Chapter 220 Xiaobai wakes up
Take advantage of his illness and kill him!
Li Mu stretched out his hand and summoned the Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon, Blue-Eyed Brachiosaurus, Xiao Jin, and Xiao Wa. The powerful lineup instantly rushed into the group of monster monkeys and started killing impatiently.

The double-horned blue-moon dragon was guarding the spiritual pool. It had been suppressed for a long time. After it appeared, it immediately locked its target.

"Ang" a dragon roared, and the green shadow flashed, flying straight towards the sixth-level Scarlet Moon Demon Monkey King.

Level [-] - The Red Moon Demon Monkey King panicked and responded to the enemy.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the two collided fiercely, overturning countless red-eared demon monkeys around them, causing gravel and broken wood to fly, and the sky and earth changed color.

The blue-eyed ape stretched out six arms and struck with golden fist shadows. The full shadow hit every red-eared demon monkey and directly shocked them to death. There were almost no enemies in one attack.

Xiao Jin seemed to be trying to compete with the Blue-eyed Brake Ape's killing efficiency, so he directly threw out the golden stick in his hand and used all his strength to cast spells to control the long golden stick.

The long golden stick dragged long golden flames and hit the heads of the red-eared monster monkeys.

"Papa papa..." Wherever the golden stick passed, the heads of the red-eared monkeys exploded like watermelons and died miserably.

For a moment, the speed at which the two demon apes slaughtered the red-eared demon monkey was almost equal. They did not regard the red-eared demon monkey as the same kind, so they got excited and started fighting for the target.

Xiao Wa was a little helpless. It couldn't grab the target in front of it. Its huge body burrowed into the ground and could only lock on the red-eared monster monkey that was running away in panic.

Seeing that the four beasts had been able to control the situation and the battle would be resolved in a short time, Li Mu did not intervene. He flew towards the bodhi tree and used the Earth Splitting Technique to dig out the bodhi trees one after another. Painting world treasure house.

After harvesting the bodhi trees, he obtained 770 five bodhi trees, large and small, which was much more than the information given by Tianji Pavilion. Li Mu was very satisfied and continued to collect the spiritual objects around him.

There are patches of third-level ice mist spiritual grass, dozens of fourth-level seven-leaf spiritual ginseng, thousands of third-level black star trees,... There is a top-grade spiritual vein in this mountain, which has given birth to a large number of third-, fourth- and fifth-level spiritual objects. , Li Mu gained a lot, collected many spiritual plants one by one, and transplanted them to the Painting World Treasure Mansion.

After doing all this, Li Mu did not stop. The biggest prize was still under the mountain!
The best spiritual veins are extremely rare. The Painting Realm Treasure Mansion is equivalent to a small world. It cannot naturally breed spiritual veins, and it has to support a large number of spiritual plants. The consumption of spiritual energy is not trivial. The only way to move the entire spiritual vein into the treasure mansion is to rely on the method of capturing the spiritual veins. .

Li Mu made a big move, and more than 1000 spiritual swords flew out from the Jiuzang Spiritual Plant, covering dozens of miles and surrounding the core area of ​​the spiritual vein.


Li Mu stood in the air, holding the sword in his hand, and with a loud shout, a sword field was formed, and one thousand eight hundred and four-level spiritual swords rushed down one after another like a torrential rain.

"Puff..." A spiritual sword sank into the ground, instantly severing the spiritual veins within dozens of miles from the earth, causing the world to change color.

Li Mu's face turned pale, and he had consumed a lot of spiritual energy. The range of this spiritual vein was much larger than the top-quality one he collected last time. He took out a fourth-level Heaven-Returning Pill and drank it, refining it to restore some of his spiritual power.

Li Mu then poured his spiritual energy into the Painting World Treasure Mansion with all his strength, and his spiritual thoughts covered the spiritual veins that were dug out and trapped in the sword domain.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful suction force erupted from the Painting World Treasure Mansion, opening a terrifying energy vortex and swallowing the land that was torn apart. Countless spiritual trees and gravel surged one after another, and the world changed color.

Soon, a purple dragon-shaped spiritual mist appeared. It was extremely agile and started to pull with the suction of the Painting World Treasure Mansion. With its appearance, the density of the surrounding spiritual energy suddenly increased by several levels. Li Mu took a deep breath, and inside his body, His spiritual energy immediately recovered to some extent.

"Transfiguration spirit vein?"

Li Mu's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed. He continued to increase the spiritual power supply of the Painting World Treasure Mansion. The Painting World Treasure Mansion suddenly produced greater suction and sucked in the purple dragon-shaped spiritual mist.

The weapon spirit of Huajie Baofu appeared, as if he had burped, and looked at Li Mu excitedly, as if he was ready to say something.

However, at this moment, as the purple dragon-shaped spiritual mist disappeared, the heaven and earth shook, and a huge thundercloud suddenly gathered.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "bang", and a thick blue thunder suddenly descended and struck hard at the weapon spirit of the Painting World Treasure Mansion.

Li Mu had already discovered the appearance of thunderclouds above his head and put the Painting World Treasure Mansion into the storage compartment earlier. At the same time, he released the seventh-level spiritual mineral - the meteorite core - from the storage compartment to defend the Painting World Treasure Mansion. Thunder punishment.

"Hi!" With a sound, the blue thunder struck hard on the meteorite crystal core, and the lightning flashed. However, not even a trace was left on the surface of the crystal core.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu couldn't help but smile happily, and made a sudden decision to avoid a big trouble.

This thunder punishment was caused by the treasure house in the painting world seizing the dragon-shaped spiritual veins, which caused the heaven in this world to hate and reject it. Once the punishment thunder dropped by it, it would definitely damage its spirituality and even annihilate its weapon spirit.

It is different to use the meteorite crystal core to withstand it. First of all, it is just a piece of spiritual mineral material and does not have a weapon spirit. Not to mention its own characteristics, it is indestructible, it has its own realm, and it is not afraid of the power of thunder and punishment.

Why haven’t the thunderclouds disappeared yet?

Li Mu looked at the increasingly dense thunderclouds above his head and was confused!
Using the golden cicada's escape plan, the meteor crystal core has replaced the thunder of Hua Jie Bao Mansion, and the thunder clouds should have dissipated. However, the thunder clouds above the head not only did not dissipate, but instead gathered more and more, forming a vortex shape. The eighty-nine Nascent Soul thunder tribulations he had passed through before were no less impressive.

Li Mu frowned, feeling that Lei Jie's thunder eyes were locked on him.

No way!Thunder can't punish Huajie Baofu, so it shouldn't be blamed on him!
Li Mu panicked, and just when he didn't know what to do, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from his ear.

"Jiji! Lord, master!"

At some point, a little girl as big as a palm, like a butterfly elf with a pair of colorful wings, flew in front of Li Mu and called out timidly.

"You, you, you are Xiaobai? Have you successfully advanced to the next level? Are you going to survive the thunder tribulation?"

Li Mu's eyes widened, and he looked at the elf in front of him. He immediately understood the reason why the thunderclouds above his head were gathering more and more densely. It turned out that the thunderclouds were not locked on him, but on Xiaobai who had been sleeping in the beast control bag.

"Well! Xiaobai is about to survive the tribulation!" Xiaobai looked at Li Mu and smiled, but there was a hint of sadness on his face.

Seeing Xiao Bai's uneasy expression, Li Mu's expression changed slightly. He sensed Xiao Bai's fear through the spirit weapon seal. Thinking about it, Xiao Bai is a spirit body, lives on his soul, and is hated by heaven and earth. At the same time, he is an extremely fragile insect cultivator. It is very difficult for him to survive this disaster.

However, the thunder tribulation did not give Li Mu and Xiaobai time to discuss. The thunder clouds roared, and thunder snakes flashed in the thunder clouds. Ju Ju, the first wave of thunder tribulation, the first thunder Ju Ju was about to fall. .

Witness, Xiaobai flapped his wings behind his back and turned into a stream of light, flying more than ten miles in the blink of an eye to overcome the tribulation and avoid the aftermath of the tribulation thunder from harming Li Mu.Lei Jie thought the target was about to escape. With a "click" sound, a thick blue thunder struck directly at Xiao Bai who was flying rapidly. The sky was majestic.

Immediately afterwards, the blue thunder struck down one after another, suddenly splitting Xiao Bai's tiny body into a blue thunder ball, with countless thunder snakes sizzling.

"It's too scary. What level of thunder disaster is this?"

I don't know when, the blue-eyed monkey flew to Li Mu's side, looked at Lei Jie and asked absentmindedly.

He had just survived the thunder tribulation. He originally thought that the thunder tribulation he had survived was terrifying enough. However, compared with the one in front of him, it was simply dwarfed and not worth mentioning.

Li Mu watched Xiaobai go through the tribulation absentmindedly, and couldn't help but worry about its life.

"This is a catastrophe of ninety-nine transformations, and it is also a catastrophe of insect body. The hope of surviving it is extremely slim! Unless there is a device to overcome the tribulation, it can withstand part of the power of the thunder tribulation, which may be able to protect its life." Solve the battle. The double-horned blue moon dragon flew to Li Mu's right side, looked at Lei Jie with a fearful expression, and responded to the question of the blue-eyed brachiosaurus.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa also gave up fighting. They came to Li Mu one after another, looking worriedly at Xiao Bai, who was facing the disaster, and began to worry about his life.

They are both Li Mu's beast masters. They have spent decades together and have formed a deep friendship. At the moment, the thunder catastrophe that Xiaobai has experienced is extremely dangerous. They can't help but feel a huge stone hanging in their hearts. Extremely depressing.

Li Mu sighed. Xiaobai was targeted by the thunder calamity as soon as he woke up. He did not prepare any tools for him to overcome the calamity. Xiaobai might not be able to escape from this calamity.

How to do?
Do you want to watch Xiaobai die under the thunder tribulation?
Li Mu stared at Xiaobai who had barely survived the disaster, feeling secretly anxious.

Xiaobai made a lot of contributions to him and saved him from danger several times. Li Mu was unwilling to watch Xiaobai fail to cross the tribulation and died under the thunder tribulation.

no!We can't just stay like this, there must be a way!

The thunder tribulation has just begun, and it is the spiritual stage of transcending the tribulation. It is not too late to refine the tribulation spiritual weapon to help Xiaobai resist the thunder tribulation.

What kind of tribulation thunder weapon can be refined to help Xiaobai isolate the power of thunder?

Got it!

Li Mu's mind raced, his eyes suddenly lit up, he thought of an excellent idea, and he acted quickly.

I saw that Li Mu stretched out his hand to summon the Extreme Yang Sky Fire, and silently used the Eighth Level Sky Fire Refining Technique. In an instant, he condensed the Sky Fire Artifact Refining Furnace, and put dozens of pieces of second-order thousand-year red copper and third-order Geng gold into it. , quickly carry out refining.

The two-horned green moon dragon, the blue-eyed ape, Xiao Jin, and Xiao Wa all opened their eyes wide and stared blankly at Li Mu who suddenly started to refine weapons. They didn't know what kind of tribulation weapon he wanted to refine for Xiao Bai. Resist thunder.

In less than twenty breaths, Li Mu refined a third-level spiritual weapon, a golden hollow spherical spiritual weapon.

Li Mu's face was full of joy, and he quickly threw the lightning protection ball towards Xiaobai who was going through the tribulation. At the same time, he informed Xiaobai through the Spirit Control Seal how to use this lightning protection ball.

Xiaobai obeyed Li Mu and would not waste any of his thoughts.

Xiaobai moved his body again against the thunder, ingested the lightning protection ball, followed Li Mu's instructions, got into the lightning protection ball, hid his body inside, and then closed the lightning protection ball.

The thunderbolts struck the air one after another, and for a moment they were unable to cause any harm to Xiaobai who was in the lightning ball.

"This?" The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon stared wide-eyed, stunned by this scene.

"What's going on? Master, what kind of tribulation-transmitting spiritual weapon is that? It's only a third-level weapon. How can it avoid the tribulation thunder?" The blue-eyed brachiosaurus was also stunned and asked Li Mu in disbelief.

"Because it's a Faraday cage!" Li Mu replied with a slight smile.

"Farad Cage?" The double-horned blue moon dragon murmured, his eyes becoming more and more confused.

The Faraday cage is a cage made of metal or a good conductor. It is a special device named after the physical scientist Michael Faraday, the founder of modern electromagnetics in his previous life. It is mainly used to demonstrate electric potential, electrostatic barriers, and demonstrate high-voltage electrified operations. principle equipment.

The principle and structure of a Faraday cage are extremely simple. The outer shell of the cars we see every day in the modern world is a large metal shell, forming a isotopic body that can isolate lightning. Therefore, it is not necessary to stay in the car during thunderstorms. Worry about being struck by lightning.

Li Mu combined modern scientific knowledge of lightning protection and the structural principles of the Faraday cage to urgently refine a lightning protection ball for Xiaobai to help Xiaobai resist some of the extremely damaging but physically isolated thunders in front of him.

Of course, the lightning protection ball cannot completely help Xiaobai survive the entire thunder tribulation. There are many types of thunder tribulations. In addition to ordinary physical damage tribulations, there are also spiritual tribulations, inner demon tribulations, illusory heart tribulations,..., according to the tribulation of transcending tribulations Different growth of the person will produce different thunder disasters.

However, Xiaobai is an insect cultivator with an extremely fragile physique. He majors in the soul and soul. He is most afraid of the ordinary tribulation lightning that can cause the most damage to the body. With the lightning protection ball, this artifact can help him survive the most dangerous ordinary tribulation lightning ahead. , the probability of successfully overcoming the tribulation is greatly increased.

As for the rest of the thunder tribulations that will follow, it can only survive by itself.

The tribulation thunder struck down one after another. However, Xiaobai hid in a lightning protection ball and created a lightning protection barrier, making it impossible for the tribulation lightning to lock onto it. Countless thunder and lightning bombarded the ground around the lightning protection ball like a torrential rain, and the thunder was like rain. , there was no direction, and the whole area suddenly turned into a thunder.

Such a terrifying scene scared Li Mu and the four beasts to flee for dozens of miles to avoid harming the fish and being struck by those blind lightnings.

"Master, you are so powerful. With the help of that tribulation-transmitting spiritual weapon, it will definitely be able to survive the thunder tribulation." The blue-eyed brachiosaurus looked at Li Mu and said with sincere admiration.

"Yes! It seems that this kind of lightning protection artifact is not difficult to refine! If word spreads, other monks who need to overcome the tribulation will definitely flock to it!" The double-horned blue moon dragon looked at Li Mu and said with emotion.

Hearing this, Li Mu's heart moved and he couldn't help but think seriously about whether to refine some lightning protection balls to sell.

Li Mu thought for a moment and then gave up the idea. The principle of the Faraday Cage was too simple, and it would be thankless to promote it, and it could easily be copied. He didn't need to be too efficient in refining spiritual weapons, and he didn't need to rely on this method to make a fortune.

Time passed bit by bit, and the calamity thunder could not hit Xiaobai, who was responding to the calamity. The thunder clouds immediately changed, gathering and gathering, and the blue thunder stopped striking.

"Crack!" There was a sound of cracking the sky, and suddenly, a purple lightning struck down. The lightning arrester was instantly chopped into pieces, and the sword pointed at Xiaobai inside.

(End of this chapter)

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