Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 266 The price of treasure refining

Chapter 266 The price of treasure refining
The heavy door of the refining room slowly opened, and a hot breath poured out from inside.

Li Mu flew out, his figure hurried, and there was a hint of joy in his brows. His interest in refining the weapon was originally interrupted by the puppet, but now he felt an indescribable joy.

Li Mu did not go to find the Lotus Moon Saint, but hurried straight to the spiritual field where Purple Yang Ganoderma and Yin Po Fruit were planted.

The five hundred acres of spiritual fields gathered a large amount of Yin and Yang Qi under the power of the Yin and Yang Hunyuan Formation. At the same time, under the nourishment of Purple Yang Jade and Taihua Moon Dew respectively, seedlings of Purple Yang Ganoderma and Yin Po Fruit broke out of the ground one after another. The growth is gratifying.

After flying to Lingtian and seeing their growth status, Li Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

so far so good!Purple Yang Ganoderma and Yin Po Fruit are just a little short of water, and their growth status is okay!
Li Mu couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Studying divine patterns and concentrating on refining weapons were easy to get into trouble. Fortunately, he was interrupted. Otherwise, if this continued for another ten days and a half, these newly sprouted Purple Yang Ganoderma and Yin Po Fruit might all be ruined. Lost
Li Mu stretched out his right hand and launched a wind-calling rain spell, and powerful magic spirit energy was emitted.

In less than three breaths, a group of dark clouds quickly gathered over Linggu, and raindrops the size of rice grains fell from the sky. In the sound of rain, "wow, wack...", the purple ganoderma and yinpo fruit were watered, and their young buds were attached. A layer of spiritual light, beautiful and moving.

Then, Li Mu used a single finger to pop out the withered grass technique, accurately cutting off the life of the weeds growing in the spiritual field one by one without damaging the seedlings of the two spiritual plants.

Sensing the fluctuation of magic power, Saint Lotus Moon and Old Taoist Ye Quan flew over and stood by the spiritual field watching Li Mu busy.

Looking at the spiritual field covered by the spiritual rain in front of him, he saw Li Mu flying over the spiritual field, focusing on taking care of the spiritual plants, casting spells to clear the spiritual grass, and using purple sun jade and Taihua Moon Dew at all costs to assist the growth of the spiritual plants..., He seemed to have changed from a high-ranking master of weapon refining to an experienced spirit planter.

Saintess Lotus Moon and Master Ye Quan looked at each other, feeling a little surprised.

Seeing that Li Mu had finally finished his work, the two of them hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"Master Li, I'm so excited. I didn't expect you to plant so many fourth-level spiritual plants! They are growing well!" Saintess Lianyue looked at Li Mu and praised with a smile.

Before, she saw two kinds of yin and yang spiritual plants in the spiritual valley, and thought they were specialties of this place. Saintess Lianyue did not take it to heart. However, at this moment, she discovered that these spiritual plants were actually planted by Li Mu himself. He looked very serious.

"Master Li, your skills in summoning rain and withered grass are extremely exquisite. Your skills in the field of spiritual planting are also quite advanced!" Old Taoist Ye Quan nodded happily, looked at Li Mu, and praised with a smile.

Old Taoist Ye Quan was filled with emotion, and he could see at a glance that Li Mu also had extremely superb attainments in spiritual planting techniques.

The Spiritual Planting Technique performed by Li Mu produced a large-scale spiritual rain, covering hundreds of acres of spiritual fields. Each raindrop was moderately sized and even, and would not harm the spiritual plant seedlings. This kind of superb control was rare. Although within the sect, There are some old Lingzhifu, and their skills pale in comparison to Li Mu.

"Haha, you two are exaggerating. I am a spiritual planter and am good at this. In addition, the two yin and yang spiritual plants I planted are related to my cultivation. While taking care of their growth, I understand the way of yin and yang. "Li Mu laughed, casually made up a reason, and explained.

After a pause, Li Mu sighed, looked at the two of them, and asked for help: "Nowadays, these two yin and yang spiritual plants are constantly reducing their support for Li's exercises. If you two have a chance, please help me pay attention to the higher ones." Li Mu is extremely grateful for the spiritual plant and spiritual seed of the emperor."

Hearing this, Saintess Lianyue and Old Taoist Ye Quan were greatly shocked. They never expected that Li Mu would attach so much importance to high-level spiritual seeds that the 'Grand Master of Weapon Refining' could turn to them for help. Xu Luo owed him a favor, so he would still have to wait for this opportunity. There is nothing to hesitate about.

Without thinking, Saintess Lianyue looked at Li Mu and asked earnestly: "Master Li, our Ancient Moon Sect seems to have several types of yin and yang spiritual plants, namely: the sixth level - green blood laurel, the fifth level - purple cloud spiritual tree,..., I will find a way to help you get a batch of these high-level spiritual seeds. When the time comes, I will entrust you to help me refine the spiritual treasures, okay?"

Saintess Lianyue has already collected all the materials for refining the sixth-level spiritual treasure, because in order to refine a spiritual treasure that can supplement the martial arts, the properties are particularly special, and the materials used for the refining are extremely precious.

Saintess Lianyue spent nearly a thousand years of accumulation to raise the materials for refining the weapon. However, the reason why she did not immediately entrust Li Mu to do the refining was because she was unable to do so due to insufficient remuneration.

The cost of asking a sixth-level weapon refining master to entrust him to refine spiritual treasures is not small!
The commission reward is a piece of seventh-level weapon refining spiritual material; or: a set of the same sixth-level spiritual treasure materials; or: twelve pieces of weapon refining materials for refining fifth-level spiritual weapons, choose one of the three.

I'm afraid he is the only one in the entire Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain. The others are either in the Zhongzhou Immortal Sect or in large commercial organizations such as Wanbao Pavilion, Gubaozhai, and Tianji Pavilion.

It is extremely difficult to hire a great master of weapon refining to refine spiritual treasures. Saintess Lianyue has never disliked the high price, but she is not worthy of it.

At present, Li Mu's emphasis on high-level spiritual seeds made her discover the opportunity. If high-level spiritual seeds could be used to replace the weapon refining materials, then the refining of spiritual treasures could be carried out.

"Can spiritual seeds be exchanged for refining materials? Of course there is no problem. Three thousand fifth-level spiritual seeds are worth one piece of the same-level weapon refining materials, and one hundred sixth-level spiritual seeds are worth one sixth-level spiritual seed." Li Mu said in surprise. Looking at the Lotus Moon Saint, he suppressed his excitement, took stock, and made a decision.

"Okay! Okay! Master Li, please wait for my good news!" After hearing Li Mu's quotation, the two-month saint was overjoyed and signaled hurriedly.

"Okay!" Li Mu nodded happily.

Seeing that the two of them had reached a deal, Old Taoist Ye Quan couldn't help but be concerned about it, and hurriedly said: "Master Li, our sect also has high-level spiritual plants..."

"Okay, just bring it!" Li Mu nodded without thinking.

After saying that, Li Mu took out the gilt green light lamp from the Jiuzang Spirit Bead, returned it to Master Ye Quan, and asked with a smile: "This is your lamp, have you obtained the results of the "True Interpretation of Divine Patterns"? If not, still Me!"

Old Taoist Ye Quan smiled bitterly, took the bronze lamp, and reluctantly returned the "True Interpretation of Divine Patterns" to Li Mu.

After confirming the question, Li Mu accepted the "True Explanation of Divine Patterns" with a smile.

"Master Li, what have you learned about the patterns on this ancient lamp?" Old Taoist Ye Quan accepted the gilt green light lamp and asked with concern.

Saintess Lianyue looked sideways, concerned.

Li Mu thought for a moment, took out the Liuguang Jiying Sword from the Jiuzang Spirit Bead, showed it to the two of them and said, "This is the spirit sword I refined based on the spirit cup pattern. You can take a look."

Old Taoist Ye Quan quickly took the Flowing Light Shadow Sword. With the Spiritual Sword in hand, spiritual power was injected into it, and he waved it casually. The shadow of the sword disappeared and turned into streaks of flowing light, gorgeous and filled with murderous intent.

"What a sword! How do you understand the properties of this spiritual sword from the spiritual cup?" Old Taoist Ye Quan immediately fell in love with the Liuguang Jiying Sword and looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"Most of it! The body of the lamp is seriously damaged, and I don't understand many of the weapon patterns. However, I can confirm one thing. This lamp is by no means a secret key, but a light-fixing, boundary-breaking key that contains the power of a certain amount of years. Jie Jie Yin Zhan!" Li Mu looked at Ye Quan, the Lotus Moon Saint, and said with judgment.

Hearing this, Old Master Ye Quan and Saint Lotus Moon looked at each other, and they both saw lack of confidence in each other's eyes. "Thank you, Master Li, for your advice. However, since it concerns the Tiansheng Sect, we decided to take it for a test." Old Taoist Ye Quan thanked him with a stubborn look on his face.

"Yeah! Whatever!" Li Mu smiled slightly and stopped trying to persuade them. He looked at the two of them and said, "If nothing goes wrong, let's leave it at that! I'm going to go into seclusion to refine the weapon, you can do what you want!"

"Okay, okay! We won't disturb Master Li anymore!"

Saintess Lotus Moon and Master Ye Quan nodded in unison, returned the Flowing Light Shadow Sword to Li Mu, and said goodbye.

As soon as the words fell, the two of them stood up with their swords and quickly flew out of the spiritual valley, turning into two black spots and quickly disappearing into the sky.

"I'm finally leaving!! I've been scared to death these days!"

Xue'er flew to Li Mu's side, looked at the sky together, watched the two of them leave, patted her chest and said.

"What did they do to you! Why did they scare you?" Li Mu looked away and turned to look at Xue'er in a funny way.

"That woman is okay. She speaks very softly and is very polite to me. But the old man is not very good. He holds a book all day and is very nervous. I am really afraid that he is going crazy! He is a senior Transformation God, and he almost went crazy. Now, isn't it scary?" Xue'er said with fear on her face.

"Practice hard and break through to the sixth level as soon as possible, so you don't have to be afraid. Otherwise, there will be many god-transformation monks coming to visit in the future. It's not good to be frightened every day!" Li Mu laughed and teased Xue'er.

"I'm always asked to meditate and practice, but I've never seen you meditate and practice!" Xue'er looked at Li Mu depressedly and complained.

Li Mu was stunned for a moment, thought of something interesting, and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha! We are different!"

"What's the difference? My mother said that I am also a genius and have the bloodline of Sky Fox. When I activate the bloodline, I will practice faster than you!" Xueer pouted and argued unconvinced.

Li Mu stopped laughing, stretched out his hand to caress Xue'er's head, and said comfortingly: "Okay! Take the elixir I gave you quickly, activate the Tianhu bloodline as soon as possible, and strive to defeat me as soon as possible!"

After saying that, Li Mu walked towards the weapon refining room.

As for cultivation, Li Mu has never practiced since he advanced to the Foundation Establishment Realm and relied on spiritual plants to absorb this innate magical power. He concentrated on planting various spiritual plants and harvesting the spiritual light groups to improve his cultivation. What else is there to practice?
Li Mu walked into the weapon refining room, and the heavy stone door slowly closed again.

Watching Li Mu enter the refining room, Xue'er curled her lips and felt a little depressed. Ever since Xiao Jin, Xiao Wa and the others went out to explore, she was the only one left in the entire Spirit Valley. As for Xiao Bai, Xiao Huofeng had been sleeping all day. He improved his cultivation level and had no time to pay attention to her.

"Oh! It would be great if we could follow Xiaojin and the others on an adventure!"

Xueer sighed regretfully, talked about everything, took the elixir, sat cross-legged and concentrated on practicing.


Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain, Thousand Star Island Sea Area, Giant Snake Island.

A sixth-order double-horned dragon appeared on the island with two monster apes and a rock lizard. Along the way, giant snakes were cut into two sections, snake heads turned into flesh, and countless snake bodies twisted, covering a On the forest path, blood and water gathered into a river.

"Boss, you are not taking the wrong path! Why are you getting more and more wrong? Damn it! You die!"

Xiao Jin turned around and asked the two-horned blue moon dragon. Suddenly, a black giant snake launched a sneak attack on Xiao Jin's thigh from the darkness, biting Xiao Jin's thigh, and injected all its venom into it with the intention of quickly killing the enemy.

Xiao Jin became angry, stretched out his hand, and drew out a golden sword. He raised and lowered the sword.

"Poof!" With a sound, a huge snake head shot up into the sky, and blood spurted out several feet high. A huge, headless body as thick as a bucket rolled crazily, and ancient trees were interrupted by the giant snake's tail, flying and shattered. Rocks and broken branches flew everywhere, and the scene was a mess!
The body of the giant snake that was cut into two pieces fell to the ground, and the path was dyed red with blood. However, the two-horned blue moon dragon and another demon ape, the rock lizard seemed to be used to this scene, and did not care at all.They continued along the path, deeper into the forest.

Not long after they walked out, a red python disguised as a dead branch suddenly opened its bloody mouth, spit out snakes, and suddenly attacked the rock lizard.

At this moment, the sixth-order brachiosaurus hurriedly came to help, took a big step, and struck down with a golden stick in his hand, like a rapid thunder, all falling down.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The golden stick was fast and hard, hitting the black snake on the head accurately, smashing it to pieces and killing the opponent instantly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Jin couldn't help but retreat. There were too many giant snakes on this island and it was difficult to guard against them!

They are not weak. When their master, Li Mu, left, he carefully prepared elixirs, antidotes, and spiritual treasures for them. They could not go to the depths of this island.

"What is hidden on this island? There are so many giant snakes gathered here! And, more and more! Brother?" Xiao Jin was even more confused and asked the Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon.

"That's right! Keep going! We're almost there!" The double-horned blue moon dragon led the way, looking at the jade slips as he walked, his tone full of excitement.

According to the map information recorded on the jade slips, in the last three miles ahead, in the core area of ​​Giant Snake Island, there is a tomb of a giant dragon. Many human monks ventured to explore it, which contained great risks.

The dragon's tomb is the birthplace of dragon-transforming spiritual grass and various Yin Xi elixirs. Many rare elixirs are a great weapon on the path of spiritual practice. They are also used to control many beasts and monsters to improve their bloodline, qualifications, and all aspects. The key to improvement.

Led by the two-horned Blue Moon Dragon, they walked through the forest and got closer and closer to their destination.

Suddenly, a strange aroma filled the air. Is this a unique aroma near the dragon's tomb?
The number of giant snakes gathering from all directions is increasing. They seem to be attracted by something, and they are moving in a certain direction, blocking the way forward of the Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon, Xiao Jin and others.

(End of this chapter)

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