Chapter 216 Fifth level spiritual plant

The thunder cloud chopped down a blue thunder several feet thick, and struck hard on the blue-eyed brachiosaurus's one-hundred-foot-tall body, as if to punish it for being unruly!

The blue-eyed brachiosaurus looked up to the sky and roared angrily. It straightened its body and was struck by lightning. The fast blue electric snake current coursed through its body, and bursts of white smoke erupted from its body.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and another bolt of lightning struck down, instantly exploding on the back of the blue-eyed brachiosaurus, with thunder and flesh flying everywhere.

The blue-eyed ape staggered, knelt on one knee, and relied on its powerful body to resist the damage of the thunderstorm, wild and tenacious.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu's expression tightened. The last wave of thunder disaster had begun, and he didn't know whether it could survive to the end!
The six-nine transformation thunder tribulation is not so easy to overcome!
"Boom, boom!"

The swirling thunderclouds became denser and denser, and thunder and lightning struck down one after another.

Soon, the blue-eyed brachiosaurus was wrapped in countless lightning bolts, its body was charred, and its blackened flesh was peeling off. It could no longer stand firm, and knelt on one knee. Its body was shaky and about to fall down at any time.

Lei Jie seemed to have discovered the embarrassing situation of the blue-eyed ape, and added insult to injury. The thunderbolts came down one after another, hitting the blue-eyed ape hard.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!
Two miles away, Li Mu stood in the air, silently watching the blue-eyed monkey respond to the thunder calamity, his face a little ugly.

Under the thunder tribulation, the vitality exuding from the blue-eyed brachiosaurus became weaker and weaker.

However, the thundercloud did not dissipate for a long time. The fierce thunder and lightning became thicker and thicker, and they kept pouring on the blue-eyed monkey, as if punishing the blue-eyed monkey, and also seemed to show the power of God.

Thunder Tribulation seems to have decided that this blue-eyed brachiosaurus should not exist in the world and must be eliminated. Tribulation Thunder strikes continuously, not giving it any way to survive.


Under the bombardment of countless calamity thunders, the blue-eyed brachiosaurus completely lay down on the ground and became motionless.

The Blue-Eyed Brachiosaurus has not been taught the soul-devouring health-preserving art, and its physical strength is not as strong as that of Xiaojin and Xiaowa. However, it is considered a thousand-year-old demon, so it will not fall to the thunder calamity like this!

Li Mu frowned and kept his eyes fixed, silently feeling the aura of the blue-eyed brachiosaurus.

About a quarter of an hour passed, and when the thunderclouds finally began to disperse, Li Mu immediately looked at the Blue-Eyed Bandicoot, and obtained its detailed information thanks to its innate magical power of identifying all spirits.

【Blue-eyed Six-armed Ape】

[Level: Sixth Level Demon King]

[Characteristics: Body of gold and yuan, high-risk perception, six psychic arms, human spirit transformation,...]

[Status: Suffering severe damage from lightning disaster, digesting Dao Ze, recovering quickly]

[The fifth-level blue-eyed ape, after a long period of accumulation, swallowed the blood-purifying Ganoderma lucidum, and his blood was purified. He returned to his ancestors with part of the six-armed ape king's blood. He successfully survived the thunder catastrophe of transformation, broke the restrictions of the fifth-level bloodline, and became the sixth-level demon king. . 】

After looking at the attribute information of the Blue-Eyed Bandabra, no, the Blue-Eyed Hexabrab, Li Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s good that you’re not dead!The green-eyed six-armed ape's vitality is not generally tenacious. Under the bombardment of so many thunders, it has successfully survived the six-nine transformation thunder tribulation. It is really great!

Li Mu flew through the air and rushed towards him quickly.

"Crack!" sound.

Li Mu's figure flew down in front of the blue-eyed six-armed ape. He quickly took out several healing elixirs and put them all into its charred mouth. He took out a bottle of Millennium Spirit Stalactite and fed it to it.

The elixir for recovering injuries, the spiritual milk melted in the mouth, and the green-eyed six-armed ape's vitality grew rapidly, and its body also changed rapidly.

After about a few dozen breaths passed, the body of the blue-eyed six-armed ape moved, and the charred material on his body continued to peel off. The charred fur also shattered into black charred dust, which drifted away in the wind.

Suddenly, the body of the blue-eyed six-armed ape stretched out its four limbs and arms, and its body quickly shrunk. The huge body, which was a hundred feet tall, shrank to about the same height as Li Mu. Then, it stood up from the ground, and then, its whole body shook hard, "Crack!" With a sound, countless black and scorched objects slid down with them.

The true body of the blue-eyed six-armed ape was revealed, and Li Mu couldn't help but be stunned. It was so domineering and mighty!

A burly man with an ape's head, well-muscled, six thick arms, bulging chest muscles, a very majestic body, a tail hanging behind his butt, and a lot of green hair on his body..., a big man Macho man!

It has a strong body, six arms, and a small ape head. It looks a bit ugly. I don't know when this ape head will turn into a human form.

Li Mu secretly commented in his mind, remembering that he had seen a sixth-level blue-scaled thunder lion before. It also left many demon characteristics after passing through the tribulation, and then gradually became humanoid.

The green-eyed six-armed ape grinned in pain and waved its six arms a few times. While adapting to its new body, it looked at Li Mu with a look of joy on its face.

"Master, I have survived the thunder catastrophe of transformation, I succeeded!" The green-eyed six-armed ape looked at Li Mu and said with joy.

"Well! Are your injuries okay?" Li Mu nodded happily and asked with concern.

Through the Spirit Control Seal, Li Mu clearly sensed the blue-eyed six-armed ape's excited emotions at this moment. It successfully advanced. This advancement gave it the foundation to leap to a higher level.

"It's nothing serious, just minor injuries. After taking the master's elixir, it will be fine soon!" The blue-eyed six-armed ape responded happily.

Li Mu smiled and asked the green-eyed six-armed ape to rest quickly and regain its strength. He did not forget to take out some more healing elixirs and spiritual herbs from the Jiuzang spirit beads and let it choose some to eat.

The green-eyed six-armed ape didn't know what politeness was. He took a dozen elixirs and elixirs useful to him in one claw. He looked at Li Mu and asked, "Master, can I take these?"

"Well! Just take whatever is useful to you. By the way, with your current image, I have to change your name. Let's call you Xiaoliu from now on!" Li Mu smiled and nodded, looking at the blue-eyed six-armed ape and jokingly said.

"No more! This name is so unpleasant. Master, you should continue to call me little Tongji!" The blue-eyed six-armed ape begged with a bitter face.

"Forget it if you don't want to. I'll send you to the Yulingbao Bracelet to recuperate! In addition, you should supervise Xiaojin, Xiaowa, and those two guys also took the blood-purifying Ganoderma lucidum, and they haven't finished it yet!" Li Mu looked at it. The green-eyed six-armed ape gestured with a smile.

"Well, I will let them advance to the next level as soon as possible!" The blue-eyed six-armed ape's eyes lit up and his eyes rolled around, thinking of many ways to tease the two little brothers.

Seeing this, Li Mu smiled slightly and immediately understood its plan and was happy to see it succeed. With its stimulation, maybe Xiaojin and Xiaowa could advance to the next level sooner.

After saying that, Li Mu stretched out his hand and put the blue-eyed six-armed ape into the space of the Yuling Treasure Bracelet.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa both ate a fifth-level blood-purifying Ganoderma. For those of them who are only at the peak of the fourth level, they have to consume high-level elixirs across the first level. They have been refining the power of the medicine and refining their blood. During this time, they have suffered a lot. .

After Xiaojin and Xiaowa have finished refining the Blood Purifying Ganoderma, if they can't advance to the fifth level, Li Mu still has a lot of Xuantian Beast Transformation Pills on hand, all prepared for them.When they all reach the fifth level, and now only one wood-type monster is missing, they can gather the five-element beasts, then refine their natal spiritual treasures, and teach them to set up the five-element array. By then, with their help, they can even fight against the Void Refining Monk. , Li Mu also has the confidence to fight.

After sending away the blue-eyed six-armed ape, Li Mu continued to deal with the planting of Lu Lingzhi.

Planting various spiritual plants is related to the foundation of Li Mu's cultivation, and he cannot relax for a moment.

Back in Yin Yang Valley, apart from refining weapons, Li Mu spent most of his time cultivating spiritual fields and planting spiritual plants.

Nine-leaf green lotus, golden source spiritual fruit, earth dragon spiritual ginseng..., these fourth-level and five-element spiritual plants have been planted with Baimolybdenum, purple jade spiritual ginseng, Yin Po fruit, two kinds of yin and yang spiritual plants.

Participating in the Wanbao Pavilion auction and harvesting from the Kun family, Li Mu obtained a large number of fourth-order five-element spiritual plants. In addition to yin-yang spiritual plants, Li Mu also obtained many fifth-order spiritual plant seeds, such as the fifth-order Bodhi spirit flower. The fifth-level Mou Xing spiritual grass, the fifth-level Mist spiritual grass,...

The growth of fifth-level spiritual plants has strict environmental requirements, which the Painting World Treasure Mansion cannot fully meet. However, some special conditions can be created.

For example: the fifth-level Bodhi Spirit Flower, in addition to a large amount of spiritual power, requires a Bodhi tree of the same level to accompany it for normal growth.

Another example: the fifth-level Mou Xing Ling Cao needs to absorb stars for a long time in its growth environment. If it can be satisfied by arranging the star and moon formation in the outside world, in the Painting World Treasure Mansion, it can only spend a lot of money to purchase a large number of fifth-level star meteorites and arrange the star brilliance. A large formation consumes precious weapon refining materials to meet its needs.

These high-level spiritual plants are not only demanding to plant, but also take an extremely long time to grow.

Li Mu now has financial resources, and they are also curious about what kind of spiritual plants these fifth-level spiritual plants can provide after they mature, and whether they can increase his spirituality, understanding, and qualifications.

This visit to Kun's house as a 'guest' was an eye-opener for Li Mu.

With the help of Zhiling to absorb this innate magical power, Li Mu grew rapidly and did not practice in depth. He relied solely on the training skills gained after leveling up and never thought about it himself.

After communicating with Tian Shangzun, Li Mu was deeply shocked.

In the past, Li Mu had neglected many things such as refining weapons, making talismans, carving puppets, setting up formations, etc. After this exchange of ideas, he made new discoveries.

Due to limited qualifications, talent, or understanding, Li Mu was completely unable to understand the real core things.

Refining weapons, making talismans, carving puppets, setting up formations, etc., these various arts of cultivation all follow a certain operating principle of 'spiritual energy'. Regardless of the patterns of weapons, talismans, puppets, formations, they all pass through a certain A similar power of Tao Yun law operates.

Li Mu knew all these skills and looked very good at them, but he couldn't get into them deeply.

Li Mu felt like a primary school student who was forcibly fed the knowledge of high school students. He could rely on this knowledge to make some small utensils, but he was unable to comprehend it and understand the most basic and critical knowledge on his own.

This may be the gap between geniuses and mortals. Li Mu sighed with some worry, fearing that in the later stage due to lack of qualifications, he would not be able to improve his cultivation by absorbing spiritual plants, just like the weapon refining, cloth making, and talisman making skills were stuck at level five. .

Therefore, high-level spiritual plants must be planted. No matter how long it takes or how high the cost, the spiritual plants absorbed by high-level spiritual plants cannot give him a surprise and let him cross this high threshold.

Thinking of this, Li Mu was moved, and he immediately took action and began to count the collection of spiritual plants, from easy to difficult, paying attention to the planting plan.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you will be shocked when you check. Unknowingly, Li Mu has collected hundreds of fourth- and fifth-level spiritual plants, some were gifts from Qingxuan Sect, some were obtained from Tianyan Shenjun’s spiritual plant warehouse, and there are two large ones. The magic cultivator's trophies,..., etc., there are a total of 46 kinds of fifth-level spiritual planting seeds, depending on the skill, ranging from only one spiritual seed to more than ten acres of spiritual seeds.

There are 46 kinds of fifth-level spiritual plants, the ones with the lowest requirements are: fifth-level white jade linglong, fifth-level mist spiritual vine, fifth-level bodhi spirit flower, etc.

The fifth-level Bodhi Spirit Flower seeds have the largest number, covering ten acres. Li Mu stretched out his hand and took out a white jade box from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl. He opened the lid of the box and revealed green spiritual seeds the size of peanuts.

【Bodhi Spirit Flower】

[Rank: fifth-order spiritual plant]

[Characteristics: Bodhi meditation, inspiration and speculation, spiritual tranquility, enlightenment and wisdom gathering, thread of Tao]

[Status: Full of spirituality, with fruits waiting to be cultivated]

[Bodhi Spirit Flower, a spiritual plant with the fifth-level Bodhi tree as its companion plant. Growth conditions: abundant spiritual power and rich field power. It needs Bodhi tree as a companion spiritual plant. The Bodhi Spirit Flower takes root in 20 years, matures in 50 years, and bears Bodhi fruit in a hundred years. The Bodhi Spirit Flower with 50 years of medicinal properties is one of the main medicines for refining the Huixin Pill. The Bodhi Fruit is one of the main materials for refining the fifth-level Bodhi Pill and Lingyun Pill. 】

With the innate supernatural power of identifying all spirits, Li Mu learned the conditions for planting the Bodhi Spirit Flower. Compared with other fifth-level spiritual plants, the requirements are extremely low and only require Bodhi trees to accompany them.

Then, Li Mu took out a black bag of spiritual seeds, about a hundred of them.

Li Mu slightly opened the bag, revealing white spiritual seeds dotted with silver stars and about the size of a thumb. Perhaps because they had been stored for too long, the spiritual seeds were a bit shriveled and damaged.

Li Mu frowned and nervously checked the status of each spiritual seed one by one.

【White Jade Linglong】

[Rank: fifth-order spiritual plant]

[Characteristics: Exquisite spirit, star-pointed aura, supreme spiritual juice, born towards the sun, elegant and harmonious. 】

[Status: Spirituality is slightly damaged, and the seed power will be lost after ten years of infertility]

[White Jade Linglong, fifth-level spiritual plant, growth conditions: pure spiritual power, requires fifth-level Tianchen Rhinoceros soil, poured with fifth-level spiritual chalcedony liquid to grow, 30 years for seedling stage, 80 years for maturity, and 200 years for white jade Spirit Cage Fruit, White Jade Spirit Cage Fruit is one of the main materials for refining the sixth level Qiqiao Linglong Pill. 】

With the innate magical power of identifying all spirits, Li Mu obtained all the attribute information of the White Jade Linglong.

There are a total of 170 eight white jade spiritual seeds. Both fifth-level materials are relatively common. You should be able to collect them by going to Wanbao Pavilion.

Fifth-level spiritual seeds are high-level spiritual plants. They are rare in number and difficult to plant. Therefore, these spiritual seeds have not been 'castrated'.

If the planting can be successful, after they mature and fall fruit, Li Mu can plant a large number of fruit seeds again, thus entering the cycle of conscience and no longer need to worry about collecting spiritual seeds.


Li Mu took out the fifth-level spiritual plant seeds one by one and checked their attribute information, growth environment requirements, and maturity time one by one.

After some selection, Li Mu finally selected seven fifth-level spiritual plants that were most suitable for planting, and prepared to build a growing environment for them in the next period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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