Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 409: A large formation blocks the enemy

Li Mu upgraded all his skills to the seventh level, including Talisman Making, Alchemy, and Puppetry, and gained huge rewards. He continued to devote himself to the study of the Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation, and continued to break the restrictions on this side of the passage.

At this moment, Qian Wantong and Wan Shaoming hurried over with solemn expressions.

"Master Li!" Qian Wantong walked up to Li Mu and said with a worried look on his face: "We encountered an emergency."

Li Mu turned around, looked at the two of them and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

If there was no emergency, the two of them would not bother him to break the restriction.

Wan Shaoming took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The news about our exploration of the secret ruins has been revealed. Now a group of monks are attacking the protective formation we set up in the passage. If there is no accident, they may not be able to hold on for a few days. "

Hearing this, Li Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and a coldness flashed across his face. This was indeed not good news. He had invested a lot of energy and time in cracking the ban, but now he might have failed due to outside interference.

"How strong is this person? Whose power is he?"

Wan Shaoming pondered for a moment and replied: "It's mainly the treasure hunting team from Tianji Tower, led by Bian Chongzong, and also entangled with monks from other forces. The overall strength is only slightly stronger than ours."

"How long can our protective formation last?" Li Mu asked.

"Three days at most." Qian Wantong said, "Moreover, if the opponent continues to strengthen their offensive, or enemies with higher cultivation levels appear, they may not be able to last even three days."

Li Mu was silent for a moment, quickly thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

Li Mu turned to look at the restriction of the closed passage. He had just found a clue to break through the restriction without affecting the entire Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation. He was about to forcefully break the restriction. It was estimated that it would take about half a month.

"Master Li, how long will it take you to break this restriction? If they are allowed to break in." Wan Shaoming paused, looked at Li Mu solemnly and asked, "I'm afraid we will all be in danger."

"It will take me at least fifteen days to completely break this restriction." Li Mu said solemnly.

After hearing this, Qian Wantong and Wan Shaoming's expressions turned very ugly. Fifteen days was too long for their current situation. The protective formation they had arranged might not be able to support even three days, let alone It's the 15th.

"What should we do? I'm afraid it's too late!" Qian Wantong said anxiously, frowning.

Wan Shaoming also looked worried. He looked at Li Mu, as if expecting him to come up with some clever plan.

Li Mu took a deep breath. He knew that the decision at this moment was crucial. It was not only related to the life and death of several of them, but also related to the secret of the entire ruins.

"I have a plan, but the risk is extremely high." Li Mu thought of a strategy and slowly said,

Li Mu's words immediately attracted the attention of Qian Wantong and Wan Shaoming.

"Master Li, please speak, now we have no choice." Qian Wantong said eagerly.

"We can use the power of the Earth Fiend Yin Gathering Formation to temporarily enhance the defense of the formation. This may buy us enough time." Li Mu explained as he stared at the passage restriction in front of him.

"Master Li, can you borrow the power of the Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation? Are you sure?" Qian Wantong perked up and looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"After these days of research, I have some understanding of the Earth Fiend Gathering Yin Formation. It shouldn't be a problem to use its power from the outside world to set up a protective formation. If possible, we may be able to use their power to break this restriction for us. !" Li Mu responded with a profound look in his eyes.

"Is... is it safe to do this? After all, the power of the Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation is extraordinary. If we are not careful, we may all be buried in it!" Wan Shaoming looked at Li Mu worriedly and asked.

"There is indeed a certain risk, but now we have no choice. Only in this way can we buy some time." Li Mu said firmly.

Qian Wantong and Wan Shaoming looked at each other and could see the determination in each other's eyes. Now they have no better choice.

"We trust you!" Qian Wantong said in a deep voice, "No matter what Master Li does, we will fully cooperate."

Wan Shaoming also nodded to express his support.

"Ask all your people to withdraw here, and I will set up a formation at the entrance of the passage." Li Mu ordered, and then he turned and walked towards the entrance of the passage.

Qian Wantong and Wan Shaoming took action immediately and notified everyone to evacuate to a safe area.

Although everyone was nervous and uneasy about the attack by the monks outside the passage, they all chose to believe Li Mu, carried out the orders quickly and orderly, and retreated into the passage one after another.

Li Mu came to the entrance of the passage, took a deep breath, concentrated his mind, and began to set up the formation.

I saw a golden spirit sword flying out from the Jiuzang Spirit Orb, surrounding Li Mu like a patron saint. He quickly formed seals with his hands, controlled these spirit swords accurately, and began to carve formation patterns on the ground. .

Arrays of formations wandered on the ground like spiritual snakes, exuding a faint spiritual light, gradually building a complex formation. This formation not only relied on the Yin evil power of the Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation, but also incorporated Li Mu His unique understanding of battle tactics makes his defense even more powerful.

Soon, powerful spiritual energy flew out from Li Mu's fingertips, quickly blended into the ground, and merged with the surrounding environment. As time went by, a complex formation gradually formed at the entrance of the passage. Soon, a powerful evil force appeared. The power quickly gathered, exuding a cold and deadly aura.

In the passage, the monks who looked at Li Mu's formation felt the power of this sinister force, and their expressions changed.

"This power is almost the same as the forbidden power outside the secret realm!"

"Haha! Great! This formation will definitely stump the guys outside!"

"Master Li is amazing! He is indeed a great master of formations!"

"Uh! We seem to be trapped too. How are we going to get out in the future?"

"Master Li personally set up this formation, so he certainly knows how to break it!"


Watching Li Mu set up the formation, the monks were talking and praising his formation skills. At the same time, some people expressed their worries about how to leave in the future. But most people still have full confidence in Li Mu.

Li Mu concentrated on controlling the formation of the formation, turning a deaf ear to the comments behind him, and constantly adjusted the structure and power distribution of the formation to ensure that it could maximize the use of the power of the Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation to enhance defense.

Finally, when the last ray of spiritual power merged into the ground, the entire formation was fully activated, and a more powerful Yin evil force rose from the formation and overflowed the passage. This power was felt by the monks attacking the formation outside the passage. Feeling an unprecedented sense of oppression, they all stopped attacking and looked at the powerful aura emanating from the passage in shock. At this time, the Ice Ghost Valley outside the passage, the temporary residence of Wanbao Pavilion, is now occupied by a group of high-level monks.

This group of monks seems to be a temporary force put together. Some of them are alone, some are in groups, and they wear different clothes. Some have elegant robes, some have exquisite armors, and some have simple commoners. Their backgrounds They are all different and have different purposes, but at this moment they gather together for a common goal and form a force that cannot be ignored.

At this time, a group of Void Refining monks were attacking the protective formation outside the passage with all their strength. Their mana was surging, and various spells and spiritual weapons were intertwined into a spectacular picture. However, the defensive power of the protective formation was unexpectedly strong, which made this group of Void Refining monks feel troublesome.

At this moment, a strong sinister force suddenly overflowed from the passage, causing the expressions of all the monks present to change drastically. They felt the terrifying power contained in this force, which seemed to be able to destroy everything.

"What's going on! Could it be that Qian Wantong broke the restrictions in the secret realm! We can't let them succeed, everyone speed up to break the formation!"

Bian Chongzong, the leader of the treasure hunting team in Tianji Tower, was shocked.

Following Bian Chongzong's call, the monks on the scene cheered up and looked anxious. The attack frequency and mana output increased instantly, and the gorgeous spells and spiritual weapons bombarded the protective formation in front of the passage even more crazily.

"A bunch of rubbish, even a seventh-order Bagua Wuji protective formation can't take it down."

Among the crowd, 'Hongshan', who was disguised as a Nascent Soul cultivator, had a bloody look in his eyes. He wanted to take action immediately and kill all the cultivators in front of him.

"Demon Lord, please be patient. It's not the time to take action now. The formation force that was suppressed just now is no small matter. We haven't confirmed whether the place below is the seal. We just left this group of people to explore the way."

Sensing the killing intent on Hongshan, Demon Ancestor Wutian quickly conveyed his message to his mind and advised him.

Hearing this, "Hongshan" took a deep breath and suppressed the murderous intention in his heart. Now is indeed not the time to take action. The location of the sealed place cannot be confirmed yet, and his identity cannot be exposed now.

"Let your people take action and concentrate on attacking Dongfang Zhenwei!" 'Hongshan' sent an order to Demon Ancestor Wutian.

Demon Ancestor Wutian nodded and immediately conveyed the order of 'Red Mountain' to the monks of the Nine Demon Sect who were hidden among the monks through his spiritual thoughts. After receiving the order, those monks began to secretly encourage the surrounding monks, inciting them to concentrate their efforts on attacking the Dongfang-Zhen position of the Bagua array.

"Fellow fellow Taoists, seniors, I have a little knowledge of the magic formation. I just observed that the eastern earthquake position of the protective formation seems to be a little loose. We will concentrate our efforts to attack there and we will be able to break this formation!" The disguised god-transformation monk from the Nine Demon Sect, Shouting loudly, trying to guide the monks.

The monks were encouraged by his words and turned their attack targets to the east - the earthquake position. For a moment, various spells and spiritual weapons flew towards the earthquake position of the magic circle, erupting with powerful energy fluctuations.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a burst of dazzling light burst out from the Dongfang earthquake position. The entire Bagua Wuji array shook, and its operation stopped instantly, and it suddenly collapsed!

"It's broken, the protective formation is broken!"

"Everyone, rush!"


As the protective formation was broken, the monks burst into enthusiastic cheers, and figures flew in one after another.

"Xuanyin Spirit Grass!"

"That's Yinsha Stone, the quality is so high!"


In the passage, the monks were like locusts passing by, frantically scrambling for the various rare spiritual materials that appeared in front of them. These spiritual materials were rarely seen in the outside world, but at this moment, they were placed in front of them as if they were free of money, allowing them to take whatever they wanted.

Wutian Demon Ancestor, together with the monks from the Nine Demon Sect, surrounded the 'Red Mountain', ignoring the high-level spiritual grass and various high-level spiritual minerals growing in the passage, followed the group of Void Refining monks, and flew to the end of the passage. The existence there is their real goal.


At the other end of the passage, Qian Wantong and others also felt the strong attack from the outside world, and soon sensed that the protective formation was broken.

"Master Li, the Bagua Wuji array we set up was broken so quickly. Can the big array you set up now hold up?" Qian Wantong looked at Li Mu and asked worriedly.

"Yes! The Bagua Wuji Formation was broken so quickly. There must be experts among them!" Wan Shaoming said eagerly, looking at the array set up by Li Mu, his brows filled with worry.

At this time, as Li Mu's formation was gradually completed, a powerful force of evil filled the passage, which became more and more intense. The entire passage was suddenly shrouded in a powerful energy shield, like an invisible wall, completely Isolate the entrance to the passage.

However, if the opponent can break through the Bagua Wuji Formation so quickly, it may not take much time to break this formation again.

"Don't worry, this formation incorporates the power of the Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation, and its defensive power is far from comparable to the Bagua Wuji Formation. It will not be easy for them to break through." Li Mu smiled slightly and said confidently.

The formation that Li Mu is currently deploying is the Yin Yan Formation, one of the twelve sub-formations of the Yin and Yang Tian Yan Formation. It is also combined with some adaptations of the Nine Dragons Immortal Killing Formation, and borrows the overflowing power of the Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation as its source. It is astonishingly powerful. It can be said that the array at the entrance of this passage has gathered the essence of Li Mu's seventh-level array spells and is the result of his many years of research and practice.

Although Qian Wantong, Wan Shaoming and others did not know much about the formation, their doubts gradually dissipated when they saw Li Mu's confident look and felt the powerful aura emanating from the formation.

"This formation will consume part of the power of the Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation. If they attack the formation, they will help us break the restrictions in front of us." Li Mu looked at the monks and continued to introduce.

"It actually has such a miraculous effect?" Qian Wantong exclaimed, he was more and more impressed by Li Mu's formation attainments.

"Then we can reap the benefits?" Wan Shaoming's eyes lit up, as if he saw the dawn of successfully entering the secret realm.

Li Mu nodded, but then shook his head and said: "Theoretically, this is true, but the opponent is not a fool. If they find that the attack on the array is fruitless, they are likely to change their strategy. Moreover, although this array is powerful, it also has its limits and cannot be used. Completely dependent on it.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded in understanding, feeling a little heavy.

At this time, the Void Refining monks outside the passage gathered together, frowning and discussing countermeasures. They felt the power and weirdness of the formation restriction in front of them, and knew that it was not easy to break through it, but they had no intention of giving up just yet.

"Demon Lord, what kind of magic circle is this? Is it a restriction on the sealed land?"

Wutian Demon Ancestor looked at the long group of evil formations blocking the road in front of him, looked at the 'Red Mountain', and sent his spiritual thoughts to ask for countermeasures.

Hongshan's brows were furrowed and his face was solemn. He, who was in the Fusion Realm, clearly sensed that the formation in front was unusual and filled with murderous intent. (End of chapter)

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