Time flies by and half a month passes in the blink of an eye.

In the trial space, giant stone puppets that were hundreds of feet tall gathered in the center. They stomped down with their giant feet, making a series of earth-shattering noises. The entire space collapsed, and rubble and dust flew everywhere.

Under the siege of these behemoths, a tall figure with tremendous demonic energy shuttled among them. His movements were extremely strange and swift. Every movement was accompanied by the surge of demonic energy and the distortion of space, and he avoided the attacks of the giant puppets again and again.

The Immortal Demon Lord waved his hands, and a stream of Immortal Demonic Energy surged out like a sharp blade, colliding fiercely with the puppet's giant foot.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the Immortal Demon Lord was knocked away like a black cannonball. The giant feet of the stone puppet shattered and turned into countless flying fine sand.

The Immortal Demon Lord steadied his body in the air, and the Immortal Demonic Energy on his body surged, instantly healing his injuries. However, the severely damaged stone puppet also returned to its original state under the influence of the formation force.

At the same time, stone puppets came one after another from all directions, each emitting a heavy and terrifying aura.

A hint of coldness flashed in the eyes of the Immortal Demon Lord. He took a deep breath of demonic energy and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already arrived on the top of a stone puppet. He put his hands together, and the demonic energy condensed into a black demonic bead, which he smashed into the top of the stone puppet's head.

"Bang!" The head of the stone puppet exploded instantly, turning into countless pieces of gravel and dust. However, the other puppets seemed unaffected and continued to rush towards the Immortal Demon Lord.

The Immortal Demon Lord frowned, knowing that these puppets, under the blessing of the great formation here, had an endless supply of power that seemed to never run out.

Even a strong man like him would find it difficult to deal with such an opponent. If he could not find Li Mu as soon as possible and end this endless trial, even he would be exhausted to death in this trial formation by the endless attacks of these puppets.

"Where the hell is this guy hiding?"

The Immortal Demon Lord looked around with a sharp gaze, trying to find Li Mu's trace in this chaos. However, except for the stone puppets that kept approaching, there was no one in the trial space.

Within half a month, most of the trial participants in the trial space were killed by him, but Li Mu was still nowhere to be found.

Knowing that he possesses a magical treasure from a cave, if he wants to hide completely, it will be difficult to find him.

The Immortal Demon Lord couldn't help but feel annoyed. Where on earth was that guy hiding? He must be hiding in some corner, watching this battle with a sneer?

The pressure in the trial space was getting greater and greater, as if even the air had become heavy. The Immortal Demon Lord's expression remained grim, but his eyes moved rapidly as he thought of a countermeasure.

At this moment, a giant foot suddenly smashed down from the top of the Undying Demon Lord's head, carrying a destructive momentum. The Undying Demon Lord snorted coldly, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already at the side of the giant foot, swinging his fist and hitting it hard.


There was a loud bang, and the entire trial space was shaken. The Immortal Demon Lord's body shook slightly, but he stood firm immediately. The puppet was shaken back a few steps, and it was obvious that this attack had also caused a great impact on it.

The Immortal Demon Lord sneered, and his figure disappeared again, leaving behind a trail of afterimages flashing in the space. He continued to attack the giant puppets that were close to him, as fiercely as a storm.


Inside the Painting World Treasure House, the atmosphere was quiet and solemn. Li Mu sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, as if he was isolated from the outside world, but in fact, his consciousness was attached to a reconnaissance puppet, silently watching every move of the outside world.

Ever since Li Mu discovered the method to replenish the Earth Element Spiritual Power for the Earth Element Condensation Talisman, he decisively used a puppet substitute to conduct the trial. As for his original body, as well as Xue'er and the others, he took them into the Painting World Treasure House and hid there, ready to wait until the end of this inheritance trial.

However, just when Li Mu thought everything was under control and victory was certain, an unexpected discovery disrupted his plan.

The Immortal Demon Lord, the terrifying demon who had already died, was still alive and appeared in this trial space. Li Mu's heart was instantly filled with shock and he was extremely surprised.

Although the Immortal Demon Lord's figure and appearance had undergone tremendous changes, the lingering immortal demonic aura and the horrific scene of him slaughtering the Void Refining Monks one after another made Li Mu recognize his true identity at once and confirm that the other party was undoubtedly the Immortal Demon Lord.

Knowing the terrifying nature of the Immortal Demon Lord and the horrific scenes of him killing many Void-Refining Monks one after another, they were all like nightmares, deeply engraved in Li Mu's mind. The substitute puppet hid deeper and deeper, not daring to show up easily, for fear of being noticed by the Immortal Demon Lord.

Li Mu watched the Immortal Demon Lord fighting with the giant stone statues from afar through the perspective of the reconnaissance puppet. The giant stone statues were like ancient guardians, towering tall, and each of them exuded an ancient and mysterious aura. However, in front of the Immortal Demon Lord's monstrous demonic energy, these stone statues seemed vulnerable.

The Immortal Demon Lord was agile and full of demonic energy. Every attack he made carried the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. Under his attack, the giant stone statues collapsed one after another and turned into ruins. However, the Immortal Demon Lord did not seem to be satisfied with this. His eyes were full of violence, and his consciousness scanned everywhere again and again, as if searching for something.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, not knowing that he was coming for him.

Li Mu used his spiritual sense to control the reconnaissance puppet to retreat deeper into the area, while at the same time his mind raced, thinking of countermeasures to deal with the enemy.

The purpose of this trial is to obtain the legendary inheritance of the Taoist Master, but at this moment, survival has become the top priority. It is not impossible to erase the golden talisman and exit the trial space. However, it seems that one cannot save one's life.

Once he exits this trial space, it is inevitable that the Immortal Demon Lord will follow suit and perhaps also exit this space and continue to hunt him. It would be better to use this trial formation to eliminate the Immortal Demon Lord.

In this state, as long as he doesn’t hide, the Immortal Demon Lord will have to endure the continuous attacks from the magic circle puppets. Wait until he is exhausted and then take the opportunity to attack?
The Immortal Demon Lord must have something to rely on if he could chase here. Now is a good opportunity to solve this trouble and he cannot afford to retreat at all.

Li Mu took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with determination. After weighing the pros and cons, he had already made a decision. He decided to use the advantages of the trial array to consume the power of the Immortal Demon Lord as much as possible, and then look for an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow.

Time flies, and seven days have passed in the blink of an eye. In the trial space, the range of the stone puppets' activities has been compressed to the extreme. Their bodies have shrunk rapidly, and their attack power has become stronger. They were originally a hundred feet tall, but now they have shrunk to about ten feet. Their texture has changed from red sand to blue black rock, and their speed and attack power have been increased by dozens of times. Under the siege of the eighteen stone puppets, the Immortal Demon Lord's face turned ashen, and his immortal demonic energy was constantly being consumed. The wounds on his body were increasing. Every time he was hit by the stone puppets, he would roar in pain. However, the Immortal Demon Lord did not give up. With a crazy light flashing in his eyes, he waved his huge claws with demonic energy, stubbornly resisted the stone puppets, and tried to break through the siege of the stone puppets.

Li Mu hid in the dark, silently observing the battle situation. He knew that although the power of the Immortal Demon Lord was strong, it was almost gone after seven days of consumption. Now was the time to give him a fatal blow. He must not be allowed to escape from the trial formation easily.

Li Mu took a deep breath and controlled the nine substitute puppets to prepare to form a formation and launch an attack. However, at this moment, the Immortal Demon Lord suddenly roared, and the demonic energy on his body instantly surged, forming a black whirlwind that swept in the surrounding stone puppets and substitute puppets.

Li Mu was shocked. He didn't expect that the Immortal Demon Lord had such a powerful trump card, so he tried to postpone the attack. However, the black whirlwind was too strong, and several substitute puppets were swept into it, and they lost contact instantly.

"I found you. You are the rat that has been hiding its head but showing its tail. You finally showed up!"

The whirlwind of black demonic energy suddenly dissipated, and the Immortal Demon Lord walked out of it. The immortal demonic energy on his body was exhausted, but there was a gleam of joy in his eyes. Looking at the direction where Li Mu was, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

Li Mu's heart tightened and he took out the Wanjian Mountain, suspended it above his head, and exuded a sharp sword intent.

Seeing this scene, the Immortal Demon Lord laughed loudly, his laughter full of contempt: "Do you think you can compete with me with this Taoist weapon? Naive and ridiculous!"

Before he finished speaking, the Immortal Demon Lord sneered and waved his hands violently. Countless black demonic energy surged again, transforming into countless sharp demonic blades, sweeping towards Li Xi.

Li Mu's face was solemn. He recited the mantra silently in his heart and activated the power of Wanjian Mountain. Wanjian Mountain instantly burst into dazzling light. Countless sword energies rushed into the sky and collided with the magic blade of the Immortal Demon Lord.

The roar shook the earth. The black demonic energy and endless sword energy intertwined together to form strong energy fluctuations. Li Mu stood in the center of the storm, but was protected by the sword energy released by Wanjian Mountain and was temporarily unharmed.

What a powerful Taoist weapon, it has such a strong ability to protect its master.

When the Immortal Demon Lord saw this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it was immediately replaced by a stronger murderous intent.

If this child is not eliminated as soon as possible, he will become a serious concern in the future!

A strong sense of crisis surged in the heart of the Immortal Demon Lord. He no longer hesitated, formed seals with his hands, muttered something, and an even more powerful demonic energy began to emerge from his body.

Li Mu felt the power fluctuations of the Immortal Demon Lord's killing move, and his heart sank. He pushed the substitute puppet's true energy to the extreme, completely merging it with the power of Wan Jianshan.

I saw Wanjian Mountain releasing thousands of spiritual swords, which merged into one with its body. The light was dazzling, and it turned into a giant sword, emitting a sharp sword energy. In a flash, it slashed towards the Immortal Demon Lord.

The giant sword broke through the air, with earth-shaking momentum, and rushed straight towards the Immortal Demon Lord.

There was a gleam of ferocity in the eyes of the Immortal Demon Lord. He clasped his hands together, and the demonic energy gathered madly, transforming into a huge black ball of light, which collided violently with the giant sword.

With a loud "bang", the entire space trembled. The moment the black magic ball collided with the giant sword, a brilliant light burst out. Strong energy fluctuations spread out, tearing cracks in the surrounding ground.

With a "puff", Li Mu's body was severely damaged by this force. He retreated dozens of steps and his body disintegrated, turning into pieces of broken wood and falling down.

The Immortal Demon Lord floated in the air, staring at Li Mu, knowing that it was just a substitute puppet and the real main body had not yet appeared. He released his spiritual sense, as if searching for something.

Suddenly, the Immortal Demon Lord's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something. He instantly rushed towards the disintegrated substitute puppet and stretched out his hand to pick up a small emerald green bead. At this moment, the emerald green bead released endless suction.

With a "whoosh", the figure of the Immortal Demon Lord disappeared from the spot.

In the Painting World Treasure Palace, in a vast bamboo forest, Li Mu stood floating in the air, his face as calm as water, with Xue'er accompanying him, and Xiao Wa and Chi Lian revealing their true forms on his left and right. They stared at the Immortal Demon Lord opposite them with murderous intent.

“Hahaha, this is the treasure of the cave where you have been hiding. It is really good. It belongs to me.” The arrogant laughter of the Immortal Demon Lord echoed in the bamboo forest. He was in a dishevel and was suppressed by the power of the treasure house as soon as he appeared, but his eyes were flashing with greed and excitement. He looked around and his gaze finally fell on Li Mu opposite him. A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he could not suppress the joy in his heart.

Finally, the whereabouts of this kid's real body was found. It was worth it that he spent 80% of his strength and staged a self-torture drama, deliberately exposing flaws to lure Li Mu's substitute puppet to appear, and then tracked to the location of the Painting World Treasure House, all for the purpose of finding Li Mu's real body. However, it was all worth it.

"Can you trap me with this treasure from the cave? Today, I will let you see what the Demon Realm is like!" The Immortal Demon Lord roared, and demonic energy surged around him, like boiling dark magma, sweeping around.

Li Mu's expression remained unchanged, but a hint of determination flashed in his eyes. He quickly formed seals with his hands and injected spiritual power into the Painting World Treasure House with all his strength. Suddenly, the entire Painting World Treasure House was filled with a mysterious and powerful force. Countless bamboo leaves suddenly fluttered up and turned into sharp green sword qi, heading towards the Demonic Domain of the Immortal Demon Lord.

"Hmph, a mere trifle!" The Immortal Demon Lord looked down on them, and with his demonic energy surging, he defeated those green sword energies one by one. However, he soon discovered that these sword energies seemed to be endless. Every time he defeated one batch, a new batch would emerge.

The Immortal Demon Lord finally realized that this treasure from the cave was not as simple as he had thought before. Its foundation in this space was extremely powerful and he could not easily shake it. However, the Immortal Demon Lord was a powerful master in the combined form after all. With a thought, he immediately used other techniques to conquer the world.

At this moment, Li Mu suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis coming from behind him. The next moment, an incarnation of the Immortal Demon Lord suddenly appeared.

"Be careful!" Xue'er exclaimed, releasing the Huanling Lingbao and performing an illusion. At the same time, a red flame spewed out from Chi Lian's mouth and rushed straight towards the Immortal Demon Lord. Xiao Wa also turned into a stream of light and attacked the Immortal Demon Lord from the side.

Facing these attacks, the Immortal Demon Lord ignored them completely, with a ferocious look on his face. He only had Li Mu in his eyes, and wanted to kill him. The Immortal Demonic Energy condensed into a huge black claw, with destructive power, and grabbed Li Mu's head. (End of this chapter)

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