Time flies, and ten days pass in the blink of an eye.

After ten days of flight, the Earth Spirit Ship finally arrived at the sea area where Ten Thousand Stars Island is located. Looking down, I saw islands on the sea dotted like emeralds. The turquoise water and the sky complemented each other, forming a beautiful picture. .

Between the islands, floating clouds and mist can be vaguely seen, adding a sense of mystery.

The Earth Spirit Ship has gradually approached the largest island among them - Ten Thousand Stars Island. The giant island is surrounded by several islands. The island is like a bright emerald embedded in the vast sea.

The lush forest covers the entire island, surrounded by clouds and mist, which is so beautiful that you can vaguely see the immortal cultivators wielding swords and driving spirit boats, flying among the islands.

Li Mu took Xueer and put on a slight disguise, flew out from the Earth Spirit Ship, put away the Earth Spirit Ship, switched to flying with a sword, and flew to Ten Thousand Stars Island like other casual cultivators in a low profile.

However, just as Li Mu and the others were approaching Ten Thousand Stars Island, a group of patrolmen wearing golden armor suddenly blocked their way.

"A foreign monk?"

The leader of the patrol stopped Li Mu, looked at them, raised his hands and asked respectfully: "Senior, do you have an order to enter the island?"

Li Mu was slightly stunned. He did not expect that Wanxing Island would need a special access order. He quickly shook his head and said, "I am new to Guizhou and I don't know this thing. Please enlighten me!"

The patrol chief heard Li Mu's doubts and patiently explained: "Senior, Wanxing Island is an important place for our sect. All foreign monks need to pass an assessment and obtain a pass before they can enter. This is to ensure the safety of the island. Please understand, senior."

Li Mu understood, and immediately asked: "I see, I don't know how to obtain this pass order!"

"Senior, you're welcome." The patrol commander waved his hand and then guided, "Fly directly from here to Chiba Island. You go there first to get the pass, and then you can enter the island."

Li Mu nodded understandingly.

Soon, the patrol captain enthusiastically offered to escort Li Mu and the others to Chiba Island. He walked in front and led the flight direction.

On the way, Li Mu took the opportunity to chat with the patrol captain to learn about the situation in the sea area.

Wanxing Island is the headquarters of the Wandao Sect, and it is also the most prestigious island in the entire sea area. The island has several high-level spiritual veins. The leader of the sect, Huang Yuanzun, is a monk in the Void Refining Realm, and his cultivation strength is outstanding in this area. There are only a handful of them in the sea area.

The Ten Thousand Island Sect is the largest sect in this sea area. It welcomes all monks from overseas and shares tens of thousands of miles of sea area with the Poseidon Sect. In this sea area, the Ten Thousand Islands Sect and the Poseidon Sect are the two largest forces, and they check and balance each other.

Of course, in addition to the two sects of the Ten Thousand Islands Sect and the Poseidon Sect, there are also hundreds or thousands of island families and casual cultivators. Although their strength is not as strong as the Ten Thousand Islands Sect and the Poseidon Sect, they are also among the most powerful in this sea area. A force that cannot be ignored.

Different from the expansion of the power of the Nine Demon Sects in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain, the submarine monster clan is their huge number and the common enemy of all human monks.


In addition, the patrol captain also told Li Mu that Chiba Island is one of the islands closest to Wanxing Island and is also the gateway to other islands. On Chiba Island, you can obtain a pass, which is necessary to enter other islands.

Soon, they came to Chiba Island.

The island is full of green bamboos, towering ancient trees, and filled with strong aura. Li Mu followed the patrol chief to the main hall on the island. The patrol chief introduced the situation to the deacon in charge of the pass.

The deacon was Ji Hanyan, a female golden elixir cultivator. She looked at Li Mu and nodded happily: "It turns out that the senior is from Southern Wilderness, and this sect is very welcoming."

After speaking, Ji Hanyan took out a purple token and said respectfully: "Senior, this is the token for the island's entrance pass. You only need to pay one thousand medium-grade spiritual stones and put the soul mark on the jade slip to get one. Passing Order.”

Li Mu did not reach out to take it, but stared at the purple token with hesitation on his face.

The soul is related to the foundation of a monk. Once the mark of the soul is placed on this token, Li Mu is worried that it will be used by the Ten Thousand Islands Sect to his disadvantage in the future.

Li Mu was hesitant and didn't know how to make a decision.

Seeing this, Ji Hanyan reminded with a smile: "The soul mark is just to prevent someone from pretending to be a distinguished guest to enter Ten Thousand Stars Island. It will never be used for other purposes, please rest assured, senior."

"Li always doesn't like to do this kind of thing. If he wants to be imprinted with the spirit soul, it doesn't matter if he doesn't need this pass. He won't go to Ten Thousand Stars Island. I wonder if your sect has a spiritual island to rent. I plan to rent it for a long time." Li Mu thought for a while and declined, then asked.

Regarding this matter, Ji Hanyan seemed to have seen it a lot and had already expected it. She responded with a smile: "Senior, if you really don't want to enter the island, there are also rentals on Lingdao. However, the rent on Lingdao is not cheap!"

A hint of joy flashed in Li Mu's eyes, and he mused: "It doesn't matter if the rent is high, as long as it's not too outrageous, Li can accept it."

Ji Hanyan smiled slightly and responded to the introduction: "Senior, don't worry, our Ten Thousand Islands Sect will not ask for excessive prices. The rent for renting a spirit island is calculated based on the level of the spirit veins on the island, the area of ​​the spirit island, and the special products."

"Take this Qianba Island as an example. It has three spiritual veins. The main vein is a high-level spiritual vein, covering an area of ​​300 square kilometers. Its special products are: fourth-order purple sunwood, fourth-order jade bamboo, and third-order jade crow flower. ..., and many other spiritual objects, so the rent will be relatively high. The annual rent is [-] million mid-grade spiritual stones. If the long-term lease starts from [-] years, the rent can be discounted by [-]%."

"The spiritual veins of each elixir are different, and the spiritual objects, spiritual plants, and area prices they produce vary, but they are generally within this rental range."

"Senior, I don't know what type of spiritual island you want to rent and how many years you plan to rent it! I can recommend a suitable island for you based on your needs. If you don't have enough spiritual stones, you can also rent it with other monks." Ji Hanyan introduced in detail After a while, he looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

Li Mu's heart moved slightly. The rental price was indeed not expensive for him. If he had a high-level spiritual vein, it would meet the need for growing fourth-level spiritual plants.

Li Mu thought for a while and confirmed: "Shared renting is not necessary. The required island does not need to be too big, but it must have a high-level spiritual vein. At the same time, there are more high-grade spiritual fields on the island, which is suitable for planting fourth-level and above spiritual plants. , nothing else! That’s about it! If there is a suitable island, I plan to rent it for thirty years first."

Hearing this, Ji Hanyan perked up, big business! There are many Ten Thousand Island Zongling Islands. However, there are not many monks who have the financial resources to rent the islands. They are usually rented by cultivation families. The number of Nascent Soul monks like Li Mu who rent the islands by themselves is very small. If this leased island is made , she can gain a lot of benefits.

"Understood, senior, please wait a moment while I look it up!" Ji Hanyan respectfully signaled to Li Mu, then took out a white jade slip and put it into her spiritual consciousness to preview it.

Ji Hanyan worked very efficiently. Within a moment, she put away the jade slips and looked at Li Mu with a smile. "Senior, I just checked the island records. Based on your needs, I found a suitable spiritual island. This spiritual island is located in the northeast of the Ten Thousand Stars Sea and is called 'Crescent Island'. Its area is about one hundred and twenty Ten square kilometers, the island has a high-level spiritual vein, and the relatively gentle terrain near the spiritual vein is suitable for cultivating large spiritual fields. This island is very suitable for your requirements."

After hearing this, Li Mu's heart moved and he couldn't help but ask: "What about the number of high-grade spiritual fields on this spiritual island?"

Ji Hanyan responded with a smile: "The number of high-grade spiritual fields on Crescent Island is about two thousand acres, distributed in the southeastern part of the island. In addition, there are many middle-grade spiritual fields on the island, adding up to a thousand acres in total. Such rich The number of spiritual fields is rare on ordinary spiritual islands, and if necessary, many spiritual fields can be cultivated."

The more Li Mu listened, the more excited he became, and asked with concern: "Then how much is the rent for this spiritual island?"

"The area of ​​Crescent Island is slightly smaller than that of Qianba Island. However, the island has a high-level spiritual vein. The island and the surrounding waters are rich in many high-level spiritual plants and marine spiritual objects, such as: fourth-level cold moon spiritual grass, third-level spiritual grass Jade Dew Spirit Pearl..., if managed properly, the annual income will be able to offset most of the rental,..." Ji Hanyan introduced eloquently.

"Okay, you don't need to introduce these. Just tell me how much the rent is and how to pay the rent." Li Mu waved his hand and interrupted.

"Okay senior, the rent for this Crescent Island is [-] million mid-grade spirit stones per year. If you choose to rent it for thirty years, you can get a [-]% discount on the rent, which is [-] million mid-grade spirit stones per year. Stone, one year's rent needs to be deposited, and the rent must be paid every three years." Ji Hanyan responded quickly, with a very respectful attitude.

"Well! Can you take me to see it?" Li Mu suggested.

"Of course! This island is thousands of miles away from Qianyue Island. Let's go there by spirit boat!" Ji Hanyan nodded happily and made an invitation gesture enthusiastically.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Hanyan released a third-level medium-sized spirit boat from the storage bracelet. The spirit boat has a gorgeous appearance and a streamlined design similar to the Tissot spirit ship, allowing it to travel faster and more stably in an empty space.

Li Mu nodded happily and took Xue'er to step onto the spirit boat. Ji Hanyan followed closely behind them, steering the spirit boat.

Under Ji Hanyan's control, the spirit boat sailed against the wind and quickly headed towards Crescent Island.

During the voyage, Li Mu and Ji Hanyan talked about various details about Crescent Island.

"Senior, the high-level spiritual veins on Yueyue Island are very rare. They can provide sufficient spiritual energy for spiritual plants. The spiritual fields on the island are also top-grade and are very suitable for planting various rare spiritual plants."

"If you are interested, I can also introduce you to some suitable spiritual plant seeds. The environment on Crescent Island is most suitable for the growth of jade dew spiritual flowers..., there is also a kind of underwater spiritual plant called 'Coral Jade' that is abundant near Crescent Island. Plants are very beneficial to monks with water attributes. They are the main medicine for refining Fu Yuan Dan and Shui Ning Dan..." Knowing that Li Mu was a spiritual plant master, Ji Hanyan took advantage of him and introduced it eloquently.

Ji Hanyan's clear and gentle voice floated in the sea breeze. Li Mu was not disgusted. Instead, he paid attention to this spiritual plant specialty of the Ten Thousand Stars Sea.

Through Ji Hanyan's explanation, Li Mu learned the characteristics of most of the spiritual plants in this batch of sea areas. Due to the proximity to the sea, most of the spiritual plants produced are from the water system, and there are many special spiritual plants that grow on the seabed. As for the spiritual land, the level of spiritual planting for other attributes is not too high.

"Senior, look, that's Crescent Island! The spiritual plants and spiritual fields on the island are managed by dozens of inner disciples of our sect. If you rent it, we will arrange for their immediate evacuation!"

Two quarters of an hour later, the speeding spirit boat arrived over an island, and Ji Hanyan quickly gave guidance to Li Mu.

Li Mu had already 'seen' that his spiritual consciousness had eagerly scanned the Crescent Island several times. The island is as its name suggests. The shape of the island is like a crescent moon in the first month. The main spiritual vein is located in the center of the island. The island is densely forested and filled with spiritual energy. There is a crescent-shaped coastline with fine sand and clear blue water. If this kind of environment were placed in the original world, it would definitely be an overcrowded tourist attraction.

Li Mu scanned it several times with his spiritual consciousness and had a clear understanding of the situation on the island.

The spiritual veins on this spiritual island are of good quality. If the spiritual array is arranged and slightly modified, it can plant fourth-level Purple Yang Ganoderma and Yin Po Fruit.

"Master Li, this Spirit Island is so beautiful! Should we rent it?" Xue'er looked at Crescent Island with bright eyes and looked at Li Mu expectantly as she asked.

"Senior Li, there is also a ready-made cave on the island. The cave is located at the main spiritual vein of Crescent Moon Peak. It covers an area of ​​[-] acres and is equipped with a high-level spirit gathering array, a high-level alchemy room, a weapon refining room, and a mid-level spiritual beast. Garden, five training rooms,... do you want me to take you up there to have a look?" Ji Hanyan looked at Li Mu with a smile and asked for instructions.

"No, I've rented this island. However, I hope your sect can lower the rent. According to the spiritual fields on the island and the output of spiritual objects, the annual income is only hundreds of thousands of medium-grade spiritual stones. If you rent it for one year Two million mid-grade spiritual stones are almost there. If you can, sign the lease now!" Li Mu refused with a smile and looked at Ji Hanyan bargaining.

"Senior Li, I need to ask the sect for instructions on this price before I can decide." Hearing this, Ji Hanyan looked happy. The price Li Mu offered was not high. The lease contract is probably completed. However, it still needs to be discussed with the sect. The elders of the sect asked for instructions.

"Okay!" Li Mu smiled and nodded.

Soon, Ji Hanyan turned the spirit boat around and returned to Chiba Island.

After returning to Chiba Island, Ji Hanyan invited a Nascent Soul deacon to sign an island lease agreement with Li Mu.

"Two hundred medium-grade spiritual stones a year! Yes, Crescent Island can be rented to you. However, Fellow Daoist Li, you need to pay the rent in time without delay. If there is no problem, please take a look at this lease." Deacon Yuanying He nodded, took out a parchment roll and handed it to Li Muchao.

Li Mu took the lease and read it carefully.

The lease clearly stated the detailed terms, rent, rights and obligations of renting Yueyue Island. Li Mu read the lease carefully, and after confirming that there were no problems, he signed his name on the lease.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Li, the lease has been signed. You only need to pay the rent according to the terms of the lease." Elder Deacon Yuanying put away the lease and looked at Li Muchao.

Li Mu nodded happily, took out a batch of high-grade spiritual stones from the Jiuzang Spiritual Beads, and paid the deposit and three years' rent on the spot.

Deacon Yuanying glanced at Li Mu in surprise and counted the number of spirit stones on the spot. He didn't expect that this young Yuanying monk could produce so many high-grade spirit stones. He seemed to be a wealthy man.

"Fellow Daoist Li, the number of spirit stones is correct. Lingyue Island will be leased to you starting today. You can use all the resources on the island as you wish, but you must not damage the spiritual veins and buildings on the island." Elder Deacon Yuanying looked at Li Mu, said laughingly.

"Okay, I'll pay attention." Li Mu nodded happily.

"Hanyan, please assist fellow Daoist Li to settle in Spirit Island!" Elder Deacon Yuanying looked at Ji Hanyan and explained.

"Yes!" Ji Hanyan responded respectfully.

Next, Ji Hanyan took Li Mu and the others to Crescent Island again and began to help clean up the disciples on Crescent Island. (End of chapter)

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