Chapter 242 Fighting Again

Xiao Jin went on a killing spree among the beasts, doing whatever he wanted and was very happy.Xiaowa, on the other hand, chose to sneak into the ground and hunt the Purgatory Bear in the most comfortable way.

Seeing that a dozen third- and fourth-level purgatory bears were about to form a siege and besiege Xiao Jin, the next moment, the earth suddenly surged, and countless huge stone statues suddenly emerged from the ground.

The giant stone statue opened its bloody mouth and swallowed a purgatory bear in one mouthful. In the blink of an eye, the dozens of purgatory bears that besieged Xiao Jin were wiped out silently.

The double-horned green moon dragon pulled out afterimages in the air, extremely cruel, spraying dragon breath, and the extremely cold air instantly froze those hellish violent bears into ice sculptures, then opened its huge mouth and swallowed them in one bite, making a loud crunching sound. .

“It tastes good!”

The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon stretched out its claws and picked its teeth, and pieces of ice mixed with flesh and blood fell from the sky.

Li Mu, who saw this scene in the distance, turned around and rushed into a nearby spiritual mountain. With his innate ability to identify all spirits, all kinds of spiritual herbs and elixirs could not escape his discerning eyes.

The fourth-order nine-leaf clover, year: 500; the third-order Roman vine, the year: 700; the fourth-order Roselle, year: a thousand years..., harvest, harvest, harvest... As Li Mu waved his hands, multiple golden sword skills were displayed. They flashed across the dense forest. Regardless of whether these spiritual herbs and elixirs were useful or not, he collected them all into the Jiuzang Spiritual Beads.

The Lingshan Mountain where the Purgatory Bear Clan lives is covered with a large number of spiritual herbs and various elixirs. It is simply a paradise for alchemists.

Just as Li Mu was working hard, the double-horned blue moon dragon seemed to have discovered something. He saw half of the Infernal Bear in his mouth and looked into the distance.

"Master, it seems that human monks are coming towards us." The voice of the double-horned blue moon dragon rang in Li Mu's mind.

Li Mu, who was searching for herbs in Lingshan Mountain, heard the noise but didn't care.

Lord Tian Shang, Lord Kun Ling fought fiercely with the Purgatory Brutal Bear, causing huge commotion. Normally, the human monks who came to explore the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains would definitely come over to check. When those people saw the name of the Kun family, Since he will leave obediently, Li Mu is not worried that someone will try to fish in troubled waters.

Li Mu let go of his consciousness, thinking that everything would be fine, when he suddenly turned his head and looked at the black spirit ship speeding in the distance.

"The Ji family, and the Void Refining Realm last time! It seems that trouble is coming." Li Mu frowned slightly. He did not expect that the Ji family would come here. What a coincidence!

"Xiao Jin, Xiao Wa, Qing Yue, come back quickly!" Li Mu called back the three beasts with a serious look on his face.

Both Master Tianshang and Master Kun Ling are still in the middle of the war. Master Ji Yun is carrying a treasure-hunting spiritual bead. Could it be that she is relying on this spiritual treasure to track herself?

Really haunted!
Thinking of this, Li Mu suddenly took a deep breath, and then the billowing true energy condensed in his throat, and shouted loudly: "Two seniors, let's fight quickly, the people of the Ji family are here!"

The roaring sound spread throughout the battlefield.

On Venerable Kun Ling's side, he suddenly swung the flame giant ax in his hand, splitting a sixth-level monster into two, stretched out his hand, and pinched its soul in his hand.

"Ha, you came at the right time. She must be that poisonous woman Ji Yun. It's time to settle the score with her!" Venerable Kun Ling had the Fiery Flame Giant Axe, a sixth-level spiritual treasure that he wished for, and his combat power doubled.

Venerable Kun Ling is fully confident that he can easily kill Venerable Ji Yun with the help of the power of the spiritual treasure. The strength of the half-step Void Refining Realm is far beyond that of the peak of God Transformation.

Three sixth-level purgatory bears were trapped in the bronze gate array, looking miserable.

One of the three purgatory bears had been killed, and the remaining two were seriously injured.

Lord Tianshang was slightly injured. However, after hearing Li Mu's warning, he frowned and immediately calmed down, focusing most of his attention on preparing to deal with the upcoming Ji family!
Lord Tianshang stepped on a dead purgatory bear, and with a wave of his hand, the body turned into a stream of light, which he put into his storage ring.

A sixth-level demonic beast, its whole body is full of treasures. Except for its essence, which has little effect, its fur and bones are excellent materials for refining magic weapons. It can be used to make talismans and elixirs, and its flesh and blood are the main ingredients for refining explosive pills, which are valuable.

"You bastard..." The remaining two purgatory bears couldn't help roaring, but they were trapped by the nine-ring copper gate array and could not break free.

"I see that it is not easy for you to practice. If you obediently hand over the Devil-Breaking Heart Fruit, I will spare your lives." Lord Tianshang said in a calm tone.

Lord Tian Shang noticed Lord Kumu's aura and did not want to continue to entangle with them. The best thing to do was to help Kun Ling get the Demon-Breaking Heart Fruit. Next, he had to deal with Lord Kumu wholeheartedly.

"Seriously!" The leader of the Purgatory Violent Bear had a look of survival in his eyes.

"Brother!" The slightly shorter Inferno Bear covered his broken arm with a hesitant expression.

"I never break my promise, take out the Devil-Breaking Heart Fruit and get out of here!" Lord Tianshang raised his head, looked at the sky, and shouted.

At this time, the two Infernal Bears were in a miserable state, and many of their wounds were still slowly healing. They understood that this battle was going to be fatal, and the human monk in front of them was lucky not to kill them all.If you still don't know what's interesting at this time, I'm afraid you and the second child will die here!

"Take it!" The Purgatory Violent Bear gritted his teeth, took out an elixir from the gourd-shaped storage magic weapon on his waist, and threw it to the Lord Tianshang.

The Devil-Breaking Heart Fruit exudes a twisted luster and is red in color, like a blooming lotus. It has no aura and looks extremely strange.

Tian Shangzun looked happy, stretched out his hand and quickly put it into the storage ring.

"Thank you!" He thanked him after putting away the spiritual grass.

Tianshang Zun flicked his fly whisk, and the nine-layered bronze door quickly shrank in size, turning into a half-foot-wide cyan shield surrounding him.

The two sixth-level purgatory bears fled away as if they were running away. Upon seeing this, all the demon bears followed and fled with their lives.

"Kun Ling! I have obtained the Devil-Breaking Heart Fruit, and I am ready to concentrate on dealing with the Ji family!" Master Tianshang quickly transmitted the message.

Venerable Kun Ling nodded, put away the giant flame ax, and looked ahead at a roaring black spiritual ship.

The black spirit ship arrived, and five figures immediately flew out slowly from the cabin.

"Tian Shang, hand over the Demon-Breaking Heart Fruit!" As soon as Lord Kumu came up, he directly asked for the Demon-Breaking Heart Fruit and looked directly at Lord Tian Shang.

"It's really funny. I got the Devil-Breaking Heart Fruit with my own hands, so what does it have to do with you?" Lord Tianshang felt that the dead tree Lord in front of him was mentally ill.

While the two masters in the Void Refining Realm were talking, Venerable Ji Yun and Venerable Kun Ling looked at each other, and a chilling air filled the space.

"You're here!" Venerable Ji Yun just snorted coldly when facing Venerable Kun Ling's words, but a flash of panic flashed under his eyes.Having just experienced a battle, the chilling aura in Master Kunling's body had almost reached its peak. At that point, his aura was not weaker than that of a strong man in the Void Refining Realm.

Venerable Tianyin and others looked directly at Li Mu with murderous eyes. "Kill my brother Tianyun, boy, you must give your life here today."

Venerable Tianyin and the others didn't know how Li Mu managed to curry favor with the Shangkun family, but no matter what the reason was today, they were bound to kill him and take away the Heaven-Moving Spirit Treasure.

"You little thief, return my things quickly or you will die!" Venerable Huo Tian's eyes were red. The moment he saw Li Mu, he wanted to tear him alive.

Facing the three murderous glances, Li Mu turned a blind eye and said with a slight smile: "Sorry, I'm not familiar with you!"

"Arrogant, don't think that being related to the Kun family means you can be lawless." Venerable Lin Hai cursed angrily. While there was anger in his eyes, he also flashed endless greed.However, Li Mu looked at these three powerful gods and was not moved at all.The two were in the late stage of divine transformation and one was in the middle stage of divine transformation. In his eyes, there was no longer any threat.

The disputes between these juniors did not attract the attention of Lord Tianshang and Lord Kumu.

Lord Kumu looked directly at Lord Tianshang and said coldly: "That Devil-Breaking Heart Fruit was specially sent to the Soul-eating Demon Clan a hundred years ago by me to cultivate for me. Now it should be returned to its original owner. We will not take any responsibility for the destruction of the Soul Demon Clan."

Lord Kumu's words made the three of them stunned for a moment, and they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Tian Shangzun stroked his beard and smiled, and said sarcastically: "I said Kumu, you Ji family members are very good at deceiving others. You can tell me how to send such an important spiritual fruit to the Soul-eating Monster Clan." ."

Lord Kumu was not angry when the trick was exposed. He was just looking for an excuse to start a war. So he said: "The facts are right in front of you. Believe it or not, God will not destroy you for a single herb." I'm kind."

"Amicable? How can I be friendly with you? Don't try to put gold on your own face." Tianshang Zun chuckled, naturally unafraid, and directly attacked him.

"You...Okay, okay, I have heard for a long time that you are practicing the superior Heart Mirror Technique, which is extremely mysterious. Today I will ask you for advice." Lord Kumu had already found an excuse to start a fight, and his eyes indicated. Venerable Ji Yun immediately started to take action.

"Okay, I have long heard that you, Kumu, are as timid as a mouse in the Ji family. Last time in the ancient secret realm, you actually left all your clan members behind and escaped from the secret realm alone. Then you were demoted to the ancient city. I I also want to know whether your method of escaping is really as powerful as the rumors say." Tianshang Zun did not shy away and immediately revealed the scandal of the other party.

"Seeking death!" Lord Kumu was furious. He flicked his palms, and two full-moon scimitars suddenly appeared in his palms, holding them tightly.The golden Falun behind his back transformed into reality, and the terrifying aura of the Void Refining Realm, vast and boundless, spurted out. With a roar, it turned into a golden light and shot straight towards the Lord Tianshang.

Tianshang Zun raised his head and laughed loudly. With a flick of his whisk, the nine bronze doors quickly rotated. The red-yellow Falun appeared from behind, and he rushed forward with infinite energy.The moment the two collided, an explosion visible to the naked eye suddenly exploded.

Li Mu and the others quickly stayed away and started a battle between themselves.

"Three fellow Taoists, take action!" Venerable Ji Yun's face was filled with joy. As Lord Tianshang was being implicated, she joined forces with Lord Tianyin's people to take down Lord Kun Ling very quickly. Her strength was as strong as Lord Kun Ling. Compared with the others, they are only slightly inferior in skills. The addition of three powerful gods can make up for this difference and even make it stronger.Venerable Kun Ling will die today!
But just when Venerable Ji Yun thought he had a good chance of winning, suddenly, Venerable Tianyin and three others broke away from the team and rushed away.

"Fellow Taoist Tianyin, what are you three doing?" Venerable Ji Yun was stunned for a moment and shouted anxiously.

Venerable Tianyin responded: "Fellow Daoist Ji, just hold on for a moment, and we will come to support you when we have our revenge."

Venerable Ji Yun was so angry that he wanted to curse. At this time, Venerable Kun Ling in front laughed and scolded mockingly: "The poisonous woman is planning to bully more and hit less!"

There was a change in the plan, but Venerable Ji Yun didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, it was too easy for three powerful gods to join forces to kill a Nascent Soul cultivator.

This Li Jianxian has extraordinary strength, but after all, he is only a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Even if he can defeat the early-stage god-transformation monks, Venerable Tianyin, Venerable Huo Tian, ​​and Venerable Lin Hai are all in the late stages of god-transformation. They have some They are good at sound attacks, and some are unparalleled in close combat. If the three of them join forces, it shouldn't be too easy to deal with a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Venerable Kun Ling also had this concern. Although he knew that Li Mu was very powerful, he was worried that he would not be able to withstand the three of them joining forces.

Venerable Kun Ling immediately threw out his flying ax, his figure flashed, and he flew out.

"You want to rely on the strong to bully the weak, use more to bully the less? Let's pass my test first!" Venerable Kun Ling stopped Venerable Huo Tian and Venerable Lin Hai who were chasing Li Mu, and gestured with a smile.

"Come on, let's kill him first and then help fellow Taoist Tianyin!" Upon seeing this, Venerable Ji Yun was overjoyed. It was only appropriate for Venerable Kun Ling to seek his own death.

Venerable Huo Tian and Venerable Lin Hai looked at each other, with a flash of anger in their eyes.

Venerable Lin Hai grinned with a cold light in his eyes: "If you don't get out of the way, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Old ghost, my target is not you! Get out of here!" Venerable Huo Tian suddenly burst into flames like a god of fire, and shouted angrily at Venerable Kun Ling.

"Do it!" Venerable Ji Yun couldn't wait. His hands turned into two flower fans and danced.

Suddenly, bursts of purple plum blossoms floated in the surrounding sky and earth. Each purple flower released a soft spiritual light and flooded towards the Venerable Kun Ling. They were beautiful but hid murderous intent.

The battle is imminent!
Venerable Lin Hai held the sword in his hand, his aura rising high, and he suddenly slashed dozens of feet of sword light, intending to cut off the heaven and the earth.

Venerable Huo Tian held the tip of the spear in his hand and flicked the tip of the spear, causing fire and splashes. The spear was thrust out as fast as thunder and rushed towards Venerable Kun Ling.

Facing the menacing killing moves of the three men, Venerable Kunling was not afraid at all. With a roar, he slashed the giant ax of flames horizontally and released a hurricane of flames.


In the distant sky, Li Mu's figure was like lightning, his wings of thunder vibrated, piercing the sky, and he quickly fled the battlefield. Behind him, Lord Tianyin was chasing after him, his face was as cold as the god of death coming.

"Even if you escape to the ends of the earth today, don't even think about escaping from the palm of my hand. Just accept your death." Lord Tianyin's voice was cold, with a hint of joking.

Li Mu's expression remained unchanged, and he decided to completely solve this problem. It was uncomfortable to be chased all the time, and some methods were inconvenient to use.

Therefore, Li Mu led Venerable Tianyin to a distant place and then solved him.

"What a speed!" Lord Tianyin pursued with all his strength, but found that Li Mu's speed had not slowed down at all. Although the distance between the two sides had become closer, there was still a lot of distance.

During the chase, they ran far away. Lord Tianyin plucked the strings while flying, and the sharp air knives seemed to cut through the sky and the earth, killing them instantly.

Along the way, mountains, rivers, and tall trees were cut into two, extremely sharp.

Li Mu responded calmly, and the thunder shadow swung left and right, easily dodging the opponent's sonic attack without slowing down.

"How can you be so flexible!" Venerable Tianyin's eyes were filled with disbelief. After chasing for so long, the distance between the two sides was still several hundred feet away. No matter how he attacked, he was dodged.

"That pair of thunder wings, what a good thing! It must be a treasure given by the Lord Tianyan." Venerable Tianyin's eyes were shining, and he wanted to catch Li Mu quickly.

Li Mu flew for a long time according to the map route in his mind. A hundred miles away was the territory of the phantom snake demon clan. He could not go any further. This was the perfect place for hunting.

Then, Li Mu suddenly paused and turned to look at Lord Tianyin.

"Huh?" Venerable Tianyin also stopped quickly and looked at Li Mu who stopped suddenly.

"What grudge do I have against you? Are you chasing me so far?" Li Mu folded his thunder wings, suspended them in the air, and looked at Lord Tianyin and asked calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the Cave Heaven Spiritual Treasure, and I will spare your life!" Venerable Tianyin knew that Li Mu's strength could not be defined by the ordinary Nascent Soul stage strongman. If the other party obediently handed over what he needed, and It would be great to avoid a dangerous battle.

"Dongtian Lingbao? It's up to you to get it yourself if you have the ability!" Li Mu waved with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Very good! If you dare to compete with me, you will seek death!" Venerable Tianyin did not think that Li Mu had the strength to compete with him in the late stage of divine transformation. With an angry look on his face, he held the musical instrument and struck hard.

Immediately, the sound of musical instruments filled the sky, and they transformed into countless sound knives, attacking Li Mu from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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