As the consciousness of the Immortal Demon God gradually faded away, the terrifying pressure that shrouded the Demon Palace also dissipated, causing all the demon cultivators who had been under the weight of the terrifying aura to breathe a sigh of relief, and their tense nerves were relieved. A brief moment of relaxation.

After Gong sent away the Immortal Demon God's spiritual thoughts, several Demon Lords sat in a circle and looked at each other. Their faces were gloomy and their minds seemed particularly heavy.

The Blood Refining Demon Lord, dressed in a blood-red robe, with eyes as sharp as knives, stared at the immortal spirit of the Demon Lord Tianjue, and angrily called out his name: "Right now, we are in a dangerous situation surrounded by powerful enemies. You But you have caused us such huge trouble again, Tian Jue! You are really going to cause trouble for us!”

The Blood Refining Demon Lord's voice was full of strong dissatisfaction and accusation, like an icy cold wind biting the bones, causing the surrounding temperature to plummet.

The Shadow Demon Lord and the Soul-Eating Demon Lord also had expressionless faces and cold eyes. They were obviously extremely dissatisfied with what the Immortal Demon Lord had just reported to the Demon God.

The Immortal Demon Lord-Tian Jue is not a demon cultivator from the Demonic Abyss, but a native of the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm. He unexpectedly received a great opportunity and won the favor of the Immortal Demon God. He cultivated the Immortal Demon Art. With this By chance, he came from behind and rose rapidly, especially after the death of the Blood Demon Lord Dana, he became the leader of the demon lords and dominated them.

Now that the Immortal Demon Lord's body has been destroyed and his soul has been severely damaged, it is a good time to attack him. If they were not in the same camp and were suppressed by the demon gods above, they would not wait to take this opportunity to destroy the Immortal Demon Lord's body. The soul was devoured.

The Shadow Demon Lord was the first to attack. He said coldly: "It's up to you to deal with Tian Jue. Don't expect us to support you. We are already facing a powerful attack from the Xuantian Sword Sect and are under great pressure. No further distractions can be of any help to you.”

The Soul-Eating Demon Lord followed closely behind and said in an equally cold and ruthless manner: "That's right! Our first task is to defend against the Xuantian Sword Sect's attack. You should be able to deal with a mere god-forming monk!"

The Immortal Demon Lord Tian Jue did not show the slightest fear when faced with the accusations from the Blood Refining Demon Lord and the other two Demon Lords. He glanced at them lightly, with a sneer on his lips, not caring about their dissatisfaction.

"Three of you, don't be so excited. Just do what you want. You are responsible for resisting the Xuantian Sword Sect. I will take full responsibility for this person." The voice of the Immortal Demon Lord was calm, and a trace of unforgettable hatred flashed in his eyes. Big bag and big road.

"Ha! Are you responsible? If you can't solve this problem yourself, then the Demon God will blame me!" The Blood Refining Demon Lord smiled coldly, his tone full of sarcasm and doubt.

Tian Jue's current situation was that his body was destroyed and his soul was severely injured. It was almost an impossible task to go to Zhongzhou and deal with the god-forming monk under the protection of Xuantian Sword Sect. What he was more worried about was that if Tian Jue If they fail, the wrath of the Demon God will fall on all of them.

Faced with the Blood Refining Demon Lord's doubts, the Immortal Demon Lord showed a strange smile on his face.

"You can rest assured!" The Immortal Demon Lord looked at the three of them, his voice was calm and firm, and he said sternly: "Since I dare to take on this task, I naturally have my own plans. I still have the Immortal Demon Power and can restore my body. It won't take long, not to mention, that kid has confirmed that I have fallen, so he will definitely not be prepared. If a mere god-forming monk gets close to me, he will definitely die."

Hearing the words of the Immortal Demon Lord, the Blood Refining Demon Lord and the other two Demon Lords couldn't help but feel moved in their hearts. The Immortal Demon Lord Tianjue's strength is unfathomable. A mere god-forming monk, without the protection of the Xuantian Sword Sect, When he dealt with it, it was not easy to catch him.

"Okay! In that case, we will act according to your plan." The Blood Refining Demon Lord nodded, with a trace of fierceness flashing in his eyes, "However, I want to remind you that if you fail, the wrath of the Demon God will be It will be borne by you alone.”

"No problem!" The Immortal Demon Lord smiled faintly, looked at the three Demon Lords and signaled: "You can rest assured to resist the Xuantian Sword Sect's attack! Help me grab a Void Refining monk, I want to plant a demon and seize the body. , when I regain my body, I will make that person disappear from this world forever!”

The three demon lords responded to the request of the immortal demon lord, and they quickly adjusted their strategies. On the one hand, they led their troops to resist the fierce attack from the monks in Zhongzhou, and on the other hand, they secretly searched for suitable Void Refining monks as the targets of the immortal demon lord.


Zhongzhou Lingyu, Qixuan Sect, Sect Master's Mansion.

The atmosphere in the main hall of the clan was solemn and warm. Today, the heads of the eight major families came together to visit Li Mu.

After learning the news, Li Mu quickly walked out of the Painting World Treasure Mansion and appeared in the main hall to meet the clan leaders.

Entering the sect master's hall, Li Mu glanced at the eight clan leaders who had stood up, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showed a warm smile, raised his hands and saluted everyone and said, "Fellow clan leaders, welcome to the Qixuan Sect. Li is deeply honored and honored to be able to gather with you. one class."

"I've met Sect Leader Li!" All the clan leaders stood up and responded. They did not look down upon Li Mu's current cultivation of the gods, but showed great respect for him.

"Sect Master Li, you're welcome!" Kun Yuanba, the head of the Kun family, responded with a smile, his eyes showing appreciation and admiration for Li Mu.

Among the clan heads, Ji Zhantian, the head of the Ji family, took two steps to walk up to Li Mu, bowed and solemnly thanked him: "Thank you, clan leader Li, for eliminating a huge hidden danger for our Ji family. The elder of our clan, Ji Wuheng, was actually killed by the immortal demon." He was killed by his master and was replaced by him. He had no small plans and even attempted to murder Sect Master Li. It was really a heinous crime. Thanks to Sect Master Li, you saw through his face and eradicated him completely. You avenged Wu Heng. This My Ji family will always remember your kindness!”

Ji Zhantian expressed his admiration and gratitude to Li Mu in his words. If Li Mu had not discovered and eradicated the hidden danger of Wuheng in time, the Ji family would have fallen into an unprecedented crisis.

"That's true. Fortunately, Sect Master Li discovered the conspiracy of the 'Immortal Demon Lord' in advance. He must have come for the Cangyuan Secret Realm." Shangguan Family Head - Shangguan Yun

"Yes, according to the legend passed down by our ancestors, Cangyuan Concentration is indeed one of the great sealing formations for the passage between the two realms. If not, Sect Master Li discovered this beast, not only the Ji family, but also you and I would not be spared!" Nangong family Chang Nangong Lie agreed.

"That's right! As one of the great seal formations of the passage between the two realms, the importance of the Cangyuan Secret Realm is self-evident. Once the Immortal Demon Lord takes control of the Cangyuan Secret Realm, the consequences will be disastrous." Kun Yuanba agreed.

"The removal of the Immortal Demon Lord is the result of the three sword elders. Li doesn't dare to take the credit!" Li Mu laughed and responded humbly.

Then, Li Mu changed the subject, looked at the eight clan leaders, and asked with a smile: "Dear clan leaders, you are not here just for this matter, right?" Kun Yuanba, the head of the Kun family, has always been on good terms with Li Mu. He was the first to respond: "Sect Master Li, to be honest, we have already discussed it. If you are interested, our eight major families are willing to follow you to the Cangyuan Secret Realm."

Li Mu nodded slightly, turned to the other clan leaders, and confirmed, "Do you all have this intention?"

Nangong Lie nodded with a smile, but with a bit of solemnity in his tone: "What Chief Kun said is true. Our eight major families have indeed reached a consensus and are willing to go to Cangyuan Secret Realm with Sect Leader Li. However, there are two things that need to be explained in advance. , and asked Sect Leader Li to agree first."

"Clan Chief Nangong, please tell me, what do you need me to agree to first?" Li Mu asked in surprise with sharp eyes.

Nangong Lie took a deep breath, looked at Li Mu and said solemnly: "The secret realm of Cangyuan is the lifeline that our eight major families have guarded for generations. It is not only passed down by the ancestral precepts, but also closely related to the safety of this world. Therefore, we need to understand Sect Leader Li The real purpose of entering Cangyuan Secret Realm is that if it has no substantial negative impact on Cangyuan Secret Realm, we will naturally welcome Sect Master Li. If it may cause irreversible damage to the secret realm, even if Sect Master Li is the Supreme Elder of Xuantian Sword Sect, It’s hard for us to agree.”

It turns out that this is what happened, and what Nangong Lie said is understandable. After all, Cangyuan Secret Realm is something they control, and it is also a sub-formation of the seal between the two realms. It is reasonable for them to consider so many things.

Li Mu nodded slightly and expressed his understanding: "Li completely understands the concerns of the Nangong clan leader. I know the preciousness and importance of the Cangyuan Secret Realm better than anyone else. It is not only a treasure land rich in resources, but also a link between the two. The key to the balance of the world. Please rest assured, eight friends, that I will never do anything to harm the Cangyuan Secret Realm and threaten the safety of the two worlds."

After a pause, Li Mu then added: "I do have my own purposes for going to Cangyuan Secret Realm this time. But I assure you, these purposes are to better utilize the resources of the secret realm and ensure that its seals are not destroyed. structure!"

Hearing this, the eight clan leaders looked at Li Mu and waited for the next words.

"To be honest! Li knows more about Cangyuan Secret Realm and the Two Worlds Sealing Formation than you do!" Li Mu smiled slightly and said confidently: "The Two Worlds Sealing Formation is called the Chaos Sealing Formation. It is composed of seven sub-arrays: Earth Fiend Gathering Yin Formation, Tiangang Yang Gathering Formation, Shenshui Xuanling Formation, Qingmu Cangyuan Formation... The seven sub-formations are distributed throughout the Zhongzhou Spiritual Territory, the Far North Spiritual Territory, and the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Territory. Form a super large formation to seal off the two realms."

"After tens of thousands of years of accumulation and precipitation, each sub-formation has formed a unique spiritual land of the extreme realm. If what I expected is correct, the Cangyuan Secret Realm is a vast Muyuan Ultimate Realm. There, The green trees are prosperous, full of vitality, and contain endless power of wood."

Hearing this, the eight clan leaders looked at each other, and were all impressed by Li Mu's profound knowledge of formations.

"Indeed, Sect Master Li is indeed a master of both formations and weapons, and he is at the pinnacle of formations." Nangong Lie sincerely praised: "Master Li's understanding of the Chaos Sealing Formation and its various sub-formations makes the long-term guardian We in Cangyuan Secret Realm are ashamed of ourselves.”

Ji Zhantian nodded in agreement: "What Sect Master Li said is absolutely true. Cangyuan Secret Realm is indeed a Mu Yuan realm, with lush green trees and full of vitality. The power of Mu Yuan there is an irresistible temptation for cultivators! "

"I wonder, what does Sect Master Li plan to do when he enters the Cangyuan Secret Realm?" Zhao Family Head, Zhao Wuji, asked inquiringly.

Li Mu smiled and said: "This matter is easy to say. You also know that I am good at refining weapons and can refine seventh-level Tao swords. However, many of the spiritual trees required for these seventh-level Tao swords are rare. It is difficult to find them. It is no less than finding a needle in a haystack. It needs to be able to grow quickly in the Jimuling place. Therefore, I hope to establish a spiritual land in the secret realm and plant a batch of high-level spiritual plants without destroying the seal of Cangyuan Secret Realm. "

"Secondly, I also know that Cangyuan Secret Realm is a sub-array of the seal between the two realms, and its stability plays an extremely important role in the seal of the passage between the two realms. Therefore, I hope to use my formation skills to strengthen and improve the sealing formation in the secret realm. , to ensure that it can more firmly withstand the pressure of the two realms, prevent the seal from being broken, and the passage between the two realms is opened. "

Of course, this is just an excuse for Li Mu to explore the secret realm of Cangyuan. He can absorb the upgrading skills from the spiritual planting. The secret of the realm is his biggest reliance, and he must not tell others.

After listening to Li Mu's explanation, the eight clan leaders all breathed a sigh of relief.

Kun Yuanba quickly answered and said with certainty: "It's just planting some high-level spiritual plants, and the impact will not be big. Cangyuan Secret Realm is indeed as Sect Leader Li said. It is an extremely wood spiritual land with rich spiritual energy, which is very suitable for high-level spiritual plants." Root growth and how many high-level spiritual plants are planted will not only have no impact on Cangyuan Secret Realm, but will actually have some benefits."

Li Mu smiled and nodded, looked at Nangong Lie and asked with concern: "Chief Nangong, what is the second thing you said?"

Nangong Lie replied solemnly: "The second thing is about refining Tao weapons. After discussions between our families, the order of refining Tao weapons has been determined. However, Sect Master Li, you can refine a Tao weapon." It will take several years, and we urgently hope that Sect Leader Li can give a clear deadline."

"Now the activities of the Demon Abyss forces are becoming more and more rampant. The Immortal Demon Lord can even replace the Ji family elders. As the backbone of the guardian spirit realm, our eight major families must improve our strength as soon as possible to cope with the upcoming challenges." Zhao Wuji said solemnly. road.

"Indeed, Sect Master Li, we hope to get the Dao soldiers soon!" Shangguan Yun looked at Li Mu and said expectantly.

Li Mu nodded slightly, indicating that he understood their urgency. After thinking for a moment, he decided: "I understand your urgency. Regarding the deadline for refining Taoist weapons, I can make a clear commitment here. If Cangyuan Secret Realm is delimited, There is no problem with Lingdi. Within fifty years, I will definitely refine the Taoist weapons that each of the eight major families needs."

"Fifty years?" Nangong Lie, Zhao Wuji and others looked at each other. This number was shorter than they expected. Considering the complexity of refining Taoist weapons and Li Mu's weapon refining ability, they also felt that this was a relatively reasonable number. period.

The eight clan leaders looked at each other, nodded, and reached a consensus.

"Thank you, Sect Master Li. When do you plan to enter the Cangyuan Secret Realm?" Kun Yuanba looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

Hearing this, Li Mu was slightly happy and said: "Now that everyone has reached a consensus, you can prepare to enter the Cangyuan Secret Realm immediately."

Before meeting with the eight clan leaders, Li Mu used divination in advance to calculate his fortune. Without the Immortal Demon Lord lurking around and peeking in secret, this trip to Cangyuan Secret Realm was auspicious and smooth. (End of chapter)

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