Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 386: Recruiting Disciples in the Sect

Coming out of the Contribution Hall, Elder Li Mu ordered all the millions of sect contributions accumulated to be consumed, and returned to Qixuan Sect with a full harvest.

The Seven Gods Mountain is bathed in the spiritual light of the Five Elements Yin and Yang Spirit Gathering Formation all year round. The spiritual energy is particularly dense. Every ray of air contains the essence of heaven and earth. The seven main peaks stand majestically, and each main peak has its own unique style. and features.

Li Mu arrived with his sword and flew down to the sect leader's mansion. A beautiful figure immediately came forward to greet him.

"Master Li, can you come back?" Xue'er flew to Li Mu's side and held his arm happily. She was wearing a long white dress and her figure was slim, like a fairy descending to earth. Her delicate facial features were reflected in the sunset. Even more feminine, a pair of bright eyes stared at Li Mu's face, full of joy.

"Well, I'm back. I'm going to visit the spiritual field!"

Li Mu nodded slightly and responded to Xueer's greeting with a smile.

Li Mu was concerned about the high-level spiritual plants taken care of by his avatar. Their growth status was related to his cultivation, spiritual consciousness, and longevity. Therefore, as soon as Li Mu returned to the sect, he couldn't wait to check it out.

Hearing this, Xue'er obediently let go of her hand holding Li Mu's arm, knowing that Li Mu was most concerned about those high-level spiritual plants.

"Lord Li, let me go with you!" Xue'er looked at Li Mu and said softly.

Li Mu nodded, and the two walked side by side in the direction of Lingtian. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on them, reflecting two long figures, like a beautiful picture.

Along the way, the two chatted about the current situation and trivial matters of the sect. Xueer's laughter was as clear and sweet as a silver bell, adding a bit of vitality to the quiet evening. Li Mu also shared with her some of his experiences in guarding the sword tower. The experiences and interesting opponents she encountered made Xueer listen with interest.

Soon, the two came to a spiritual field. This spiritual field was like a bright gem inlaid among the green mountains and green waters, gathering rich spiritual light. In the spiritual field, there were two kinds of sixth-level spiritual plants - Yan Yuanling. Grass, Mou Xing Ling grass, has been planted on several acres, and the young plants are swaying gently in the breeze.

The Yanyuan Spirit Grass plants are white and white, shrouded in a thin layer of spiritual mist, exuding a magical aura. Their leaves are as delicate as silk, and each one looks so delicate and full of vitality. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, These spiritual herbs exude a charming brilliance that makes people want to reach out and touch them.

Mou Xing Ling Cao shows a different style. The color of the plant is light gray, and the branches and leaves are covered with spots. The appearance seems a bit ugly. However, when night falls and the stars shine, these Ling Cao will display an amazing display. The change. Under the illumination of starlight, they will gradually become crystal clear, respond to the starlight, shine with starlight, and become psychedelic and gorgeous.

This large spiritual field was cultivated by Li Mu with great effort. In it, a star-guiding array and a Yuan-gathering spirit array were specially arranged to provide a growing environment for two high-level spiritual plants. The star-guiding array can attract The power of the stars provides the growth requirements for the Mou Xing Spirit Grass, while the Yuan Spirit Formation can gather the surrounding Yuan Spirits of heaven and earth, making this spiritual field a blessed place rich in spiritual energy. To provide the Yanyuan Spirit Grass with the growth needs, the two spiritual plants grew prosperously and vigorously for more than ten years.

"You're back! I'll leave this place to you. I'll take care of the Green Vine Lingkui." At this moment, the wood-type clone sitting cross-legged next to the spiritual field and practicing looked at Li Mu and greeted.

"Well! Go and do your work!" Li Mu nodded and watched.

Li Mu's eyes once again fell on the vibrant spiritual field in front of him. Under his innate magical power - identifying all spirits, the growth status of two sixth-level spiritual plants appeared in his eyes one by one.

【Yanyuan Lingcao (Growth)】

[Grade: Sixth-Level Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Increase energy and prolong life, prolong the soul, eliminate the five declines, refine vitality, purify the spirit and strengthen the body. 】

[Status: Full of vitality and growing rapidly]

[Yuanyuan Lingcao, growth period: 16 years, grows in a place with strong vitality and abundant spiritual energy. It is in excellent condition. It matures in a hundred years, blooms in fifty years, bears Yuanyuan Lingshou fruit in fifty years, and increases the longevity Lingnan fruit in a hundred years. The effect of longevity is the main material for refining longevity pills and longevity wine. 】

The maturity period of the Yanyuan Spirit Grass is 100 years. In the next fifty years, it will bloom and bear the Life-Extension Spirit Fruit for a hundred years. It takes two hundred and fifty years to obtain the Life-Extension Spirit Fruit. However, one Life-Extension Spirit Fruit can only extend your life by thirty or forty years. However, for Li Mu, it can be harvested after a hundred years of maturity and the longevity plant spirit can be extracted from the plants, and there is no restriction on consumption.

Generally speaking, after taking five life-extending spiritual fruits, each person will develop resistance, and the life-extending effect will be greatly reduced. It is different when absorbing spiritual plants. No matter how many, you can absorb them all without worrying about resistance.

The Yanyuan Spirit Grass will be harvested in eighty-four years, and Li Mu can't help but look forward to it, and his spirits are high.

Looking at the Mou Xing Ling Cao plant again, the smile on Li Mu's face became even brighter.

[Mou Xing Ling Cao (Growth)]

[Grade: Sixth-Level Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Mou Xing condenses the soul, Mou Xing solidifies the soul, Mou Xing gathers the source, tempers the soul, and has affinity with the stars. 】

[Status: During the day, the spiritual seedling is dormant]

[Mou Xing Ling Cao is a sixth-level spiritual plant. Growth period: 16 years. It grows vigorously and is dormant during the day. Growth requirements: It needs to be planted in a place with strong star source and abundant spiritual power of heaven and earth. It needs to be grown with star spar to help it grow. It matures in one hundred and fifty years, blooms in sixty years, and produces Mou Xingling Fruit in sixty years. The sixty-year-old Mouxing Spirit Fruit has the effect of strengthening the soul, and is the main material for refining the God-Gathering Pill and the Heavenly Star Pill. 】

Similar to the Yanyuan Spirit Grass, the Mou Xing Spirit Grass has a longer maturity period, flowers, and a slightly shorter fruiting period. However, Li Mu only needs to wait for them to mature, so that he can continuously absorb the star source and improve his spiritual consciousness skills.

Li Mu started to get busy, replacing the array magic stones, strengthening the magic array, pinching the magic with his hands, weeding the weeds and applying the spirit rain. After working for a while, night fell.

Li Mu quickly took out hundreds of sixth-level auxiliary spiritual materials - star crystals from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl. These star crystals exuded a faint silver starlight, like stars in the night sky, and contained extremely rich star power.

Li Mu waved lightly, and hundreds of star crystals flew like meteors and were accurately embedded in every corner of the spiritual field.

As the crystals were embedded, the entire spiritual field seemed to be awakened and began to emit bright light, just like thousands of stars gathering together, turning the entire spiritual field into a starry wonderland.

Under this bright light, the Mou Xing Ling Cao in the Ling Tian seemed to wake up from dormancy. Their leaves trembled slightly, as if they had come alive, cheering for the rich star power environment. At this time, the Star Guiding Array also It played a huge role at this time. It was like a huge magnetic field, attracting a massive amount of star power to flow into the spiritual field.

Star power is like a trickle, permeating the entire spiritual field, intertwined with the bright light emitted by the star crystals, like elves dancing between heaven and earth. This light and star power together draw a spectacular picture of stars, which is breathtaking.

Nourished by this rich star power, Mou Xing Ling Cao seemed to be called by life and grew even more vigorously. Their roots penetrate deeply into the soil, like slender tentacles, exploring every bit of spiritual power in the soil. The branches and leaves also unfolded, as if sending an invitation to the stars in the night sky, attracting more star power to come.

Under the combined action of starlight and star power, Mou Xing Lingcao continues to accumulate the power of growth. Their leaves become greener and their branches become thicker, exuding a sense of vitality.

"It's so beautiful!" Xue'er couldn't help but exclaim, looking at the stars gathering and the silvery Mou Xing Ling Cao, her eyes were shining with splendor. Under the starlight, these Mou Xing Ling Cao seemed to have turned into a dazzling sea of ​​stars. , so mesmerizingly beautiful.

"They are indeed beautiful. When they mature, the refined elixirs will also be particularly effective in increasing spiritual awareness." Li Mu responded with a slight smile.

Xue'er nodded, looked at Li Mu and asked with concern: "Master Li, your mind is all on the spiritual plant. You have been busy with these things since you came back. Are you done now?"

"High-level spiritual plants are more delicate and require careful care. However, this is over for now. I can take some time to deal with other things. Is there anything important?"

Xueer sorted out her thoughts and quickly introduced: "The sect will hold a centenary worship ceremony in a while. At that time, there will be sect competitions, apprenticeship ceremonies and other events. Several elders will frequently come to ask for news about you. I hope you can show up when the time comes. In addition, Sister Liu has reopened Li's Zhenbao Building, and the business is doing well. During this period, she also visited you several times. Also, Qingyue went out for something, because you Not here, let me convey.”

"Okay! Got it, let's go back to the sect leader's mansion! We'll have them come over later." Li Mu nodded and signaled.

The two of them immediately left the spiritual field and flew towards the sect master's palace. On the way, Li Mu thought about the upcoming centenary worship ceremony. This is a grand event for the Qixuan Sect. It is not only a memory of the founder of the sect, but also a tribute to the sect. Naturally, as the sect leader, he cannot be absent from the encouragement and tests of the younger generation.

Liu Yalan reopened Li's Treasure House and asked her to cooperate with Wanbao Pavilion. While running the treasure pavilion, she would search for the high-level spiritual materials and spiritual plants he needed. There must be some news, and Li Mu was looking forward to it.

As for Qingyue, as a seventh-level true dragon, it acts decisively. It must have something important to do when it goes out this time. Li Mu believes that Qingyue can handle its own affairs well and looks forward to it bringing good news when it returns.

After returning to the sect master's mansion, Li Mu took a short rest and summoned several elders of the sect to discuss matters related to the centenary worship ceremony.

In the meeting hall, Li Mu and the seven elders of Qixuan Sect sat together. The atmosphere was warm and solemn, and everyone's face was filled with expectations and attention for this ceremony.

As the second elder of the sect, Fang Shixin's status is second only to Li Mu. He looked around at everyone and chaired the meeting: "Sect Master, this centenary worship ceremony is not only a tribute to and memory of the founder of our Qixuan Sect, the Qixuan Patriarch. It is an important moment for our sect to show its strength and unite people's hearts. During the ceremony, in addition to paying homage to the ancestors, there will also be a competition among the sect's disciples to select outstanding disciples and accept the core disciples on site to worship the main peak. "

Alchemist Xing paused for a moment, then turned to look at Li Mu, who was sitting in the main seat, and continued: "Sect Master, you don't have any disciples to your name yet. For the sake of the inheritance of the sect leader's lineage in the future, I sincerely request you to attend this ceremony. Recruit a few outstanding disciples. If your skills in weapon refining, formation, and profound swordsmanship can be passed down, there will be no successors in the future."

Elder Qin Wentong followed closely and agreed: "Yes, Sect Master, you have a unique skill. It would be a great pity if there is no successor. For the future of Qixuan Sect and for the inheritance of your skills, Sect Master please give it serious consideration. The matter of accepting disciples.”

Ge Xinyu followed up and said: "Sect master, you are the only one in the sect master's lineage. You are weak and weak. If you retreat or go out for something, no one in the sect can take charge of the overall situation. If you have a disciple to do it for you, not only can you Assist you in handling sect affairs, and even manage the sect on your behalf when you are away. Furthermore, if you can find a disciple to pass on your supreme skills, it will undoubtedly be a huge asset to our Qixuan Sect. Wealth, please consider this matter carefully.”

Several elders looked at Li Mu and strongly suggested that he accept a few disciples at this sect ceremony. They are well aware of Li Mu's talent and strength. If any disciple can obtain his true inheritance, it will have a profound impact on the sect.

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned and thought seriously. He had never seriously considered accepting a disciple. Firstly, he was worried that he would not have enough energy to teach his disciples; secondly, he did not want to involve too many causes and troubles because of his disciples.

However, looking at the expectant eyes of the elders and their suggestions, Li Mu couldn't help but be a little shaken. However, when he thought about the trouble he might face if he accepted his disciples, he hesitated again.

The road to spiritual cultivation is long and difficult, and each disciple may have his own fate and disaster. Li Mu is worried that once he accepts a disciple, he will be unknowingly involved in their cause and effect, adding a lot of unnecessary troubles.

But on the other hand, although Qixuan Sect has a profound foundation, its talents have withered in recent years. Without the injection of fresh blood, it may be difficult to maintain its former glory. As the leader of the sect, he shoulders the important responsibility of passing on the sect's skills. If he can find a suitable disciple and leave some inheritance, it would not be a bad thing.

Li Mu pondered for a while, looked at the elders, and declined: "I will seriously consider the suggestions of the elders. However, accepting disciples is not a trivial matter. I need time to carefully weigh the pros and cons. During the ceremony, I will pay more attention and look for those As for the disciples who truly have potential and qualifications, it depends on fate and timing.”

Although the elders were a little disappointed when they heard this, they also knew that accepting a disciple was no small matter. Li Mu must think carefully before making a decision. They all nodded to express their understanding and promised to assist Li Mu in finding suitable disciples during the ceremony.

After discussing the arrangements for the ceremony with the elders, and seeing them off, Li Mu began to wait for Liu Yalan, waiting for her news. (End of chapter)

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