Chapter 361 Change of Soul

After bidding farewell to Qiu Changming, Yuwentian and the others, Li Mu returned to the Seven Gods Mountain and immediately entered the training room of the sect leader's mansion and began to retreat.

In the training room, Li Mu sat cross-legged, his eyes on the panel, adding points to the Star Art.

[Ding, you consume one free proficiency point, and your star art proficiency will be +1. 】


[Ding, you consume one free proficiency point, the proficiency of Star Art +1, the level of Star Art-Star Transformation Chapter is upgraded to: Level 3, your soul is increased, the detection range of divine consciousness is expanded by: %, you understand divine consciousness Derived skill: Star Glory. 】


[Ding, you consume one free proficiency point, the proficiency of Star Art +1, the level of Star Art-Star Transformation Chapter is upgraded to: Level 8, your soul is increased, the detection range of divine consciousness is expanded: %, you understand divine consciousness Derived skill: Star Glory. 】


[Ding, you consume one free proficiency point, the proficiency of Star Art +1, the level of Star Art - Star Transformation Chapter is upgraded to: Level 15, your soul is increased, the detection range of divine consciousness is expanded: %, you understand divine consciousness Derived skill: Star Shield. 】

[Ding, without the star source, the star skill proficiency points cannot be further improved. ] This line of text suddenly appeared on the virtual panel, like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguishing the smile on Li Mu's face.

Li Mu sighed, with a hint of helplessness and regret in his eyes.


After a while, Li Mu suddenly woke up from deep practice. He opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes, as if there were stars rotating in them. Li Mu could clearly feel the state of his soul, and his heart was full of surprises. The level of the Star Art was improved. The effect is surprisingly good, as if the soul has been re-polished and full of power.


There are many spiritual seeds of the sixth-level spiritual plant-Mou Xing Spirit Grass in Xuantian Sword Sect's exchange warehouse. However, the contribution required for the exchange, as well as the high-level spiritual materials to assist the growth of the spiritual plant, require a large amount. contribute.

To obtain a spiritual light group like Xingyuan, you need to plant a sixth-level spiritual plant - Mou Xing Spirit Grass. In the short term, you may not be able to rely on it.

A satisfied smile appeared on Li Mu's face. The improvement of the soul means that the consciousness will be sharper. Whether it is cultivation, weapon refining, fighting, or anything else, he will become more comfortable. However, this improvement is far from reaching the limit.

[Ding, you spent some free proficiency points, the proficiency of Qinglian Sword Formation-Chuhua Chapter is +1, the level of Qinglian Sword Formation-Chuhua Chapter is upgraded to: Level , you have understood: White Lotus Sword Formation, Overturning Lotus Sword Formation . 】

Li Mu closed his eyes and felt the changes in the Consciousness Sea Divine Soul's Star Art upgrade this time.

[Ding, you consume one free proficiency point, and the proficiency of Qinglian Sword Formation - Chuhua Chapter will be +1. 】

When practicing Star Technique and Nebula Contemplation at the same time, Li Mu also felt a little worried. After all, both techniques were spiritual consciousness techniques. If there was a conflict between the same practitioners, the consequences would be disastrous. However, the reality was beyond his expectation. Not only did the two techniques not conflict, but the fusion of the alien souls was exceptionally smooth. Li Mu could clearly feel that the strength of his soul had been increased several times during this fusion.

[Ding, you spent some free proficiency points, the proficiency of Qinglian Sword Formation-Chuhua Chapter is +1, the level of Qinglian Sword Formation-Chuhua Chapter is upgraded to: level one, you have understood the Chulian Sword Formation, Moon Lotus Sword Formation . 】

Originally, he had completed the second level of Nebula Observation - the God-Gathering Chapter. After surviving the God Transformation Thunder Tribulation, the sea of ​​consciousness underwent earth-shaking changes. The dots of starlight in the sea of ​​​​consciousness gradually took the shape of the star map. The alien soul state of a star.

The matter of earning contributions could not be rushed, Li Mu took a deep breath, put it aside for the time being, and turned his attention to the inheritance of the two sword formations, and continued to add points.

After spending millions of free proficiency points, Xingchen Jue was upgraded to the third level. At this moment, it was unable to go any further because of the lack of the crucial element of star source.

Li Mu suddenly became a little anxious, preparing to plant a large number of sixth-level spiritual plants - Mou Xing Spirit Grass.

It is a pity that without this star source spiritual planting attribute, it is impossible to continue to improve the two skills.


[Ding, you spent some free proficiency points, the proficiency of Qinglian Sword Formation-Chuhua Chapter is +1, the level of Qinglian Sword Formation-Chuhua Chapter is upgraded to: Level , you have understood: Fantasy Lotus Sword Formation, Nether Lotus Sword Array. 】

But now, as the level of Star Art - Star Transformation Chapter has been upgraded to the third level, his soul has undergone huge changes again. Li Mu can clearly feel that his soul has jumped directly from a star state to a star state. This change in the appearance of the asteroid was extremely clear. Li Mu could truly feel the further alienation of his soul. Both quantity and quality had been greatly improved as never before.


As Li Mu added points, a series of upgrade prompts popped up in the log bar. Then, the skills and experience of the sword arrays were poured into his mind one after another. The sword was full of intent and evil aura.

Sitting cross-legged, Li Mu suddenly burst out with a strong sword intent. This sword intent surged like a violent storm, as if it was going to swallow up everything around him. His breath became sharp and cold, like an unsheathed sword with its sharp edge exposed.

Li Mu's hands trembled slightly, as if he was eager to hold the hilt of the sword in his hand and sway his own sword light... As the level of the Qinglian Sword Formation increased, he successfully understood several sword formations related to lotus, among which Various features of the sword formation: the Chulian Sword Formation is as fresh and refined as a newborn lotus, and its sword intent is agile and elegant; the Moon Lotus Sword Formation is as mysterious and profound as a lotus illuminated by the moonlight, its sword intent is profound and long, and the White Lotus Sword Formation is as mysterious and profound as a lotus illuminated by the moonlight. The formation is as pure and flawless as the white lotus in full bloom, while the Covering Lotus Sword Formation is as dense and tough as the covered lotus leaves...

[Ding, you consume one free proficiency point, the proficiency of Qinglian Sword Formation - Chuhua Chapter is +1, the level of Qinglian Sword Formation - Chuhua Chapter is upgraded to: Level , you have understood: Red Lotus Sword Formation. 】


[Ding, Xiantian Muyi's sword energy and sword intent are insufficient, and the Qinglian Sword Formation - Chuhua Chapter cannot continue to level up. 】


In the end, Li Mu was forced to stop. Due to two special conditions, the Qinglian Sword Formation - Chuhua Chapter stopped at level 5 and could no longer be improved.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu sighed. It was not surprising. The inherited technique of Qinglian Sword Formation itself was at a higher level than Xuantian Sword Formation. It was not surprising that it required special attributes to practice.

Li Mu continued to add points to the next sword formation technique.

[Ding, you consume one free proficiency point, Taixuan Sword Formation-Jinxuan Chapter proficiency +1. 】


[Ding, you have spent some free proficiency points, and the proficiency of Taixuan Sword Formation-Jinxuan Chapter is +1. The level of Taixuan Sword Formation-Jinxuan Chapter has been upgraded to: Level . You have understood: Sword Formation-Jinxuan Chapter. 】


[Ding, you consume a few free proficiency points, and the proficiency of Taixuan Sword Formation-Jinxuan Chapter is +1. The level of Taixuan Sword Formation-Jinxuan Chapter is upgraded to: Level . You have understood: Sword Formation-Futian Jinxuan. 】……

The virtual log column is densely packed with countless prompts.

Like the Qinglian Sword Formation, after the Taixuan Sword Formation reaches the fifth level, it cannot continue to improve due to the lack of innate Jin Yuan sword energy and insufficient sword intent attributes.

Fortunately, Li Mu had already been mentally prepared. After acquiring many sword-making skills in the Taixuan Sword Formation, he turned his attention to weapon refining.

This appearance was full of rewards. Not only did he obtain three inherited skills, Li Mu also postponed two formation tasks from Qiu Changming and received fifteen tasks for refining the sixth-level spiritual sword.

Refining a sixth-level spiritual sword for the Xuantian Sword Sect can earn 10 sect contribution points. At the same time, the sect provides two refining spiritual materials. If the refining is successful once, you can also get a refining Income from weapons and spiritual materials.

The income from the weapon refining task should not be too much.

So Li Mu took out the 'Painting Realm Treasure House' and dived into it, summoning the Red Fire Phoenix and Qingyue True Dragon, and took them to refine the weapon together.

Time flies, three months have passed.

Seven Gods Mountain, this ancient and mysterious mountain, seems to have turned into a sea of ​​spiritual energy full of vitality under the blessing of the Five Elements Yin and Yang Spirit Gathering Formation. During the operation of the formation, the Five Elements Yin and Yang Qi between heaven and earth flows continuously. The gathering brought the spiritual energy concentration here to an astonishing level.

Whether they are newcomers to the Qixuan Sect or elders with advanced cultivation, they are all immersed in this rich aura environment. Under the nourishment of this rich aura, their cultivation level is growing day by day. Some disciples who were originally slow in cultivation, Here we gradually found opportunities for breakthroughs, and our strength increased by leaps and bounds.

The entire Qixuan Sect is full of prosperity and enthusiasm for cultivation.

On this day, two unexpected visitors from the Void Refining cultivators arrived from the sky.

"Xuantian Sword Sect - Qi Yun, Yuan Zhendong, come to visit - Sect Leader Li!"

The voices of the two Void Refining monks echoed over the Qishen Mountain like a bell, shaking the hearts of the disciples of the Qixuan Sect.

The elders of the Qixuan Sect, leading the core disciples, opened the mountain gate protective formation and came out of the sect to welcome him.

"It is indeed an honor for our Qixuan Sect that these two seniors have come from afar. Unfortunately, Sect Leader Li is currently in seclusion for cultivation and cannot greet him in person. If the two seniors do not mind, please enter the sect and wait for a while until the sect leader comes out of seclusion. Let's talk again." Alchemist Xin took a step forward, cupped his hands and saluted.

"Oh! Sect Master Li is in seclusion!" Qi Yun was slightly startled, a look of disappointment flashed across his face. He originally expected to communicate with Sect Master Li in person and entrust him with weapon refining, but he did not expect that he was in seclusion.

"I don't know, Sect Master Li has been in seclusion for a long time. Do you know when he will come out?" Yuan Zhendong, another Void Refining cultivator, frowned, looked at Fang Shixin, and asked eagerly.

"The sect master has been in seclusion for three months. He has not said when he will leave seclusion." Fang Shixin responded truthfully.

After hearing Fang Shixin's answer, Qi Yun and Yuan Zhendong couldn't help but look at each other, feeling helpless in their hearts. Once an ordinary monk practices in seclusion, he or she will be immersed in the world of cultivation and will hardly be distracted by external affairs. The length of seclusion varies, some may only be a few months, while others may last as long as three or five years. , or even longer.

Sect Master Li has been practicing in seclusion for three months, and it is still unknown when he will be released from seclusion, which makes them feel a little helpless.

Qi Yun looked at Yuan Zhendong and asked with concern: "Brother Yuan, are you willing to stay and wait for Sect Master Li to come out of confinement?"

When Yuan Zhendong heard this, he began to ponder.

On this trip, the two of them came specifically to find Li Mu to refine weapons. Now, the war is about to begin. They are about to go on a combat mission. They are looking for a great weapon refiner to refine a spiritual sword. This spiritual sword is very important to them. Say it's crucial. However, Sect Leader Li was practicing in seclusion at this time, which undoubtedly caused great trouble to their plan.

Yuan Zhendong had a difficult choice for a while, whether to continue waiting or find someone else.

Just when Yuan Zhendong was hesitant, a gentle voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked up and saw an elder from the Qixuan Sect walking toward them with a smile on his face. The elder was wearing a He was wearing a red robe and looked at them with a kind smile.

"Two seniors, if I'm not mistaken, you came here looking for Sect Master Li to refine weapons!" Qin Wentong looked at the two of them and asked with a smile.

Qi Yun and Yuan Zhendong looked at each other and nodded in unison: "That's right. We came here to seek help from Sect Master Li to refine a spiritual sword."

When Qin Wentong heard this, a warm smile appeared on his face, he gently stroked his long beard and said: "Sect Master Li has been practicing in seclusion for several months, and it is still uncertain when he will come out. If the two seniors are willing to wait here, Our Qixuan Sect will make proper arrangements; of course, it is reasonable if the two seniors do not want to wait long and want to find someone else."

Qin Wentong paused for a moment, his respect and awe for Li Mu revealed in his tone, and he gestured: "It's just that refining a treasure like the sixth-level spirit sword requires extremely high refining skills, which is definitely beyond the capabilities of ordinary refining masters. Competent. Sect Master Li’s attainments in weapon refining have reached the pinnacle, and refining sixth-level spiritual treasures and spiritual swords is by no means difficult for him.”

Hearing this, Qi Yun and Yuan Zhendong couldn't help but feel a little moved in their hearts. Their trip was indeed to find a great master of weapon refining and entrust him to refine the spirit sword. However, Sect Leader Li's retreat to practice put them in a dilemma.

"Fellow Taoist is also a master of weapon refining? Please enlighten me!" Qi Yun bowed to Qin Wentong and asked with concern.

Qin Wentong smiled slightly and gestured: "Sect Master Li has unparalleled weapon refining skills. Not long ago, he just refined three sixth-level spiritual treasures for several elders of our sect. If you don't mind, you two seniors, you might as well take a look first. .”

As soon as these words came out, Qi Yun and Yuan Zhendong were refreshed.

"Is this true!?" Qi Yun couldn't help but ask, with unconcealable excitement in his voice.

"Where are the three spiritual treasures?" Yuan Zhendong asked eagerly. He was also eager to see the elegance of those treasures with his own eyes.

Upon seeing this, Qin Wentong looked at Fang Shixin, Ge Xinyu, and Nangong Chenxing with a smile.

These three people are the lucky ones for whom Sect Leader Li personally refined the sixth-level spiritual treasure.

Fang Shixin, Ge Xinyu, and Nangong Chenxing met Qin Wentong's eyes and glared at him angrily. Although they were a little dissatisfied when Qin Wentong suddenly brought it up, they thought that this was also a demonstration to Qi Yun and Yuan Zhendong. Taking advantage of the sect leader's weapon refining skills, they each took out the sixth-level spiritual treasures entrusted to Li Mu to refine.

What appeared in the hands of the novice alchemist was a long sword. The blade was gleaming and the blade was cold. It was obviously a rare sixth-level spiritual sword. Ge Xinyu summoned a water fish that turned into a spirit, exuding a bright and crystal light, giving people a feeling of extreme agility, while Nangong Chenxing summoned a red-yellow spirit turtle, which quickly transformed into an earthy color. The giant shield exudes an extremely thick aura, as if it contains the power of the powerful earth.

Once the three sixth-level spiritual treasures were displayed, they immediately attracted the envious eyes of everyone, and also attracted the attention of Qi Yun and Yuan Zhendong.

(End of this chapter)

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