Chapter 437 Tianyi Divine Water
As the three of them went deep into the seabed, light could not penetrate the deep darkness around them. Only a few spiritual weapons accompanying them, the scales of the Qingyue True Dragon, shone with light and illuminated the way forward.

Li Mu stood on the head of Qingyue True Dragon and dived into the depths of the sea. The overwhelming pressure of the surrounding seawater was relieved by Qingyue True Dragon. Li Mu did not need any burden. Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen stood out with their powerful bodies and cultivation. Relaxed and freehand, no pressure.

The three of them could feel that there was a powerful forbidden force surrounding Shui Mansion. This force was dangerous and mysterious, making them afraid to move forward easily.

Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen all looked at Li Mu, waiting for him to take out the key to enter the restricted area.

"Qingyue!" Li Mu called out to the Qingyue True Dragon with his spiritual thoughts.

Qingyue True Dragon understood clearly, opened his mouth, and spat out a formation card as white as jade. It was engraved with complex runes and ancient patterns, exuding a faint spiritual light, and surrounded by powerful restrictive power. As the formation cards appear, they recede and converge.

[Water Element Formation Card]

[Grade: Seventh-Level Array]

[Characteristics: The great formation of water element, unpredictable transformations, divine machine of all things, blurring reality and reality, the hub of water palace formation. 】

[Status: Recognize the owner, the weapon spirit wakes up. 】

[Refined from Tianluo Lingyu, it has its own water element law. After thousands of years, it has gathered the most bizarre and illusory formations between heaven and earth. The condensed Tao breeds the formation spirit. It is the central formation of Lingbo Water Mansion and continues to absorb water element. The power can familiarize the spirits of the array cards in advance and know the direction of the Bibo Water Mansion. 】

Innate magical power - identifying all spirits, the attributes of the formation card appeared in Li Mu's eyes. This formation card in the Shuifu hub has been refined by the Qingyue True Dragon.

When Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen saw this scene, their expressions changed.

"Elder Li, will you give this card to your beast master for refining?" Sword Master Feng couldn't help but ask.

The Dao Lord Water Mansion inside is the core formation of the entire Shuiyuan Seal, and this formation card related to the Shui Mansion hub is even more important. However, Li Mu handed over such a precious thing to a true dragon beast for refining. , this kind of wasteful behavior shocked them greatly.

"Two sword masters, let me explain. Firstly, I didn't know it was so important. Secondly, this thing was originally obtained by Qingyue, and it fits its own attributes." Li Mu quickly explained.

"Since this thing is so valuable, Qingyue is willing to dedicate it to its owner." After listening to Li Mu's words, Qingyue True Dragon quickly spoke out and signaled.

"Qingyue, I accept your wishes." Li Mu gently patted Qingyue's dragon head, then turned to look at the two sword masters and said: "But refining this formation card is not child's play. The attributes of the refiner It needs to match it. Qingyue has already formed a connection with it. If it is forcibly replaced at this time, it may affect this device."

Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes. They understood that what Li Mu said was true and that the Shuifu Formation Cards were not trivial. Once handled improperly, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, after all, it was a matter of sealing, and they could never completely rest assured that the formation cards were in the hands of a demonic dragon.

Sword Master Feng looked at Li Mu and said in a deep voice: "Elder Li, we understand your difficulties, but this matter is related to the safety of the entire spiritual world. If you don't want to take this card, then give it to me!"

Hearing this, Li Mu was silent for a while and said quickly: "Understood, I will deal with this later. However, this place is suitable for Qingyue to practice. Can I allow it to practice quietly here in the future?"

"Master!" Qingyue True Dragon was very moved. Unexpectedly, Li Mu was still speaking for it at this time.

"It is said that it is meritorious for a dragon to offer its weapon. I agree to Elder Li's suggestion." Sword Master Feng, looking out for Li Mu's face, nodded and agreed to let the Qingyue True Dragon practice in this secret realm of the Water Mansion.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to take away the formation card, gathered the water elemental spiritual power, and drove it with all his strength.

As Li Mu drove the formation card with all his strength, a powerful water elemental spiritual power burst out instantly, like a turbulent ocean sweeping across. This force instantly dispersed the restriction, forming a huge passage. Li Mu, Sword Master Feng, Sword Master Chen, and Qingyue True Dragon rushed in one after another. Step into it.

As soon as they entered the water palace, the sight in front of them was breathtaking. The surrounding water was sparkling, and a blue crystal world attracted their attention for the first time. The formation of the huge water element seal array was clearly presented.

"It's actually Tianyi Divine Water!"

Sword Master Chen cried out in shock, staring at the blue liquid in front of him. Each drop exuded astonishing energy fluctuations, and his heart was filled with indescribable excitement.

What is in front of me is actually Tianyi Divine Water, an extremely rare and precious spiritual creature from heaven and earth.

There are different grades of spiritual water in the world, and there are many types, each with its own unique functions and properties. They are divided into three, six or nine levels according to their power and rarity, the strength of their functions, and their different characteristics. Although the first and second levels of Xuanshui and Spiritual Water are common, they each have unique and magical functions. Xuanshui can wash away the mundane world and purify the soul; Spiritual Water It can nourish the body and mind and improve cultivation.

Third- and fourth-level purified water and stalactites are even more powerful. Purified water contains the pure essence of heaven and earth, which can temper the body and enhance cultivation; stalactite is a liquid spiritual stone condensed by the essence of heaven and earth. , not only can be directly absorbed and converted into spiritual power, but also has the miraculous effect of extending lifespan and increasing potential.

Further up, the fourth and fifth levels of true water, Li Shui, are the treasures that many practitioners dream of. Li Shui can isolate all spells and attacks and is an excellent means of defense; True Water contains the purest power in the world and can cleanse. All distracting thoughts make the practitioner's state of mind reach unprecedented clarity, and he can refine weapons to defend against enemies.

Sixth and Seventh Level: Heavy Water and Heavenly Water, their power has reached a whole new level. Heavy Water is as heavy as a mountain. Once it gets involved, it is difficult to break free. It is an excellent means of trapping enemies. Tianshui is the most mysterious existence, containing hidden powers. The supreme water law between heaven and earth can help people understand the great path and improve their cultivation.

However, what really attracts immortal cultivators is the divine water that reaches the eighth or ninth level. There are many types of divine water, but each type has otherworldly functions and powers. For example: the divine water of life can resurrect human flesh and bones, allowing The dying person is instantly restored to life; the spiritual purifying water can wash away all sins and karma. Tianyi Divine Water, also known as the "liquid of the source of heaven", is a mysterious liquid formed by the blending and condensation of the purest spiritual energy and water elements in heaven and earth when the heaven and earth first opened and chaos first separated. After years of precipitation and evolution, Tianyi Divine Water is not only extremely pure, but also contains boundless spiritual power. Its preciousness is enough to drive countless water monks crazy for it.

Tianyi Divine Water is extremely powerful, and it is best known for its powerful washing and purifying abilities. For monks, they will inevitably be disturbed by various distracting thoughts and inner demons during their practice. Tianyi Divine Water can penetrate into the depths of the monk's soul, wash away all distracting thoughts and inner demons, and make the monk's state of mind reach unprecedented clarity and peace. peaceful.

In addition, Tianyi Divine Water also has powerful nourishing and strengthening abilities. For water monks, Tianyi Divine Water is like nectar and jade liquid, which can quickly nourish and strengthen their cultivation, whether it is magic power, Both body and soul can be greatly improved by the nourishment of Tianyi Divine Water.

What's even more amazing is that Tianyi Divine Water also contains a special power of water laws. This power of laws can allow water monks to more easily understand the principles of water and comprehend and master the meaning of water. For those water monks who pursue the Dao Immortal, Tianyi Divine Water is undoubtedly a rare treasure to assist the Tao. The preciousness and power of Tianyi Divine Water will inevitably attract the covetousness and power of countless high-level monks once it is born. scramble.

The boss of Qingyue True Dragon's eyes are wide open, and he is also full of desire and greed for that ball of Tianyi Divine Water. His instinct tells it that if it can get a ball of Tianyi Divine Water, its qualifications, cultivation, and strength will all be gained. It’s a huge improvement, and it’s easy to reach another level.

"That ball of Tianyi Divine Water is the core of this mansion, and it is also the centerpiece of the entire sealing formation. It cannot be acted upon rashly!"

Li Mu quickly spoke out to warn Sword Master Chen, Sword Master Feng, and Qingyue True Dragon who were about to make a move, giving a solemn warning.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Muxin waved his spiritual power, and the powerful restrictions of the sealing formation were revealed. Mysterious runes flashed in the void, emitting a breathtaking light. These runes were intertwined with each other, forming a An indestructible barrier protects Tianyi Divine Water from intrusion.

Seeing that the sealing formation revealed such a powerful restriction, Sword Master Chen, Sword Master Feng and Qingyue True Dragon couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. Most of their original greed and impulse were extinguished in an instant, and they looked frightened. Fortunately, Li Mu reminded them, otherwise, Not only will they not get Tianyi Divine Water, but they may also perish because of it.

Li Mu stared at the Tianyi Divine Water and learned all its properties under the innate magical power of identifying all spirits. He couldn't help but be shocked by its gorgeous properties.

【Tianyi Shenshui】

[Grade: Ninth-Level Divine Item]

[Characteristics: The origin of water, the divine water condenses the soul, the Tao is hidden, the purest and purest, the water contains all kinds of laws]

[Status: The spirit of divine water has been sleeping for eternity]

[Tianyi Divine Water, a ninth-level water divine object, a ball of divine water condensed from the Tao of Water, crystal clear, exuding a faint blue light when flowing, containing the meaning of endless water, derived from the origin of water , reflecting the truth of water between heaven and earth, cleansing the soul, nourishing the body, improving spiritual root qualifications, enhancing the power of water spells, and condensing the power of water principles. 】

This is the first time Li Mu has witnessed the existence of a ninth-level divine object. Just by being near it, Li Mu can clearly feel the endless water Dao Yun penetrating the pores of his body, which is extremely comfortable.

Li Mu, who had never practiced before, couldn't help but close his eyes slightly at this moment, silently meditating on the Yin Yang and Five Elements Sutra, and couldn't help but practice.

Li Mu seemed to be in an endless ocean, surrounded by the rich Dao Yun of water. The water spiritual power containing the Dao meaning penetrated the pores of his body like a trickle, blended into his blood, and nourished him. His body and soul.

With the penetration of the spiritual power of water element containing the Tao, Li Mu's cultivation was rapidly improving. He could clearly feel that the spiritual power in his body was constantly growing, and his meridians were constantly widening. Every cell in his body was cheering, as if he could touch the laws of water between heaven and earth and feel their flow and changes.

Li Mu's eyes were slightly closed, the yin and yang and the five elements were running rapidly. His breathing became deep and even, matching the rhythm of heaven and earth. His consciousness was gradually immersed in the ocean of water, as if blending with them. One body.


Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen looked away from Tianyi Shenshui and were looking at the situation around the Shui Mansion. However, they suddenly noticed something and looked sideways at Li Mu, their expressions slightly startled and full of disbelief.

Li Mu's whole body seemed to be shrouded in a faint aqua-blue light. The water vapor around his body seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and slowly rotated around him, forming a mist of mist. In the mist, his cultivation aura was gradually becoming stronger.

"What...what's going on?" Sword Master Feng's eyes widened in shock, and his voice was trembling.

Sword Master Chen was also shocked, silent for a moment, and analyzed: "Li Mu's cultivation... is growing rapidly! He is resonating with Tianyi Divine Water, as if he is enlightening on the principles of water! This kid's qualifications are better than we thought. Even scarier."

"No, you see, he not only cultivates the five elements, but also cultivates the Yin and Yang. Is this kid so big-hearted that he will take the path of chaos?" Sword Master Feng looked at the aura of Li Mu's running skills and said bluntly.

Hearing this, Sword Master Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and his shock was palpable: "The Avenue of Chaos? That is a field that few even the ancient powers can set foot in. He..., where did he get such ancient skills? How is this possible? ?”

Sword Master Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "I am just guessing, but look at his current state, his spiritual root and physique are definitely superior to you and me, how can he absorb the free Tianyi Divine Water under such a powerful restriction? The Tao Yun, and the speed and depth of this absorption are far beyond what you and I can achieve."

"Look at the changes in his aura as he operates the technique." Sword Master Feng pointed at Li Mu and continued his analysis: "It is clearly yin and yang, and the five elements flow, forming a delicate balance in his body. This balance is definitely not found in ordinary techniques. If he is not taking the path of chaos, then what is he?"

"Elder Li's qualifications are indeed the best I have ever seen, but the road to Chaos Avenue is not easy!"

Sword Master Chen stared at Li Mu closely, with a complicated light shining in his eyes. If Li Mu could really walk on the Avenue of Chaos, his future would be limitless, but similarly, this road is destined to be extremely difficult like climbing the ladder to heaven.
Seeing the two sword masters paying attention to their master and evaluating his qualifications and practice progress, Qingyue True Dragon's huge dragon eyes flashed with a strange color. Unexpectedly, the two strong men also sometimes misjudged him.

Following Li Mu for so many years, I have witnessed Li Mu's growth and changes. No one knows the progress of his practice better than Qingyue True Dragon. He has never practiced much on weekdays, but his progress in practice is far beyond what ordinary monks can match. It is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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