Time flies, and twenty years pass by in a hurry.

After returning from Cangyuan Secret Realm, Li Mu plunged into the Painting World Treasure Mansion and began a long period of seclusion.

During the period of seclusion, Li Mu devoted all his efforts to refining Taoist weapons and fulfilled his promise to the eight major families to refine Taoist weapons. In his spare time, Li Mu would still visit the Lingshan Mountain of the Qixuan Sect and the seven kinds of five kinds of weapons planted on the seven main peaks. Level spirit plant.

Under the care of the seven divine clones, these spiritual plants grew vigorously, passed the fragile infancy stage, began to enter the growth stage, and gradually moved towards the maturity stage.

One day, Li Mu came out of the Painting World Treasure Mansion and appeared on the top of Golden Sword Peak, beside a field surrounded by thousands of souls.

Wherever you look, a golden sword chrysanthemum comes into view. The golden peak sword chrysanthemum comes like golden waves. It makes the sound of swords swaying in the wind, as if there are countless sharp swords dancing.

Under the gift of magical power - identifying all spirits, the attributes of Jinfeng Jianju were fully presented in Li Mu's eyes.

[Golden Edge Sword Chrysanthemum (Growth Stage)]

[Grade: fifth-grade spiritual plant]

[Characteristics: dazzling golden light, capable of breaking through strong points, restrained golden energy, self-generated sword energy]

[Status: Sword energy accompanies the body, Jinfeng sword intention accompanies the body, and growth is rapid]

[Jinfeng Sword Chrysanthemum, a fifth-level spiritual plant, naturally contains the sword energy of the metal system. The golden light is bright, and the sword energy accompanies the body. The age of planting: 72 years. Its growth needs: a place where the energy of gold and Yuan meet, the sword energy is accompanied, and the spiritual power is abundant. , Twenty years of growth, the sword intention begins to show, thirty years of sword leaves are sharp, fifty years of sword chrysanthemum blooms, the essence of sword intention is bred in the stamens, and the golden peak sword chrysanthemum has matured for a hundred years, is the basis for refining the golden soul pill. One of the core materials. 】

Li Mu bent down and gently touched one of the sword chrysanthemums, feeling the sword energy contained in it, and couldn't help but feel waves in his heart.

There are still twenty-eight years before this batch of spiritual plants will mature. The remaining spiritual plants planted in the six spiritual peaks are: Fire Scale Flame Fruit, Blue Spirit Moon Lotus, Yellow Veined Yun Fruit, Green Vine Spirit Sunflower, and Magic Yin Grass. , Yuyang Lingguo also matures in batches at about this time.

When these spiritual plants mature and he advances to the Void Refining Realm, Li Mu can't help but look forward to it.

At this time, a figure quietly appeared behind Li Mu. It was the avatar of the god stationed at Jinjian Peak. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle and his temperament was as cold as ice.

Li Mu turned around and his eyes met the avatar's. There seemed to be some invisible bond between the two. This avatar was not only an extension of Li Mu's power, but also the embodiment of his will and a part of his independent consciousness. However, it has always been loyally stationed at Jinjian Peak, guarding this land of spiritual plants.

"You're here." Li Mu said softly, with a bit of relief and gratitude in his voice.

The divine clone looked at Li Mu, was silent for a moment, and then gestured: "The disciple you asked me to lead has already advanced to the golden elixir level. How will we arrange for him next!"

Hearing this, Li Mu was suddenly enlightened and frowned. What was the name of the disciple who led the gold system clone? He tried hard to recall the name of that disciple, but it was a little blurry for a while. It seemed to be called Zhao Tianchen!
"Well...that disciple...if you don't want to take him with you, just let him go out for some training! You can concentrate on taking care of the spiritual field!" Li Mu thought for a moment, looked at the god clone, and gestured.

"Understood!" The divine clone nodded slightly, then it flashed slightly and disappeared from the spot.

Watching the gold-type clone leave, Li Mu's figure flashed and left, returning to the city lord's mansion.

When Li Mu entered the main hall, a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing came towards him. He was the Lord Tianyan.

When Lord Tianyan saw Li Mu, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He stepped forward quickly, with a friendly smile on his face, and asked with concern: "Sect Master, why are you free today? Aren't you in retreat? Is there anything important? thing?"

"It's almost time. I'm going to go out. After I leave, Qixuan Sect will leave it to you." Li Mu looked at Lord Tianyan and signaled.

Hearing this, Lord Tianyan was slightly startled and immediately understood what Li Mu was referring to.

"Sect Master, are you going to explore the Lingxu Blessed Island? It's so sudden. I think the reason for your death was to explore this island in the first place...!" Divine Lord Tianyan showed a solemn look on his face and quickly reminded him.

Lingxu Fu Island is far away from the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm. It is a mysterious place full of unknown dangers. The original God of Tianyan died because of exploring this place. Now Li Mu is going to find this place. This trip may be extremely dangerous.

Li Mu smiled slightly and said with confidence, "Don't worry, Fellow Taoist Tianyan. Although there are some risks in going to Lingxu Island, I am not unprepared. I have a detailed plan and will proceed with caution. "

The Lingxu Blessed Island is about to come out. No matter how great the danger is, Li Mu will find a way to overcome it and will never give up easily.

Now, there are only three places left to collect the seven extreme realms - the realm of extreme earth, the realm of extreme fire, and the realm of extreme sun. As for the other four extreme realms, Li Mu has successfully mastered them, not in the spiritual land. By placing a small teleportation array in the middle, you can have free access and hold them firmly in your hands.

The Realm of Extreme Fire is located in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain, and this area is currently in chaos. The battle between Sword Master Feng, Sword Master Chen and Mo Yuan's forces has been going on for decades. The two sides are evenly matched and have fallen into a stalemate. As the core of the competition between the two sides, the seal of the Realm of Extreme Fire has naturally become the focus of the competition between the two sides.

One can imagine how difficult it is to reach the realm of extreme fire.

There are no clues about the Extreme Yang Realm so far. Li Mu has entrusted the eight major families, Xuantian Sword Sect, and even Wanbao Pavilion and Tianji Tower to call on a large number of casual cultivators to search for its whereabouts. However, it seems that this extreme sun realm is covered by a mysterious force, and no matter how powerful the detection methods are, there is no trace of it.

The remaining Lingxu Blessed Island is most likely where the seal of the Extreme Earth Realm is located, and Li Mu must not miss it.

The seven spiritual realms in the extreme realm will be the key for Li Mu to plant high-level spiritual plants in the future. These spiritual realms carry his hope of advancing to a higher realm. For Li Mu, they not only represent abundant resources, but also The cornerstone of his future.

Nowadays, a large number of fifth-level spiritual plants are planted on the seven main peaks of Qixuan Sect. In order to nourish these spiritual plants and make them grow rapidly, not only a large amount of spiritual stones are consumed, but also a large amount of high-level auxiliary spiritual materials are needed for assistance. In a short time, In just a few decades, Li Mu spent an astronomical amount of spiritual stones, which could almost meet the consumption of a medium-sized sect for a hundred years.

In the past hundred years, Li Mu had spent almost everything he had in order to obtain these high-level auxiliary spiritual materials, investing all his worth into this huge project.

This is all due to Li Mu's extraordinary ability - the ability to earn spiritual stones by refining seventh-level Taoist weapons. It is this ability that allows Li Mu to continuously provide the nutrients needed for spiritual plants to grow rapidly. Others may already be unable to survive.

However, with the improvement of his cultivation level, Li Mu's needs are also increasing. When he enters the Void Refining Realm, the fifth-level spiritual plants will not be able to meet his needs. He must plant sixth-level and seventh-level spiritual plants in order to provide food for him. He continued to provide spiritual-planting attributes, allowing his cultivation to improve rapidly.

However, the auxiliary growth spiritual materials needed to plant these sixth- and seventh-level spiritual plants will be a terrible expense, which is definitely beyond what Li Mu can bear on his own. At this time, the importance of the seven extreme realm spiritual lands becomes particularly prominent. If we can cultivate spiritual fields in the extreme realm spiritual lands and plant these sixth- and seventh-level spiritual plants, not only will there be no need to consume any auxiliary spiritual materials, but it will also be extremely suitable for high-level spiritual plants. growth.

Therefore, the seven Extreme Realm Spiritual Lands are related to Li Mu's future path and are very important to him. He will make every effort to overcome all difficulties and collect the remaining Extreme Realm Spiritual Lands.

Seeing that he could not persuade Li Mu, Lord Tianyan had no choice but to sigh and support his wishes: "Sect Master, you have always thought carefully. Since you have decided, I will no longer persuade you. I wish you a smooth trip and an early return."

Li Mu nodded, then rose into the sky, and his figure gradually disappeared into the clouds.

Watching Li Mu's flying figure, Lord Tianyan's face darkened, his brows furrowed, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Lord Tianyan looked up at the formation pillars at the top of the seven main peaks of the Qixuan Sect, with an expression of excitement on his face, as if he had been looking forward to it for a long time, and was ready to implement some plan, but he was stumped by something, and his face showed embarrassment.

Lord Tianyan closed his eyes and seemed to be gathering all his thoughts. He stretched out his hands to count. His five fingers kept moving in the air, as if he was depicting an invisible pattern. The pattern flickered slightly in the air, emitting a faint golden light. .

"That's not right! Where is it!" Lord Tianyan murmured to himself, opened his eyes, and once again looked at the direction where Li Mu disappeared, with a trace of complicated emotions flashing in his eyes.

At this time, Li Mu had no idea about the strange behavior of Lord Tianyan.

After flying out of the Qixuan Sect, Li Mu released the Earth Spirit Ship and drove it, galloping above the clouds, all the way to the east.

Time flies, half a year has passed.

Li Mu piloted the Earth Spirit Ship across half of the Zhongzhou Spiritual Domain, and finally arrived at the Eastern Fantasy Sea where Lingxu Fukushima was located.

Li Mu stood calmly, his eyes like torches, looking at the turbulent phantom sea in front of him, his brows furrowed.

The Fantasy Sea is deep, and there are countless mysterious islands hidden in legends. Among them is the goal of his trip - Lingxu Blessed Island. However, finding an erratic island in the vast sea is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Li Mu could only rely on a purple jade slip and a sea compass to search aimlessly in the phantom sea. He controlled the flying boat, shuttled through the waves, and released his spiritual consciousness to search for the possible scent of the island.

A few days passed, and the traces of the Lingxu Blessed Land were as vague as smoke. Li Mu still found nothing. During this period, he discovered many islands. The residents on the islands made a living by catching sea beasts and spiritual fish.

Li Mu decided to find a nearby island to rest for a while and get some clues about Lingxu Island.

The sea breeze blows, and there are some simple fishing villages scattered on the island on the sparkling Magic Sea. The island cultivators make a living by catching spiritual fish and digging for spiritual pearls in the shallow sea, leading a simple and honest life.

Li Mu slowly landed in a fishing village on the island with his sword. Looking around, he saw that although the fishing village was small, it was clean and tidy, and the villagers were busy and orderly.

Li Mu lowered his sword and walked into the fishing village. The salty smell of sea water and the aroma of fresh fish hit his nostrils. Along with the high-pitched singing of fishermen in the distance, the entire fishing village was full of vitality and vitality.

Li Mu walked along the winding path. On both sides of the road were fishermen's nets drying and freshly caught seafood. Children were playing in the open space. Occasionally, a woman would poke her head out of the house and look at the stranger curiously. of visitors.

Li Mu walked into a simple but clean small teahouse and was greeted warmly by the waiter: "Guest, would you like tea or wine? We also have spirit fish soup here. How about a bowl of spirit fish soup to warm you up? Our island The specialty silver tail fish is delicious and can nourish the spiritual veins.”

"Okay, bring me a bowl." Li Mu nodded and sat down at a table by the window.

Not long after, the waiter placed a bowl of steaming fish soup in front of Li Mu.

While Li Mu was tasting the delicious spirit fish soup, he looked at the scene of the fishing village outside the window.

At this time, several fishermen dressed in coarse cloth were sitting around a table. They were talking and laughing loudly, discussing the recent harvest and the recent situation on the island.

"Old Wang, the red flame spirit fish you caught yesterday was really big. It sold a lot of spirit stones!" A fisherman with a beard on his face said excitedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just five souls." The white-haired old Yuming responded with a red face and a smile.

"Five fishes are already very good. Lao Wang, you are really a master of fishing in our village!" A young fisherman next to him said enviously.

"The number of spirit fish in the sea seems to have increased recently, and we have benefited from it." The old fisherman, known as Lao Wang, responded happily.

"That's true. However, some strange things have happened recently." Another young fisherman lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "I heard that over there on Dongyun Island, someone saw a yellow glow flying into the sky and lasting. All night long."

"Oh? There is such a strange thing?" All the fishermen showed surprised expressions.

"Yes, I've heard about it too. Some people say that the light beam is a precursor to the appearance of the Immortal Mansion, and some people say that it is some kind of monster causing trouble." The young fisherman nodded solemnly and said solemnly: "In short, Huanhai seems to be here recently. It’s not very peaceful. Please don’t leave the island casually.”

Li Mu's heart moved. He put down the bowl in his hand, stepped forward and asked, "Little brother, where did you see the yellow glow you mentioned? Where is Dongyun Island located?"

Seeing that Li Mu came to talk, but his cultivation was not weak, the young fisherman quickly responded respectfully: "Senior, I heard about the yellow glow from others. I can't tell the specific location. I just heard from some fishermen who returned from the deep sea. Mentioned, they said that the rays of light were dazzling, rising from the bottom of the sea to the sky, illuminating the entire sea area, as if a fairy palace was about to appear.

"As for Dongyun Island, it is located in the northeast of the Fantasy Sea. It is a relatively remote island with abundant spiritual energy and high-grade spiritual veins. There are many rare spiritual herbs and spiritual fish growing around it. This island is the Taoist Taoist Huangyun's dojo. "Generally, casual cultivators don't dare to land on the island easily," the young fisherman quickly added in detail.

"Well! Thank you for the designation, little brother!" Li Mu nodded gratefully, then took out two middle-grade spiritual stones from the Jiuzang Spiritual Pearl and threw them into his hand.

Li Mu secretly thought in his heart that if Lingxu Blessed Land appears in the world, it is often accompanied by various visions. This mysterious light beam may really be related to Lingxu Blessed Land.

Immediately, Li Mu hurriedly settled the bill, stood up with his sword, and flew towards Dongyun Island. (End of chapter)

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