Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 353 The double formation of son and mother

Chapter 353 The double formation of son and mother

Three days flew by.

Li Mu brought a group of senior officials of Qixuan Sect to present Tang Shihua with gifts.

"Sect Master Li, the Qixuan Sect will be entrusted to you from now on. Everyone, see you some other time!" Tang Shihua saluted everyone and then passed away with his sword.

"Elder Tang, take care along the way." Li Mu watched as Tang Shihua's figure gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

From now on, the Qixuan Sect has officially changed its surname to Li. All the elders of the sect withdrew their eyes and looked at Li Mu, waiting for his instructions.

"Sect Master, what are your plans for the sect?" The fifth elder, Ge Xinyu, stepped forward and asked proactively.

The position of the leader of Qixuan Sect has been changed, and the senior officials are inevitably a little uneasy. They don't know what thoughts and arrangements the new leader will have for the entire sect.

"It's the same as when Sect Master Tang was here. However, next, I will find a spiritual land on each peak, set up a magic circle, and plant some high-level spiritual plants. I hope all the peak masters will be accommodating." Li Mu said slightly. He smiled and gestured.

Hearing this, all the elders were stunned. They never expected that his request was so simple, just to plant spiritual plants in the entire spiritual land on each peak.

"Sect Master, that's what you said. The entire Seven Gods Mountain has been allocated in your name. If you want those spiritual lands, just take them. Our peaks will fully cooperate with you." The third elder, Qin Wentong, reacted the most Quick, express your position immediately.

After hearing Li Mu's explanation, Fang Shixin and all the disciples showed expressions of surprise. They know that this Five Elements Yin and Yang Spirit Gathering Formation is of great significance to the Qixuan Sect. It can not only gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and improve the effect of cultivation, but it is also a symbol of the sect's strength. Now, under Li Mu's restoration, the formation has regained its powerful vitality, which is undoubtedly a happy event for the Qixuan Sect.

Faced with everyone's requests and expectations, Li Mu responded with a smile: "That's easy to say! If you have nothing to do, just go and do your work! If you need anything, just come to me at any time."

"We are grateful to the sect master for being so generous. If there is any need to refine the spiritual treasure, we will inform the sect master as soon as possible. I hope the sect master will give you some advice when the time comes." The third elder Qin Wentong immediately handed over his hand and requested.

Other elders responded one after another.

"The sect master's wisdom and martial prowess are truly a blessing to our Qixuan Sect!" Fang Shixin looked at Li Mu and said gratefully.

Li Mu invested his spiritual consciousness into the Jiuzang Spiritual Pearl and summoned seven golden spiritual swords. Under the control of his spiritual thoughts, these spiritual swords seemed to be endowed with spirituality. They automatically arranged themselves into an array, using the sword as a pen and the golden spirit energy as ink. , began to re-carve the formation patterns for the ancient formation pillars. Each sword was extremely precise and every stroke was full of power.

Soon, Li Mu started wandering around the Seven Gods Mountain. He landed on the top of the Golden Sword Peak and stared at the Jin Yuan Formation Pillar of the Yin Yang Five Elements Spirit Gathering Formation. This formation pillar was like a giant golden pillar, standing on the top of the mountain. , exuding powerful spiritual energy fluctuations.

As time goes by, the light emitted by the formation pillars becomes stronger and stronger, and the entire Golden Sword Peak is enveloped by this light, as if it has turned into a golden world. At this time, the formation patterns on the formation pillars have been completely carved, and each Every formation seemed to come alive, beating and rotating constantly.


Suddenly, a golden light pillar shot up from the formation pillars and shot straight into the sky, emitting more powerful fluctuations of Jin Yuan's spiritual power.

Li Mu looked at them, nodded with a smile, and explained with a smile: "Elder Fang, there is a Five Elements Yin and Yang Spirit Gathering Formation in Qixuan Mountain. Due to the invasion of thousands of years, the formation patterns have been blurred. Today I I came here to re-draw the formation pattern and rejuvenate the formation, and now it seems that it has initially succeeded."

"Greetings to the sect master!" Fang Shixin bowed and saluted with his disciples. He probably knew that the change in the formation pillar was caused by Li Mu.

"Sect Master! Can you refine a sixth-level spiritual sword? I just want to refine a gold-based spiritual sword." Fang Shixin asked excitedly.

"Thank you very much. If you have any need to refine spiritual treasures, please prepare spiritual materials for refining and come to me as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, all the elders' eyes lit up.

"That's great. We will definitely bear in mind what the sect master said." The fifth elder, Ge Xinyu, said happily.

With a "buzz" sound, the array column suddenly vibrated. A strong suction force came from the formation pillar, and the surrounding spiritual energy rushed towards the formation pillar, as if being pulled by an invisible force. Li Mu's expression was solemn, knowing that this was a precursor to the reactivation of the formation pillars, he did not dare to relax at all, and continued to use his sword as a pen to carve the formation patterns.

"That's right, Sect Master, feel free to use it if you need it!"

The disciples of Jinjianfeng felt this powerful spiritual energy fluctuation, and came to check out curiously. Fang Shixin hurried over with a group of Jinjianfeng disciples, and they immediately saw Li Mu standing next to the formation pillar.

Hearing this, all the elders resigned and dispersed.

Under Li Mu's depiction, the ancient formation pillars seemed to have faded away the traces of time, and the originally fuzzy formation patterns gradually became clearly visible, emitting a more dazzling light, as if they had been given new life.

Li Mu smiled gratefully and threw himself into Li Dao's arms.

"The Lords are wise!"

All the disciples also echoed Alchemist Xin's words and became more respectful to the new sect leader.

Li Mu smiled and waved his hand, indicating that everyone did not need to be too polite. He looked around and his eyes fell on an empty spiritual land. Although this spiritual land looks ordinary, it is close to the formation pillar and contains rich gold spiritual energy. It is very suitable for being cultivated into a spiritual field and planting some gold spiritual plants.

He pointed to the spiritual land and said to Fang Shixin: "Elder Fang, I will use that spiritual land to cultivate spiritual fields and plant some spiritual plants. In order to protect the growth of spiritual plants, I will set up some magic circles. In the future, let the disciples We should not approach that area easily, so as not to accidentally break into the magic circle and cause unnecessary trouble."

Alchemist Xinyan nodded, indicating that he understood Li Mu's intention. He knew that as the sect leader, Li Mu knew every inch of the sect's land, and he must have done this for the overall interests of the sect. So, he solemnly replied: "Yes! Don't worry, Sect Master, I will immediately notify the disciples and tell them not to approach that spiritual land."

Li Mu nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to cast the Earth Dragon Technique, demarcating a thousand acres of spiritual land near the formation pillar, preparing to plant high-level spiritual plants.

After reclaiming a thousand acres of spiritual land at Jinjian Peak, Li Mu repeated his old tricks and went to the other six spiritual peaks to carve the formation pillars again, circle the spiritual grounds, and set up the spiritual formation again.

Time flew by like a flash, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Mu was currently at the top of Yangshen Peak. Standing beside him were the peak master of Yangshen Peak, Wen Bisheng, and many senior officials of Yangshen Peak. They arrived here early and greeted the new sect leader with respect for Li Mu. Everyone's eyes were focused on Li Mu, witnessing his feat of re-carving the sect's grand formation. In the past few days, Li Mu's deeds of re-carving formation pillars on various peaks and planting spiritual plants in spiritual circles have spread throughout the Qixuan Sect. Every move he made touched the hearts of countless disciples and became a hot topic within the sect.

However, the new sect leader did not show too much enthusiasm for the daily management of Qixuan Sect. He did not interfere too much with the regulations of the previous Tang Sect Master, nor did he make large-scale adjustments to the operations of the Qixuan Sect, which surprised many disciples and made the senior officials completely relieved.

"Why don't we just circle some spiritual lands and plant spiritual plants? There are so many spiritual lands in the spiritual fields of Qishen Mountain!" This was the thought in the minds of the senior officials of Qixuan Sect.


Following this crisp and powerful voice, Li Mu controlled the seven spiritual swords like golden lightning, drawing a graceful arc in the air. Where the sword tip pointed, the hard rocks shattered and turned into powder.

As time went by, the Yang array pillar suddenly buzzed, as if the dormant power was awakened, and the intense array light bloomed, like a blazing sun, dazzling. This formation of light contains powerful spiritual power of heaven and earth, which is constantly gathering from all directions, echoing the formation pillars of the other six peaks.

Soon, an invisible bridge seemed to appear between the horizons, closely connecting the seven peaks of the Seven Gods Mountain. The formation pillars of the other six peaks also echoed from a distance, emitting bursts of buzzing. Together with the Yang array pillars, they built a A huge magic circle, like an invisible net, continuously gathers the spiritual power from heaven and earth.

In the sky, spiritual energy surged like a tide, as if forming a huge whirlpool of spiritual energy. The vortex emitted a strong light, illuminating the entire Seven Gods Mountain, causing the entire sect to be bathed in the endless spiritual power of heaven and earth. At this moment, the Seven Gods Mountain seemed to have turned into a fairyland full of vitality and vitality. People are fascinated.

With the continuous gathering of spiritual power, every corner of Qishen Mountain is filled with fluctuations of spiritual energy. The originally silent spiritual grass and flowers are now full of vitality and blooming more brilliantly under the nourishment of spiritual power. brilliance. The disciples in the sect felt this unprecedented excitement and strength, and their faces showed expressions of surprise.

"Wow! This spiritual energy has increased several times!"

"It's incredible! The sect master is so powerful!"

"It turns out that our sect still has such a large formation, it's so awesome!"

"With this level of spiritual power, it won't take long for my cultivation to break through again!"

"The sovereign is mighty!"

The disciples of Yangshen Peak cheered and looked at Li Mu with eyes full of joy and admiration.

"Thank you, sect master. If it weren't for you, there would be no chance of the spirit gathering formation being reactivated." Wen Bisheng, the master of Yangshen Peak, walked up to Li Mu and thanked him.

"It's just a trivial matter, nothing to worry about!"

Li Mu reached out and waved his hand, staring at the Yangshen Formation Pillar, and his attention was attracted by the content it displayed.

Under the innate magical power of identifying all spirits, the information of the entire array was fully revealed, showing Li Mu the secrets contained in it.

[One of the pillars of the Five Elements Yin and Yang Spirit Gathering Formation (Mother) Yang Shen Formation]

[Level: Seventh Level Array]

[Characteristics: Gathering the Five Elements, Gathering Yin and Yang, Gathering the Son-Mother Formation, Gathering Chaos,...]

[With the foundation of the Five Elements as the core, supplemented by the seventh-order black yellow stone, the seventh-order building wood root, the seventh-order Wuding Lingshui, the seventh-order Yanhuo crystal, and the seventh-order thick earth twilight, the yin and yang are melted and arranged together. This is The formation is the mother formation, gathering yin and yang, the power of the five elements, and can be combined with the sub-formation: the five elements moving formation, which can move the energy of the five elements, break the time and space barrier, and reach a certain secret place. 】

Li Mu was stunned when he saw the complete attributes displayed on the array pillars. He never expected that there was something else going on in this Five Elements Yin-Yang Spirit Gathering Array.

Li Mu's heartbeat gradually accelerated. The real purpose of this array was not just to gather spiritual energy, it was just a mother array. Its real function is to cooperate with another sub-formation - the Five Elements Moving Formation. By moving the energy of the Five Elements, it can break the time and space barrier and reach a certain secret place.

The discovery of this secret made Li Mu's heart feel like surging waves, with both surprise and joy. What surprised him was that this magic circle hid such an unfathomable secret. Its power was so powerful that he couldn't help but worry that if this secret was accidentally leaked, it might implicate him and threaten him. Fortunately, he unexpectedly Discovering the true purpose of this magic circle is undoubtedly a huge wealth for him.

The place where this sub-array is transmitted is probably related to the secret realm of chaos. What is the situation of this secret realm of chaos? Why is it related to the opportunity of enlightenment, and even the Taoist Lord is eager to know about it?

These questions swirled in Li Mu's mind, making him full of curiosity and expectation about the secret realm of chaos.

Now, the question that Li Mu is most concerned about is where is this sub-formation? You need to find this sub-formation first before you can cooperate with the mother formation to open the door to the secret realm of chaos.

After thinking about it, Li Mu immediately had a goal. Some time ago, Tang Shihua took him to visit the Seven Gods Mountain, explained to him in detail the major and minor matters of the sect, and even took him to the sect's treasure house.

Li Mu clearly remembered that there were many complex magic circles and restrictions in the treasure house, and this sub-array was probably hidden among them.

Recalling that he had criticized the magic circles in the sect's treasury before, Li Mu originally planned to wait until he was done with his work and take some free time to repair them. Now it seems that there are probably sub-arrays hidden in those magic circles and restrictions. traces.

"Sect Master, Sect Master, which spiritual land do you want to choose? Look at this place!" The voice of Yangshen Peak Master Wen Bisheng interrupted Li Mu's contemplation, pointing to the green spiritual land in front of him, and said excitedly.

Li Mu came back to his senses and looked in the direction of Wen Bisheng's finger. Under the Yangshen Formation Pillar, I saw a piece of spiritual land located on the mountainside of Yangshen Peak. It was surrounded by spiritual energy, lush vegetation, and wide. It was obviously a top-quality spiritual land.

Li Mu nodded slightly and expressed his approval: "This spiritual place is indeed good and full of spiritual energy, so choose this place."

Wen Bisheng was overjoyed when he heard this, with a look of joy on his face: "The master is wise! This spiritual land is indeed a good choice. It will definitely bring rich harvests in the future."

Li Mu smiled softly and said nothing more. At this time, his attention was not here at all. The words displayed on the formation pillars kept echoing in his mind, thinking about what this chaotic secret realm was and what kind of secrets and secrets it hidden. treasure.

In order to have a deeper understanding of this secret realm of chaos, Li Mu decided to take the time to go to the Sutra Collection Pavilion of the Xuantian Sword Formation to take a closer look at what this secret realm of chaos was!

(End of this chapter)

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