Chapter 250 The Jade Ginseng King
【Sapphire Ginseng King】

[Sixth level spiritual root]

[Characteristics: Yimu Spiritual Root, Qingyuan Jade Heart, Ginseng King Medicine Stone, Thick Earth Grip, False Earth Escape, Hiding Spirit,]

[Status: Ten Thousand Years Old Ginseng, Self-proclaimed Spirituality]

[A green jade ginseng that has grown for thousands of years, produces weak spiritual consciousness, breaks the limits of the day after tomorrow, and is about to advance to the seventh level of innate spiritual roots. Once born, thunder and disaster will fall. Because this green jade ginseng king has been sealed for a long time, it calls itself the spiritual root. Consciousness, disguised as the fourth-level sapphire ginseng, requires ten thousand years of Yimu essence and a land of innate thick soil to awaken it. 】

With the gift of supernatural power - identifying all spirits, Li Mu saw through the disguise of the spiritual ginseng and obtained its detailed information.

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find anything, and it won't take any effort at all!This is the treat you’re talking about!
Li Mu was originally worried about a high-level wood monster, but now he arrived at his door.

By signing the Yuling Contract Seal to contract a Yubeast, you need to seal it in the soul of the Yubeast, so you need to choose some Yubeasts whose souls are not very strong or relatively gentle. However, the higher the level of the Yubeast, the stronger the strength and combat power. , the less willing to lose freedom.

It is best to choose some newly born beast-controlling cubs that are like a piece of white paper to place the seal, so as not to cause backlash and burden the soul.

Previously, when Li Mu signed the contract for the Double-Horned Blue Moon Dragon, it went very smoothly while it was unconscious and its soul was injured.

However, after the Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon woke up, it began to resist fiercely. It was so enthusiastic that it did not have to sacrifice its life, which caused a lot of psychological burden on Li Mu. Fortunately, he finally lured it to his advantage and successfully subdued it.

Now, this problem is gone. This jade ginseng king has experienced thousands of years, and the grass and trees have become monsters. It is about to advance to the seventh level of spiritual roots. After a long time, it has self-proclaimed itself. The spiritual consciousness and soul must be very weak. The seal should not cause any damage. Too much burden.

The only troublesome problem is that after awakening this ginseng king, it will have to go through a thunder tribulation, and it will also be a seventh-level true spiritual tribulation.

The spiritual roots of plants and trees are innate and are rare in number, and the number that can survive the true spiritual tribulation is even rarer. Li Mu does not feel that he has the ability to help King Jade Ginseng survive this tribulation.

Li Mu took out the Painting World Treasure Mansion, threw his spiritual consciousness into it, and summoned the two-horned Blue Moon Dragon, Xiao Jin and the others to guard the courtyard. Then, he took the Painting World Treasure Mansion into the secret room and threw his figure into it.

The Painting World Treasure Mansion has now changed its appearance.

After being fed a large amount of high-level spiritual materials by Li Mu, the upgrading of the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion is proceeding smoothly. With the central Five Elements Spiritual Mountain Range as the core, the surrounding space is divided into five elements, and acres and acres of spiritual fields are scattered among them, with acres of spiritual fields planted there. There are different kinds of spiritual grasses with different needs.

In addition to spiritual fields, there are also forests, spiritual lakes, and spiritual ponds. Every space is filled with various spiritual lights and is colorful.

Li Mu flew to the cave in Five Elements Mountain. In a medicinal garden dedicated to planting high-grade spiritual plants, he set up a separate medicinal garden and planted the Jade Ginseng King on the Lingxu loam.

As for the sixth-level Yimu essence it requires, Li Mu is not ready to provide it for the time being. He will postpone the awakening of the Jade Ginseng King until he studies how to survive the true spiritual tribulation of the seventh-level grass and tree spiritual roots. He will make some preparations to increase its resistance. The probability of success of the robbery is determined, and then it is awakened.

Seeing that the roots of the Green Jade Ginseng King were wrapped in Lingxu loam, Li Mu stretched out his hand, took out a porcelain bottle from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and poured a few drops of Lingyun True Water into it.

After this operation, the ancient, dark and diseased torso of the Sapphire Ginseng King immediately regained a trace of moisture. However, in order to fully recover and regain full vitality, it would have to wait for it to be watered with Yimu Essence.

Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the spiritual plants growing in other medicinal gardens.

[Dragon Flame Spirit Fruit (young)]

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Dragon Flame Condenses Soul, Fire Flame Dragon Breath, Tempering Yuan Body, Replenishes Spiritual Roots, Dragon Soul Expands Spirit. 】

[Status: Lack of true dragon energy and slow growth. 】

[Sixth-level dragon beard wood is a dragon flame spiritual fruit that has taken 3000 years to mature and 300 years to nurture. Eating this fruit can complement the fire spiritual roots, improve the quality of the fire spiritual roots, temper the soul, refine the body, and improve The effect of root bone qualification is one of the main materials for refining the sixth-level Dragon Soul Pill. 】

【Yanyuan Lingcao (young)】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Increase energy and prolong life, prolong the soul, eliminate the five declines, refine vitality, purify the spirit and strengthen the body. 】

[Status: New buds, lack of growth and growth, slow growth. 】

[The spiritual seed of Yanyuan Spirit Grass, a sixth-level spiritual plant, needs to be watered by the Heaven and Earth Spirit Seed before it can be cultivated. Growth requirements: It needs to be planted in a place with strong vitality and abundant spiritual energy. It will mature for a hundred years, bloom in 50 years, and bear fruit in 50 years. Yuanshou fruit, a hundred-year longevity fruit has the effect of increasing lifespan. It is the main material for refining longevity pills and longevity wine. 】

【Mou Xing Ling Cao】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Mou Xing condenses the soul, Mou Xing solidifies the soul, Mou Xing gathers the source, tempers the soul, and has affinity with the stars. 】

[Status: Starlight is missing and growth has come to a standstill. 】

[The spiritual seed of Mou Xing Ling Cao, a sixth-level spiritual plant, needs to be bathed in starlight and strongly infused with the spirit of the star source before the spiritual seed can be cultivated. Growth requirements: it needs to be planted in a place with strong star source and abundant spiritual power in the world, and needs a companion star. It is born from the crystal stone to help it grow. It matures in 150 years, blooms in 60 years, and bears Mou Xing Ling Fruit in 60 years. The 60-year Mou Xing Ling Fruit has the effect of strengthening the soul. It is the main material for refining the God-Gathering Pill and the Tianxing Pill. 】

【Pure Water Bodhi】


Hundreds of acres of top-quality spiritual fields are separated by separate formations, turning them into independent high-quality medicine gardens, where one, dozens, or hundreds of sixth-level elixirs can be cultivated individually, a total of 72 types.

Some of them came from Wanbao Pavilion, some from the trade fair, and many were provided by the Snow Fox Clan..., Li Mu spent a lot of energy to collect the sixth-level elixirs over the years and tried every means to plant and cultivate them. He was curious about them. After maturity, what attributes of the planting spirit can be absorbed.

Planting spirits to absorb this innate magical power is the foundation for Li Mu to gain a foothold in this world. As his cultivation level continues to improve, the spirit-planting attributes provided by low-level spiritual plants will continue to weaken. He must take precautions and screen among many high-level spiritual plants. , choose the ones suitable for your own planting, and provide effective spiritual plant attributes.

After so many years of planting, Li Mu can confirm one thing. If the realm of the fourth-level spiritual plants suitable for the Nascent Soul stage continues to improve, the spiritual planting obtained by the second-level spiritual plants will have no effect.

Huajie Baofu has planted a lot of second-level Tianfeng grass, which can be harvested almost every two to three months. As his cultivation level reaches the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the free proficiency points of the spiritual plants he obtained have dropped by another level. There is not even any income from spiritual cultivation.

Fortunately, Li Mu has accumulated hundreds of millions of free proficiency points. If he can't find the corresponding spiritual plant in the short term, he doesn't have to worry about this attribute point.Next time, when your cultivation level improves, you must plan ahead, find the corresponding spiritual plants that can obtain free proficiency points for third-level spiritual plants, and plant them in large quantities.

As for higher-level spiritual plants, Li Mu had no way to plan.

The growth of fifth-level and sixth-level spiritual plants can take decades to hundreds of years to mature, and a large amount of high-level resources must be consumed to assist their growth. It is destined that deploying a large number of high-level spiritual plants is an extremely difficult task.

The reward for this kind of hard work is worth it. He doesn't have to practice day in and day out like others, exploring and looking for opportunities to break through the realm and advance to the next level.

All you need to do is farm well and plant large quantities of suitable spiritual plants. When the harvest comes, it will be time to greatly improve your cultivation and enjoy the results.

With the magical talent of identifying all spirits, one can easily grasp the growth status of each spiritual plant with incomparable accuracy.

Li Mu meets their growth needs one by one. If they can't be met, he looks for alternative methods. If he really can't meet them, he puts them on hold.

Five days passed in a flash.

Li Mu never left the door, stayed in the secret room of seclusion, and took care of Lingzhi in the Painting World Treasure Mansion.

It wasn't until Xiao Jin informed him through the Yuling Deed that someone was visiting that Li Mu came out of the Painting World Treasure Mansion, left the secret room, and went to the hall to meet the guests.

"Master, we have found the last elixir - Kuiyin Lingcao. We have successfully obtained it! There are five plants in total. The age of the medicine is about 700 years. Is it enough for you to refine the Taixuanqing Divine Pill?" Bai Yaya, who is full of travels, said When he saw Li Mu, he offered a jade box as a gesture.

"Yeah! It's not an auxiliary medicine for Yuan Dan, so the success rate will decrease. I'll do my best!" Li Mu accepted the jade box and responded with no guarantee.

Li Mu was not sure about the level 6 alchemy technique, which was the same as the weapon refining technique, and how to refine the sixth level elixir. First, he only learned the ordinary alchemy technique. Unlike the weapon refining technique, he also learned the eighth-level heavenly fire tempering technique. Come, in the past hundred years, I have refined a large number of low-level and high-level spiritual weapons, and by analogy, I have mastered many advanced weapon-refining skills.

Level 6 alchemy is different. Li Mu has only learned an ordinary alchemy, and refining elixirs is an occasional matter. The purpose is to use the harvested spiritual plant waste and prepare for his own beast control. He himself does not Requires too many elixir minors.

Although his alchemy skills have been promoted to level 6 for several years, Li Mu has yet to truly try to refine level [-] elixirs, so he cannot guarantee success. Moreover, this time he will need to replace an auxiliary drug for refining the elixir. Can he Success is even more uncertain!
"Understood, master, you can refine it, but if it doesn't work, we will think of other ways! There is no need to worry about the loss of the elixir." Bai Ya looked inside, nodded in understanding, and said respectfully and enthusiastically.

People like the sixth-level alchemy master, even in the Great Immortal Sect of the Human Race, are the kind of existence that the elders of the sect are aloof and cannot be easily contacted even if they want to curry favor. Now, he can stay in their Xuehu Clan as a guest, and he is completely in Xueer's favor. , what's more, he is willing to take action to make elixirs for the clan leader.

Therefore, even if all the elixirs failed to be refined, Bai Ya would not dare to have any objections to Li Mu.

"Yes! Come find me in three days!" Li Mu nodded and smiled slightly, looking at Bai Ya and saying goodbye.

"Okay, okay! Master, you are busy!" Bai Ya stood up and responded. Unknowingly, he spoke to Li Mu with a bit of honorific.

After Li Mu summoned the seventh level - Extreme Yang Sky Fire, which wiped out most of the demonic energy in the patriarch's body that they were unable to suppress, Bai Ya no longer dared to treat Li Mu as an ordinary human Nascent Soul cultivator, not to mention that this subordinate A few beasts to control, a seventh-level fire phoenix, a sixth-level dragon, etc., with extraordinary qualifications, their future achievements may not be inferior.

After watching Bai Ya leave, Li Mu picked up the jade box containing the sixth-level Kuiyin Spirit Grass, turned around and walked into the secret room, and began to try to refine the sixth-level Taiqing Ningshen Pill.

There are essential differences between alchemy and weapon refining, but they also have some similarities. They both require the refiner's fire control level to be tested. Secondly, there is the need for spiritual consciousness and cultivation. The higher the level, the more consumption required for the refining process. The more complex it is.

It stands to reason that with Li Mu's cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying, he would not be able to refine the sixth-level spiritual elixir. However, he practiced the heaven-level divine mind technique - Nebula Contemplation and reached the perfect state of Star Gathering Chapter, which allowed him to obtain It far surpassed the Yuanying monks and reached the intensity of the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the late stage of divine transformation.

The same is true for his cultivation level. The full-level Yin-Yang Five Elements Sutra, coupled with the Five Elements Dao Body, makes his cultivation level far beyond that of the Nascent Soul monk, reaching the early stage of the cultivation level of the Soul Transformation monk, combined with some advanced skills. With the help of the level [-] recovery elixir, several hard requirements for refining the level [-] elixir have been met.

Li Mu only needs to pay attention to the precise and complicated elixir refining steps in the process of refining the sixth-level Taixuan Qingshen, such as refining, melting medicine, elixir transformation, elixir condensation, etc.

Li Mu closed his eyes tightly, concentrated his attention, and simulated the steps of refining the alchemy over and over in his mind.

About an hour passed, and after Li Mu confirmed that there were no mistakes in the alchemy process, he took out the alchemy ingredients one by one from the Jiuzang Lingzhu.

In addition to the main ingredients for refining the Taixuan Qing Shendan - the God-seeing Grass, Zhu Chi Fruit, seven portions of sixth-level auxiliary medicines, 36 portions of fifth-level auxiliary medicines,..., the alchemy table was filled with them.

Li Mu stretched out his hand and summoned the seventh-level Red Refined Fire Phoenix from the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion.


As soon as the red fire phoenix appeared, it stared at Li Mu with its mung bean-sized eyes, a little confused, as if asking Li Mu what's the matter?It is sleeping soundly!Suddenly he was recruited.

"Xiao Feng, lend me the Sky Fire Cauldron, I want to make elixirs!" Li Mu said in consultation, looking at the sleeping Red Lian Huo Feng.

After the seventh-level red fire phoenix hatched, Li Mu gave it the Sky Fire Cauldron as its natal spiritual treasure. At this time, he had to discuss it with it if he wanted to use the Sky Fire Cauldron to refine elixirs.


The Red Fire Phoenix treasured the Heavenly Fire Cauldron, which was its nest, and was immediately unhappy when he heard that Li Mu wanted to borrow it to make elixirs.

"Uh! This is the cost of borrowing the cauldron! Are you sure you don't want it?" Li Mu chuckled and took out a red elixir bottle from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, exuding scorching heat.

"Chirp, chirp!"

The Red Fire Phoenix immediately screamed eagerly, and with a "swish", a flaming Sky Fire Cauldron appeared.

"You are a stingy guy!" Li Mu threw the elixir bottle to Red Lianhuofeng angrily.

A 'fire chain' emerged from the red fire phoenix, took the red elixir bottle, and flew to the corner to enjoy it happily.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu was so angry and funny that he didn't care about it anymore.

After obtaining the right to use the Heavenly Fire Cauldron, Li Mu looked solemn, opened the lid of the cauldron and began to refine the Taixuanqing Divine Pill. He put the elixir-making materials into the cauldron in order.

After the elixirs entered the cauldron one by one, Li Mu activated the Heavenly Fire Furnace, releasing weak and constant firepower to refine the elixirs and gradually liquefy them.

(End of this chapter)

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