Time flies, and it seems like two days have passed.

Li Mu found the flaw in the restriction and waved his hand suddenly. A bright sword light cut through the void and directly penetrated the restriction. With a loud "bang", the restriction of the formation suddenly stopped.

As the restraining force stagnated, a red door suddenly opened in the space ahead. Li Mu rushed in without hesitation.

Soon, a vast and boundless underground space of extreme yang appeared before his eyes. In the flowing river of 'magma', various yang-type spiritual herbs grew. These spiritual herbs, nourished by the extreme yang energy, emitted dazzling spiritual light, like mountains of gold and silver, which dazzled Li Mu.

Under the innate supernatural power - identifying all spirits, the top-grade positive spiritual realms of various medicinal spirits appeared in Li Mu's eyes one by one.

【Yangyan Jinzhi】

[Grade: Seventh-Level Spiritual Plant]

[Features: Essence of Yangyan, unique golden mushroom, full of vitality. ]

[A Yangyan Golden Ganoderma nurtured by the essence of Yangyan, the medicinal age is 13,000 years. It is a very Yang spiritual realm, containing the vitality and vigor of the blazing Yang. It is the top material for refining Yang attribute and body refining pills. ]

On the Yangyan River, rows of glittering golden mushrooms stand quietly. They bathe in the river of extreme sun, and their leaves sparkle with golden flames, as if a ball of eternal flame is dancing.

Every leaf of the Yangyan Golden Ganoderma contains a powerful Yang fire force, as if it can ignite everything around it. The roots are deeply rooted in the "river of magma", absorbing the essence of Yangyan, and the whole plant is full of vitality.

For practitioners, Yangyan Jinzhi is an extremely precious treasure with unique medicinal effects. It can quickly improve the Yang attribute of practitioners, and at the same time it can also enhance their physical strength and vitality. Therefore, every time Yangyan Jinzhi appears, it will attract countless practitioners to compete and pursue it.

In addition to the Yangyan Golden Ganoderma, there are also more than a dozen seventh-level yang-type spiritual plants: Yanghuang Spiritual Grass, Chiyang Spiritual Flower, ... and so on, not to mention the other sixth-level and fifth-level yang-attribute spiritual plants. For a moment, Li Mu was overwhelmed with joy and dazzled.

Li Mu took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and began to pick these spiritual plants. At the same time, he started to cultivate the spiritual land, preparing to plant a large area of ​​yang-type spiritual plants here.

After several days of hard work, Li Mu finally reclaimed a piece of spiritual plants in this extremely sunny place and planted a large area of ​​spiritual plants, including the seventh-level Yanghuang spiritual grass and the sixth-level Puyang scale grass, etc.

Looking at this spiritual land full of vitality, Li Mu's heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment. This spiritual land would be an important aid in his future cultivation path. Now, six of the seven extreme places have been gathered, and only the extreme fire land is missing. They have all been opened up into spiritual fields, planted with high-level spiritual plants, and arranged with teleportation arrays and protective arrays. They only need to be taken care of from time to time, and do not need to spend too much energy to manage.

When these spiritual plants mature and absorb massive amounts of spiritual energy, it will be the time for him to break through the fusion realm and even advance to the Mahayana realm.

Li Mu frowned and thought deeply, calculating the next plan. The Land of Extreme Fire was related to the final success or failure. If Master Feng and his men could not take down the seal this time, he would need to prepare in advance and find another fire area to simulate the growth space of spiritual plants in the Land of Extreme Fire.

After restoring the restrictions of the Jiyang Sealing Array, Li Mu returned to the Yinyang Valley for a short rest, then piloted the Earth Element Spirit Ship back to the Ancient City.

When Li Mu piloted the Earth Element Spirit Ship back to the Ancient City, the atmosphere in the city was more tense than ever before. A solemn and murderous aura permeated the air, as if foreshadowing an impending storm.

Seeing Li Mu return, Fang Yunjian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Elder Li, you are finally back." Fang Yunjian stepped forward and asked with concern: "How was your trip? Was it going well?"

"The trip went quite smoothly. Thank you for your concern, Deacon Fang." Li Mu replied with a slight smile. He glanced around and felt the solemn and murderous aura. He knew in his heart that the Xuantian Sword Sect was preparing for the upcoming war.

"What's the situation in the city? How are Master Feng and the elders preparing? Is there anything big happening?" Li Mu looked at Fang Yunjian and asked with concern.

"The Sword Master and the Sword Elders have been researching a suitable sword formation for some time." Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu and answered solemnly, then continued: "But the arrangement of the sword formation has encountered considerable difficulties. Arranging the sword formation requires a very high degree of tacit understanding and coordination, which is not easy to do."

Li Mu nodded in understanding. The higher the level of the cultivator, the purer the sword nature. It is indeed not an easy task to fuse multiple sword cultivators into a whole and unleash the powerful power of the sword formation.

Whether the sword formation can be set up is related to the success or failure of the attack on the Extreme Fire Realm. The Extreme Fire Realm is extremely important to Li Mu, so he naturally cannot sit idly by.

Li Mu pondered for a moment and said, "I have also heard about the difficulty of the sword formation. The core of the sword formation lies in unity and resonance. Perhaps we can start from these two aspects."

"Oh? How to unify and resonate? What does Elder Li think?" After hearing what Li Mu said, Fang Yunjian's heart moved and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

Li Mu explained: "First, unify the sword intent. Every sword cultivator has his own unique sword intent, but the sword formation needs a unified sword intent to lead. We can select a sword cultivator with the most profound sword intent and the ability to influence others as the core of the sword formation, and he will unify everyone's sword intent."

"Secondly, resonant sword energy. The sword energy in the sword formation needs to echo each other to form a powerful force. Through specific training methods and techniques, other elders can cooperate with the resonant sword energy so that their sword energy can merge with each other and exert a stronger power."

After hearing this, Fang Yunjian's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, saying thoughtfully: "Elder Li is right! However, it is not easy to achieve these two points."

Li Mu nodded, and then added: "Of course it is difficult, but we can use some external forces to assist in the arrangement of the sword formation. For example, taking some special elixirs, such as Tongxin Dan and Lianyi Dan. These elixirs have the effect of uniting the heart and soul, which can enhance the tacit understanding between them."

Fang Yunjian was overjoyed after hearing this: "Elder Li is really well-informed. He even knows the effects of this special elixir very well. There must be no problem with the arrangement of the sword formation this time!"

Li Mu smiled slightly and responded modestly: "Deacon Fang, thank you for your praise. I still need to discuss this matter with the Sword Master and the elders to see what their opinions are."

Fang Yunjian nodded repeatedly and left in a hurry.

Li Mu walked towards the Wanbao Pavilion in the Ancient City and began to prepare for refining the elixir.

Of course, Li Mu was not refining special elixirs like Tongxin Dan and Lianyi Dan for Master Feng Jian and the others. Instead, he was refining Guixu Dan for advancing to the Lianxu realm and condensing the spirit transformation and distraction.

The Ningshen Yuan Fruit was obtained in the Cangyuan Secret Realm, and the Jiuxu Ganoderma Lucidum was obtained in Lingxu Fudao. These two are the main ingredients for refining the Guixu Pill. Li Mu has also collected most of the remaining auxiliary spiritual herbs. Only two main herbs are left, and perhaps a few auxiliary herbs can be collected in the Huanggu City.

Xuantian Sword Sect has other alchemy masters who make alchemy for Feng Jianzhu and others. Li Mu dare not expose his ability as an alchemy master in front of them. On the other side, Fang Yunjian was very excited after listening to Li Mu's suggestion. Li Mu's proposal was undoubtedly a timely help for the sword formation that was about to be arranged.

Fang Yunjian hurried to the meeting hall where Master Feng was.

"Master, Yun Jian wants to see you!"

Inside the main hall, Sword Master Feng was discussing matters concerning the sword formation with several elders. Fang Yunjian bowed respectfully and then stepped forward.

"Well! What's the matter!" Sword Master Feng frowned and looked at Fang Yunjian in confusion.

"Elder Li has returned safely and brought back some good news." Fang Yunjian gestured quickly.

Hearing this, Master Feng's expression eased a little. He valued Li Mu very much, so he immediately stopped blaming Fang Yunjian for interrupting him. He glanced at him, signaling him to speak quickly.

Fang Yunjian walked up to Master Feng and told him everything that Li Mu had proposed. He described in detail the core of the sword formation that Li Mu had proposed, as well as the special elixir-assisted solutions, and the possible help these solutions could bring to the arrangement of the sword formation.

Master Feng and several elders listened attentively and nodded in agreement from time to time.

Especially when Master Feng heard Li Mu suggest using a special elixir to enhance their tacit understanding, a hint of surprise and joy flashed in his eyes.

"Wonderful! Elder Li is not only a master of weapon refining skills, but he also has profound insights into the art of sword formations. How amazing!" Elder Yun Yi exclaimed.

"Indeed, you can even think of using the method of Tongxin Pill. I am ashamed of myself for Elder Li's understanding of the sword formation!" Elder Gu Yun nodded repeatedly, praising him.

"Yes, his suggestion is very practical. If it can be successfully implemented, our sword formation will surely succeed." Xiao Shuang's face was full of joy and he echoed.

A glimmer of approval flashed in Sword Master Feng's eyes, and he valued Li Mu more and more. He always showed unexpected excellence, for example, he discovered the Blood Demon Lord - Dana, and used the method of escaping from the shell. Another example is that he excavated several extreme places for the Xuantian Sword Sect, the realm of dark water, the realm of extreme yin,... Over the years, no one could make such great contributions to the sect in such a short period of time as he did.

"Hahaha, Elder Li is indeed a talented person. His suggestion is crucial to the arrangement of the sword formation. We should act as soon as possible and put his suggestion into practice." Sword Master Feng looked at everyone and nodded with a hearty laugh.

"The Sword Master is wise!" Several elders responded in unison.

Master Feng turned to look at Fang Yunjian: "Yunjian, go and ask Li Mu to come over immediately. We need to discuss this matter with him in detail."

Fang Yunjian responded and turned to leave.

Soon, Fang Yunjian brought Li Mu, who looked sullen, to the main hall. Li Mu had just walked into Wanbao Pavilion and was about to ask the store owner to help collect some spiritual medicines when Fang Yunjian came over and took him to the meeting hall.

Li Mu walked into the hall and saluted Master Feng Jian and several elders.

Master Feng smiled and nodded, indicating that he didn't need to be polite.

"Elder Li, we have discussed your proposal in detail and we all agree that it is very feasible." Sword Master Feng looked at Li Mu with a smile and went straight to the point in his praise.

"Master Sword, you are too kind. I am just doing my best to contribute to the sect." Li Mu responded modestly.

"Okay, let's stop being polite." Sword Master Feng changed the subject, "Now, we need to discuss in detail how to implement your proposal. First, regarding the issue of unified sword intent, which sword cultivator do you think is most suitable to be the core of the sword formation?"

"I wonder, Sword Master, what kind of sword formation the other elders have chosen?" Li Mu looked at Sword Master Feng and asked curiously.

"In this attack on the sealed land, the opponent is most likely a demon god, so we have selected several sword formations as alternatives, namely: Tiangang Sword Formation, Dragon Snake Sword Formation, Seven Star Sword Formation, and Bagua Sword Formation." Sword Master Feng looked at Li Mu and replied.

"The Dragon Snake Sword Formation is inspired by the dance of dragons and snakes. This sword formation is composed of nine sword cultivators, five of whom simulate dragons and four simulate snakes. The dragon-shaped sword cultivators are mainly defensive, with sword intent like a dragon, steady as a mountain, protecting the center of the sword formation; the snake-shaped sword cultivators are mainly offensive, with sword intent like a snake, agile and swift, wandering around the edge of the sword formation, waiting for an opportunity to move. Once the sword formation is activated, the dragon and snake will combine to attack and defend at the same time, with infinite power.

"Seven-star Sword Formation: This sword formation is composed of seven sword cultivators, representing the seven stars of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang, and each carries a different sword intent and responsibility."

"Eight Trigrams Sword Formation: It brings together eight sword cultivators, representing the eight trigrams Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui. According to the principles of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the eight trigrams, the sword intentions are transferred and coordinated. This sword formation can both attack and defend, with many variations and strong power."

"Tiangang Sword Formation: Six combined sword cultivators and thirty refining sword cultivators are deployed together according to the positions of the Tiangang stars to form a huge sword field. This sword formation is extremely powerful. Once it is activated, even the demon gods will find it difficult to resist."

Feng Jian explained in detail the characteristics and power of several alternative sword formations, and then asked: "Which sword formation do you think is suitable for our operation this time? Combined with the several methods you mentioned, how can we maximize the power of the sword formation?"

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned and fell into deep thought. Among these sword formations, except for the Dragon Snake Sword Formation, which he knew a little about, he was quite familiar with the remaining three. If he was asked to set up one alone, it would be a piece of cake. However, if multiple people cooperated, the difficulty was really very high.

"There are too many people cooperating in the Tiangang Sword Formation, and their cultivation levels are different. This sword formation can be abandoned for now." Li Mu pondered for a moment and suggested.

Hearing this, Sword Master Feng and the elders looked at each other and nodded in unison. With the method of achieving tacit understanding like the Tongxin Pill, there was a better choice, and the Tiangang Sword Formation could indeed be eliminated.

After careful consideration, Li Mu continued, "To deal with a powerful enemy like the Demon God, we need a sword formation that can both defend and attack. The Seven Star Sword Formation and the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation both meet this requirement. The Dragon Snake Sword Formation is flexible and suitable for dealing with various situations."

"However, the performance of these three sword formations each has its own characteristics, number of people required, and sword formation attributes. Sword Master, I would like to ask, I wonder if there are enough people to participate in the formation this time, and what kind of skills are they practicing?" Li Mu looked at Sword Master Feng and asked with concern.

In view of Li Mu's profound and unique insights into the sword formation, Sword Master Feng responded to his question without hesitation and introduced in detail, "This time, the formation will be arranged by me, Sword Master Chen, Yun Yi, Xiao Shuang, and several other sword elders. We will dispatch nine combined sword cultivators to clear the Demon Abyss forces out of this world in one go. The attributes of the skills we practice are respectively..."

Several sword elders at the scene looked at each other sideways, and could not help but be somewhat surprised at how much Sword Master Feng valued Li Mu. (End of this chapter)

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