Chapter 87

Over the next year or so, coastal countries all over the world suffered the second round of attacks from awakened marine creatures. However, the tide was repelled in the face of the extremely rapid development of kinetic energy weapons.

Although during this period, nearly ten countries were paid the price of destruction.

Of course, these extinct countries are all small countries with less developed technology and military strength.

The research on kinetic energy weapons has not been carried out. After encountering a large number of fire-type creatures that gradually surfaced in the ocean, the advantages of thermal weapons have gradually been wiped out. In the end, they could not resist the attack of awakened marine creatures, so they had to abandon their homes.

Since then, the earth has entered a relatively peaceful stage of stalemate. Ocean awakened creatures and human beings are always tentatively attacking and defending. The world situation has gradually turned into a war similar to two civilizations.

As the world's energy concentration continues to rise, the strength and number of transcendents are also increasing. According to incomplete statistics, the number of transcendents registered in country H has exceeded [-].

Among them, there are 12 people who have clearly broken through the fourth level of the extraordinary, and more than two thousand people who have broken through the third level of the extraordinary. A dragon and tiger list was created to rank these high-level transcendents. Although it caused a series of controversies, it was slowly accepted by everyone in the end.

When the official website saw such a situation, under the hint of the country behind it, a sub-page with extraordinary ranking was directly established on the official website, which aroused huge heated discussions for a while.

As of January 2028, 1, the total number of people in the fourth rank in the extraordinary ranking of Chaofan Information Network has reached 1.

In addition, 17 third-order transcendents with outstanding strength formed the list of gods, which means that these 100 people are blessed by the gods, so they have such an incredible speed of awakening.

You know, there are only more than 70 Transcendent fourth-order living creatures that have clear records so far. Although there may be more fourth-order existences in the deep sea, on the bright side, humans have won.

And in the leaderboard, Tianshu from the Security Bureau ranks first, because he is the only person who has clearly killed the extraordinary fourth-order marine life so far.

The reason was that the electromagnetic cannon system in a station in the South China Sea was damaged, causing the electromagnetic cannon to be unable to fire normally, and it happened to be invaded by a marine awakened creature of the fourth level of the fire system. Although this creature was not as terrifying as the Balrog, But just in case, Tianshu directly threw the shell of the electromagnetic cannon with his hands, and the bullet of the electromagnetic cannon flying out at supersonic speed directly killed the fourth-order extraordinary on the opposite side.

It has been more than three years since Tianshu stepped into the fourth level of the extraordinary. He is the first batch of people in the world to enter the fourth level of the extraordinary, and he has been stationed at the energy node of the research institute. As of today, his body has entered the first level. In this saturated state, the energy concentration of the world needs to be increased again to continue to increase.

And although Shen Yueying is in Qinglian Mountain, a place where the cultivation environment is better than the energy node, she has not yet broken through to the fourth level.

However, Shen Yueying also brought some surprises to Shen Luoxing. She actually awakened two attributes, and just like the Balrog, Shen Yueying's two attributes can also be increased. Tianshu's special operations team is responsible for supporting various coastal areas.

In this year, Shen Yueying also gained a lot of fame, and she was even defined as the 85th in the extraordinary list.

This has also caused great repercussions in the country.

All in all, the extraordinary have gradually replaced the previous stars and become the new generation's sought-after belief.


"Brother, are we really going to do this? That's Shen Yueying. If we do this, if we are found out, we will definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame in the future."

In Linzhou City, in a dimly lit room, a rather fat young man asked an older and thinner man beside him.

While asking the fat man, he waved his hands anxiously, indicating that he didn't want to do this.

"Three hmph, I'm not talking about you. This era is an extraordinary era after all. There's no need to care so much about ordinary people's opinions. As long as we are strong enough, then we have a chance to get whatever we want."

The thin man sighed, and said to the fat man in a tone of hatred.

"No, brother, the problem is that we can't beat her. If we are found out, we won't be crushed by her. I'm still young, and I don't want to die young like this." The fat man hesitated and said Expressed his true thoughts.

"Hey, what are you worried about? My brother has already made inquiries. On the [-]rd of next month, Shen Yueying will go with Tianshu to carry out the mission. The other two people on the mountain also have something to go down the mountain. We have a full day. As long as your hands and feet are quick, you won't be discovered."

The thin man took out his phone and opened the security bureau's intranet, found the task column, and pulled it to the bottom. It clearly recorded the recent tasks that all members had to perform.

Although the specific tasks of others cannot be queried, the members who perform the tasks can still be clearly found.

Among the six missions at the bottom, Shen Yueying participated in one of them, and the mission list at the bottom to search for energy nodes in the mountains happened to include two cousins ​​from Qinglian Mountain.

"Look, don't you feel relieved now? As long as we are prepared, this will definitely happen."

"I checked. There is no energy node on Qinglian Mountain. The Shen family has been staying on the mountain, and they can still improve their strength. It must be because there is some treasure on the mountain. As long as we can find this treasure, coupled with the foundation of our talented people, extraordinary The number one spot on the leaderboard will be ours, and by then we won’t be able to have anything we want.”

The thin man showed a smug smile as he spoke, as if he had fantasized about his future.

"Brother Shan, I listened to you. What should we do then? I listen to you." The fat man seemed to be moved by the future scene that the thin man said, so he directly complied.

On March 3, the fat and thin couple set off from Linzhou City, trekking all the way to Qinglian Mountain from the mountains and forests.

Because both of them are awakened, their physical fitness has also become beyond ordinary people with the deepening of their awakening. The iconic building has already appeared.

This is a former ancient building and also the location of the old Shenjiazhuang, which was once listed as a cultural heritage.

The two brothers crossed this uninhabited village and temporarily lived in the mountain temple at the foot of the mountain.

As long as they wait for the arrival of tomorrow, the two of them can quickly become stronger and welcome their new life!

(End of this chapter)

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