Just when Li Mu and his party were harvesting various high-level spiritual plants and spiritual mines, in the Nine Dragons Immortal Killing Formation, "Red Mountain" became more and more courageous as he fought, and the bloody evil energy surged like waves, intertwined with the black evil energy of the Yin Evil Dragon King, The fight was inextricable.

As time went by, the Yin Evil Dragon King began to show fatigue, and "Hongshan" took the opportunity to launch a more violent offensive. With the support of his subordinates' blood sea formation, he sucked the blood into his body, and then Then it was released in a more violent way, forming sharp bloody blades and slashing at the Yin Evil Dragon King.

Faced with such a fierce offensive, Yin Sha Dragon King finally couldn't hold on any longer. He lost the blessing of Li Mu's main formation and his combat power dropped significantly. "Hongshan" took the opportunity to step up the offensive and hit Yin Sha Dragon King hard on the head. , causing great spiritual loss.

With a loud "boom", the Yinsha Dragon King's huge body fell down like a mountain, stirring up a cloud of dust. As it fell, the Nine Dragons Immortal Killing Formation lost its core, instantly lost its support, and began to collapse. The dark and thick fog that shrouded the entire passage seemed to be dispersed by an invisible force amidst the loud noise, and gradually dissipated, revealing the original appearance of the underground passage.

"Hongshan" stood there, panting violently, with every breath carrying the force of thunder, his scarlet eyes flashed with violent evil aura, and the thick killing intent exuding from his body was like a real sharp blade, making people dare not approach easily. .

"Demon Lord, mighty!"

All the demon cultivators stepped forward, knelt down and shouted respectfully, full of reverence and awe for the "Red Mountain".

"Search! Find those rats out for me. I will make them unable to live or die!"

'Hongshan' glanced at his subordinates and ordered coldly.


All the demons responded in unison, and they Xiu took action quickly, spread out, and searched everywhere in the underground passages.

Not long after, a god-transforming demon cultivator hurriedly returned and reported to Hongshanhui: "Demon Lord, the same magic circle was found in the passage ahead, and those monks may be among them."

"Lead the way!" 'Red Mountain' ordered succinctly.

The god-transforming demon cultivator nodded in agreement, and then flew ahead to lead the way, with "Hongshan" following closely behind. The other demon cultivators also quickly reorganized their formation, and the group moved forward in the direction of the newly discovered magic circle.

The passage was winding and winding, and the demon cultivators were very fast. They soon came to a relatively wide cave. They saw that the entrance of the cave was shrouded in a thick layer of sinister mist, and it was obvious that some kind of defense method had been laid. The formation was even worse than the Nine Dragons Immortal Killing Formation that had just been broken through.

"Demon Lord, this is where it is." The God-Transforming Demon Cultivator pointed to the area shrouded in the evil mist and gestured respectfully.

Looking at the formation restriction in front of him, a trace of disgust flashed in Hongshan's eyes. He finally broke the Nine Dragons Immortal Killing Formation. Now there is another one. Judging from the richness of the evil spirit, this formation is better than the previous one. Even more difficult to mess with.

While 'Hongshan' was deep in thought, Wutian Demon Ancestor seemed to see the difficulty of the Blood Demon Lord Dana, and quickly suggested: "Demon Lord, this place can be confirmed as a sealed place. Now, break the restriction and break through it." The seal is the key, there is no need to get too entangled with those greedy monks."

Hearing this, 'Hongshan' thought for a moment and nodded slightly. Wutian Demon Ancestor's suggestion was good. It would take more than a little time to break this formation. Confirming the seal place and breaking the seal are the most important.

"Yes! You all spread out immediately and look for the passage to the sealed land!"

'Red Mountain''s order echoed in the empty cave. After the demons received the order, they quickly spread out in the dark underground space, looking for the correct passage to the sealed land.

On the other side, Li Mu, Qian Wantong and their party began to discuss the follow-up plan after harvesting a large amount of high-level spiritual materials.

"Master Li, the Dao Lord's Cave is hidden inside the Yinsha Linghe. It should be hidden by some kind of restrictions. I wonder if you can break these restrictions!" Qian Wantong looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"Master Li!" Wan Shaoming looked at Li Mu, full of expectation.

The monks looked at Li Mu expectantly, unable to conceal their desire and greed.

Li Mu frowned. He could vaguely sense that there was a powerful cave inside the Yinsha Linghe. The information obtained from Qingyangzi, if there was no accident, was hidden deep in the Yinsha Linghe. The core of the Yin Formation is related to the seal of the passage between the two realms.

If the ban on the formation here is broken, it will have an indelible impact on the seal of the passage between the two realms, and it may even open the seal of the passage between the two realms.

"Everyone, the cave in the depths of the Yin Evil Spirit River is no trivial matter. The restrictions inside cannot be broken even by Li's power. There is a high chance of death if you enter rashly. What's more, there are Fusion Realm demon cultivators chasing after us. Everyone. This harvest has been quite fruitful, why not just leave now!" Li Mu suggested as he watched the crowd admonishing them to give up.

After hearing this, a trace of unwillingness flashed across Qian Wantong's face, and he admonished Li Mu: "Master Li, what you said is quite reasonable, but in the Taoist Cave, the opportunity to become enlightened is right in front of you, how can you give up right now!"

"Yes! That's the Taoist Cave! The treasures and inheritance contained in it are exciting just to think about. Master Li, why don't you give it a try?" Wan Shaoming's eyes flashed with a fiery light, and he was full of desire for the treasures in the Taoist Cave. He looked at Li Mu eagerly.

If not, only Li Mu had the ability to break the restriction and magic circle. They all wished they could leave him immediately and rush into the Yinsha Ling River to search for the legendary Dao Lord's Cave. How could they follow him? A god-transformation monk was talking nonsense.

The other monks looked at Li Mu with expressions of unwillingness to give up and give up easily.

They are not like Li Mu, who is backed by a large sect, has the inheritance of the Holy Order, and has superb skills in various arts. They are all casual cultivators who have sold their lives to Wanbao Pavilion in exchange for some cultivation resources. Every cultivation resource is precarious. They earned it by working hard. This time, when they encountered an opportunity like Dao Lord's cave, they were willing to risk their lives.

Li Mu looked around for a week, taking in everyone's expressions, and understood their thoughts in his heart. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I understand your desire for the 'Daojun Cave', but the restriction in the Yinsha Linghe River Li is really powerless, and I hope everyone can treat it rationally and not lose his life for a moment of greed."

"What's more, there may be an unusual origin behind the restriction of the formation here." Li Mu looked at everyone and warned with a solemn expression: "If we try to break the formation rashly, we may encounter an unpredictable disaster. The consequences are not only related to our personal safety, but may also affect the entire Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm, and even the entire spiritual world."

As soon as Li Mu finished speaking, a burly, rugged-faced god-transforming monk snorted coldly and signaled: "Master Li, if you are afraid of risks and are unwilling to take action, then just say it. Why use such exaggerated remarks? To scare us? The path of spiritual practice is to go against heaven and seek transcendence. Now that we have embarked on this path, how can we be absolutely safe? real?"

"That's true!" Someone in the crowd echoed, obviously agreeing with the view of the god-transformation monk.

Another monk also stood up, looked at Li Mu, and said firmly: "Master Li, if there is really a chance of enlightenment here, I, Chen, will never flinch even if I risk my life. I will die without complaint. !”…

Everyone was talking a lot, each holding their own opinions, and they were full of resentment towards Li Mu's excuse for refusing.

"How dare you talk to Master Li! Apologize to Master Li!" Qian Wantong suddenly shouted angrily and looked sternly at the monks who made rude remarks.

"You are so brave, you dare to run against Master Li, go ahead if you have the ability! You are so weird here, what are you talking about!" Wan Shaoming scolded him.

The monks immediately withered when Qian Wantong and Wan Shaoming drank like this. When they thought of relying on Li Mu to break the restriction, they all lowered their posture and apologized to Li Mu.

The burly Spirit Transformation monk was the first to break the deadlock. He scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Master Li, I'm sorry. We were overly aggressive in our words just now. Please forgive me."

When other monks saw this, they also expressed their apologies and expressed their willingness to follow Li Mu's arrangements.

Li Mu glanced at Qian Wantong and Wan Shaoming, and immediately understood that they were trying to make a fool of themselves! The purpose is still not to use his power to break the restrictions here.

Qian Wantong turned to Li Mu, with an apologetic smile on his face, and said: "Master Li, they are ignorant, don't take it to heart. We all know that you are good for all of us, and you are also far-sighted. I am willing to listen to you. I suggest you consider this matter carefully!”

"Master Li, from what you say, you seem to know the origin of this restriction!" Wan Shaoming looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the crowd, Li Mu took a deep breath, frowned, and decided to introduce frankly: "Everyone, if my guess is correct, the restriction ahead is actually the Ji Yin Great Array, which was set up by Ji Yin Dao Jun in ancient times."

Li Mu looked around and saw expressions of surprise and curiosity on everyone's faces, and continued: "The purpose of this formation is not to protect any treasures or secret realms, but to interact with the Jidao formations set up by several other Dao Lords. Echoing each other, they jointly form a larger and more complex chaotic sealing formation. The real function of this chaotic formation is to seal the two-dimensional passage between the spiritual world and the demonic abyss."

As soon as Li Mu finished speaking, an uproar broke out in the crowd.

"What! Master Li, are you serious about this?!" a god-transformation monk asked in disbelief.

"Master Li, how did you learn about this?" Another god-transformation monk also asked eagerly, obviously very shocked by the news.

"The Great Sealing Formation... This, this can't be true, can it?!" Someone muttered to themselves, seemingly unable to accept this astonishing fact.


Everyone was talking about it, and they were all shocked by the news that Li Mu had been exposed. They never expected that the ruins of the Dao Lord's Cave they had been looking for would end up being the sealed place for the passage between the two realms.

"Master Li, how can we confirm your guess?" Qian Wantong stared at Li Mu, his tone full of concern and expectation.

Qian Wantong's question was like a pebble, causing ripples in everyone's hearts. They all turned their gazes to Li Mu, their eyes flashing with desire for the exact answer. After all, they didn't want to give up on the legendary Dao Lord's Cave easily just because of Li Mu's words.

Li Mu took a deep look at Qian Wantong, pondered for a moment, looked at everyone and asked: "The Fusion Realm demon cultivator who broke into the formation just now, can any of you figure out his origin?"

This question made everyone present fall into deep thought. Everyone looked at each other and frowned in thought.

"That Fusion Realm Demonic Cultivator is indeed extremely weird. He is obviously a blood cultivator, and he also practices physical cultivation. I have never seen the blood method he released before. It is really weird and unpredictable." Pang Long, the first person to break through the virtual body cultivator There was silence, his tone full of fear.

"That's true! It's really chilling to be able to cultivate to the Fusion state with the blood method and sacrifice so many lives." Void Refining Insect Cultivator-Xiao Xiangyun frowned, with a deep look of fear on his face, and sighed.

"Indeed! I don't know who it is!"

"Master Li, do you know his origin?"


That Demonic Cultivator in the Fusion Realm made all the monks extremely fearful. They were all talking about the Demonic Cultivator's true identity and origin.

At the same time, Li Mu's question made them realize the danger of their exploration of Daojun's Cave, and they couldn't help but become afraid. The intervention of the strong men in the Fusion Realm made their exploration of Daojun's Cave contain even more terrifying dangers. The risk is like dancing on the tip of a knife, and you may fall into an irreversible situation at any time.

"Master Li, what do you mean, this Fusion Realm demon cultivator is related to this formation?" Wan Shaoming probably guessed Li Mu's intention and asked with concern.

"I do know its origin. It comes from the Demon Abyss - the Territory Lord of the Blood Demon Clan - Dana. The destruction of the indigenous forces in the Ten Thousand Stars Sea was due to him. Behind it are several Void Refining Demons from the Nine Demon Sect. Xiu, the fall of the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm was caused by them!" Li Mu looked at the crowd and introduced in detail.

Hearing this, all the monks took a breath. They never expected that such a group of murderers would be following behind them. If Li Mu hadn't set up a formation to successfully block the opponent, I'm afraid they would have become the subordinates of those demon cultivators. Revenant.

"The Lord of the Blood Demon, Dana, and the Nine Demons Sect behind him, have been trying to open the seal of the passage between the spirit world and the Demonic Abyss, so that the Demonic Abyss army can launch a larger-scale invasion. If I am not mistaken, the Jiyinjun set This extremely Yin sealing formation is the purpose of their trip." Li Mu's voice was calm and powerful, and he looked at everyone and continued to add: "Otherwise, why would they take the huge risk of being discovered by the Xuantian Sword Sect? Sneaked all the way into the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm and joined the treasure hunting team to come here? "

Li Mu's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting their hearts hard. The faces of all the monks changed drastically, with horror and disbelief intertwined on their faces. They originally thought that the other monks also came to explore the Dao Lord's cave, but they didn't expect it. There is such a shocking secret hidden behind it.

The information provided by Li Mu strongly confirmed his inference. The Dao Lord's cave in front should undoubtedly be a sealing formation that blocked the passage between the two realms. (End of chapter)

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