Chapter 257 Ambush and Counterattack

The mighty power of the Nine Yin Jueling Formation plunged the entire battlefield into endless haze. The dark wind howled, as if the ghosts of the Nine Nether Abyss were roaring. The corpse refiners were blessed by the formation, as if they had been injected into it. With strong vitality, he violently rushed towards the Five Elements Formation.

The blood evil filled the air, and every refined corpse seemed to have turned into a bloody ghost, charging forward regardless of life and death. Their eyes glowed with red light. The blood evil and ghosts were endless, and they were flooding towards the Five Elements Formation.

Outside the Nine Yin Jueling Formation, there is an altar full of sinister energy. It is engraved with ancient and mysterious runes. The runes shine with a cold light. On the altar, there is the Wutian Demon Lord and the five Demon Lords. Dominating the Nine Yin Jueling Formation, his eyes were full of cruelty.

The Nine Yin Jueling Formation, as the name suggests, is dominated by the power of the Nine Yin. Once activated, it will be like the heaven and the earth turning upside down, and the Yin and Yang will flow countercurrently, blessing the corpses, Yin ghosts, and blood demons, providing them with a steady stream of pure energy. The power of Yin.

The Nine Yin Jueling Formation has been successfully operated. The pressure exuded by the formation is like hundreds of millions of years of ice, cold and silent, releasing an irresistible sense of oppression.

The Nine Yin Jueling Formation is not only capable of refining corpses, but also Yin ghosts and blood evil spirits without fear of casualties. It can be repaired and resurrected infinitely within the formation. People trapped in the formation not only have to suffer the consequences of refining corpses, Yin ghosts and blood evil spirits. Invasion, and even more so, the power of absolute Yin will corrode the soul, cultivation, and cut off the replenishment of other spiritual powers.

"The Nine Yin Jueling Formation is complete. The remaining members of the Qingxuan Sect are dead this time!"

"Not necessarily. That magic circle is not of any rank, and its power is extremely extraordinary. Otherwise, Zhi Li and Xue Tu wouldn't be trapped in it!"

"Indeed, Qingxuan Sect has such a back-up plan, I really didn't expect it!"


The Nine Yin Jueling Formation was successfully operated. The Demon Lords appreciated the power released by the formation and discussed how long it would take to capture the person. Their expressions returned to calm and calm.

The shock caused by the sudden death of the Corpse Li Demon Lord and the Blood Slaughter Demon Lord was quickly fading in their hearts.

The Corpse Li Demon Lord and the Blood Slaughter Demon Lord were both powerful and powerful men. The news of their sudden death was like a huge stone weighing on the hearts of all the Demon Lords, making them unable to let it go for a long time. Now, the Nine Yin Jueling Formation is showing its power, Eliminating the culprit is only a matter of time.

Inside the Nine Yin Jueling Formation.

Seeing the endless ghosts and refining corpses pouring into the formation, with great momentum and an endless stream, pouring into the Five Elements Protection Formation, Lord Qingfeng and the four Nascent Soul Lords all changed their expressions.

Refined corpses and ghosts rushed into the protective formation one after another, coming like a tide, seemingly endless. Such a terrifying scene made Master Qingfeng and the four Nascent Soul Lords feel despair.

However, they were soon shocked!

They found that the endless stream of corpses and ghosts could not break through the magic circle arranged by Elder Li, and they did not even need their help.

I saw that Elder Li's face was as usual, calm and unfazed. He gently squeezed the spells in his hands and continued to output powerful spiritual power. Each one was controlled just right. Under his control, it operates like a sophisticated machine.

At the same time, Li Mu cooperated seamlessly with the four five-element beasts to completely release the power of the five five-element and sixth-level spiritual treasures, quickly forming a powerful five-element array.

The golden sword energy raged like a violent wind, killing all the offensive ghosts and zombies; green vines grew out of the ground, dragging them into the earth one by one, and turned them into ashes in the raging fire of the magma. ;..., the ground trembled violently, as if it was about to burst, and a blazing flame spurted out from the ground, turning into a huge flame hand, extinguishing the ghosts and refined corpses that broke into the Five Elements Formation one by one. .

Under the Five Elements Spiritual Realm, the power of the Five Elements is brought to its extreme. They are as deep and vast as the endless ocean, and as ferocious as the violent behemoths, frantically harvesting the lives of refined corpses and ghosts.

The sixth-level spiritual treasure on the black hill stands between heaven and earth. Thousands of spiritual swords are circling and flying around it, forming a sharp sword dragon. It releases infinite sharp sword energy, like a dragon's breath. Those who are powerful and lucky enough to break through the Five Elements Formation The refined corpses and ghosts in the domain fell one after another like ears of wheat in a wheat field under the wash of countless sword energies.

Elder Li's methods are endless. Thousands of Yin ghosts and corpse-refining lives that poured into the formation continued to disappear and turned into fly ash. The power of the absolute Yin that poured into the Five Elements formation was quickly refined into the Five Elements Great Formation. A powerful motivation for the formation to continue fighting.

One hour passed, two hours passed,...,
Time flies, and nearly three hours have passed in the blink of an eye. Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of refined corpses and ghosts have crazily poured into the mist formation in an endless stream. However, not only have they failed to destroy the enemies in the formation, they have ended up with them. The Corpse Li Demon Lord, the Blood Slaughter Demon Lord, they all met the same fate!

You must know that these refined corpses and ghosts are extremely precious cultivation resources of the Nine Demons Sect. They need to be consumed, sacrificed a lot of lives, massacred cities and tribes, expended a lot of energy and accumulated hard work!

Now, if you beat a dog with a meat bun, you will never come back!

Nine Yin Jueling Array, altar.

The Wutian Demon Ancestor, as well as all the Demon Lords and Demon Lord's subordinates, looked at the fog-shrouded and still stable appearance in the formation, and collectively fell into silence.

The power of the Nine Yin Jueling Array is by no means a problem. The array they all set up together consumes many corpses and ghosts, even if they work together to surround and kill two Void Refining Realm monks.

However, after such a long time, the mysterious fog formation remained the same, swallowing up a large number of refined corpses and ghosts, entering and exiting without any effort, which really frightened them.

"Demon Ancestor, Refining Corpses, the losses of the Yin Ghosts are far greater than expected. The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​ghosts are about to be exhausted. If the formation continues, the power will be less than [-]%!" Suddenly, a Demon Lord broke the silence and reported to Wutian Demon Ancestor.

Demon Lord Wutian's face was so gloomy that he was almost dripping with water.

"If this trouble is not eliminated, I'm afraid it will ruin our ancestor's plan. I'm going to give you an order. The subordinate of Jindan, Yuanying Demon Lord, is wearing the immortal magic armor and will follow me into the battle to kill the enemy!" Demon Ancestor Wutian suddenly stood up and shouted in unison, and the order was conveyed to Every demonic cultivator knows the sea.

"Follow the will of the ancestors!"

The faces of all the demonic cultivators turned pale, with unspeakable expressions on their faces. However, they were afraid that they would be a little late and make their ancestors dissatisfied, so they hurriedly responded to the order in unison.

Soon, following the order from Demon Lord Wutian, all the demon cultivators from the Nine Demon Sect reluctantly summoned a standard black magic armor, and they all gritted their teeth and put it on sadly.

On the other hand, the black magic armors seemed to be alive and impatient. After appearing, they flew up on their own and flew towards the host.

Each black magic armor is covered with large and small spikes, exuding a thick, cold, and evil aura, and a powerful and strange black devilish energy overflows.

After the demon cultivators put on the magic armor, their temperament suddenly changed, their pupils turned completely black, their hair turned blood red, powerful demonic energy was injected into them, their bodies became burly, and their skin turned dark brown, as if they were burned by fire. The roasted leather, their eyes were sharp and cold, like ice crystals in the cold winter, transmitting endless murderous intent, and their whole bodies bloomed with wisps of strange demonic flames.

After wearing the magic armor, hundreds of demon cultivators have improved their cultivation to a small level, even the five demon lords. However, the demonic energy released by the magic armor quickly demonized the host's soul.

After the Golden Pill and Nascent Soul Demon Lord put on the magic armor, they seemed to have become a well-trained army, and they seemed to have become unconscious puppets. Their eyes were fixed on the Wutian Demon Ancestor in front of them, waiting for his orders. .


Wutian Demon Ancestor wore a higher-level and more powerful magic armor. He waved his hand, pointed towards the fog array below, and gave an order with murderous intent.

As soon as Wutian Demon Ancestor finished speaking, hundreds of black shadows rushed out from the battleships one after another, charging towards the fog array below without fear of death.

"Elder Li, Old Demon Wutian has come to an end in person!" "Ancestor Wutian Demon himself! The magic circle will definitely not be able to withstand it! Fight!"


In the mist protective formation, the expressions of Lord Qingfeng and the four Nascent Soul Lords changed dramatically when they saw this scene. They held the fifth-level spiritual talisman in one hand and the magic technique in the other, ready to support Li Mu at any time.

Li Mu took a deep breath and took out the sixth-level Taixuanqing Divine Pill and a fifth-level good luck pill. He swallowed them at the same time to repair the huge loss of spiritual thoughts, cultivate his power, strengthen his spirit, and restore the five elements. The formation changed into a defensive formation to resist the attacks of the Void Refining Demon Ancestor and several major demons outside the formation.

"Boom! Boom...Boom!"

Sharp demonic energy struck the Five Elements Formation one after another, and a violent backlash was immediately transmitted from the Five Elements Formation.


Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa, who were only at the fifth level, vomited blood and lost their spirits as if they were hit hard.

The two-horned Azure Moon Dragon and the Red Fire Phoenix also encountered a huge counterattack, and each took a few steps back.

Li Mu snorted, and immediately arranged the position of the sixth-order blue-eyed brachiosaurus on top of Xiao Jin, while he controlled the two sixth-order spiritual treasures of earth and wood at the same time to continue to maintain the five-element formation.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mu gritted his teeth, summoned the Painting Realm Treasure House, and released a large amount of the Five Elements spiritual power from the Treasure House. The Five Elements Protection Formation, which was once in danger of being broken, returned to a stable state again.

Seeing this scene, Lord Qingfeng and the four True Lords of Qingyang were all overjoyed. They never expected that at this time, Elder Li still had backup to maintain the Five Elements Protection Formation.

but.If we continue to defend like this, the Five Elements Formation will be broken sooner or later. The opponent's Wutian Demon Ancestor, five Demon Lords, and dozens of Nascent Soul Demon Lords will definitely not be able to withstand the combined power of their combined strength and the protective power of the Five Elements Formation. how long.

"Boom..." Violent explosions sounded continuously.

Wutian Demon Ancestor had already lost his anger. He punched more than a dozen times with both hands, and the demonic energy fists hit the Five Elements Formation hard. Every punch almost contained the power of destroying the heaven and the earth.

However, the Five Elements Formation completely blocked his attack.

All the demon lords joined forces to attack with spells, but they couldn't take down this small protective formation?
What can't be tolerated!

Wutian Demon Ancestor sacrificed a black magic sword, swung it with all his strength, and a black sword light disappeared instantly, and it swung down towards the Five Elements Formation.


The magic flame sword light completely blocked the Five Elements Formation, and all the demon cultivators took the opportunity to rush in.

The next moment, a sword dragon descended from the sky with a huge and endless momentum.


Thousands of sharp spiritual swords were like rain falling, instantly drowning the demon cultivators wearing magic armor.

Unprepared, the demon cultivators suffered heavy blows. However, wearing magic armor, they suffered non-fatal sword wounds, and the wounds recovered quickly. There were also a small number of unlucky guys who were directly pierced. Their hearts were cut off, their heads were cut off, and the magic armor could not restore or resurrect them.

"who are you?"

Looking at the young man controlling the 'Sword Dragon', Wutian Demon Ancestor's powerful Void Refining consciousness swept directly towards Li Mu.

"Buzz!" A clear bell rang, releasing the power of the powerful soul, which collided with the impact of Wutian Demon Ancestor's spiritual thoughts, and in an instant, offset his spiritual strike.

"Hey! What are you?" Xiaobai, who was using a soul-suppressing bell in surprise, asked Demon Lord Wutian in shock.

After the Five Elements Formation was broken, Chen Nei's situation was completely exposed.

A young monk who was only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul was surrounded by a few remnants of the Qingxuan Sect. It was assumed that he was the culprit behind the death of two of his subordinates, Shi Li and Xue Tu, who had set up an array to resist the Nine Yin Jueling Formation.

Around him, there are several high-level monsters, dragons, fire phoenixes, monster apes,..., good guys, each beast-controller holds a sixth-level spiritual treasure, so the Five Elements Formation is composed of these beast-controllers. beast, and led by this young man.

"No matter who you are, die for me!"

It was actually delayed for so long by a boy in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he also lost two subordinates of the Demon Lord, as well as a large number of refined corpses and ghosts.

Wutian Demon Ancestor was furious, holding a magic knife, and slashed at him instantly.

Seeing Wutian Demon Ancestor charging at him quickly, Li Mu showed no fear and smiled slightly: "Senior, if you don't help me, I won't help you refine treasures anymore."

Wutian Demon Ancestor was startled for a moment, his expression changed drastically, he quickly changed his moves, and slashed somewhere with the blade.

A green shadow appeared out of thin air, and the green long sword slashed hard on the black magic blade.

"Boom!" With a shocking explosion, the earth cracked, the sky and earth changed color, and powerful shock waves struck in all directions.

For a moment, all the demon cultivators nearby were shaken and staggered, and some even vomited blood and died, resulting in heavy losses.

"Master Li, I rushed here as soon as I received it. Fortunately, it's not too late! By the way, Senior Thunder Beast heard that you were in trouble and came to support you!" Venerable Qingwei looked at Wutian Demon warily with his sword. Zu, explained to Li Mu.

As soon as Venerable Qingwei finished speaking, before the demon cultivators could recover, suddenly, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, and with a sound of "Hi!", a thick thunder snake descended from the sky and struck at them with precision.

"Boom, boom!"

The thunder snake evolved countless thunder and lightning, and the scene immediately turned into a thunder field. The ground was blasted into fiery lava by purple thunder, swallowing the lives of the demon kings.

A vast purple figure came with thunder, and quickly landed in front of Li Mu. Violent purple thunder bloomed from his body, staring at all the demon cultivators, shocking the entire audience.

(End of this chapter)

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