Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 365: Sword Mountain Overcoming the Tribulation

Li Mu's speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, a towering spiritual peak stood in his sight.

The clouds and mist above Lingfeng Peak seem to reach straight to the sky, giving people a solemn and mysterious feeling. In the core area of ​​Lingfeng Peak, on the central mountainside, stands a large hall. The majestic momentum of the main hall is awe-inspiring. Inside the hall are enshrined An extremely huge ancient sword, with an ancient and mysterious aura flowing on the blade, is where the legendary Sword Heart Palace is located.

Behind the Jianxin Palace is where the ancient teleportation array is located.

Li Mu was excited and hurriedly activated the flying sword, galloping towards the direction of Jianxin Palace. It didn't take long for him to arrive in front of the ancient teleportation array. At this time, there were two god-transformation disciples on duty on top of the array. Their eyes were alert and their expressions were serious.

Li Mu landed lightly next to the formation platform, and his eyes were immediately attracted to the huge jade wall behind the ancient teleportation formation. The jade wall exudes a faint light and is carved with complex lines and patterns, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

Li Mu took a deep breath and stared at the past. The innate magical power of identifying all spirits took effect, and the attribute information of the jade wall suddenly appeared clearly in his eyes.

[Juling Jade]

[Grade: fifth-grade spiritual object]

[Characteristics: Gap in time and space, immortal for eternity]

[Status: The spirit gathering has been completed, but the spirit is not revealed. 】

[There is a holy-level time-space inheritance method sealed in the jade biscuit. The inheritance power of the jade biscuit has been gathered into the spiritual consciousness, and the mystery of the method can be understood. 】

Seeing this information, Li Mu couldn't help but feel excited. Ten years have passed, and this piece of jade located next to the ancient teleportation array has finally gathered the power of inheritance. This means that I have the opportunity to understand the mystery of this holy-level time and space inheritance method. However, at the moment, the two disciples of the Transformation God It is inconvenient to use it here. Moreover, the Wanjian Mountain Crossing Tribulation is imminent. Accepting this inheritance can only be discussed after returning.

"The teleportation array is an important part of the sect. If you have nothing important to do, please leave." The God Transformation disciple on duty looked at Li Mu and drove him away politely.

Li Mu smiled slightly, took off the elder from his waist, and signaled: "I have something important to take the teleportation array to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Stars. This is my token. Next, I am going to fight the two teleportation arrays." Check the pattern to avoid any mishaps in the teleportation array."

When the two disciples on duty saw this, they immediately focused their spiritual thoughts on Li Mu's token and carefully sensed the information recorded on the token. Soon, they learned Li Mu's identity. It turned out that this young monk turned out to be an elder in the sect, and he was also Elder Li, an expert in weapons and formations. They were immediately in awe, and their attitude towards Li Mu became more respectful.

During this period, Li Mu refined a large number of sixth-level spiritual swords and was good at forming formations. The reuse of the ancient teleportation array was due to his ability to form formations. His reputation has long been famous in the Xuantian Sword Sect, and almost no one else has I don’t know, no one knows.

"It turns out that it's Elder Li who is here. I'm sorry for not being able to welcome you from afar. Please forgive me." The God Transformation disciple on the right showed a respectful look on his face and quickly bowed to Li Mu to accuse him. He was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't because of He was negligent and offended this distinguished elder in the sect.

"Elder Li, please feel free to do whatever you need!" Another disciple of God Transformation quickly lowered his posture and made an invitation gesture.

Seeing this, Li Mu smiled slightly and put away the elder's order. He walked straight onto the teleportation array, each step appearing calm and firm. Standing on the array platform, he looked around and felt the mysterious power of the teleportation array surging around him.

Then, he made a secret with both hands and began to activate the power of the teleportation array. His fingers danced rapidly on the formation, and every pinch was extremely precise, as if he was in dialogue with the laws of heaven and earth. Above the array, light began to flicker, forming a complex pattern and emitting powerful energy fluctuations.

As time goes by, the light on the array platform becomes stronger and stronger, which is a sign that the teleportation array is about to be activated. Li Mu took a deep breath and injected the last bit of power into the formation.

With a "whoosh", the light above the array suddenly flashed, and then the space near the teleportation array seemed to be distorted. On the teleportation array, Li Mu's figure disappeared in the light, leaving only the aftermath on the array. The ray of light and the two disciples who transformed into gods watched the elder disappear.

In the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Stars, Li Mu emerged from the ancient teleportation array. Stepping out of the ancient teleportation array, he shook his body slightly and tried to stabilize his body. After the dizziness gradually disappeared, he felt the sea breeze blowing against his face, carrying him. With the salty smell of sea water and a light fishy smell.

Li Mu looked up and saw the island residence of the Xuantian Sword Sect, which was more prosperous than ten years ago. Tall buildings were scattered on the island in an orderly manner, exuding a rich aura. People are coming and going on the island, the monks are chatting or practicing, it is a busy and orderly scene.

Li Mu was filled with emotion. In the past ten years, the Xuantian Sword Sect's influence in the Ten Thousand Stars Sea has been expanding day by day, and the construction of the island station has also been progressing with each passing day.

"Senior brother, teleported here from within the sect? What's the important matter?"

The disciple who was on duty at the teleportation array looked at Li Mu and asked curiously.

Li Mu came back to his senses, looked at the disciple in front of him, smiled slightly, showed the elder's order and said: "There are indeed some strange things, which I cannot disclose."

"Understood! Elder, please!"

When the disciples of Transformation God saw the elder's order presented by Li Mu, a trace of awe flashed in their eyes. They immediately understood Li Mu's identity, did not dare to ask any more questions, and behaved respectfully.

Li Mu smiled slightly, rose into the air, and galloped towards the distant sea.

Li Mu specially took out the Earth Spirit Ship and activated it. He saw the light around the Spirit Ship flickering, turning into a stream of light, quickly cutting through the sky, and speeding towards the remote sea area.

After galloping thousands of miles, Li Mu finally came to an unfamiliar sea area. The sea and sky were the same color, with turbulent waves. There were no high-level monks or high-level monsters within a radius of two hundred miles. Immediately, Li Mu released his spiritual consciousness and carefully explored the sea area, looking for a suitable island.

Not long after, Li Mu discovered a strange island in this strange sea area. The island was small, but the terrain was dangerous and surrounded by dense forests, giving people a sense of mystery.

Li Mu decided to set up a psychedelic formation on the island to cover up the power of the thunder tribulation. He took out the formation flags and formation disks and began to set them up on the island.

Li Mu moved quickly and accurately, and he inserted each formation flag into the designated position accurately. As the formation flags were inserted, the power of the formation gradually emerged, and soon the entire island was shrouded in a layer of psychedelic mist.

After setting up the psychedelic formation, Li Mu took out the Painting World Treasure Mansion, activated the weapon spirit, and released Wanjian Mountain.

As soon as Wanjian Mountain appeared, it stood majestically in the center of the island. Countless flying swords rushed out of the mountain, circling and flying in the sky accompanied by sharp sword sounds. These flying swords exuded fierce sword energy, as if they were going to split the entire sky.

At the same time, the tribulation thunders between heaven and earth also began to gather. The originally clear sky was instantly shrouded in dark clouds, and the tribulation thunder rolled and surged in the dark clouds, like a group of angry giant beasts roaring. They exude a powerful aura of destruction and seem to swallow up everything.

At this moment, the entire island fell into a chilling atmosphere. The sword energy and the calamity thunder intertwined, forming a thrilling scene. Li Mu stood aside, with a firm light shining in his eyes. He knew that this was the calamity that Wanjian Mountain was about to bring to the seventh-level Taoist weapon, and it was also the only way for it to transform.

The dark clouds are getting thicker and thicker, and the thunderstorms are getting denser and denser. They continue to gather in the sky, as if to form an endless sea of ​​thunder. Every tribulation thunder contains powerful destructive power, as if it can destroy everything. However, Li Mu is full of confidence in Wanjian Mountain. He believes that this spiritual treasure refined from the seventh-level spiritual material meteorite crystal core will definitely be able to destroy everything. Get through this disaster safely.

The strength of the meteorite crystal core is beyond imagination. It once protected the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion from the thunder and punishment of heaven. Using the meteorite crystal core as the foundation of Wanjian Mountain is even more powerful. Li Mu believes that with the strength of the meteorite crystal core and Wanjian Mountain, The power of Shan's sword energy will definitely be able to withstand the bombardment of the tribulation thunder.

However, Li Mu also had a trace of worry in his heart. Most of the ten thousand spiritual swords are fifth-level bamboo swords refined from Taiqing Yuezhu. Although these bamboo swords are also the best among many spiritual swords, they are somewhat fragile in terms of withstanding the tribulation thunder. How many spirit swords can survive this thunderstorm?

However, Li Mu also understands that this is the only way for Wanjian Mountain to grow. Only after experiencing the baptism of disaster can it become a Taoist weapon. I believe that after this weapon disaster, Wanjian Mountain will definitely become stronger. Become one of the most powerful magic weapons in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a deafening roar between the sky and the earth - "Boom!" This loud noise seemed to shake the entire sea area, and even made the entire island tremble. In this shock, an extremely thick silver thunder suddenly fell from the sky, like the wrath of the gods, carrying the power of destroying everything, and struck hard towards the peak of Wanjian Mountain.

Faced with this sudden attack, the weapon spirits of Wanjian Mountain did not show any panic. It was well prepared, controlling thousands of spiritual swords, and quickly gathered into a huge sword dragon in the void. This sword dragon exudes fierce sword energy, as if it can tear through any obstacle.

Following the command from the weapon spirit, the sword dragon rushed towards the silver thunder, releasing boundless sword energy. These sword energies are like substantial storms, carrying destructive power and violently colliding with thunder.

Suddenly, the entire island was engulfed in a deafening roar. The sword energy and thunder intertwined, and a bright light burst out, as if the entire sky was lit up. Every collision was accompanied by an earth-shattering sound, as if the whole world was trembling.

In this fierce battle, Wanjianshan did not show any signs of decline. Instead, like an unyielding warrior, it increasingly showed its tenacity and power. With each thunder strike, Wanjianshan controlled ten thousand handles. The sword energy released by the spirit sword became more powerful, as if it was constantly honing and growing in its confrontation with the thunder. The silver thunder, despite its astonishing power and the power to destroy the world, But in the face of the endless sword energy of Wanjian Mountain, its disadvantage gradually emerged. The ten thousand swords unleashed their sharp sword energy, cutting off the thunder snake again and again, dissipating into countless tiny electric lights, and finally disappearing into the air.

Li Mu stood far away in the air, his eyes flashing with shock. He stared closely at the fierce battle between Wanjian Mountain and Jie Lei. He couldn't help but marvel in his heart. He saw Wanjian Mountain's tenacity and unyieldingness, and also saw its struggle with the Jie Lei. Thunder's strength is constantly tempered and grown in the confrontation, but there is also a worry hidden deep in his heart.

"Wanjianshan, you are too strong to resist the thunder of calamity." Li Mu was secretly worried in his heart. The thunder of heaven is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist. Although Wanjian Mountain has an indestructible meteorite crystal core as its foundation and the help of ten thousand spiritual swords, there is probably no benefit to be gained by fighting the Tribulation Thunder like this.

The thunder of heaven is the most mysterious and majestic force in heaven and earth. It is not only a thunder and lightning phenomenon in nature, but also a direct manifestation of the laws of heaven and earth. Every thunder contains the will and power of heaven and earth. They guard the balance and order of nature and cannot be easily challenged by any living being.

Because of this, any attempt to resist the thunder of heaven may be regarded as a provocation to the laws of heaven and earth, thus triggering a sharper and more violent counterattack by thunder. This kind of counterattack not only multiplies the force, but also has unpredictable consequences, often causing the challenger to pay a heavy price.

Li Mu knew this very well, so when he saw Wanjian Mountain resisting the calamity thunder time and time again, he couldn't help but start to worry. Although Wanjian Mountain had an indestructible meteorite crystal core as its foundation and the help of ten thousand spiritual swords, the way of heaven was still there. The power of thunder is not something that ordinary people can easily contend with. He is afraid that Wanjian Mountain will suffer irreparable damage in this thunder catastrophe, and may even be destroyed as a result.

Sure enough, Li Mu's worries soon turned into a cruel reality. Jie Lei seemed to be angered by Wan Jianshan's hard resistance, and it was no longer satisfied with a single and direct attack. Suddenly, the thunderclouds rolled, the wind roared, and the entire sky seemed to change color. The thunderclouds suddenly changed and continued to accumulate power. The originally silver color of thunder began to become deeper and gradually condensed into a rich purple.

The power contained in this purple thunder has reached a whole new level. A thunder that is thicker and more powerful than before is condensed, as if all the power in the world is gathered in this blow.

With a loud "boom", this purple thunder was like a giant dragon, launching a fatal blow towards Wanjian Mountain.

Faced with this sudden attack, Wanjianshan also showed its unyielding side. The sword dragon composed of ten thousand spiritual swords faced the purple thunder and released the bright sword light one after another, trying to resist the thunder's attack.

However, the power of the purple thunder was too powerful. The sword light released by the sword dragon was shattered under the attack of the thunder. The sword dragon composed of ten thousand spiritual swords also disintegrated under the bombardment of the thunder and fell into the Ten Thousand Swords. On top of the mountain's spiritual peak.

"Bah bang bang..." As the Stegosaurus disintegrated, thousands of spiritual swords fell on the spiritual peak of Wanjian Mountain, making crisp sounds.

Although the sword dragon was disintegrated, the ten thousand swords were not completely destroyed. They still emitted fierce sword energy, trying to unite the main body of Wanjian Mountain to compete with the thunder. However, the power of the purple thunder seemed to be endless, and every bombardment caused Wanjianshan was trembling, as if it might be completely destroyed at any time.

Li Mu looked at the scene in front of him, feeling very anxious in his heart. He knew that if this continued, Wanjian Mountain might really be unable to withstand the power of this endless calamity thunder. (End of chapter)

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