Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 393: Finding a bargain in Treasure City

The quaint Lingzhi store is located in a not-so-conspicuous location of Lingzhi Trading. It seems to be a forgotten corner, crowded. A wooden signboard hangs at the entrance of the store, with the three characters "Qimuzhai" engraved on it in vigorous fonts. Powerful, revealing a sense of sedimentation over time.

The decoration in the store is simple and simple. There are various miniature arrays in the store, displaying various plants. Some exude a faint fragrance, some shine with strange light, some are full of the breath of time,... …, the light in the store is soft and warm, falling on the spiritual plants through the skylight, covering them with a mysterious veil. The store reveals a simple and peaceful atmosphere, as if it is isolated from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Following Wang Wenbao, Li Mu took Xueer to wander around the Lingzhi trading area, stopping and watching, sometimes stopping to watch, and sometimes communicating in low voices. For him, although the Lingzhi shops in these Lingzhi shops are full of treasures, most of them are precious. It's hard for him to catch his eye. After all, Li Mu has seen many spiritual plants over the years, and his understanding of spiritual plants is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Just as they were passing by a quaint spiritual plant shop, Li Mu inadvertently glanced at the shop with his peripheral vision. He was refreshed and suddenly stopped. His eyes were fixed on a charred and ugly dead tree in the shop, his face A hint of joy appeared on his face.

The dead tree looked unremarkable, even ugly. Its skin was as black as charcoal, and its branches were twisted and deformed, as if it had experienced the destruction of a thunder and fire. Against the backdrop of the colorful and vibrant spiritual plants around it, this dead tree The dead wood looks particularly abrupt and dazzling.

It was such a seemingly worthless dead tree that aroused great interest in Li Mu, and he slowly walked towards the small shop.

Seeing this, Wang Wenbao and Xueer followed Li Mu's footsteps and came to the door of 'Qimuzhai'.

The shop owner is a white-haired old man. He is wearing a green shirt and has a kind face. His eyes reveal his deep love for spiritual plants. At this time, there are no customers in the shop. He is concentrating on pruning the plants with the scissors in his hand. Walking among the branches and leaves of the spiritual tree, his eyes were focused and gentle.

Upon noticing the arrival of Li Mu and the others, the old man stopped what he was doing and turned to look at the three of them. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but was soon replaced by a gentle smile.

"Welcome, three guests. I don't know what kind of spiritual wood you want. I can introduce it to you." The old man put down the scissors and greeted happily, with a kind voice.

Li Mu smiled slightly, looked at the piece of charred wood in the corner of the store, and gestured: "Old man, we wandered here and were attracted by the dead wood in the store. I wonder if we can take a closer look?"

Hearing this, a strange color flashed in the old man's eyes. He turned around and looked at the charred dead wood, with a hint of complicated emotions flashing in his eyes.

"That piece of dead wood..." The old man paused, seeming to be thinking about something, and then nodded: "Since the guest is interested, please come with me."

With that said, the old man stood up and led Li Mu and the others towards the dead tree.

As the distance gets closer, you can feel the unusualness of that dead tree more and more. Its thick branches, split in half, are still ten feet thick. The texture is solid, and there seems to be an indescribable hidden under the charred skin. Power contains powerful Yin power, and is entangled with a large amount of violent thunder power.

"Master Li, is this an ancient banyan tree? It was injured by lightning." Wang Wenbao looked at Li Mu and asked tentatively.

Li Mu nodded slightly, staring at the charred ancient banyan tree, smiling without saying a word, his eyes shining with excitement.

Innate magical power - identifying the attributes of the charred dead wood beneath all spirits, clearly displayed on the panel.

【Immortal Ancient Banyan Tree】

[Grade: Seventh-Level Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: The power of gathering yin, the soul of the ancient banyan tree, the entanglement of thunder, the immortality of the banyan spirit, and the rebirth of the gathering soul. 】

[Status: Ten thousand years of tree spirit, failed to overcome the tribulation, the banyan spirit is sleeping, and the spirituality is not revealed. 】

[Immortal ancient banyan tree, a seventh-level spiritual plant, an ancient banyan tree that has grown for hundreds of thousands of years. It has experienced five thunder tribulations. The sixth thunder tribulation was destroyed by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. The spirit of the banyan tree fell into sleep and waited. The immortal ancient banyan tree has been reborn after thousands of years. The appearance of this tree is as black as charcoal and seems to be dead, but it contains great vitality. It also hides a ray of the soul of the ancient banyan tree and contains the secret of spiritual immortality. 】

This is not an ordinary ancient banyan spirit tree, but an immortal ancient banyan tree that has experienced several thunder tribulations, contains immortality, and is filled with a large amount of wood elemental vitality.

Spiritual plants such as the ancient banyan tree, together with the soul-gathering wood and the high-level willow wood, are known as the three top-quality spiritual trees for refining the original core of puppets.

Over the years, Li Mu has been worried about not being able to find a suitable material for refining the source core of the sixth-order puppet. Now, this immortal ancient banyan tree happens to be a perfect spiritual material for refining.

However, this tree is currently surrounded by the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. If you want to use it to refine the puppet source core, you still need to find a way to eliminate these thunder powers. Otherwise, no matter how you refine the puppet source core, you will still be able to refine the puppet source core. Other spiritual treasures, magic weapons, and this wood cannot be used.

Li Mu stretched out his hand, gently touched the charred bark, and lightly scratched the bark.

"Guest, don't!"

The old man quickly stopped him, but it was too late.

The next moment, a violent thunder force rushed along his fingers and rushed into his body instantly.

Fortunately, Li Mu had been on guard for a long time. He felt a strong sense of numbness spread throughout his body, as if there were thousands of thunder snakes swimming in his body. He quickly used his magic power to suppress this violent thunder power.

"What a powerful thunder power." Li Mu exclaimed. The violent thunder power contained in this immortal ancient banyan tree was much more powerful than he imagined. If it were an ordinary cultivator, he might not be able to withstand the attack of this thunder power.

When Wang Wenbao and Xueer saw this, they were stunned. Although they knew that the spiritual tree that Li Mu was interested in must be extraordinary, they did not expect that the thunder power contained in it would be so terrifying.

"Master Li, are you okay?" Xue'er asked with concern.

"It's okay!" Li Mu shook his head slightly, indicating that he was fine. He looked at the immortal ancient banyan tree, his eyes flashing with excitement, thinking about how to remove the thunder power contained in this spiritual tree.

Seeing that Li Mu was fine, the old man couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "The guest's cultivation is extraordinary, and he can easily withstand the thunder power of this ancient banyan tree. This spiritual tree has been stored with me for hundreds of years." , no one has been able to make use of it. Today I met a guest, maybe this spiritual tree can finally find its home. "

When Li Mu heard this, his heart moved and he asked: "Boss, do you plan to sell this ancient banyan tree?"

The old man pondered for a moment and said: "This spiritual tree is of a high rank and is quite old. It is the best material for refining high-level spiritual swords and spiritual staffs. If the violent thunder power in it can be utilized, it will be a good choice. I originally planned to keep it as a treasure of the store, but since the customer is interested, I am willing to sell it, but in terms of price, I hope to get a reasonable amount. "

Li Mu nodded to express his understanding. Since he had set his sights on this spiritual tree, although he might have missed it, he would not be stingy.

"Old man, just tell me the price. Whatever Master Li likes, you will never miss it." Wang Wenbao took out the shopkeeper's token and showed it to the old man. Seeing this, a trace of surprise flashed in the old man's eyes, and then he regained his composure and said with a smile: "Since the shopkeeper is here in person, I feel relieved. I originally planned to sell this ancient banyan tree for 300,000 medium-grade spiritual stones, but Since it’s the shopkeeper who’s talking, I’ll give you a discount, how about 250,000 mid-grade spiritual stones?”

"Yes, but if you have a question for me, boss, can you answer it for me?" Li Mu nodded happily. With this quotation, the boss was selling it as a fifth- or sixth-level spiritual wood! I picked up a big leak.

"Oh? Please tell me, distinguished guest?" the old man asked curiously.

Li Mu quickly said: "I hope to know the origin of this ancient banyan tree, I hope to understand its growth environment and its picking process."

"Uh." When the old man heard this, a strange look flashed in his eyes. He obviously didn't expect that Li Mu would be so interested in the origin of this spiritual tree. After pondering for a moment, he said awkwardly: "I'm afraid this won't work! This ancient banyan tree, It was purchased by my father from a down-and-out monk. Now, my father has passed away long ago. I know nothing about its growth environment and picking process. Dear guest, you also know that the origin of such spiritual objects often involves some secrets, isn't it? All sellers are willing to disclose.”

Li Mu couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when he heard this. He was still thinking about obtaining the spiritual seed of this immortal ancient banyan tree.

"Since the boss is in trouble, I won't force you anymore." Li Mu said with a smile, "Two thousand five hundred high-grade spiritual stones, I want this ancient banyan tree."

With that said, Li Mu found a small pile of high-grade spiritual stones from the Jiuzang Spiritual Beads and paid the bill.

After the transaction was completed, Li Mu collected the immortal ancient banyan tree and put away the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and left the store. Wang Wenbao and Xueer followed closely and continued to visit the spiritual plant trading area.

The three of them continued to wander, and Li Mu's eyes were as bright as a flash as he shuttled from store to store. He has a very deep understanding of the grade and effectiveness of spiritual plants, and most of them cannot be discerned by him. However, Wang Wenbao and Xue'er seemed to have found a treasure, excitedly selecting elixirs and herbs suitable for their cultivation.

Li Mu seems to have gained nothing, but he has purchased a lot of rare spiritual seeds for reserve purposes. These spiritual seeds are the seeds of high-level spiritual plants. Once they are successfully planted in the future, they will bring huge benefits to his cultivation. Help.

After wandering around the spiritual plant trading area for a long time, Wang Wenbao and Xue'er returned with a full load, and Li Mu was also satisfied with the spiritual plants they purchased in large quantities. Picking up rare spiritual plants is not an easy task. It requires the dual blessing of luck and patience, but here, Being able to purchase various high-level spiritual plants and spiritual seeds in bulk already makes Li Mu feel very satisfied.

The three of them continued to wander around the spiritual plant trading area of ​​Nuo University. The spiritual plant trading area gathered many spiritual plant husbands, alchemists, and spiritual plant vendors. Occasionally, they could be heard arguing and sharing their unique knowledge of spiritual plants. opinion.

"Master Li, this spiritual plant trading area is so big. Everything seems to be the same. How about we go to the rare item trading area and have a look!" Xueer blinked her big bright eyes, looked at Li Mu and begged, she said The plant trading area has become a little tired of aesthetics and wants to look for some new excitement and surprises.

Hearing this, Li Mu was a little reluctant and wanted to purchase more spiritual seeds, but

"Okay, then let's go to the rare objects trading area and have a look."

Li Mu looked away with some reluctance. He wanted to purchase more spiritual seeds, but after seeing Xueer's expectant eyes, he finally nodded.

Soon, the three of them changed direction and prepared to leave the Lingzhi Trading Area and walk towards the Rare Object Trading Area.

Just as the three of them were about to leave the Lingzhi trading area, Li Mu suddenly stopped again.

"What's the matter, Mr. Li?" Xue'er looked at Li Mu in confusion and looked towards his gaze. She saw a spiritual plant shop with many people gathered. There were three floors inside and three floors outside. There seemed to be something there. Inexplicable attraction.

Li Mu's eyes were fixed on the spiritual plant shop, with a trace of doubt and curiosity on his face. He could feel the unusual aura emanating from there, as if there was some special spiritual plant or treasure that attracted everyone's attention.

"What's the matter, Mr. Li?" Xueer asked curiously when she saw Li Mu stop.

Li Mu withdrew his gaze, looked at Xue'er and Wang Wenbao, and quickly signaled: "The Lingzhi store has good things, let's go and have a look."

With that said, Li Mu took Xueer and Wang Wenbao towards the spiritual plant shop. As they got closer and closer, the surrounding chatter gradually reached their ears.

"It's so lively! What happened in Tianling Pavilion today!"

"Tianling Pavilion released a 7,000-year-old medicinal king ginseng today, which attracted many spirit growers and alchemists."

"Yes, if you can take this medicinal ginseng to reverse your qualifications, break through to the Nascent Soul, and be promoted to a god!"

"You have underestimated the efficacy of Yaowang Ginseng. It is a medicine that is seven thousand years old! It is estimated that it will be transformed soon. It is a rare sight in a thousand years."


Before anyone could get closer, all kinds of lively discussions could be heard in an endless stream.

A glint flashed in Li Mu's eyes. He was very sensitive to rare spiritual plants. At this moment, he could already feel the aura emanating from the medicinal king ginseng, and he was sure that it was a spiritual plant that had not yet transformed into a spirit.

With the token of Wang Wenbao, the shopkeeper of Wanbao Pavilion, the three of them easily passed the lively crowd in front of Lingzhi Store.

I saw a spiritual ginseng with a magical shape placed in the store. It was rooted in the Jiuxu spiritual soil. It exuded a faint golden light and was shrouded in a layer of spiritual mist. Its nine leaves were emerald green, as if just now After absorbing sufficient nutrients from the spring rain, each ginseng leaf appeared full of vitality, and its roots were coiled in the Jiuxu spiritual soil like dragon whiskers, suspended in front of a young man. .

Spirit ginseng exudes a strong medicinal aroma. This aroma is different from the fragrance of ordinary spiritual plants, but has a refreshing and strange medicinal aroma, which refreshes people's spirits and makes them recover from all their injuries.

There are many god-transforming monks and virtual-refining monks surrounding it. They are either marveling or talking about it. Their minds are on this medicinal king ginseng, while the Yuanying monks and golden elixir monks on the outside of the circle can only watch as bystanders. I looked at him from a distance, my heart filled with envy and desire.

The owner of Yaowang Shen didn't seem to be in a hurry to take action. He looked at everyone with a smile, as if waiting for something.

Li Mu stood in the crowd, carefully observing the King of Medicine ginseng. His innate magical power - identifying all spirits had been turned on. The properties of the King of Medicine ginseng clearly appeared on his panel, clearly visible at a glance.

After reading the properties of the Herbal King Ginseng, Li Mu's eyes lit up slightly. He changed his mind, which was originally not very concerned. The value of this Herbal King Ginseng was far beyond his imagination. If possible, he must try his best to get it. (End of this chapter)

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