Chapter 357 The Secret of the Clone

Tianjian Peak, as its name suggests, stands proudly on the top of the mountains, like a sharp sword pointing straight into the sky. The peaks are extremely steep, as if they have been sharpened by countless years of sword intent, and every rock reveals an indestructible will. The towering mountains seem to be connected with the sky, giving people the illusion of touching the sky.

The clouds and mist on the peak are not static, but are constantly rolling and surging, as if countless sword energies are shuttled through it. These sword energies criss-crossed, forming fierce storms that made people afraid to approach easily. Even successful monks must be cautious for fear of being hurt by these sword energies. Here, sword intention has become the master of Tianjian Peak, everywhere and at all times, making people feel the unique aura of Xuantian Sword Sect.

The Sutra Pavilion is located at the top of such a mountain full of sword spirit. It is the calmest place in the entire Tianjian Peak. It is a simple and elegant building, made of rare spiritual trees. It exudes a faint wood fragrance. The door of the pavilion It is tightly closed, and ancient spiritual patterns are engraved on it, which contains scriptures accumulated by the Xuantian Sword Sect over tens of thousands of years.

In addition to the Sutra Pavilion, there are other buildings on Tianjian Peak, each with its own characteristics and harmoniously blending with the surrounding natural environment.

A sword tower towers into the clouds, like a giant sword reaching into the sky. The sword tower is a place where sect disciples compete for the sect’s ranking and contribute to the sect’s welfare. At this time, in the square below the sword tower, hundreds of disciples Gathering, they are waiting to enter the tower, participate in competitive tower climbing, and compete with other disciples in the sword tower to improve their sword skills.

Next to the sword tower is another building - Fuling Palace. It is a solemn and solemn palace. It is mainly used to worship the ancestors of the sect and outstanding disciples of the past dynasties. There is a lot of incense in the Spirit Palace, and many disciples gather together to do homework and discuss Taoism.

Not far from Fuling Palace, there is another building - the Sword Fighting Platform. This is a vast open space with a towering stone platform in the center. The Sword Fighting Platform is a place where sect disciples learn sword skills and test their strength. On the sword platform, you can see two disciples of the Xuantian Sword Sect holding long swords, either swinging the sword like the wind, or as quiet as a virgin, competing in swordsmanship, cultivation..., the sword aura is flowing freely on the sword fighting platform, at this time A fierce sword fight was going on.


Li Mu's eyes wandered on the top of Tianjian Peak, taking in all the majestic buildings, lingering clouds and mist, and the scene of sword energy. He moved his body, turned into a sword light, and flew straight towards the Sutra Pavilion. go.

The Sutra-Depository Pavilion is located at the top of Tianjian Peak. It is majestic, simple and mysterious. When Li Mu arrived at the gate of the Sutra-Depository Pavilion, he saw two gatekeeper disciples of the Divine Transformation Realm, one on the left and one on the right guarding the gate of the Sutra-Depository Pavilion.

Li Mu nodded slightly, reached out from his waist and took out the elder's token representing his identity. The emblem of the Xuantian Sword Sect was engraved on the token, recording his identity.

""The Many Evolutions of Transformation Gods"" is the title of another classic. It records in detail the practice methods and experiences of various transformation god clones, which is of great help in broadening Li Mu's practice ideas.

""Tao Jun's Discourse - The Disadvantages of Multiple Avatars"", the title of this book caught Li Mu's attention. He knew that any practice method has its two sides, and the practice of transforming into a god is no exception. This book may be an in-depth discussion of some potential issues in the practice of multiple incarnations, and is extremely important to avoid misunderstandings.

Li Mu nodded and quickly followed.

Soon, they came to the third floor. The bookshelves here were taller and there were more books. Xu Shaoqi pointed to one of the bookshelves and said: "Senior, most of the classics related to the practice of avatars are placed on this bookshelf. , you can choose according to your needs.”

"This is an important place in the Sutra Pavilion. If you want to enter, please show your token." When the gatekeeper saw Li Mu flying towards him, he immediately stepped forward and saluted.

Li Mu nodded to express his understanding, then walked to the bookshelf and began to select carefully. His eyes swept across the bookshelf, and the titles of each classic came into view.

After saying that, he turned around and led Li Mu towards the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

Seeing the light on the token, a look of respect flashed in the gatekeeper's eyes, and he immediately knew that the owner of the token was a distinguished guest elder of the Xuantian Sword Sect, and he was qualified to enter the Sutra Pavilion to read high-level classics.

As soon as the token came out, a ray of light immediately shot out from the token, illuminating the entire door of the Sutra Pavilion.

"Senior, I am Xu Shaoqi, the Book Master of the Sutra Pavilion. There are seven floors in the Sutra Pavilion. There are tens of millions of books inside. They are all-inclusive and difficult to find. If you are looking for any books, I can help you."

"Hmm!" Li Mu thought for a moment and replied, "I want to know some classics about the secret realm of chaos and the practice of avatars."

""The Way of Heaven: The God-Transforming Clone", Li Mu picked up a book, opened it and read the introduction. This is a classic book that explains the basics of the practice of God-Clone. For a monk like him who has just started to practice the practice of God-Transforming , just right.

"Elder, please!" The gatekeeper disciple saluted respectfully and turned sideways to make way for a passage.

What catches the eye are tall bookshelves filled with all kinds of books. These books are yellow or old, exuding a sense of historical vicissitudes. At this time, there are many monks in the pavilion looking through ancient books under the bookshelves, immersed in them. .

Soon, a Nascent Soul cultivator appeared in front of Li Mu and introduced himself respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Xu Shaoqi immediately replied: "I understand, senior. The classics for the Secret Realm of Chaos and the cultivation of the God Avatar are located on the third and fifth floors of the Sutra Pavilion respectively. Please come with me and I will guide you."

Li Mu nodded slightly to express his gratitude, and stepped into the Sutra Pavilion. Immediately, a strong spiritual energy, filled with the fragrance of books, hit his face. This was the aura emanating from countless classics in the Sutra Pavilion.


After stopping in front of the bookshelf for a long time, Li Mu finally carefully selected a few classics that he thought would be of great benefit to his practice. These classics were not only in-depth in content, but also had unique perspectives, covering all aspects of spiritual avatar practice, from basic theories to advanced techniques. , covering everything from successful cases to lessons learned from failures.

After condensing the first Mu Yuan clone, Li Mu immediately felt that the connection between himself and the Mu Yuan clone was a rather strange state, which immediately made Li Mu feel uneasy and wary. Li Mu felt that there was a possibility of losing control if he condensed a single Mu Yuan clone, so he decisively gave up on condensing the remaining several divine clones.

Ordinary god-transformation monks only begin to carefully try to condense the god-transformation clone after they have experienced a long period of practice and entered the late stage of god-transformation. When the energy in their bodies has accumulated to a certain level and their souls have grown strong enough. This is a safe and cautious approach, because the condensation of the divine clone not only requires the use of high-level spiritual materials, but also requires deep tempering and differentiation of the divine soul. Moreover, even in the late stages of divine transformation, monks usually only Condensate a spiritual clone to prevent the clone from losing control or causing damage to the main body.

However, Li Mu chose to prepare to condense seven divine clones in one go at the early stage of divine transformation, a stage that is relatively fragile for most monks. This is undoubtedly an extremely risky and radical approach, which is different from the practice of ordinary people. Going in the opposite direction, this behavior naturally contains many unknown potential risks.


Li Mu quickly immersed himself in the ocean of knowledge in classics, trying to understand the difficulties of refining the divine clone through the knowledge of his predecessors.

In the process of in-depth study of the classics, Li Mu gradually understood the reason for the strange feeling he had after condensing the divine clone.

It turns out that the purpose of cultivating the divine clone is not only to condense a Dharma body, but also to refine the way of heaven and earth and prepare for advancement to the next realm. In this process, body and method are combined to condense the unique legal domain of the Void Refining Realm, which is the core of the practice of transforming into a spirit clone.

At the same time, Li Mu also learned more about the mystery of the divine clone. The soul of the divine clone was born out of the main soul. It turned into a soul without an owner so that it could inhabit the spiritual objects of heaven and earth. It slowly condensed into the clone and became the legal body. In this process, the divine clone has a special uniqueness. That is to say, although the divine clone is controlled by the subject, it already has an independent personality, autonomous consciousness, and the memory of the subject.

This means that for the divine clone, it understands that its future situation will become an existence in the subject's legal domain. Although it cannot "violate" the will of the subject, under certain special circumstances, the divine clone may also turn against the guest. possible.

For example, if the main soul is accidentally destroyed and loses control of the main body, in this case, it is easiest for the spiritual clone to become an independent individual and replace the main body's identity.

For another example, some unknown error or change occurred in the process of condensing the clone of the main spirit, causing the connection between the clone and the main body to be broken or distorted. In this case, the clone may become difficult to control and may even attack the main body.


If the condensation of a spiritual clone goes out of control, the seriousness of the consequences has made Li Mu feel deeply pressured, and his practice may be hindered. And when the number is enlarged to seven, the risks and pressures he has to bear are even more conceivable.

In the process of in-depth study of these secret scriptures, Li Mu saw the attempts and results of countless predecessors. Some people, with their tenacious will and outstanding talents, successfully refined multiple divine clones, and these clones became their powerful helpers. , helped them climb to the peak of spiritual practice and achieve legend; similarly, many people failed. Their divine clones were not effectively controlled, and instead lost control and became a huge obstacle on their path to spiritual practice. These clones not only failed to help them improve their strength, but in turn attacked them, causing their cultivation path to be interrupted and even their lives to end prematurely.

After in-depth study of these cases, and from the guidance of many classics, Li Mu understood the key factors in controlling the divine clones and refining multiple divine clones. It turned out that all of this was closely related to the strength of the divine soul.

The soul that refines the divine clone is the main soul that is born out of the main body. This means that as long as the main soul is strong enough and does not suffer any accidents during the refining process, the divine clone cannot escape the control of the main body. of. This kind of control not only guides the action of the clone, but also restrains the consciousness of the clone. Therefore, the strength of the soul is directly related to whether the clone can faithfully execute the will of the main body.

Soon, Li Mu further discovered that the strength of the soul not only determines the ability to control the clone, but also affects the connection between the clone and the body. A powerful soul can not only better control the clone and make its actions more coordinated. , can also strengthen the spiritual bond between the avatar and the main body, and reduce the risk of losing control. This spiritual bond is like an invisible chain, tightly connecting the avatar and the main body, ensuring that they can face challenges together with the main body.

For refining multiple divine clones, a powerful divine soul is an indispensable support. Multiple clones mean that multiple souls need to be controlled at the same time, which requires extremely powerful divine souls as support. Only with enough soul power can we ensure that each clone can be effectively controlled and avoid conflicts or loss of control between them.

After understanding the key factors in controlling the divine clones and refining multiple divine clones, Li Mu felt a little more relaxed. He had already cultivated the Nebula Observation method to the second level. According to his current soul strength, he could refine seven clones. God clones are not a problem, but to make these god clones completely obey their own will and ensure that no accidents occur, the existing strength of the soul is far from enough.

Li Mu knew that his first task next was to cultivate the Nebula Concept to the second level of perfection, increase the strength of his soul, and ensure that he could refine a few more divine clones so that he could better control the clones.

However, the concept of Nebula Observation alone may not be enough to meet Li Mu's needs. In order to increase the strength of the soul faster, Li Mu decided to find other techniques that can enhance the soul for practice.

Now, he is in the Xuantian Sword Sect, the largest sect in the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm. The Chuanfa Hall should have many spiritual consciousness skills that are comparable to the Xingyun Aspect Method. In addition to the spiritual consciousness skills, you can also take some elixirs that increase the strength of the soul, or treasures from heaven and earth, which can also increase the strength of the soul.

Li Mu's eyes flashed with enlightenment, and he gently closed the secret books in his hand, already having a clear answer in his heart.

The content recorded in these Tibetan scriptures is extremely rich, and the introduction to the divine clones is diverse and very detailed. However, the principles they reveal for refining multiple divine clones are consistent. Refining the divine clones is a A simple technique, but without any tricks.

In the end, cultivators still need to rely on their own powerful soul as support and use their own strength to overcome difficulties. As long as the soul is strong enough, they can ensure the successful refining of multiple god clones and allow multiple god clones to faithfully execute the main body. will.

"Xu Zhishu, take me to find the ancient books that record the secret realm of chaos!"

Li Mu put down a few ancient books, walked to Xu Shaoqi who was guarding the side, and signaled.

"Okay, Elder Li, please come this way!" Xu Shaoqi nodded respectfully and immediately walked in front to lead Li Mu to the stairs leading to the fifth floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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