Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 439 The magic trace is revealed

Returning to the Qixuan Sect, Li Mu announced his seclusion to the outside world and refused to accept the commission of weapon refining for the time being. He plunged into the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion and lived a life of two people with Xueer, taking care of spiritual plants, sometimes refining elixirs and refining weapons. Lived peacefully and contentedly.

Waiting for the battle situation in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm, waiting for the return of Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen.

Time flies, seven years have passed.

In the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Territory, the war is like raging flames. The army of monks from Zhongzhou has swept across the entire Spiritual Territory. Under the leadership of Swordmaster Feng and Swordmaster Chen, they counterattack Tianzhu Mountain, enter the core of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range, and attack directly at the area occupied by the Moyuan forces. The place of extreme fire seal.

The flag of the Central Continent Fleet fluttered high on the battlefield, and it continued to penetrate deeper, uprooting the spiritual land occupied by the Demonic Abyss forces in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain. The confrontation with the Demonic Abyss forces became more and more intense, like two irreconcilable torrents, violently colliding.

After so many years of war, the Moyuan forces suffered heavy losses. However, from the beginning to the end, Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen never saw the Immortal Demon Lord appear. They only fought against a few other Demon Lords, Shadow, Soul Eater, and Blood Refining. Although powerful, it is still inferior to the Immortal Demon Lord.

Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen relied on the power of the Dao sword to repel those demon lords time and time again, but their hearts became heavier and heavier. The immortal demon lord seemed to have disappeared into the void. No matter how they searched, they could not find any trace of him. Every time Every confrontation was only against the peripheral forces of the Moyuan forces and could not reach the core.

Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen couldn't help but have some concerns. It seemed that the Immortal Demon Lord did not return to the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm as Li Mu said, but was hiding in the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm to carry out a larger conspiracy.

"Senior Brother Feng, do we want to go back? The situation is just like what I told Li Mu. The Immortal Demon Lord is not in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm!"

Sword Master Chen looked at Sword Master Feng with deep worry in his eyes.

Sword Master Feng frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Continue to attack and knock down the Demon Cave. As for the Immortal Demon Lord, it is indeed possible that he is in Zhongzhou, but the battle in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain is not over yet, so he cannot stay. The remnants of the Demon Abyss force continue to wreak havoc here. Only by sealing the gap in the seal can we return to Zhongzhou without any worries. "

"But, the Immortal Demon Lord..." Sword Master Chen was still a little worried.

"The matter of the Immortal Demon Lord has been put on hold for the time being. I have asked Li Mu to inform that boy to act with caution and not to act rashly." Sword Master Feng interrupted him and said firmly: "We must solve the problem at hand first. Pass on the order. Get ready, go deep into the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm, and prepare to attack the Demon Cave.”

Sword Master Chen also understood Sword Master Feng's determination, so he nodded in agreement and called his subordinates to convey the order.

In the days that followed, Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen led the army of monks in Central Continent to advance with great success, continuously breaking through multiple strongholds of the Mo Yuan forces, and pointing their swords at the sealed land.


Zhongzhou Lingyu, Qixuan Sect.

'Ji Wuheng' appeared in the sect master's palace of Qixuan Sect. He sat in the main hall with great expectation, waiting to meet 'someone'.

Ever since Li Mu announced his seclusion, the Immortal Demon Lord suddenly became anxious. He managed to sneak into Ji's house, waiting for the secret realm of Cangyuan to open and for him to fall into a trap. Unexpectedly, at this time, something like this would happen again.

The Immortal Demon Lord couldn't wait any longer. He disguised himself as 'Ji Wuheng' and appeared directly at the Qixuan Sect. As the elder of the Ji family, he sought to meet with Li Mu directly on the pretext of discussing the 'Taoist entrustment'.

If he can see Li Mu, the Immortal Demon Lord is ready to kill his former enemy on the spot, killing the biggest obstacle to the Demonic Abyss' invasion of the spiritual world in the cradle.

The Immortal Demon Lord secretly calculated in his heart that as long as he succeeded in killing Li Mu with one blow, it would not be a problem to wipe out the entire Qixuan Sect. In a mere small sect, no one in the Fusion Realm could stop him. When the master of Tianjian Sect learned this news, he had already fled far away.

Soon, a figure quickly appeared in front of him. A middle-aged man in a white robe with a handsome face and extraordinary temperament was none other than the deputy sect master of the Qixuan Sect - Tianyan Shenjun.

His appearance made the Immortal Demon Lord's idea of ​​​​obliterating Li Mu directly come to nothing. He couldn't help but feel a murderous intention, but he quickly suppressed it.

"Elder Ji, I'm so sorry to see you come so far, but Sect Leader Li couldn't meet you in person at the critical moment of seclusion, so I still hope to see Haihan!" Divine Lord Tianyan greeted 'Ji Wuheng' with a smile, but there was something in his eyes. A hint of unnoticeable scrutiny.

Just now, Lord Tianyan noticed that a powerful murderous intention suddenly erupted from Ji Wuheng's body, which made him palpitate. However, this murderous intention disappeared so quickly that he couldn't help but have a trace of doubt.

"Oh! Sect Master Li has been in seclusion for a long time! I wonder when he will come out? How can we start entrusting the refining of Taoist weapons?" 'Ji Wuheng' frowned slightly and looked at Tianyan Shenjun pretending to be surprised.

Lord Tianyan smiled slightly and responded quickly: "Sect Master Li is practicing in seclusion. The specific time of his release is still uncertain. However, regarding the refining of Taoist weapons, Elder Ji, please rest assured. I will inform him as soon as the sect master comes out of seclusion."

Hearing this, Ji Wuheng's face darkened, and he was secretly anxious. He had secretly scanned the entire Qixuan Sect countless times with his spiritual thoughts, but he could not find Li Mu's retreat.

Lord Tianyan seemed to notice Ji Wuheng's anxiety, and smiled and comforted him: "Elder Ji, don't worry too much. Sect Leader Li has always kept his promise. After leaving seclusion, he will definitely go all out to complete your weapon refining commission."

"Well, that's the only way! The spiritual land of your sect is quite magical. Can you show me the scenery of your sect?"

'Ji Wuheng' felt something in his heart and suddenly proposed to Lord Tianyan.

The Immortal Demon Lord hopes to find clues to Li Mu's retreat place by visiting Qixuan Sect.

Lord Tianyan didn’t think much and nodded in agreement with a smile.

So, the two of them walked out of the sect master's mansion side by side and previewed the main peaks of the Qixuan Sect. Along the way, Shenjun Tianyan introduced the main peaks of the Qixuan Sect in detail and browsed the sect's buildings.

'Ji Wuheng''s mind was not here. He secretly scanned the surroundings with his spiritual thoughts, trying to find clues about Li Mu's retreat place.

However, the Immortal Demon Lord did not discover the whereabouts of Li Mu's true form. Instead, he discovered his seven divine clones, sitting on the main peaks of Qixuan Sect, taking care of the vast spiritual fields.

The Immortal Demon Lord frowned. He was extremely surprised that Li Mu had refined seven divine clones, and even more murderous towards him.

You must know that refining a divine clone is extremely difficult. Each refining one requires a lot of effort and resources. However, Li Mu was able to refine seven of them, which is enough to show that the skills he practiced are not trivial.

Moreover, he arranged these seven divine clones on the seven main peaks. They are full of spirituality and can independently guard the spiritual fields without any intention of chaos. This strength makes the Immortal Demon Lord extremely afraid.

The God-Transformation Clone is the foundation for the Void Refining Monk to refine his realm. Being able to refine a God-Transformation Clone in the God-Transformation Stage means that his spiritual thoughts are extremely powerful, and he has almost come into contact with the mysteries of the Void Refining Realm in the late stage of God-Transformation.

However, Li Mu was able to refine seven divine clones at the same time, which shows that the intensity of his spiritual thoughts has far exceeded that of ordinary monks, reaching seven times, or even far exceeding this level. Originally, he thought that as long as he could find Li Mu's retreat place, he would have a chance to kill him with one strike, but now it seems that he should have gone to the Xuantian Sword Sect's spiritual place to retreat. Without Qixuan Sect, the Immortal Demon Lord would inevitably Some regrets.

Destroy Li Mu's seven divine clones?

Do not!
This is enough to alert the enemy!

Several thoughts flashed through the Immortal Demon Lord's mind, and he took a deep breath to suppress the thought.

A more comprehensive plan must be made, not only to find Li Mu's true form, but also to ensure that he can be killed with one blow without giving him any chance to react.

Looking at 'Ji Wuheng', he was lost in thought, without any interest in browsing the scenery of the sect.

The confusion on Lord Tianyan's face flashed away, and he looked at 'Ji Wuheng' with a smile and suggested. "Elder Ji, you have almost browsed through several important places in our sect. Next, I will take you to our sect's Scripture Collection Pavilion, where we have collected precious classics accumulated by our sect over thousands of years. It may be able to give you something to learn from. reward."

"Zangjing Pavilion, let's talk about it next time! Since Sect Master Li is still in seclusion, I will come to visit him when he comes out of seclusion. I also ask fellow Taoist people to inform me in time!" 'Ji Wuheng' said goodbye, although his face remained calm, but But I was quite irritable inside.

The real purpose of this visit to the Qixuan Sect has not yet been achieved, but the secret of Li Mu was discovered, so it was a worthwhile trip.

Seeing 'Ji Wuheng''s insistence, Lord Tianyan didn't want to force him, so he could only nod in agreement: "Since Elder Ji has something to do, I won't force you anymore. I will send someone to inform you immediately after Sect Master Li comes out of seclusion."

Ji Wuheng bowed again to express his thanks, then flew away swiftly.

Lord Tianyan watched the retreating figure of 'Ji Wuheng', with an indelible doubt flashing in his eyes. He then thought about it and felt that it was no big deal, so he put the matter down.

However, after a period of time, 'Ji Wuheng' came to visit frequently and made friends with him. He intentionally or unintentionally inquired about Li Mu's retreat situation and the location of the retreat. This made the Lord Tianyan wary.

In the Painting World Treasure Mansion, Lord Tianyan informed Li Mu of the movements of 'Ji Wuheng'.

"Oh! 'Ji Wuheng', I have met this person once. The process was not pleasant. Is the Ji family so anxious to refine Taoist weapons?"

Li Mu listened to Tianyan Divine Lord's narration, with a trace of memory flashing in his eyes. Back then, he killed Lord Kumu of the Ji family and offended the Ji family. Later, Ji Wuheng came forward to end it with him.

Li Mu was quite impressed by this person and hesitated whether to go out and meet him.

"The rankings of the eight major families commissioned to refine Taoist weapons have come out, and the Ji family ranks fourth. Logically speaking, we shouldn't be so anxious!" Divine Lord Tianyan frowned, and then thought of something, and said doubtfully: "This is the first time I've met this person. Elder Ji, I feel like there is a murderous intention coming from him, which is extremely terrifying, but it disappears very quickly."

Hearing this, Li Mu looked stern, and his nerves suddenly became tense.

According to the frontline information from Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen, they were already besieging the sealed land. However, the Immortal Demon Lord has not yet appeared and told him not to act rashly.

At this time, Ji Wuheng suddenly came to Qixuanzong so eagerly to ask for Taoist soldiers, and Li Mu couldn't help but have an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Let you take him around our sect?" Li Mu looked at Divine Lord Tianyan and asked him about the details of his reception of 'Ji Wuheng'.

"That's right! He seems to be exploring the secluded place of the sect master intentionally or unintentionally." Divine Lord Tianyan was keenly aware of it and reported it.

Li Mu frowned, feeling uneasy keenly. If this was the case, his seven divine clones hidden in the seven main peaks must have been exposed.

Li Mu frowned and pondered, and did not respond to Lord Tianyan for a long time.

"Sect Master, is there something wrong with this person?" Lord Tianyan looked at Li Mu with a solemn expression and asked with concern.

Li Mu looked up at Divine Lord Tianyan and replied: "It's not certain yet. If that Ji Wuheng comes again, pay a little attention when you deal with him. I suspect that maybe he is not just seeking Dao soldiers, but has another purpose."

Hearing this, Lord Tianyan was slightly startled, looked at Li Mu, and asked in surprise: "Sect Master, do you mean that this 'Elder Ji' has ill intentions towards you?"

"It's not impossible. I suspect that this person is related to the Immortal Demon Lord." Li Mu nodded and explained.

"Immortal Demon Lord, Fusion Realm Demon Cultivator, this is too dangerous!" When Lord Tianyan heard this name, his expression could not help but darken, and he couldn't help but become worried.

"Indeed, did he say when he will come next time? If you can't handle it, I will ask Elder Qiu to come and meet him in person as a puppet. I would like to see what he is selling in his gourd. Medicine." Li Mu said solemnly with a look of solemnity in his eyes.

Lord Tianyan frowned and responded: "Ji Wuheng didn't mention when he will come next time, but he seems quite eager. Maybe he won't wait too long. I will pay attention to his movements. Once he makes any move, Notify you immediately."

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned and pondered, passively waiting for 'Ji Wuheng' to come to the door. He was too passive. This unfavorable situation must be changed.

"There is no reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days. If you notify him of the appointment in one month, tell him that I have been released from seclusion, and invite him to come and see me." Li Mu thought for a while, rejected the proposal of Lord Tianyan, and arranged.

After hearing this, Divine Lord Tianyan flashed a hint of admiration in his eyes and nodded in agreement: "Okay, Sect Master, I will make arrangements right away."

As Lord Tianyan left, Li Mu appeared as a puppet, carrying the Painting Realm Treasure House and the sword to the Xuantian Sword Sect-Contribution Hall to seek help from Elder Qiu.

"Elder Qiu, I have something to ask of you." Li Mu stepped into the Contribution Hall, went straight to Qiu Yuanhong, and said straight to the point.

"Elder Li, you need my help for anything, but it doesn't matter." Qiu Yuanhong responded enthusiastically. As the supreme elder of the sect, Li Mu deserves the respect of Xuantian Sword Sect just for his ability to refine Tao weapons. If If you have any difficulties, you will definitely be able to help.

Li Mu told the story in detail, and expressed his worries and plans: "This 'Ji Wuheng' is probably related to the Immortal Demon Lord. This person has come to the door, and it must not be that simple. I hope Elder Qiu If you can help me, I will meet this Ji Wuheng for a while and see what his plans are."

After hearing this, Qiu Yuanhong frowned and said in a deep voice: "The Immortal Demon Lord is indeed a difficult person. I wonder who else in the sect can deal with this person." (End of Chapter)

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