient.

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise, little Yuan. Please translate for Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa. Are there any special circumstances that have happened here recently?" Li Mu ordered.

The blue-eyed brachiosaurus immediately grabbed Xiao Jin and said seriously: "You have heard the master's instructions. Tell me immediately if there are any changes recently."

Xiao Jin looked at the majestic blue-eyed brachiosaurus and was so angry that he screamed, but he couldn't speak and could only worry.

But there really was no other way. It could only obediently tell the blue-eyed brachion what had happened to the guard during this period, and let it do the translation.

After listening for a while, the blue-eyed brachion figured out the situation and relayed it to Li Mu one by one.

"Master, there was only one god-transformation monk in Yin-Yang Valley recently. The other party also noticed the formation here. He was trapped in the formation for a day and rushed out, and then left directly." Details Conveyed what happened during this period.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help but frown slightly.

Transformation cultivator? !
Rogue cultivator or a certain force?
What are you doing here?
"Then what did he say?" Li Mu asked.

Xiao Jin babbled about the non-stop strokes of his hands and feet, and the blue-eyed brachiosaurus quickly translated: "The other party said that he wanted to see fellow Taoist. This idiot wanted to take action, but was stopped by Xiao Wa. That person After staying in there for a long time, when no one came out, I left without saying anything."

When Xiao Jin heard that the Blue-Eyed Bandicoot actually compared himself to a fool, he was so angry that he stepped forward and was about to slap him.

However, he was easily dodged by the blue-eyed brachiosaurus. The two classes were placed there, and Xiao Jin was always the unlucky one. He was so angry that he flew into a rage.

"Okay, okay, please stop making trouble." Li Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He could clearly feel Xiao Jin's grievance.

Having suffered too many disadvantages in front of the Blue-Eyed Bandicoot, there is always no benefit.

Now Xiaojin and Xiaowa are both at the peak of the fourth level, and they have reached the critical point of breaking through.

It is difficult to break through within a short period of time by relying on one's own cultivation. If you use the effects of external objects, you will be able to break through soon.

The remaining three blood-purifying Ganoderma lucidum strains are just enough for the Blue-Eyed Brachiosaurus, as well as Xiaojin and Xiaowa.

Li Mu waved them over.

"Master, what are your instructions?"

Witnessing it, the blue-eyed brachiosaurus walked up to Li Mu obediently and said expectantly.

Since Xiao Jin could not speak human words yet, he could only stare helplessly, looking at the blue-eyed monkey with envy that could speak human words.

Li Mu didn't waste any time. He stretched out his hand and took out three blood-purifying Ganoderma lucidum from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl.

The appearance of the blood-purifying Ganoderma instantly filled the air with a terrifying stench.

The stench was unacceptable to mortals, but the three spirit beasts couldn't help but shine with their eyes. They looked at the three herbs with greedy expressions, saliva dripped from the corners of their mouths, and they wanted to rush up and devour them.

Humans feel disgusted when they hear it, but to monsters, it is extremely fragrant and coveted.

"Each of you will take one of these three Ganoderma lucidums. Take them!" Li Mu distributed the blood-purifying Ganoderma lucidum to the three royal beasts.

The three royal beasts were overjoyed when they got this thing. They immediately swallowed it in their mouths and ate it happily.

But Li Mu couldn't stay any longer. The smell of the blood-purifying Ganoderma was too strong.

Li Mu stood up and flew a hundred feet away, landing on a Gobi rock. He lowered his consciousness and locked onto the three beasts.

I saw that after they swallowed the blood-purifying Ganoderma, their state changed rapidly. Bursts of red light appeared all over their bodies, in their fur and in the gaps. As time went by, it became more and more red, unlike the double-horned green ganoderma. It only took a few breaths for the moon dragon's red light to disappear without a trace.

After about half a cup of tea, the red light on the Blue-eyed Bandicoot's body faded, and its breath became stronger. It looked at its hands in disbelief.

The strong strength made him roar to the sky.

The sound of roaring resounded through the sky. All the low-level monsters in the entire Yang Valley were extremely panicked and turned into flying beasts. Countless birds and beasts flew high into the sky. Some panicked ones accidentally rushed into the Yin Valley.

In just half a breath, all the souls were pulled away, and they fell from the sky one after another. The monsters that had just ran out also quickly fell to the ground with their eyes turning white.

The blood of all the dead monsters quickly dissipated and turned into ashes.

Li Mu couldn't help but frown slightly. This Yin Valley was really terrifying. If his soul hadn't been powerful, he wouldn't have been able to stay in it for a single breath.

Li Mu focused his attention on the little golden tile lying on the ground.

The two beasts were covered in red light, their eyes were closed tightly, and they devoted themselves to the perception of blood, and the aura exuding from their bodies gradually increased.

Upon seeing this, Li Mu's face was filled with joy and satisfaction.

Fifth-level spiritual grass is extremely effective for fourth-level and fifth-level monsters. Bloodline spiritual grass like this is a great tonic for them. A fifth-level blood-purifying Ganoderma, It should be able to achieve a breakthrough in their bloodline!

The blue-eyed brachiosaurus jumped thousands of feet into the sky, then gradually shrank in size, and slowly landed in front of Li Mu from the high altitude.

The blue-eyed brachiosaurus raised his head and looked at Li Mu, his eyes flashing red like red gems.

"What's wrong?" Li Mu asked with a smile. The aura of the blue-eyed brachiosaurus was extremely powerful, and it had almost half stepped into the ranks of sixth-order monsters.

The whole body of the blue-eyed brachiosaurus trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of energy. He looked at Li Mu and said happily: "Master, I'm going to retreat!"

"Huh? You're about to make a breakthrough!" Li Mu said happily as he expected.

"Hmm, master, this spiritual grass gives me a strange feeling. I seem to feel the breath of endless gold. This feeling is extremely comfortable. As long as I continue to grasp this point, I will be able to break through." The blue-eyed brachiosaurus nodded. Suan Pao looked at Li Mu and said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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