Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 346 Ancient Teleportation Array

The complex formation diagram contains the laws of time and space, involving star position identification, time and space positioning, three-dimensional formation patterns, etc.

Li Mu's eyes moved quickly on the formation diagram, and his consciousness imitated the operation of the formation. The energy flowed, and his face gradually turned pale, showing that his spiritual consciousness was exhausted.

After a while, Li Mu took a deep breath and looked away from the array diagram.

"What's going on? Master Li, are you sure you can completely interpret this formation diagram and arrange it?" Lin Fudou, the formation master, looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"There are some gaps in this ancient teleportation array diagram. A lot of information has been lost. It is very difficult to repair the layout. Master Li, can you complete it?" Master Chen Fa - Tao Ming asked.

"Fortunately, the main framework of this array diagram is still there. What is missing are only some details. This does not affect the repair and layout. The main thing is that I have never studied the teleportation array. For a moment, I don't know where to start. ." Li Mu frowned and gestured while looking at the formation diagram.

"Master Li, if you have any questions, just ask, I'm willing to answer them for you!" Master Chen Fa - Tao Ming said enthusiastically.

Huanshen Sect started with the teleportation array. However, he was also very interested in this ancient teleportation array fragment. Unfortunately, this ancient teleportation array was of too high a level. There were many places that he could not see through for the time being. However, regarding ordinary He is extremely proficient in the knowledge of teleportation arrays, so it is not a problem to give Li Mu some guidance.

"Hmm! Here, and here, these two array patterns should be key nodes for energy gathering. I want to know how they operate." Li Mu pointed at two positions on the array diagram, looked at Tao Ming and gestured.

"Master Li has such a keen eye! He suddenly asked about the key to the entire formation. The first position should be the spiritual control transformation, and the second position is the activation of the teleportation formation." Tao Ming looked at Li Mu in surprise, not expecting him He immediately pointed out the key to the formation diagram, and was immediately impressed by his eyesight, and quickly explained it.

While recalling the knowledge about the teleportation array, Tao Ming explained to Li Mu: "Spirit control conversion, as the name suggests, is to control the conversion of spiritual energy, converting the spiritual energy within the range of the array into the energy required by the array, thereby stimulating the array. .”

"When the teleportation array power is activated, all the teleportation array power is accommodated here, and the upper limit of the array power is adjusted so that the teleportation array can carry out long-distance teleportation."


Li Mu listened attentively and nodded from time to time. His understanding of this ancient teleportation array became deeper and deeper. He could feel that the structure and operation of this teleportation array were very complex and required extremely high understanding and application of the formation and space laws. .

"What function is implemented here?" Li Mu pointed to two points on the array map and continued to ask Tao Ming for advice. Star position identification should be the key to positioning the teleportation array, and it is also the core element that determines the distance and accuracy of the teleportation.

"This should be the core area of ​​the star position identification function. This part is relatively complex and requires specific positioning of a certain star position based on the star field environment where the formation is located. This requires very deep space knowledge and precise sensing of the star position."

"Further, it is necessary to determine the positions of several array points based on the position of the main star. These array points are used to determine the positions of the two teleportation arrays. Through the coordinate system of the main star and the positional relationship of the array points, the accuracy of the teleportation array can be achieved position."

Li Mu thought about it while listening, and gradually gained a clearer understanding of the operation of this array, and began to simulate and deduce it in his mind, like a clear picture unfolding.

However, the question was not over. Li Mu pointed to another point on the array diagram and asked Tao Ming for advice: "How to arrange the star position identification?"

This question obviously caught Tao Ming off guard, and his face became a little ugly.

Tao Ming hesitated for a moment, then slowly said: "This should be the core area of ​​the ancient teleportation array. The precise positioning of the teleportation array is carried out through this core point. I don't know the specific layout."

Tao Ming's words revealed a sense of powerlessness, and it was clear that this problem was beyond his ability.

Li Mu frowned and looked at the array diagram for a while to study it. Tao Ming couldn't give an answer, so he had to study it on his own.

Li Mu put his consciousness into the formation diagram, carefully observed it, and soon made new discoveries.

"No! That's not right! These formation talismans not only have the ability to locate stars and identify teleportation, but you can see these spiritual source formation talismans and this pulse wave formation. They are also working in them!" Li Mu suddenly denied Tao. Ming's point of view, pointing to several key points on the array diagram, explained.

Hearing Li Mu's question, all the formation masters were stunned for a moment, carefully observed the formation diagram, and followed Li Mu's guidance to put their spiritual consciousness into it.

After a moment, the formation master Linford's eyes lit up and he discovered the mystery in the formation diagram. He nodded in agreement and said: "There is indeed a spiritual source formation, and the pulse wave formation is also among them!"

"Master Li, according to you, this ancient teleportation array has three positioning sources, star position, pulse position and spiritual source, three positioning modes?" Tao Ming, the master of the formation, showed a look of understanding and understood Li Mu's thinking. .

Li Mu nodded and continued to explain: "It should be more than that. These spiritual source array symbols and pulse wave array patterns not only play a positioning role, these array symbols and array patterns cooperate with each other, which is a multi-dimensional collaboration..."

Listening to Li Mu's explanation, all the formation masters showed astonishment and looked at him with respect in their eyes. This insight into the formation made them sincerely admired.

Before this, although they had studied the ancient teleportation array, they had never been able to figure out the key to it. But now, with Li Mu's instructions, everyone suddenly felt that their eyes were clear, and their understanding of the ancient teleportation array had risen to a new level. level.


Under the admiring gazes of all the formation masters, Sword Master Feng looked at Li Mu and asked with concern: "Master Li, are you sure you can repair and deploy this ancient teleportation formation?"

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned, showing a slightly embarrassed look, and said worriedly: "Uh! This ancient teleportation array belongs to the sixth-level formation. The formation diagram is still damaged, so it is very difficult to arrange it. In addition, I don't know much about the teleportation array. It’s also limited, so if you reluctantly arrange it, you might have problems when using it!”

Li Mu's words made everyone stunned. They thought that Li Mu had figured out the secret of the ancient teleportation array, and repairing and setting it up would be a breeze, but they didn't expect that he would say such words.

Hearing this, Sword Master Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of disappointment.

However, Sword Master Feng had no intention of giving up. He looked at Li Mu and said firmly: "Master Li, we understand your concerns. However, this ancient teleportation array is really important to us. If you can repair and arrange it successfully, no matter what We are willing to fully support whatever resources are needed, and even if we fail, we will never blame you. As long as you are willing to try, this sect will be grateful! You will never let Master Li's work go in vain."

"Understood, I'll do my best!" Li Mu nodded clearly.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Tao Ming, the formation master, hesitated for a moment, as if he was considering something. His eyes looked at Li Mu for a long time. Finally, he sighed softly and made a decision.

"Master Li, to be honest, Tao has a inheritance about the teleportation array. Although it is not as good as this ancient teleportation array, there are some similarities in it. If you don't mind, you can take it and understand it first. Maybe it will inspire you to understand the ancient teleportation array." Tao Ming looked at Li Mu and suddenly gave a signal.

After speaking, Tao Ming took out a white jade slip from his arms and handed it to Li Mu.

Tao Ming's words stunned Li Mu. He didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to propose such a suggestion, which made him a little touched.

"In that case, I would like to thank Master Tao in advance!" Li Mu respectfully took the ancient book on the formation diagram, deeply admiring Tao Ming's generosity and magnanimity. "I also have a piece of formation experience." Li Mu's heart moved. He took out a blue jade slip from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl and handed it to Tao Ming with both hands. "Record some of my insights and experiences on daily formations and exchange them with Master Tao." I hope Marshal Tao won’t dislike this formation inheritance.”

Hearing this, Tao Ming was overjoyed, with a bright smile on his face. He carefully took the jade slip as if holding a treasure.

"Master Li, you're welcome! This jade slip is far more precious than my teleportation array inheritance. Tao is grateful!" Tao Ming laughed happily, but couldn't wait to accept the jade slip.

In this exchange, he finally got a big deal! Based on Li Mu's performance just now, the quality of this formation experience is definitely more valuable than his inheritance of teleportation formations.

When the surrounding formation masters saw this scene, their eyes widened, and their hearts were full of envy and jealousy. Unfortunately, they did not have a suitable formation inheritance to exchange with.

Li Mu didn't care at all about the reactions of the people around him. He focused entirely on the formation jade slips in his hands. He devoted his consciousness to reading them quickly.

Soon, a large amount of knowledge related to the formation poured into Li Mu's mind, including knowledge about the formation pattern of the teleportation array, formation structure, formation layout,..., mini teleportation array, small teleportation array, thousands of miles teleportation array,..., massive Knowledge about teleportation formations flooded into his mind.

After about half a quarter of an hour passed, Li Mu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the character attribute column.

[Ding, you successfully accepted the inheritance of "Teleportation Array", and your proficiency +1]

Without thinking, Li Mu immediately used free proficiency points to add points to this formation inheritance.

[Ding, you consume one free proficiency point, and the proficiency of "Teleportation Array" will be +1. 】


[Ding, you have spent some free proficiency points, and the level of the teleportation array has been upgraded to: Level 3. The array formation technique and the pulse detection technique have all been improved to a certain extent. You have understood the innate magical power - the power of time and space. 】

[Ding, you consume one free proficiency point, and the proficiency of "Teleportation Array" will be +1. 】


[Ding, you have spent a few free proficiency points, and the level of the teleportation array has been upgraded to: Level 6. The array formation technique and the pulse detection technique have all been improved to a certain extent. You have understood the innate magical power - the protection of time and space. 】

As the "Teleportation Formation" was upgraded to level six, a massive amount of formation knowledge and experience crazily poured into Li Mu's mind.

Li Mu couldn't help but close his eyes tightly, as if he was in an endless ocean, surrounded by the knowledge of the teleportation array, gradually converging into clear knowledge lines, allowing him to have a deeper understanding of many teleportation arrays.

Li Mu was immersed in this ocean of knowledge, constantly absorbing and comprehending, as if his innate talents were brought into full play at this time. His thinking was extremely agile, and he had a deeper understanding of the structure, principles, and operation methods of the teleportation array. understanding.

At the same time, a large amount of time and space power gathered around him, forming a subtle energy field. These forces echoed with the knowledge of the teleportation array, forming a perfect cycle. At this moment, Li Mu seemed to be integrated with the time and space power of the entire world. One body.

When everyone around them saw this scene, they all looked dumbfounded, with disbelief on their faces. They had never seen anyone understand the essence of the teleportation array so quickly, and they never thought that he could resonate with the power of time and space in a state of enlightenment.

"Li, Master Li, has he fallen into a state of innate enlightenment?" Linford, the formation master, exclaimed.

"Oh my God! Such talent is so scary!" Tao Ming said in disbelief.

"Sword Master, I'm glad to say that with Master Li's help, this ancient teleportation array should be fine!" Fang Yunjian walked to Sword Master Feng and said excitedly.

Sword Master Feng stared at Li Mu with brilliant eyes. In the Xuantian Sword Sect for thousands of years, he had seen countless geniuses. However, this was the first time he had seen a talent with such evil talent as Li Mu.

No matter what, we must get him into the Xuantian Sword Sect. If that doesn't work, we must establish a deep friendship with him.

About a quarter of an hour passed, and Li Mu's divine thoughts were now in the state of deity. He quickly completely digested the content of the inheritance of the "Teleportation Array".

Li Mu picked up the ancient teleportation array again and immediately had a clearer understanding.

"Master Li, how is the situation? Can this ancient teleportation array be successfully deployed?" Sword Master Feng looked at Li Mu and asked again with concern.

"The person who burned the diagram of this ancient teleportation array was not skilled enough to completely portray its charm. Since your sect can burn the diagram of this ancient teleportation array, he must have mastered a more complete teleportation array! If you can let me personally After observing it, I am confident that I can reproduce it and successfully arrange it." Li Mu looked at Sword Master Feng and said firmly.

Sword Master Feng frowned, looking obviously troubled.

Sword Master Feng looked at Li Mu and explained: "Of course there is a more complete teleportation array, but it is located in the Zhongzhou Spiritual Domain, not here. It takes a lot of time to come and go. However, the situation in the Ten Thousand Stars Sea is not safe for me. You need to be in charge personally and cannot leave.”

After hearing Sword Master Feng's explanation, Li Mu nodded, thinking about something.

At this moment, Fang Yunjian took the initiative to stand up and said in a deep voice: "Sword Master, let me escort Master Li to the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm!"

Sword Master Feng thought about it for a moment and nodded: "That's the only way it can be."

After speaking, Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu and said confidently: "Master Li, please rest assured that I am here to ensure that you arrive safely in the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm."

Hearing this, Li Mu suddenly thought of something, his expression changed drastically, and he thought to himself: "If it weren't for the reminder of the Fortune Turtle peeking into the river of time, I would have agreed to Fang Yunjian's proposal. However, now I already know that the Nine Demons Sect and Moyuan The forces have focused on me, and there will definitely be a Fusion Realm demon cultivator personally ambushing me on the way to the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm. Even if Fang Yunjian personally escorts me, it will be difficult for him to keep his life safe."

"No!" Li Mu immediately interrupted Fang Yunjian's words.

Hearing this, Sword Master Feng, Fang Yunjian and all the formation masters were all stunned and looked at Li Mu with some confusion.

"Sword Master, can you please take a step to speak!" Li Mu looked around and gestured.

Sword Master Feng was stunned for a moment and nodded curiously. Now he was asking someone for something! I won't deny it. (End of chapter)

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