Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 264 The Mystery of Divine Patterns

Chapter 264 The Mystery of Divine Patterns
The figures of two god-transformation monks, a man and a woman, appeared through the air and flew toward him quickly.

One of the goddess-incarnation female cultivators, Li Mu, had an acquaintance with. She was the Lotus Moon Saint who had traded with him at the trade fair before. Following her was an old Taoist dressed in green.

After the two discovered him, they came straight towards him with excitement on their faces.

"Master Li, great! I finally found you! It's not easy!"

Before Saintess Lianyue arrived, her voice arrived first, and she excitedly conveyed the message to Li Mu.

Li Mu couldn't help but smile, and after they flew closer, he asked: "I wonder, fellow Taoist Lianyue, what do you want from me? If you want to find me to refine treasures, just give the materials to Shopkeeper Lin of Wanbao Pavilion!"

After advancing to the level 6 weapon refiner, Li Mu informed Lin Baoqing of the news that he could refine level [-] spiritual treasures, and asked him to help with some refining tasks for level [-] spiritual treasures.

As for the reward for refining the weapon, it is either a seventh-level spiritual material, a sixth-level spiritual treasure refining material, or six fifth-level spiritual treasure refining materials.

The rewards for refining sixth-level spiritual treasures are quite generous, and Li Mu offered a very high price. Even so, Lin Baoqing still helped with many refining tasks for sixth-level spiritual treasures.

After all, in the entire Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm, only he, the great master of weapon refining, can refine sixth-level spiritual treasures.As the saying goes, "Scorpions only poop", no matter how high the price is, some people are willing to bear it.

Li Mu planned to rely on helping others to refine spiritual treasures, collect the minor resources he needed, and use Lin Baoqing to operate them on his behalf. It was not only safe, but also efficient, and the effect was much better than if he had done it in person.

Returning to Yin Yang Valley this time, Li Mu was planning to find a time to go to Wanbao Pavilion and ask Lin Baoqing how many weapon refining commissions he had received.

What I never expected was that he hadn't taken action yet!Then someone came to the door.

The fact that he lived in Yin Yang Valley was only revealed to a few people, and it was unknown who told Saintess Lianyue.

Soon, Saintess Lianyue and the old Taoist in Qingyi flew in front of him and bowed their hands respectfully.

"Master Li, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I've been to Shopkeeper Lin's place before. However, he said that you were out for a while and didn't know when you would come back, so he came to try his luck. I didn't expect to meet you!" Lianyue! The saint looked at Li Mu and bowed apologetically, explaining the situation.

"It's true. I've been away for a while and I just came back these days!" Li Mu explained, looked at Saintess Lianyue, and asked curiously: "I don't know, fellow Taoist Lianyue, what do you want from me?"

"No need to go to the Three Treasures Palace! Master Li, can you let us enter the valley? Please tell me!" Saintess Lianyue looked at Li Mu pitifully and begged.

"Fellow Daoist Lianyue, and this one, let's go into the valley and talk in detail!" Li Mu nodded, glanced at the old Taoist in Qingyi, made an invitation gesture, and invited the two of them into the valley.

"There is a natural soul wind raging outside the Yin Yang Valley. Please keep your mind on the two fellow Taoists to resist this wind!" After speaking, Li Mu looked at the two of them again and did not forget to explain.

After saying that, Li Mu put Xue'er who was in a daze into the Soul Controlling Treasure Bracelet, silently observed the clouds and nebulae, gathered his spiritual thoughts, and flew towards the Yin-Yang Valley.

Seeing this, Saintess Lianyue and the old Taoist in green looked at each other, followed Li Mu's instructions, concentrated their spiritual thoughts, protected the soul, and followed Li Mu closely.

About half an hour later, under the leadership of Li Mu, the three of them successfully arrived at the core area of ​​Yin Yang Valley.The scene here is completely different from the situation outside the Spirit Valley. The Spirit Valley is full of vitality, full of spiritual power, and the beauty of the dense forest is visible to the eye.

"Master Li, you really know how to choose a place. The outside of this valley is completely dead and lifeless, but the inside of the valley is full of vitality. The difference between the world and the world is really strange!" Saintess Lianyue looked at the vibrant scenery of the Spiritual Valley. Couldn't help but admire.

"A place like this is indeed extraordinary. Master Li can find a place like this to live in seclusion. He is worthy of being an expert hermit!" The old Taoist in Tsing Yi gently stroked his long white beard and looked at Li Mu with an expression of admiration.

After half a stick of incense in such a vibrant spiritual valley, Li Mu invited the two of them to stop in front of a half-opened lotus.

There is a jade platform on top of the blooming lotus. Each of the four corners of the jade platform is supported by a zigzag jade pillar, which is located in the center of the square room.

"Both of you, please take a seat!" Li Mu took the lead and sat cross-legged on the jade platform and said to the Lotus Moon Saint and the Qing Yi Old Taoist.

The two nodded happily and sat down cross-legged one after another.

Li Mu took out some spiritual fruits and spiritual tea from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl and placed them on the coffee table.These spiritual fruits and spiritual teas were carefully collected by him and specially used to entertain distinguished guests.

It was rare for guests to visit Yin Yang Valley. Presumably these two people were the 'clients' who came to entrust him with the weapon refining. Li Mu warmly entertained the two people and prepared to have a good chat with them.

"Master Li, it's really rude to disturb you today. I hope Master Li will accept this small gift. I hope Master Li will forgive me!" Saintess Lianyue showed a respectful look on her face and held up a jade box in both hands and handed it to Li Mu. , respectfully gave gifts to dispel Li Mu's bad feeling.

Seeing this, Li Mu smiled in surprise. Saintess Lotus Moon's actions really made him feel better.

Li Mu smiled slightly, waved his hand and said: "Fellow Daoist Lianyue, you are so polite! Since I let you enter the valley, I don't care about this matter. There is no need for this!"

With that said, Li Mu brewed a cup of Qingxu Ling tea. The aroma was fragrant. He picked up the teacup and looked at the two of them.

"This is Qingxu Lingcha. It was a gift from a senior. It has the effect of refreshing the mind and strengthening the soul. The two Taoist friends tasted it." Li Mu introduced it and drank the tea in one go.

Hearing this, Saintess Lianyue and the old Taoist in Qingyi also picked up their tea cups and tasted it.With your eyes slightly closed, you feel the unique charm of Qingxu Ling Tea.

"Good tea, this Qingxu Lingcha is as good as the Bingwu Lingcha!" The old Taoist in Qingyi took a sip of the Lingcha and was full of praise.

After a pause, the old Taoist in Qingyi put down his tea cup, looked at Li Mu, and introduced himself: "Old Ye Quan, Master Li's good tea! I happen to have some Ice Mist Spirit Tea here, and I will give it to Master Li, hoping to form a good relationship with Master Li."

As the old man in Qingyi spoke, he took out a celadon tea bottle from his arms and placed it on the coffee table. He looked at Li Mu enthusiastically and motioned for him to accept it.

"Haha! It's okay to form a good relationship, but you won't be rewarded for your merits, so I'd better skip this gift!" Li Mu laughed and declined politely.

When the two met, they gave gifts one after another. This not only did not make Li Mu feel flattered, but instead made him wary in his heart.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

How could Li Mu dare to accept their gifts without knowing the purpose of their trip. "Master Li, to be honest, we are in a hurry to find you, and we do have a few things to ask for!" Seeing Li Mu's unwillingness to accept the gift easily, Saintess Lianyue signaled quickly.

"Oh? What do you want from fellow Taoist Lianyue? Even though you are here, if you want to commission a weapon refining, as long as the materials are ready, Li will not refuse." Li Mu nodded and looked at Saintess Lianyue and asked frankly.

"Well! In addition to entrusting Master Li to help Mang refine a spiritual treasure, Lianyue also wants to borrow a spiritual object from you." Saintess Lianyue nodded and responded quickly.

"Oh! What do you want to borrow from Li?" Li Mu frowned and looked at the Lotus Moon Saint.

"Before, at the trade fair, the book "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" that Lianyue made a deal with you, can you borrow it from Master Li for a period of time?" Saintess Lianyue looked at Li Mu and begged sheepishly.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help but frown. He never expected that Saintess Lianyue would borrow this fragmentary scripture from him.

"The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" is an eighth-level fragment. It is the highest-level spiritual object that Li Mu has ever seen so far. It was a big leak he picked up at the last trade fair. The content of this book is extremely profound and mysterious. Infinite and extremely difficult to decipher.

After getting the "True Interpretation of Divine Patterns", Li Mu devoted a lot of time to research. Even though he had the gift of identifying all spirits, he was still unable to fully understand its secrets.

Not to mention, the contents of the book "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" are burned into the proficiency panel.

Li Mu has been conducting intensive research on the remaining copies of "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" and has not yet been able to burn "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" onto the panel. However, this does not mean that nothing has been gained.

Especially after breaking through the sixth level of weapon refining, during the process of refining the sixth level spiritual treasure, Li Mu once referred to the residual patterns contained in "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns", and occasionally gained insights and gained many unexpected gains.

Use principles similar to those contained in the divine patterns to condense the basic pattern of the telescope array. The closeness of this basic pattern is just like the high similarity of the divine patterns, which can often make the power of the refined spirit treasure become greater and the success rate Increase greatly, become more aligned with the Tao, and gain unexpected gains.

The content contained in "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" is so profound and extraordinary that Li Mu could not conquer it for a long time. This was due to his lack of understanding. It was also due to his lack of understanding of the Tao and his inability to get to the root of it. This was also due to his own cultivation and state of mind. Not enough reasons.

In this case, after advancing to the Divine Realm and further understanding the principles of spiritual things, you should be able to have a deeper understanding of "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns", analyze it step by step, and burn it on the proficiency panel.

If the "True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" can be successfully burned into the proficiency panel, relying on the continuous improvement of proficiency, the acquired divine patterns will be of great benefit to various cultivation arts such as weapon refining, formation formation, and puppet making.

Li Mu was convinced of this, and after careful consideration, he valued "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" more than anything else. He was really reluctant to lend this scripture to others, for fear that the other party would never return the loan.

"This... Fellow Taoist Lianyue, I'm afraid I can't satisfy your request! I have been studying "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" for a long time, and I have gained a little bit. This sutra is of great help to the art of weapon refining. I really believe that this sutra I'm reluctant to lend it to others!" Li Mu looked at Saint Lotus Moon and confessed with some embarrassment, politely declining her request to borrow scriptures.

Hearing this, instead of being angry, Saintess Lianyue was overjoyed.She and the old man in Qingyi looked at each other, looking quite excited.

"Master Li, are you serious about this?" Saintess Lianyue's eyes shone and she looked at Li Mu excitedly.

"Master Li, how many divine patterns have you understood as recorded in "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns"? Are they related to the divine patterns related to 'Ling Yue', 'Yin Yue', and 'Leng Yue'?" Without waiting for Li Mu's answer, Lian Moon Saint Goddess looked nervous, stared at Li Mu closely, and continued to ask.

These divine patterns are related to the core of the Ancient Moon Sect's skills. If Li Mu can understand these special divine patterns and understand the principles of the moon, it will be of extraordinary significance to entrust him to refine exclusive spiritual treasures that supplement the techniques.

"Sorry, I haven't understood these divine patterns." Li Mu frowned slightly and answered truthfully.

Sensing the abnormal expressions of the two people, Li Mu was secretly wary and didn't understand why their reactions were so loud.

When it comes to the secrets of the eighth-level residual scripture "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns", Li Mu takes it seriously and does not dare to take it lightly.

"By the way, Fellow Taoist Lianyue, what is the purpose of borrowing "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" for?" Li Mu paused, looked at Saintess Lianyue, and asked with concern.

"It's a long story. At the last trade fair, I concealed the origin of the "True Interpretation of Divine Patterns". This fragment of scripture has been passed down by successive generations of sect masters. It has been for thousands of years and no one can Unlock the secret!" Saintess Lotus Moon sighed and introduced with some regret.

At this time, Saintess Lianyue regretted very much and regretted trading the "True Interpretation of Divine Patterns". This scripture has been passed down for so long. Although it seems useless, it has great value.

"However, Fellow Daoist Ye recently explored a secret place in an ancient mansion and found divine patterns similar to those recorded in "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns", which may be related to it. Therefore, we have the idea of ​​​​asking Master Li for comparison with this scripture, or Try to use it to break the restrictions of the ancient mansion's secret realm!" Saintess Lianyue adjusted her mood and looked at Li Mu's supplementary introduction.

"It's true! Master Li, if you don't believe it, you can go with us to verify the authenticity of this matter!" Old Taoist Ye Quan looked at Li Mu and invited enthusiastically.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help but frown, looking a little bored.

Exploring ancient ruins and secret realms is very attractive to other monks, but for Li Mu, the cost-effectiveness is not high, and he is not interested at all.

Last time, I explored the cave of Tianyan Shenjun, and although I gained a huge harvest from the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion, I had a battle with the God-Transformation monks, and was subsequently followed by other God-Transformation monks, who were constantly chasing me.

Learning from the past, Li Mu decided not to explore the secret realm of the ancient mansion easily if it was not necessary.

With the ability to refine weapons and alchemy at level 6, Li Mu cultivated in the valley, and was able to fully guarantee both his cultivation level and his cultivation resources.

He didn't think it was worth taking the risk to explore the ruins and ancient caves.

If someone kills someone to steal the treasure, there will really be no place to cry!

"I still have the task of refining a lot of spiritual treasures for him. Let's leave it to you to explore the secret realm of the ancient mansion! If you can find the divine pattern equipment related to "The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns", I can let you You can read it on the spot. If you want to borrow it, I'm sorry that Li can't agree." Li Mu pondered for a moment, looked at the two of them firmly, and said seriously.

Hearing this, Saintess Lianyue and the old Taoist in Qingyi looked at each other with helpless expressions.

At this moment, although they were unwilling to give up, the 'Master Li' in front of them, although he was only at the middle stage of Nascent Soul, had strength that no one dared to underestimate. In addition, he was a great weapon refiner. The Grandmaster is someone they can't afford to offend.If not, why would they have the need to be so humble and courteous, and speak modestly.

"In that case, Master Li, please take a look at this thing!" Old Taoist Ye Quan waved his hand and took out a bronze lamp from the storage ring.

Looking at the ancient Qingzhan artifact that Old Taoist Ye Quan took out, Li Mu narrowed his eyes, and with the gift of the magical power of identifying all spirits, he obtained all its attributes, and his spirits were lifted.

(End of this chapter)

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