Chapter 368 The war resumes (Part )

Li's treasure building, inner hall.

After more than an hour of inventory and liquidation, Liu Yalan respectfully handed over to Li Mu with the accounts and a storage ring containing a large number of high-level spiritual objects and spiritual materials.

"Is this all the remaining spiritual materials in Bao Pavilion? The results of ten years of operation have been swallowed up by that guy?"

Li Mu's spiritual consciousness checked the account books, jade slips and storage ring, and looked at Liu Yalan in surprise, a little surprised.

Li's Treasure House was handed over to Liu Yalan to run. Ten years later, the income was not as good as the income in one year when he was here before. It was simply unbearable.

Liu Yalan's face looked a little ugly. She knew that the business results in the past ten years were not ideal, but being pointed out directly by Li Mu still made her feel ashamed.

Liu Yalan lowered her head uncomfortably and quickly explained: "Sir, my third uncle is actually not greedy. Since you left, Baoge's business has been deteriorating day by day. Mainly because of the lack of you in charge, and the lack of high-quality spiritual weapons." , unique spiritual objects such as high-level talismans, puppets, and elixirs cannot attract more customers. Ten Thousand Stars Island has many competitors, and old customers are gradually being cannibalized, so..."

"Well! It's not your fault, it's because I didn't make arrangements before." Li Mu nodded in understanding and said lightly.

What Liu Yalan said is true. In a prosperous place like Wanxing Island, business competition is already fierce. Without him and unique resource channels, it would be difficult for Li's Treasure House to gain a foothold.

However, Liu Yalan also knew that she had no way out. Without Li's treasure house and Li Mu's protection, her position in the family would be even more embarrassing. Rather than continue to be suppressed and excluded on Ten Thousand Stars Island, it is better to give it a try and follow Li Mu to the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm to find new opportunities.

"Master, I am willing to follow you to Zhongzhou!" After thinking about it, Liu Yalan raised her head and said firmly.

After hearing what Li Mu said, Liu Yalan was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Li Mu meant.

For a moment, Liu Yalan felt empty in her heart, as if she had lost something important.

Liu Yalan has always been focused on the Li Family Treasures Building and has a strong sense of professionalism.
Liu Yalan has always been devoted to Li's treasure house and is extremely enterprising. She put in so much effort and sweat for this treasure house, even breaking away from the family. She had no choice but to deal with an incompetent family, and even when they were violently seized of power, she did not compromise.

Liu Yalan looked at Li Mu and asked with concern: "But, what should we do with the Li Family Treasure House?"

This time I came to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Stars just to overcome the tribulation at Wanjian Mountain and to stop by the Li Family Treasure House to harvest a batch of spiritual materials. Li Mu never thought of continuing to run this pavilion, but he did not expect that he would be killed by Jiu. The matter of occupying the magpie's nest.

Liu Yalan nodded and responded: "Okay, I'll deal with it right away."

Liu Yalan firmly believed that as long as she had Li Mu's support, she would be able to make Li's Treasure House rise again and regain its glory. However, now that Li Mu had to give up everything here, she felt extremely lost and confused.

Hearing this, Li Mumu smiled softly, with a hint of helplessness and deep meaning in his smile.

Li Mu invested his consciousness and counted the items one by one.

When Liu Yalan heard what Li Mu said, her tense nerves finally relaxed, and she quickly said excitedly: "Lord, don't worry, now that you have returned, the glory of Zhenbao Building will definitely be restored. I will do my best to rectify Zhenbao Building. Let it become the top trading company on Ten Thousand Stars Island again."

After saying that, Liu Yalan turned around and left in a hurry to deal with the redemption matter. Li Mu held a storage ring, which contained the income of the Li Family Treasure House in the past ten years.

Looking at Liu Yalan who looked dull and lost, Li Mu quickly suggested: "Shopkeeper Liu, Baolou is closed. If you have nowhere to go, would you like to come with me to Zhongzhou for development? Zhongzhou's spiritual realm is vast and has many opportunities. I believe that in the There, you will definitely be able to create brilliant results.”

Liu Yalan was stunned when she heard this. She couldn't believe her ears, and the sudden news made her feel confused and lost.

"Shopkeeper Liu, the Li Family Jewelry Building should be closed!" Li Mu sighed softly and explained: "Now, I have focused on the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm, and it is not convenient to stay on Ten Thousand Stars Island for a long time. This time, I am just here. In order to collect a batch of spiritual materials, I didn’t plan to stay for a long time.”

Liu Yalan did not immediately answer Li Mu's words. She looked at Li Mu alone and was stunned. Her heart was full of contradictions and struggles. She didn't know where she should go, and she didn't know whether she could adapt to life in the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm.

Liu Yalan looked at Li Mu in confusion, wondering why he was laughing.

Li Mu nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned, then thought of something, smiled slightly, and suggested: "Don't you Liu family like Zhenbao Tower? Give it to your ancestor! He should be awake now, go and deal with it quickly Get off, the sooner the better! Let’s leave as soon as possible.”

Li Mu did not intend to stay on Ten Thousand Stars Island for a long time. The threats from the Nine Demon Sect and the Lord of the Blood Demons were always hovering in his mind, making him unable to feel at ease.

In the storage ring, there are a dazzling array of high-level spiritual plants and spiritual materials. There are hundreds of high-level spiritual plants of high quality, including many fifth-level spiritual plants and even some precious sixth-level spiritual plants.

However, what surprised Li Mu the most was that among these spiritual plants, he found two Nine Yin Spirit Grasses with a medicinal age of up to 800 years.

This was an unexpected surprise. Nine-Yin Spiritual Grass and Nine-Yang Spiritual Material were the key to improving spirituality. Li Mu had been spending time and energy looking for them over the years. Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly got two of them this time.

In the past ten years, Li Mu issued many sect task commissions in the Xuantian Sword Sect's Contribution Hall, in order to collect rare spiritual materials such as Nine Yin Spirit Grass, Nine Yang Spirit Grass, and Anti-Death Spirit Grass. However, after so long, There is very little harvest from the mature Nine Sun Spirit Grass and Nine Yin Spirit Grass, and there is no news at all about the Death-Resisting Spirit Grass.

However, now that I have obtained these two 800-year-old Nine Yin Spirit Grass, I have gained something.

After harvesting two Nine-Yin Spirit Grass, plus a large amount of fifth- and sixth-level weapon refining materials, it would not be so heartbreaking to redeem the Li Family Treasure House. In the Zhongzhou Spiritual Domain, the quantity and quality of high-level weapon refining materials are, Far more than the resource-poor land of Ten Thousand Stars Sea.

Just when Li Mu was counting his harvest and preparing to leave the Ten Thousand Stars Sea, on a strange island, Wutian Demon Ancestor brought the blood Wu and blood mist through the stone gates with heavy restrictions and arrived at the Holy Land of Blood Pond.

I saw a huge blood pool suspended in the air. Dark red liquid was rolling in the blood pool, full of the breath of life. In the center of the blood pool, a black shadow floated quietly, which was none other than the Lord of the Blood Demon - Dana.

Wutian Demon Ancestor bowed his hands and said respectfully: "I respectfully invite the Demon Lord to come out of seclusion. Those who hold the secret key to the sealed land will return to Ten Thousand Stars Island. The Demon Lord needs to take charge of the overall situation."

The dark red liquid in the blood pool rolled more violently, and a majestic voice came from the blood pool: "The news is correct? Where is the person!"

As the voice fell, the black shadow in the blood pool slowly rose and turned into a tall figure. It was Dana, the Lord of the Blood Demon. He was wearing a blood-red robe, with a cold face and blood-like eyes. There is an aura of might and domineering. "On Ten Thousand Stars Island! It should still be there at this moment!"

Wutian Demon Ancestor responded quickly.

The figure of Blood Demon Lord Dana stood in the sky, his dark red robe fluttering in the wind, like a bloody flag hunting over Ten Thousand Stars Island, looking directly in the direction of Ten Thousand Stars Island, his eyes filled with endless killing intent.

"Send the order, summon all the Demon Lords and Demon Lords, and follow me to kill Ten Thousand Stars Island!" Dana's voice spread like thunder.

Wutian Demon Ancestor heard the words and immediately obeyed the order respectfully. He disappeared in a flash and quickly conveyed the order. Soon, the whole island was boiling. Countless Demon Lords and Demon Lords responded one after another and moved towards the blood of the Blood Demon Lord Dana. Pools come together.

The Lord of the Blood Demons, Dana, stood in the sky, overlooking the demon cultivators below, with an unquestionable majesty in his eyes.

The next moment, the Lord of the Blood Demons, Dana, waved his hand and summoned a large cloud of blood, which surrounded all the Demon Ancestors, Demon Lords, and Demon Lords, covering the sky and the sun, and moving toward thousands of people at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye. Speeding away in the direction of Star Island.

In the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Stars, the southern sky suddenly changed color. A blood cloud rolled and appeared in the south of the sky at an extremely fast speed. It was so powerful and so fast that it seemed to dye the entire sky dark red.

"Dana, how brave!"

Accompanied by a thundering roar, a sharp sword energy flew from the next door Spirit Island, instantly penetrated the rolling blood cloud, and was cut into two halves. The sword energy was so strong that heaven and earth were one. Zhi, the master of the sword energy, is none other than the top expert of the Xuantian Sword Sect, Sword Master Feng of the Fusion Realm.

Sword Master Feng was tall and tall, wearing a white shirt and his gaze was like a torch, piercing directly towards Dana, the Lord of the Blood Demon, who was deep in the blood cloud.

"Haha, just in time! Let's have another battle today!" The Blood Demon Lord Dana laughed, and with a movement of his body, he turned into a streak of blood and rushed towards the direction of Sword Master Feng.

As the blood demon lords Dana and Feng Jian fought together, the demon cultivators in the blood cloud immediately lost their restraints. Like dumplings, they followed the Wutian Demon Ancestor and flew toward the Wanxing Island below. .

At this time, the monks on Wanxing Island also felt that something was wrong, and reacted accordingly. The monks stationed on the island from the Poseidon Sect and Xuantian Sword Sect on Wanxing Island flew up one after another to fight the demonic cultivator's attack. island.

"Oh my god, it's the Blood Demon! They're attacking the island!" When the monks on the island saw this scene, they all exclaimed, their voices filled with fear and uneasiness.

"Run away!" Some people shouted in horror, trying to escape from the island that was about to become a battlefield.

High-level monks from the Poseidon Sect and the Xuantian Sword Sect sacrificed their magic weapons and released powerful magic power to face the Blood Demon clan.

"How dare you dare to attack our Poseidon Sect! The bold blood demon!" The leader of the Poseidon Sect roared and fought.

"Island-protecting formation, let the formation counterattack quickly!" Poseidon Sect's Void Refining cultivator mobilized the island-protecting formation, trying to use the power of the formation to repel the demonic cultivators.

Wanxing Island, this once quiet and lively island, has now turned into a bloody battlefield. The hundreds of thousands of monks on the island are watching the thick cloud of blood above their heads, as if the sky is falling. In the blood cloud, endless high-level magic cultivators emerged like wild beasts. They grinned ferociously, brandished magic weapons and weapons, and launched a fierce siege on Ten Thousand Stars Island.

Although the Blood Demon Lord Dana was restrained by Sword Master Feng, this failed to stop the attack of many demon cultivators. They were like a tide, swarming towards the island one after another, surrounding Wanxing Island. The entire island was already Being tightly surrounded by the demon cultivator formation, it was like a huge cage, trapping the monks on the island.

Countless blood demon energy soared into the sky, like evil dragons circling in the air, as if they were going to swallow up the entire island. This powerful demon energy oppressed the monks on the island to tremble and remain silent, facing an unprecedented situation. Crisis, they are all full of fear and despair.

"Leave no one alive! Dig three feet into the ground and find the person!" Wutian Demon Ancestor stood at the front of the army, looking down at the entire Wanxing Island, with a cold light shining in his eyes. Shen Nian glanced back and forth across the island.

The divine consciousness of Wutian Demon Ancestor is like a huge net, scanning the entire island, looking for traces of the person who holds the key to the Water Mansion. The purpose of their trip is very clear, which is to catch the key holder and obtain The key to entering Shuiyuan Daojun's water mansion, no matter where he is hiding, he must be found.

The attack of the Nine Demon Sect and the Blood Demon Clan was too sudden, and the attack was personally led by a strong man like Dana, the Lord of the Blood Demon. Facing such an army of demon cultivators, the Poseidon Sect arranged the island protection on Ten Thousand Stars Island. The formation was breached in an instant.

Following Wutian Demon Ancestor's order, the blood demon army immediately surged like a tide and poured into Wanxing Island. They waved the demon weapons and weapons in their hands and slaughtered the island mercilessly with endless killing intent. Countless monks who had once had firm hearts and advanced cultivation were as helpless as lambs to be slaughtered in front of the blood demon army.

Screams and roars were heard one after another on the island, shrill and desperate. The monks were chased and besieged by the demon cultivators. Their magic weapons and spells were so pale and powerless in front of the blood demon army. Some monks tried to form formations to resist, but in Under the tidal attack of the blood demon army, they were quickly dispersed and each one was brutally killed.

Wanxing Island, this once peaceful and peaceful holy land for cultivation, has now become a purgatory on earth, with blood staining the earth red, and the air filled with a strong smell of blood. The whole island trembled, as if mourning for these dead monks.

After capturing Ten Thousand Stars Island, Wutian Demon Ancestor immediately appeared in front of Li's Treasure Building, and together with several Demon Ancestors, attacked the protective formation of Li's Treasure Building.

The Wutian Demon Ancestor's spiritual thoughts scanned the entire Ten Thousand Stars Island countless times, but no trace of Li Mu was found. Only the protective formation of the Li Family Treasure Building blocked his spiritual thoughts from peeking. So, the target may be here. .

"Boom!" The explosion continued to echo over Ten Thousand Stars Island, and every shock was like thunder, making people tremble with fear.

Wutian Demon Ancestor joined forces with several other Demon Ancestors to cast spells and attacks, as violent as a violent storm, directly attacking the protective formation of the Li Family Treasure Building. However, their attacks hit the protective formation, like huge waves hitting the rocks, and stirred up Layers of ripples.

However, it only caused a little ripple, but the result did not tear the protective formation apart as they wished. On the contrary, the protective formation seemed to have endless toughness. No matter what kind of attack, it only left a trail on its surface. The golden traces quickly returned to the original state, and the power they exerted seemed to be absorbed by the tower-protecting array.

There was an expression of disbelief on Demon Ancestor Wutian's face. His eyes widened and he stared closely at the protective formation in front of him, his heart filled with doubts and anger.

It was unimaginable that this small tower-protecting array could withstand the combined attacks of several of their demon ancestors. They had successfully broken through the Poseidon Sect's island-protecting formation before, but the smaller tower-protecting formation in front of them seemed to be hundreds of times stronger than the island-protecting formation.

"Damn it!" Wutian Demon Ancestor cursed in a low voice, "What kind of magic circle is this? The Poseidon Sect's island protection formation has been broken, why can't it break just a building protection magic circle!"

Wutian Demon Ancestor stared at the tower defense formation, full of frustration, and at the same time, he became more determined to break through the defense formation.

Soon, Wutian Demon Ancestor, together with several Demon Ancestors, continued to output, and recruited a group of Demon Lord's subordinates to jointly cast spells and bombard them. No matter what, this turtle shell must be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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