Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 464 Sword Breaks the Thunder Tribulation

In an instant, the spiritual veins of Tianyue Peak disappeared quickly like prey being swallowed by a giant mouth. However, at this moment, the heaven and earth seemed to be shaken by an invisible force. The originally peaceful and peaceful spiritual energy around Tianyue Peak suddenly fell into a frenzy, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The originally clear blue sky quickly turned gloomy. Thick dark clouds rolled and gathered like billowing black smoke. The howling wind passed through the valley, carrying endless anger and resentment.

The wild beasts in the forest felt as if doomsday was approaching and began to roar in fear. Birds circled overhead, making shrill cries, and the entire forest fell into chaos and unrest.

A terrifying pressure surged from the sky above Tianyue Peak. Countless thunderclouds gathered in the sky, and the violent spiritual power became sticky and heavy.

Li Mu was suspended in mid-air, looking up at the sudden thick thunderclouds, his brows furrowed, a hint of helplessness flashing in his eyes.

As the most precious treasure of the cave, the Painting World Treasure House has been spying on and stealing the spiritual veins of this world since it came from a domain, thus attracting the will of the heaven in this world. Just like a thief who sneaks into someone else's house and steals valuables, once discovered by the owner, he will inevitably suffer severe punishment.

However, the Painting World Treasure House did not seem to be shaken by the crisis at hand. It was like a bear greedy for honey, not afraid of the sting of the honey, and still devoted itself to the extraction of the spiritual veins of Tianyue Peak.

I saw a black hole-like gap appearing in front of it, emitting powerful spiritual light, which was aimed at the roots of the spiritual vein of Tianyue Peak and continuously absorbed into its body, as if a greedy dragon was devouring the river of life.

As the Painting World Treasure House frantically devoured the spiritual veins of Tianyue Peak, the terrifying pressure became more and more intense, and the thunderclouds above Tianyue Peak became more and more dense, rolling like boiling water, and the thunderclouds gathered rapidly.

The spiritual veins of Tianyue Peak were drained away, and the mountain began to tremble violently. Rocks rolled down, and the earth shook. The originally green forest gradually lost its vitality and became withered and dry, as if its vitality had been drained away.

Above Tianyue Peak, the dense dark clouds have formed a huge vortex, with thunder rumbling and lightning flashing, as if the end of the world has come, it is extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, with a "crack", the sky suddenly brightened, and a silver lightning rushed out from the thundercloud, like a giant dragon descending to the world, carrying the power to destroy the world, and rushed straight to the treasure house of the painting world.

The last time they dealt with the Immortal Demon Lord, the Painting World Treasure Mansion made great contributions, but they also suffered heavy damage. Now that they are hit by thunder again, it is undoubtedly adding insult to injury.

Li Mu would not sit idly by. Before the thunderbolt fell, he took out a spiritual tool for overcoming the tribulation from the Nine Treasures and Six Pearls, a spherical net-shaped spiritual tool - the lightning ball, and quickly sacrificed it, instantly enveloping the Painting World Treasure House.

This lightning ball was carefully crafted by Li Mu based on the "Faraday cage" effect. Its surface flashed with silver metallic light and quickly magnified dozens of times, firmly protecting the Painting World Palace in the center.

Whenever lightning strikes the Tribulation Ball, it can only spark a dazzling flash of lightning, but cannot reach the Painting World Treasure Palace inside. No matter how fierce the lightning is, the Lightning Ball always sticks to its duty and provides solid protection for the Painting World Treasure Palace.

However, the will of heaven did not seem to be satisfied with attacking the Painting World Treasure Palace. It noticed Li Mu's protection of the Painting World Treasure Palace, so it turned its target to Li Mu himself.

An invisible thunder dragon emerged from the thundercloud, its eyes flashing with lightning, and locked its eyes tightly on Li Mu, making him feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Li Mu was shocked. He understood that this was a warning from the Will of Heaven to him. It seemed to tell him that if he continued to protect the Painting World Treasure House, he himself would also become the target of attack by the Will of Heaven.

Faced with the warning from the will of heaven, Li Mu was silent for a moment and resolutely prepared to resist to the end.

Cultivating immortals is an act that goes against heaven's will. There is nothing to be afraid of!

A trace of determination flashed in Li Mu's eyes. He quickly formed seals with his hands and quickly activated the Nine-Tibet Spirit Pearl, and then summoned another lightning ball to protect himself. At the same time, he controlled the two lightning balls at the same time, outputting spiritual power to strengthen the protective power of the two lightning balls.

The thunder tribulation of the will of heaven is indeed difficult to match, but the treasure house of the painting world is equally important to Li Mu, and he cannot sit idly by and watch it be damaged.

Li Mu's actions angered the will of heaven. The thunder dragon roared out of the thundercloud, carrying the power to destroy the world, and slammed down towards the treasure house of the painting world. Li Mu was also enveloped in it.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the Thunder Dragon hit the Tribulation Ball hard, and a dazzling light burst out. Li Mu only felt a huge force coming, and his body flew backwards involuntarily.

However, this was only a test of the will of heaven, and there should be even more violent lightning strikes waiting for him next.

Sure enough, before Li Mu could catch his breath, the second, third, fourth,... sturdy thunder dragons emerged from the thundercloud one after another and bombarded him and the Painting World Treasure Palace.

For a moment, thunder rumbled and lightning flashed on Tianyue Peak, which became the center of Lei Ze. In this center, Li Mu and the Tribulation Ball jointly guarded the Painting World Treasure House and resisted the attack of the Heavenly Stage.

Not long after, the two lightning balls were completely melted under the bombardment of the endless thunder of the thunder tribulation, and turned into points of light that dissipated in the air.

Li Mu didn't think about anything else and summoned out the Taoist sword Wanjianshan to resist the thunder tribulation.

The next moment, a green hill appeared in front of Li Mu, magnified thousands of times. Thunder bombarded the mountain, but it was difficult to shake it at all.

At the same time, the ten thousand spiritual swords rooted in Wanjian Mountain seemed to be enraged by the lightning, and they made a continuous "buzzing" sound. They were like awakened dragons, breaking free from the mountain one after another, and transformed into dazzling sword energy, rushing straight into the sky.

A trace of determination flashed across Li Mu's eyes. He took a deep breath and used all his strength to mobilize the true energy in his body to bless Wanjian Mountain, almost pouring all his true energy into this attack.

As Li Mu's true energy surged in, Wanjian Mountain began to shake violently, and tens of thousands of spirit swords were given life. Under the guidance of Wanjian Mountain, they danced lightly in the air, interweaving into an enormous sword net.

Li Mu drove the Wanjian Mountain and set up the Xuantian Wanjian Formation, preparing to destroy the thunderclouds with the power of the sword formation.

Once the Xuantian Ten Thousand Swords Formation was activated, it condensed Li Mu's will and quickly gathered together to form a huge sword dragon, which made the raging thunder seem to tremble.

Sensing Li Mu's rebellious behavior, the will of heaven was enraged, the power of thunder became more violent, huge thunderclouds rolled, releasing more terrifying thunder than before, and giant silver dragons coiled in the sky and gathered rapidly.

Li Mu's eyes were determined. Facing the wrath of the will of Heaven, he was not afraid at all. He exerted the power of Wanjian Mountain to the extreme. The sword net became tighter and the sword energy became sharper.

"Kill!" Li Mu shouted, his voice resounding through the sky. Ten thousand swords were fired at the same time, turning into dazzling sword lights, rushing straight into the thundercloud.

In an instant, countless sword energies and thunderbolts collided fiercely in the air, bursting out with dazzling light and deafening roars. However, the thunderbolts of the will of the Heavenly Dao seemed endless, constantly bombarding the Xuantian Ten Thousand Swords Formation. Li Mu felt the increasing pressure from the Heavenly Dao, but he did not retreat, instead he aroused a stronger fighting spirit.

Lines of sword energy emerged from thousands of swords, condensing Li Mu's firm will and engaging in a fierce confrontation with the thunder.

As time went by, Li Mu gradually gained the upper hand. Ten thousand swords were sharp and their sword energy was unmatched. They shuttled back and forth in the thunderclouds like spirits, while the sharp schools of fish danced in the storm, stirring up the thunderclouds.

Li Mu was suspended in the air, his Five Elements Taoist body clearly revealed, with colorful light flowing on his body. He was concentrating on controlling the Ten Thousand Swords Mountain, guiding the confrontation between the Ten Thousand Swords and the Thunder.

In the thunderclouds, thunder dragons roared, carrying the power to destroy the world. They intercepted thousands of spiritual swords, and constantly collided and stirred with the sword energy. The violent thunder energy destroyed them crazily, venting its power angrily.

As time went by, although the thunder in the thunderclouds was still fierce, under the invasion of the Xuantian Ten Thousand Swords Formation, their offensive began to gradually become chaotic, and the thunder showed a trace of fatigue.

Seeing this, Li Mu was delighted, knowing that the balance of victory was tilting towards him.

However, just when Li Mu thought he was about to succeed, the Will of Heaven did not seem to intend to give up. The scattered thunderclouds gathered again under the blessing of the Will of Heaven, and the sound of thunder became more frequent, as if foreshadowing that an even more powerful thunder tribulation was about to come.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu's face showed a solemn look. Without retreating at all, he hurriedly took out a large number of high-level elixirs from the storage space, swallowed them all into his stomach, and used all his strength to practice the Soul-Devouring Health-Preserving Technique to try to recover the true energy that had been severely consumed before.

The elixirs dissolved in Li Mu's body, transforming into pure energy that flowed into his meridians and dantian, nourishing his body.

Li Mu felt that his strength was gradually recovering, but he also knew in his heart that relying on these elixirs alone was far from enough. As a seventh-level Taoist soldier, Wan Jianshan was extremely powerful, but if he wanted to continue to manipulate it to exert its full power, even if he practiced the five elements of yin and yang, he still felt powerless.

At this moment, the Painting World Treasure House devoured the spiritual vein of Tianyue Peak, and the spirit of the instrument appeared, its spirituality greatly increased, and it turned into a colorful dragon. The colorful dragon circled and danced in the sky, emitting brilliant light.

A colorful dragon hovered above Li Mu's head, its scales sparkling with bright light, as if containing endless mysteries. It suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a breath of pure spiritual power, which poured down like a waterfall, enveloping Li Mu.

Li Mu's spirits lifted, and he immediately felt the power of this spiritual energy. It was like a sweet spring, quickly nourishing his exhausted meridians and dantian. The true energy in his body quickly recovered under the nourishment of this spiritual energy, and even became several times stronger than before.

Li Mu's eyes lit up. The feedback from the spirit of the Painting World Treasure House gave him a great boost of confidence. The quality of his true essence increased several times. With the technology of Wan Jianshan's Taoist weapon, he was confident that he could destroy this small thundercloud.

Li Mu took a deep breath of the essence between heaven and earth, concentrated his mind, and danced his fingers rapidly in the void, creating a wonderful resonance with the Ten Thousand Swords. He used all his strength to activate the Ten Thousand Swords Mountain, guiding the Ten Thousand Swords to weave into the Xuantian Ten Thousand Swords Formation again.

This time, Li Mu poured all his true energy into the sword formation without reservation, which enhanced the power of the Xuantian Ten Thousand Swords Formation unprecedentedly.

Under the nourishment of powerful true energy, thousands of spiritual swords emitted a dazzling light. The sword energy was powerful and sharp, and the light was strong enough to illuminate the entire thundercloud, making the originally dark sky bright.

Facing the gathering thunderclouds and more intense thunder, Li Mu's eyes flashed with determination. He knew that the next sword would be the ultimate showdown between him and the will of heaven. The success or failure of this sword would not only determine his life and death, but also the fate of the Painting World Treasure House.

Li Mu gripped his sword tightly, staring intently at the thunderclouds in the sky.

Thunderclouds in the sky brewed to a critical moment, gradually forming a dark vortex, emitting a heart-pounding pressure. The thunder rumbled and was deafening, as if it was going to drown the world in endless roars.

Facing the terrifying thunderclouds, Li Mu remained unmoved. He had only one belief in his heart - to cut through the thunderclouds.

"Kill!" Li Mu shouted, his voice full of determination.

As his shout fell, ten thousand swords rang out in unison, as if ten thousand dragons were coming out to sea, with tremendous momentum. Ten thousand spiritual swords quickly gathered in the air and merged into a gigantic sword a thousand feet long. The sword energy was like a rainbow, pointing straight at the thunderclouds in the sky.

The thousand-foot-long sword instantly pierced through the thundercloud, rushed into the thundercloud, and slashed wildly, emitting huge and sharp sword energy, as if cutting a pancake, and slashed at the thundercloud wildly.

Accompanied by a deafening roar and bursts of lightning, the terrifying vortex thundercloud was gradually broken up by the countless blows of the giant sword, and a huge hole appeared.

The holes in the thunderclouds grew larger and larger, and the gathered thunderclouds soon broke apart. The cracks expanded rapidly, and eventually, the entire thundercloud was torn into countless pieces. The power of the Heavenly Will was no longer able to continue gathering the thunderclouds, and the thunderbolts began to dissipate at this moment.

As the thunderclouds dissipated, the sky returned to tranquility again. The sun shone through the clouds onto the earth, bringing a touch of warmth to the mountains that had been ravaged by lightning.

Li Mu was suspended in the air, panting, his face pale, and it looked like his true energy had been greatly depleted.

However, looking at the record he had created, Li Mu couldn't help but reveal a victorious smile on his face, knowing that he had successfully resisted the heavenly calamity and protected the treasure house of the painting world.

Li Mu smiled slightly and gently patted the Wanjian Mountain beside him. This mysterious mountain seemed to be in tune with his thoughts and trembled slightly with his thoughts.

A sword energy quickly spread out from Wanjian Mountain, like a giant net, covering the thousands of spiritual swords in the sky.

Under the guidance of this sword energy, thousands of spirit swords made clear sword sounds, just like thousands of birds returning to their nests, rushing towards the direction of Wanjian Mountain. Each spirit sword exuded a dazzling light, and they drew beautiful arcs in the air, and finally inserted steadily into Wanjian Mountain.

With the return of the last spiritual sword, Wanjian Mountain once again returned to peace.

Li Mu put away Wan Jianshan and set his eyes on the spirit of the artifact in the Painting World Treasure House.

The artifact spirit of the Painting World Treasure House sensed the dissipation of the thunderclouds and flew happily around Li Mu. After drawing an entire top-grade spiritual vein, it was rejuvenated with new vitality. The colorful scales sparkled with charming light in the sun, as if telling of endless joy.

Li Mu smiled slightly. His innate magical power, the All-Spirit Identification, allowed him to clearly sense that the Painting World Treasure House had entered a state of rapid recovery, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. (End of this chapter)

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