After leaving Wanbao Pavilion, Li Mu did not follow Fang Yunjian back to the Xuantian Sword Sect's headquarters, but bid farewell to Fang Yunjian and expressed his intention to find another place to refine weapons.

"Elder Li, the Southern Wilderness Spirit Realm is no longer as peaceful as it once was, and it is full of dangers. Why don't you stay in the sect's headquarters for a while to ensure your safety?" Fang Yunjian frowned slightly, his words revealing his concern for Li Mu's safety.

Li Mu smiled slightly, his eyes flashing with determination. "Thank you for your kindness, Deacon Fang, but I have chosen a hidden and safe place where no one can disturb me while I am refining. If Deacon Fang has something important to talk to me about, I can use the token to send the message."

"In that case, Elder Li, please be careful." Seeing that Li Mu was determined to leave and knowing that he had a strong character, Fang Yunjian stopped trying to persuade him.

Afterwards, Li Mu turned around and released the Earth Yuan Spirit Ship. He controlled the Earth Yuan Spirit Ship like a flash of lightning that streaked across the sky and rushed towards the direction of Yin Yang Valley.

Soon, the Earth Yuan Spirit Ship landed in the Yin Yang Valley. Li Mu flashed and flew out of the spirit ship. He put away the Earth Yuan Spirit Ship and released the Square House, a spiritual device for traveling. The space inside was vast enough to accommodate more than a dozen cultivators to live and practice.

Li Mu placed the square house in the Yin Yang Valley, and then activated the original protective formation around it to ensure the safety of the spiritual valley.

Li Mu entered the weapon refining room in the square house and took out the Painting World Treasure House. His figure flashed and he disappeared on the spot.

In the Painting World Treasure House, in the weapon refining room, Li Mu pondered for a moment and summoned the Purple Gold Fire Phoenix - Extreme Yang Spirit Fire. Its figure circled in the air and quickly condensed into a blazing Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace.

If you want to achieve success, you must first sharpen your tools.

Before refining the Guixu Pill, Li Mu planned to first refine an alchemy furnace to assist in refining the pill.

Refining tools and refining elixirs have the same goal. Through the power of spiritual fire, spiritual materials and medicines are tempered to allow their spirituality to interact. However, compared to the roughness of the early stage of tool refining, the complexity of the layout of the tools in the middle stage, and the precision of the condensation of tool patterns in the later stage, refining elixirs pays more attention to the tempering and fusion of the medicinal properties of the elixirs, as well as the subtle control of the temperature. The formation of elixir patterns is the essence of alchemy. It condenses the essence and spirituality of the elixir and is the embodiment of the quality of the elixir.

Therefore, if the alchemy process is assisted by a high-quality alchemy furnace, it will greatly improve the success rate of alchemy and the quality of the elixir.

Li Mu invested his spiritual consciousness into the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl and selected spiritual materials suitable for refining the alchemy furnace. At the same time, his mind raced as he conceived the array and patterns of the alchemy furnace.

Soon, Li Mu selected a suitable spiritual material for the alchemy furnace, a seventh-level - star gold core. It originated from the galaxy left behind when the outer stars collapsed. It contains the power of the stars and its essence is extremely rich.

Li Mu planned to use it as the foundation, combined with other sixth-level spiritual materials, to refine a sixth-level alchemy furnace assisted by the power of the stars.

The power of the stars is gentle and restrained, which is suitable for alchemy. It provides stable and pure firepower to ensure that the various medicinal properties can be perfectly integrated during the alchemy process, remove impurities and improve quality.

Li Mu sat cross-legged, formed seals with his hands, and slowly placed the star gold core into the sky fire refining furnace for refining.

A few days later, the star gold core melted in the Heavenly Fire Alchemy Furnace, turning into a dazzling silver molten liquid with starlight flickering on the surface, like a pouring galaxy. As Li Mu's mind moved, the other sixth-level spiritual materials also flew into the furnace one by one and began to rotate around the star gold core.

Li Mu was fully focused, running his profound cultivation in his body. He locked his mind firmly on the furnace and used his magical power of refining equipment - Divine Refining and Melting Souls. Like an ingenious craftsman, he used his mind to guide the silver molten liquid, which slowly deformed according to his ideas and gradually condensed into the initial form of the alchemy furnace.

Not long after, the embryo of the alchemy furnace in the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace gradually took shape. The furnace body was round, with a diameter of about three feet, and the surface was covered with a layer of delicate silver lines. These lines seemed to be natural star patterns, flowing and changing with the flickering of the furnace fire, sparkling with a charming luster.

The furnace cover is hemispherical, with a small star stone inlaid in the center, which emits a soft light, adding a touch of mystery to the alchemy furnace. The furnace cover is also engraved with complex runes, which are the arrays carefully designed by the alchemist, and can guide the power of the stars to provide stable firepower for the alchemy process.

The bottom of the alchemy furnace is supported by three legs, and a winding spiritual pattern is connected between the three legs. This spiritual pattern is like a small galaxy, shining brightly under the reflection of the furnace fire. The tips of the three legs are inlaid with tiny star fragments, which can not only stabilize the center of gravity of the alchemy furnace, but also provide additional star power for the alchemy furnace.

There are ninety-nine and eighty-one star spirit beads inlaid on the furnace body. They echo with the golden cores of the stars in the sky and together constitute the instrument array of the alchemy furnace. They emit a faint light, which complements the silver lines on the furnace body, making the entire alchemy furnace mysterious and solemn, exuding a strong breath of the stars.

Li Mu nodded slightly. The embryo of the alchemy furnace had taken shape and the array inside the furnace had been completed. The next step was to condense the patterns and give it unique star laws and spirituality.

Li Mu took a deep breath, clasped his hands together, and sent a huge amount of spiritual power into the Sky Fire Refining Furnace. He once again used his refining magical power - the weapon pattern formed a force. Using his divine thoughts as a pen and his spiritual power as ink, he began to condense the star weapon pattern in the alchemy furnace.

Different from previous alchemy, this time Li Mu focused on the properties of stars. He wanted to create an alchemy furnace that was completely centered on the power of stars.

The first star pattern - star protection, gives the alchemy furnace powerful protection capabilities, protecting it from external interference and ensuring the purity and stability of the alchemy process.

The second star pattern - Star Spirit Gathering. This pattern can attract the power of the surrounding stars and gather it in the alchemy furnace, providing a continuous supply of energy support for alchemy.

The third star pattern - star purification, enables the alchemy furnace to remove impurities and purify medicinal properties during the alchemy process, ensuring the quality of the refined elixir is excellent.

The fourth star pattern - star acceleration, can speed up the process of alchemy and improve the efficiency of alchemy, allowing alchemists to refine more pills in a shorter time.

The fifth star pattern - star self-purification. This pattern gives the alchemy furnace the ability to self-clean. After refining the elixir, there is no need for manual cleaning. The alchemy furnace can restore itself to be as clean as new.


Inside the Heavenly Fire Alchemy Furnace, the silver alchemy furnace shone with dazzling starlight, representing the formation of star patterns one by one. As the engraving of star patterns was completed, a clear and pleasant bell sound suddenly rang out in the alchemy furnace, clear and melodious, indicating that an alchemy furnace was about to be perfectly born.

When the patterns in the alchemy furnace embryo gradually stabilized, Li Mu did not stop, and continued to display his magical power of refining equipment - the spirit of the equipment, and output his true essence with all his strength, activating the equipment array patterns in the alchemy furnace and forming star equipment potential, making the array patterns and equipment patterns in the alchemy furnace intertwined and echoed with each other, forming a mysterious and stable structure inside it, thus nurturing the spirit of the equipment. It is not only the core of the alchemy furnace, but also the embodiment of the law of the stars, giving the alchemy furnace a powerful spirituality.

Finally, after several days of hard work, the energy of the alchemy furnace in the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace was condensed to the extreme, and a strong spiritual fluctuation emanated from the alchemy furnace, as if a life was quietly awakening in the furnace. Li Mu's eyes flashed with joy, knowing that the spirit of the instrument was about to be born, and this alchemy furnace would be completely completed.

As the spirit of the artifact awakened, the star patterns on the surface of the alchemy furnace began to flow, as if there was life beating there.

The star stone on the furnace cover shone brightly, illuminating the entire alchemy room. The galaxy spirit pattern between the three legs of the furnace bottom also seemed to be activated, emitting a faint light, which complemented the silver lines on the furnace body, creating a beautiful scene.

Li Mu waved his hand to release the Sky Fire Refining Furnace, and the Extreme Yang Sky Fire transformed into a small purple-gold fire phoenix, which spread its wings and landed on his shoulder.

"Chirp!" The purple-gold fire phoenix called out to Li Mu twice as if asking for credit, showing great spirituality.

Li Mu smiled slightly, took out a sixth-level fire spiritual material from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and fed it to it.

Seeing the sixth-level fire spiritual material in Li Mu's hand, the purple-gold fire phoenix's eyes flashed with excitement. It opened its small beak, pecked lightly, and swallowed the spiritual material into its stomach. As the spiritual material entered its body, the flames around the purple-gold fire phoenix became hotter and brighter, as if it had received great nourishment.

Then, the Extreme Yang Heavenly Fire drilled into Li Mu's body and disappeared without a trace.

Li Mu smiled slightly, his eyes fell on the alchemy furnace in front of him. Under his innate magical power - identifying all spirits, its attributes appeared before him.


[Grade: Sixth-grade superior alchemy furnace]

[Features: Star power gathering, bright stars, furnace rhyme stars, star fire, star protection. ]

[Status: Furnace spirit awakened, star power full]

[This alchemy furnace is made of a seventh-level star gold core, supplemented by sixth-level star sand, combined with silver moon stone marrow, hematite crystal and other sixth-level spiritual materials, and refined with heavenly fire to form a sixth-level star alchemy furnace. This furnace is good at gathering the power of stars. The elixir refined contains the essence of vast stars. It can teleport the location of the elixir, and use the stars to protect the entire process of alchemy, ensuring that each elixir is as bright as a star and of excellent quality. ]

Li Mu nodded with satisfaction, reached out and gently touched the furnace body, and the wonderful feeling of the scorching temperature and the power of the stars instantly surged into his heart.

Li Mu closed his eyes slightly, then poured part of his spiritual thoughts into it. After a moment, he successfully refined it.

Li Mu opened his eyes, his eyes sparkling with joy, and felt that he had established an unprecedented connection with the alchemy furnace. He gently patted the furnace and said with a happy smile: "From now on, you will be called Xinghui Treasure Furnace! Become my right-hand man in alchemy!"

With a "hum", the Starlight Furnace seemed to understand Li Mu's words and vibrated. A brighter starlight flashed on the furnace, celebrating the birth of the new name. It spread out a large amount of brilliant star power, illuminating the entire alchemy room like daylight.

Li Mu placed the Xinghui Treasure Furnace in front of him, sat cross-legged, took out a bottle of Huiyuan Dan and a bottle of Taiqing Ningshen Dan from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, poured out two elixirs and put them into his mouth.

The pill melted in his mouth as a rich spiritual power instantly surged into his limbs and bones. Li Mu closed his eyes and concentrated on practicing the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Sutra and the Nebula Visualization Method to restore his true essence and spiritual consciousness to their peak state.

Next, Li Mu prepared to try to refine the Guixu Pill.

Guixu Pill is a seventh-level Dao Pill. Although Qingyangzi explained the recipe and refining process in great detail, Li Mu was unsure as it was his first time refining a seventh-level Dao Pill. It required extremely high spiritual power and a large amount of true energy support, so he did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

After all the conditions were restored, Li Mu's mind moved, and the Starlight Treasure Furnace lit up. The special alchemy fire in the furnace, with the blessing of the massive star power, appeared out of thin air, slowly rose, and the temperature slowly increased. The Starlight Alchemy Furnace began to preheat.

Li Mu silently paid attention to the state of the fire, his mind completely immersed in the process of refining the elixir.

According to Qing Yangzi's instructions, first put the Jiuxu Lingzhi into the furnace, quench it, and liquefy it.
I saw that the Nine-Void Ganoderma was in the furnace, and the Star Furnace Fire emitted a faint glow, as if it had life, swaying gently in the furnace. As the Nine-Void Ganoderma liquefied in the furnace, the essence contained in it began to be gradually released, filling the furnace and forming a faint fragrance.

Li Mu concentrated his mind and calmed his breath, feeling the charm of the fragrance, and his heart was full of anticipation for the Guixu Pill that he was about to refine.

Then, Li Mu took out the purple gold spiritual flower from the Jiuzang Lingzhu again and put it into the furnace carefully. As soon as the purple gold spiritual flower entered the furnace, it merged with the liquefied essence of the Jiuxu Ganoderma lucidum. The aroma in the furnace became more intense, as if a mysterious power was quietly brewing.

At this time, the temperature had reached a critical moment. Li Mu took a deep breath and concentrated on controlling the Starlight Furnace. He saw the sparks in the furnace rising again, and the temperature gradually increased. The essence of the elixir in the furnace began to react miraculously under the roasting of the flames.

The higher the level of the spiritual weapon in refining, the more complicated the steps are. Taking the seventh-level Taoist weapon as an example, the steps are: refining spiritual materials, refining the weapon embryo, laying out the weapon array, condensing the weapon pattern, shaping the weapon array, activating the weapon spirit, accumulating Taoist principles, and so on.

The process of alchemy is similar to that of refining tools. Although the specific steps and materials are different, the core rhythm and principles are the same. Take the refining of the seventh-level Daodan as an example. The steps of alchemy are: the first step - refining the spiritual medicine. In the alchemy furnace, the rare spiritual medicine is refined to remove the impurities and extract the purest medicinal essence. In this process, the alchemist needs to have a deep knowledge of medicinal properties and pharmacology, as well as precise control of the alchemy fire.

The second step - refining the medicine liquid. The refined essence of the spiritual medicine is carefully blended under a specific fire, and gradually integrated into a liquid medicine stock solution. During this process, the alchemist has an in-depth understanding of the conflict and fusion of the medicinal properties between the spiritual medicines to ensure the stability and purity of the stock solution.

The third step - combining the pills. The amount of a furnace of elixir varies. After the original liquid of the elixir is formed, it is necessary to judge and decide the final number of pills according to the characteristics and medicinal properties of the elixir, and divide the original liquid into several portions, each of which contains the same medicinal power and medicinal properties. This step requires the alchemist to have extremely high judgment and control to ensure that each pill can achieve the expected effect.

With Li Mu's divine power, he could barely control the furnace of Guixu Pills and condense them into three Guixu Pills. However, the difficulty of refining the pills would increase threefold in the next few steps. (End of this chapter)

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