Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 253: Withered and prosperous trees

Chapter 253: Withered and prosperous trees
Li Mu took out the black broken wood. The wrinkled surface had no spirituality, just like an ordinary chopping board.

Innate magical power - identifying all spirits, it reveals the true attribute information.

【Withered and prosperous wood heart】

[Grade: Sixth Grade Spiritual Wood]

[Characteristics: Change of prosperity and decline, instant of decline and prosperity, rotation of decline and prosperity, years of decline, years of prosperity]

[Status: The power of the years is condensed, the prosperity and decline are balanced, and the unity becomes mortal]

[The wooden heart of a six-level tree with five thousand years of growth. The tree has experienced one witherness and one prosperity for 300 years, gathering the power of the years. After five thousand years of balance, the power of the years has not been revealed, and it has returned to ordinary. This Mu Xin is one of the main materials for refining the tool of time and the tool of cause and effect. 】

After reading the attribute information of Kurong Sui Mu Xin, Li Mu weighed it for a long time and fell into a dilemma, not knowing what type of spiritual treasure to refine with it.

The high-level weapon-refining spiritual material "Withering Years of Mu Xin" contains the extremely rare power of time and is very rare. This is why Li Mu selected it from the many treasures of the Snow Fox Clan.

Using the spiritual material of Withered Years of Wooden Heart, you can combine it with the seventh-level Star Beast Relic Bead and the sixth-level Spiritual Rhythm Black Tortoise Armor, these two high-level spiritual materials that contain the power of cause and effect, to refine a divination spiritual treasure.Or, find other spiritual materials of time to refine a spiritual treasure of time that specifically corresponds to wood spiritual plants.

With the blessing of the power of the years, the time of high-level spiritual plants can be accelerated. In this way, it can shorten the time to obtain the attributes of spiritual plants, or cultivate a large number of spiritual seeds to obtain high-level spiritual plants and increase the planting time. scale.

The two options had pros and cons, and Li Mu couldn't decide for a while.

The first one is helpful for going out safely, predicting the future, and detecting crises in advance. However, the power of time and the power of cause and effect are simultaneously blessed on a spiritual treasure. The refining of this spiritual treasure is extremely difficult, and Li Mu is afraid that it will fail.

The second option is to refine the spiritual treasure of time, which can speed up the cultivation of spiritual plants and help select suitable spiritual plants for planting. However, the difficulty is that it is difficult to search for other high-level spiritual materials with age attributes, and it is not known when they can be collected.


Undecided, Li Mu sighed. He was currently in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains - the territory of the Snow Fox Clan, which was not suitable for refining weapons. What kind of spiritual treasure could be refined with the KuRong Sui Wood Heart? This problem should be decided after returning to Yin Yang Valley. !

Li Mu put this problem aside.Put the KuRong Sui Mu Xin into the storage compartment, calm down, condense a ball of five elements spiritual fire in the palm of your hand, take out a large amount of fifth-level spiritual grass and elixir from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl, and start to refine the fifth-level elixir.

With the experience of refining the sixth-level Taixuanqing elixir, Li Mu became more confident in refining the lower fifth-level elixir.

The five-element spiritual fire came at random and turned into a spiritual fire whirlpool. Each fifth-level elixir was thrown into it, such as the purple-gold spiritual flower, the golden jade bamboo, and..., the five-element spiritual fire swirled rapidly, and each spiritual grass was quickly smelted and condensed. , tempered into a ball of medicinal liquid, and finally divided into four evenly sized, round cyan elixirs.

In just less than a cup of tea, Li Mu refined four fifth-level Qingyuan Ningxin Pills.

Repeatedly, Li Mu worked tirelessly to refine the elixir and pass the time.

The next day, Xueyunling.

Xue'er and Bai Jinling said goodbye reluctantly, and after a while, they followed Li Mu and landed on the huge head of the double-horned blue moon dragon.

"hold head high!"

The next moment, the double-horned blue-moon dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar. A large amount of clouds and mist gathered around it. With a flick of its tail, it instantly turned into a wisp of blue light, quickly disappeared into the sky, and galloped away in the direction controlled by the human race.

The double-horned blue moon dragon at the peak of the sixth level flies extremely fast, and can easily travel thousands of miles in a day.

Li Mu took Xueer into the Painting World Treasure Mansion and rested in the Sifang Room.

"Take these elixirs and use them! Follow me and practice hard. If your cultivation level is too low, I won't be able to count on your help in the future." Li Mu waved his hand and took out a few bottles of elixirs and handed them to Xue'er, solemnly explaining.

"Thank you, Mr. Li! I will do it!" Xue'er's eyes lit up and she happily accepted the elixir bottle.

Following Li Mu, life is much more comfortable than in the Snow Fox Clan. The world of Baofu is rich in aura, and Xiao Jin, Xiao Wa and the others are there for company. You can also take spiritual pills to increase your cultivation level. You can get twice the result with half the effort and it's not hard at all.

Li Mu turned around and walked towards the secret room of the Sifang House. "Master Li, this is the weapon refining material I begged my mother for. Didn't you promise to help me refine a spiritual treasure? Here!" Xueer suddenly remembered something, stopped Li Mu, and took out a simple storage box. The bag was handed over with both hands.

The storage bag is old-fashioned and worn, and the original embroidery patterns on it have been worn away and can't be seen clearly.

This is easy to understand. The Snow Fox clan is not good at refining weapons. This storage bag must be a trophy from a human monk and has been used for many years.

"Yeah! I'll help you refine it later." Li Mu smiled and took the storage bag, then turned and walked towards the refining room.

Suddenly remembering something, Li Mu turned to look at Xue'er and asked with concern: "By the way, have you told your mother that I know how to refine weapons?"

"My mother has inquired about your origins, but don't worry! I'm very strict with my words, so I didn't say anything. Mr. Li, it turns out that you can also refine weapons!" Xueer laughed and looked at Li Mu in surprise. Tsukuru asked in surprise.

When she first met Li Mu, Xue'er had already seen his caution. The wretched fat man and his senior brother had been imprisoned in a cage for several years, in the dark and miserable.

After so many years of contact, Xue'er has a deep understanding of Li Mu's temperament. In order to continue to follow him in the future, when her mother asked about Li Mu's information, Xue'er was cautious and did not dare to tell too much useful information. Conceal it.

Today, the decision is clearly the right one.

"Quiet, go and play by yourself! I will refine a storage magic weapon for you later. This storage bag is too ugly." Li Mu was very satisfied with Xueer's answer, smiled happily, and signaled.

"Thank you, Mr. Li!" Xueer smiled happily and thanked her happily.

Li Mu waved his hand and walked straight into the weapon refining room.

Watching Li Mu enter the refining room, Xueer jumped up and down happily looking for Xiaojin, Xiaowa and the others.

Three days passed in a flash.

In the weapon refining room, Li Mu was halfway through refining the weapon when he suddenly sped up the refining of a fifth-level spirit sword. Then, his figure flashed and he disappeared into the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion.

"Master, do you want me to help them?"

As soon as Li Mu appeared, the double-horned blue moon dragon looked down, looking at a god-incarnation venerable leading four Nascent Soul Lords who were locked in a bitter battle with a sixth-order monster, and asked for instructions.

"No, they're all old acquaintances, I can just do it myself!"

Looking at Wu Dao's familiar figures, Li Mu smiled and declined politely.

Then, Li Mu reached out and made a move, and a simple black hill appeared out of thin air. The black hill grew in the wind, quickly enlarged, and crashed down on the sixth-order monster that several people had been unable to attack for a long time, putting them in a precarious situation.

The sixth-level violent demon bear suddenly sensed the crisis and had no time to evade it. It turned around hurriedly, holding the overlord's cauldron in both hands, and the demonic power in its body was strong to resist the coming crisis.

The huge black mountain roars towards us, with thunderous thunder!
"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The sixth-level violent demon bear was like a mantis blocking a car. It was violently smashed and flew away. "Crack, click...," a dense burst of bone shattering, and the sound of cracking bones suddenly came out.

The sixth-level violent demon bear was huge. Its burly body was smashed for several miles. The powerful and strong body shrank by a few points. It was spread out in the rock pit. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ball of meat. The huge body turned into The silk and flesh are hooked together, and the flesh and blood are in a state of blur.

The huge shock wave suddenly blew away the few people who were besieging the sixth-level violent demon bear, and they were terrified.

That's the sixth level demon yellow!The body is famously majestic and powerful.

However, just like that, the black hill collided, and the extremely ferocious, arrogant and violent sixth-level demon king, whose body was like paper, howled a few times and died.

This attack power is so terrifying. A black hill filled with spiritual swords. What kind of spiritual treasure is this?Why is it so scary!
The five people all looked at Li Mu, and they were all stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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