Chapter 399 Qingyangzi (Part )
Watching Xiaobai swallow the soul world pearl, Li Mu frowned and was about to explain something, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Xiao Bai, who was originally quiet, suddenly trembled, and his body emitted a burst of strong black spiritual light, and a powerful and majestic aura was transmitted from it. It was strikingly similar to the aura of a strong Fusion Realm person that Li Mu had sensed before.


Xiao Bai shouted angrily, and in an instant, a powerful supernatural soul force was generated in his body, suppressing it.

However, the remnant soul of the strong man in the Fusion Realm seemed to sense the fatal danger, and then exploded with powerful force, trying to break free from Xiaobai's swallowing, and manipulated the Soul World Pearl to escape from the 'worm's mouth'.

There is no reason to let a duck fly away when it reaches its mouth!

Xiaobai was furious, and suddenly a deafening roar broke out all over his body. His powerful soul power instantly shot straight into the sky. In this light, a huge golden shadow slowly emerged, a huge golden cup insect. The shadow is majestic and sacred, as if it is a god from ancient times.

With the appearance of the golden Gu insect, the surrounding space trembled. The soul power it exuded was several times more powerful than the previous black spiritual light. Obviously, Xiaobai used its most powerful power to deal with the remnants of the strong body in the Fusion realm. Soul's counterattack.

"Fellow Taoist, please let it stop, I..." At this time, Li Mu received a weak divine thought, which was the remnant soul of a strong man in the Fusion Realm.

Li Mu frowned slightly, and couldn't help but be a little surprised. He didn't expect that the remnant soul of this strong man in the Fusion Realm could actually send out spiritual thoughts to him.

However, the energy of chaos is extremely rare and difficult to capture. Even for those who are strong in the Fusion Realm, it is not easy to collect enough energy of chaos. What's more, the energy of chaos also contains unpredictable dangers, and even the slightest carelessness can lead to death.

When Li Mu heard Qingyangzi's response, he breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded slightly and said through his spiritual mind: "In this case, I will not be a bad person. Senior, please rest assured. If there is a chance, I will help senior repair it." The Soul Realm Pearl, reforges the remaining soul."

After hearing this, Li Mu felt moved in his heart and asked: "Since the senior has died, why can he still keep his remnant soul and hide it in the Soul World Pearl?"

It turns out that there are three ways to reshape the soul. The first is to find an extremely rare spiritual creature from heaven and earth - the anti-death spirit grass. This kind of spirit grass grows in an extremely dangerous environment and can absorb the energy of yin and yang and condense it. With the powerful power of the soul, only by finding this kind of spiritual grass and combining it with the secret method known to Qingyangzi can the soul be reshaped.

Li Mu smiled slightly, comforted Xiao Bai, looked at the soul world bead, and continued to transmit his spiritual thoughts: "Senior Qingyang, junior Li Mu, since you don't want to lose your soul, junior will naturally not kill you, but I don't know if senior Would you like to live in peace with me?"

Although Xiao Bai was a little unwilling, he still stopped obediently, looked at Li Mu with doubtful eyes, and spit out the soul world pearl.

After hearing this, Li Mu felt enlightened. He did not expect that this strong man in the Fusion Realm would have such a tortuous experience. He thought for a while and said: "Senior, I feel deeply sorry for your plight. Xiaobai is my partner, and it swallows the Soul World Pearl out of instinct. I wonder what your plans are, senior? Perhaps I can help you. "

Hearing this, Qingyangzi immediately felt a glimmer of hope, and quickly moved his spiritual thoughts, saying: "My friend, as long as you can keep my remaining soul alive, I will be grateful. If you are willing to help me rebuild my soul, I will I am willing to impart all my knowledge to you and teach you everything I have learned throughout my life. As for the method of rebuilding your soul, it is not difficult.”

"Xiaobai, wait a moment."

The second type is a large amount of chaotic energy. Chaos energy is the foundation of all things. It is the original energy that existed before the world was opened and contains endless mysteries and power. If enough chaotic energy can be collected and guided using special methods, it is possible for the remnant soul to be reshaped and given a new life.

After hearing this, Li Mu smiled slightly in his heart, and naturally understood his situation. It was precisely because he didn't know how to deal with the remnant soul of this strong man in the fusion realm that he gave the soul world pearl to Xiao Bai. Now, the remnant soul of this strong man in the fusion realm can Communicate, then things become easier.

Qingyangzi sighed and said: "Back then, I fought a fierce battle with a strong enemy. Although I finally killed him, I was also seriously injured and my oil was exhausted. When I died, I hid a trace of my soul in my natal magic treasure soul. In the World Pearl, I hope to find a chance to reforge my soul and regain a new life. However, as time goes by, the soul power in the Soul World Pearl gradually dissipates, and my remaining soul becomes weaker and weaker. If I hadn’t met you, I would have been killed by you. After awakening his spiritual thoughts, I’m afraid he will completely perish soon.”

Hearing this, the remnant soul of Qingyangzi was silent for a moment, knowing his current situation. If he didn't agree to Li Mu, he might really fall completely. He quickly sent a message with his spiritual mind: "I am already a ray of remnant soul. How can I still have it?" I am qualified to bargain. As long as my soul can be preserved, I am naturally willing to live in peace with you."

At this time, Xiaobai was about to use his strength to swallow the Soul World Pearl completely. Li Mu quickly stopped him and stopped him from swallowing the Soul World Pearl.

Qingyangzi's remnant soul sensed Li Mu's kindness, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly responded: "Thank you, little friend. I know that the Soul World Bead is very attractive to Gu worms like you, but my remnant soul is still If it is stored in it, it will be completely dissipated between heaven and earth if it is swallowed up.”

After hearing this, Li Mu's heart moved. The "method of reshaping the soul" mentioned by Qingyangzi is a secret that has not been passed down. It is undoubtedly extremely precious to practitioners. It is also a life-saving secret method if someone accidentally dies in the future.

Qingyangzi had no other choice and did not dare to hide it, so he talked about several methods to rebuild the soul.

The remnant soul of the strong man in the Fusion Realm smiled bitterly, and revealed a bit of helplessness in his spiritual thoughts: "My name is Qingyangzi. This Soul Realm Pearl is my natal magic weapon. It contains my lifelong cultivation and essence. After my death, There is a trace of the remnant soul hidden in it. If you wait, this Gu insect is extremely magical. If it gets into its mouth, I am afraid that it will be completely destroyed soon. "

As for the third method, it is to find a practitioner with advanced cultivation and use his powerful soul power to forcibly absorb the energy of yin and yang, repair the damage of the remaining soul, and integrate it with the new carrier to complete the reshaping. However, this method is extremely risky. If you are not careful, your soul will fly away. Even if it succeeds, the reshaped soul will be greatly damaged, making it difficult to improve your cultivation. Moreover, a strong person who uses this method will It is necessary to follow the yin and yang laws of heaven and have some ability of the Tao Lord.

"Senior, if you can trust this junior, I will do my best to help senior rebuild his soul." Li Mu quickly conveyed his message with his spiritual thoughts and continued.

Li Mu looked at the Soul World Pearl that appeared in front of him, devoted himself to spiritual thoughts, and asked knowingly: "Who are you? Why do you want to stop Xiaobai from swallowing the Soul World Pearl?"

After Qingyangzi finished speaking, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh. There was a bit of helplessness and sadness in his spiritual thoughts. Each of these three methods was extremely difficult. It was almost impossible to successfully rebuild his soul, but he still chose Tell Li Mu, hoping to get a chance for himself.

After listening to Qingyangzi's story, Li Mu felt sad in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Qingyangzi's plan to reshape his soul coincided with what he was going to do next. Li Mu's main purpose for this trip was to go to the far north ice source, break the restrictions in the secret realm, and find the anti-dead spirit. Grass, complete the Dao Heart Oath of Lord Tianyan. If you can harvest one more plant here, you can keep it for him. If there is only one plant, you can't tell him about it.

After thinking for a while, Li Mu said: "Senior, these three methods are not easy, but I am willing to try my best. I will try my best to find the anti-death spirit grass and the energy of chaos. As for the third method, I am afraid that It’s powerless.”

When Qingyangzi heard this, he immediately responded with a grateful spirit: "You have said this, little friend, and I am willing to help you practice. If you have any questions about your cultivation, just ask me."

The cultivation experience of a strong person in the Fusion Realm couldn't be more precious. Li Mu's cultivation was almost all achieved by growing spiritual plants and absorbing the attributes of the spiritual plants. There was not much real practice time, so don't accumulate too many problems.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help but feel happy, and quickly asked: "Senior, did you refine this Soul World Pearl yourself?"

"No, I am an alchemist, not a weapon refiner. I entrusted a friend to refine the Soul World Pearl." Qingyangzi quickly responded with his spiritual thoughts.

Li Mu was a little disappointed when he heard that Qingyangzi was an alchemist, but he knew how to make alchemy, so he could benefit a lot from him.

Li Mu quickly conveyed his spiritual thoughts and respectfully asked Qingyangzi for advice: "Senior, although I have dabbled in alchemy, I know that my knowledge is still shallow. I wonder if senior can give me some pointers so that I can learn more about alchemy. further?"

"Oh! How many levels of elixir can my little friend refine? If you have any questions, just ask!"

Qingyangzi was slightly startled. Alchemy was very difficult, and it would be difficult for people without the talent of alchemy to deal with it. Unexpectedly, he encountered it, so he had to be patient and pass on the message.

"Well, the success rate of refining the fifth-level elixir is quite high, about 90%. As for the sixth-level elixir, the success rate is about 30%." Li Mu responded quickly.

"What! Can you refine a sixth-level elixir?"

When Qingyangzi heard this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and when his spiritual thoughts fluctuated, he revealed an unconcealable shock. As an alchemy saint master, no one knows better than him how difficult it is to make alchemy, even if he can refine a seventh-level pill. In the realm of Dao Dan, the success rate of refining the sixth-level elixir is only about 50%. However, it is really unbelievable for him that this god-forming monk can have a success rate of 30%.

"Indeed, I have refined and refined the sixth-level Taixuanqing Divine Pill, the sixth-level Burning Sky Pill, the sixth-level Spiritual Pill,..." Li Mu responded quickly, telling about the sixth-level spiritual elixir that he had refined. .

Hearing this, Qingyangzi had no choice but to believe it, and quickly sent a message to ask: "Since you can refine these elixirs, your alchemy skills must be as pure as fire. We can have a discussion. What problems have you encountered?"

At this time, Qingyangzi was very excited. As an alchemy master, he had been immersed in the art of alchemy all his life and had an almost obsessive love for alchemy. He had been a remnant soul for many years and was unable to refine elixirs. Now he heard that Li Mu He was able to refine a variety of sixth-level elixirs, and the success rate was quite impressive. He couldn't help but have a strong desire to communicate.

"Well, when I was refining the Taixuanqing Divine Pill, during the process of gathering the pill, it was difficult to form the pill patterns. Either it was too fast or the timing was missed..." Li Mu quickly sent a message to ask about the problems that occurred during the pill refining process.

"Is it difficult to condense the elixir pattern? This is generally related to the purity of the elixir, the temperature of the furnace, and the combination of medicinal properties. This problem is that the timing of the condensation pattern is the basis for the success or failure of the elixir. If not, you can demonstrate the elixir now!" Qingyangzi responded! road.

"Senior is inside the Soul World Pearl, can he 'see' the outside world?" Li Mu asked in surprise.

Qingyangzi smiled softly and replied with his spiritual thoughts: "Little friend, you don't know something. This soul world pearl was made by me after spending a lot of effort and entrusting my friends to refine it during my lifetime. It is a world of its own, although it is separated from the outside world. Isolated, but my remnant soul has long been integrated with this soul world bead and can sense the outside world. You only need to follow the normal steps of alchemy, and I can observe the entire process of your alchemy. "

When Li Mu heard this, he felt relieved immediately. Being able to meet a master of alchemy like Qingyangzi was really a great blessing on his path of cultivation. So, he no longer hesitated, summoned an alchemy furnace in the cabin, and took out the elixir needed for alchemy.

After a while, everything is ready.

Li Mu sat cross-legged, formed a seal with his hands, and started to activate the alchemy furnace, following the usual steps for refining alchemy step by step. From selecting materials, refining, smelting to the final condensation of the elixir, every step was done in an orderly manner.

Qingyangzi clearly perceived the entire process of Li Mu's alchemy in the Soul World Pearl. He couldn't help but secretly nod in his heart. He gave a very high evaluation to Li Mu's alchemy skills and talent.

At the same time, Qingyangzi also discovered some problems and shortcomings in Li Mu's alchemy process, and couldn't help but show a trace of doubt.

Li Mu is quite proficient in alchemy. However, he is quite unfamiliar with some of the basic techniques of alchemy. Some key steps are slightly rough, as if he is just copying the gourd and failing to fully understand the principles behind it.

Qingyangzi frowned slightly, and while his spiritual thoughts were fluctuating, he conveyed: "Little friend, although you are proficient in alchemy, your basic techniques are a bit rusty, which will affect the rate and quality of your alchemy. Together with alchemy, In addition to practice making perfect, it is more important to grasp and understand the properties of fire and medicine in order to better control the art of alchemy.”

When Li Mu heard this, his heart trembled, and he quickly sent a message to respond: "What the senior said is absolutely true. The junior does feel a little inadequate in the process of refining the alchemy, especially in some key steps, and it is always difficult to achieve the desired effect. Senior, please also Don’t hesitate to teach and guide the younger generation.”

Qingyangzi nodded and continued to pass on: "To make an alchemy, you need to be as careful as your hair, and you have to control the heat and properties of the medicine just right. For example, when you are refining medicinal materials, you should adjust the heat and time according to the characteristics of different medicinal materials. , in order to fully extract the essence of the medicinal materials, and during the smelting process, it is necessary to pay attention to the interaction between the medicinal materials to avoid conflict or loss of medicinal properties,"

"For example, the order of the elixir tempering that you are going to carry out next is wrong. The order of Tui Shen Cao, Zhu Chi Fruit, and Kui Yin Ling Cao is wrong." Qingyangzi continued to pass on: "Zi Shen Shen Cao has the effect of calming the mind and should be used. It is added at the early stage of smelting to adjust the temperature of the fire based on its medicinal properties. Zhuchi fruit has a fiery nature and should be added in the middle to stimulate the potential medicinal properties of other medicinal materials. Kuiyin Lingcao, which has a cold nature, needs to be added in the final stage. Integrate slowly to balance the fire and dryness of the elixir. Only in this sequence can the medicinal properties be perfectly blended and a high-quality elixir be produced.”

After hearing this, Li Mu felt enlightened and enlightened, and immediately started operating according to Qingyangzi's instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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