China Entertainment: The happiness of being a director is as simple as that

Chapter 396 The violent little dragon girl is online!

Chapter 396 The violent little dragon girl is online!
At this point in the movie, the first short paragraph about the background introduction is over.

At this point, only 3 minutes of the movie have passed!

Monsters, mechas, aliens.

A fantastic setting has been revealed.

With top-notch production standards.

The pressure of a giant thing overflows the screen.

Countless movie fans are extremely excited.

This is what he calls a blockbuster film!

The setting is novel and the special effects are top-notch.

The visual perception explodes.

So it’s not like we can’t make Hollywood-level movies.

It's just that Lu Ping'an is doing it.

Many people are already predicting that the era of real blockbusters for domestic films may have just begun.
At this moment, everyone puts aside whether the movie is domestically produced, how awesome the 3D technology is, and how much box office the movie will win in the future.

Just talking about the plot of the movie can already make them look forward to it.

So there is only one thing to do next, and that is to enjoy the movie and put the rest aside.

The video continues and gets to the point.

2023, a certain base, two o'clock in the morning.

As the alarm sounded, a level three monster attacked, and Shaq (Matt Damon), who was still sleeping, was immediately awakened. He quickly got up and woke up his sleeping brother Hawk (guest star Heath Ledger) to let him know. He quickly got dressed and prepared for the mission.

The two of them were in a relatively relaxed state. They just looked like they were about to be late for work. They couldn't tell that there was a monster attacking outside. On the contrary, the protagonist was very excited about it because the third-level monster was the largest so far. If he successfully attacked Retreating it would be a real achievement.

Attentive viewers have discovered that this point has actually been explained before, that is, "victory is too easy for humans."

Now the same is true for the brothers. Before this mission, they had killed four monsters.

So there is basically no tension about the new monsters that don’t have anything special.

The two were in high spirits and began to enter the mecha "Danger Wanderer".

As the passionate background music "Pacific Rim" from "Pacific Rim" played, a series of mecha shots flashed by that made the audience hooked.

The movie then explained the setting of the connection between the driver and the mecha, that is, the sympathetic transmission of neurons.

Then under the command of "General", the neurons of the two people completed the connection, and the mecha started.

The huge Danger Wanderer cut through the waves and moved forward in the sea. With the upward shots, the sense of oppression was overwhelming, and the battle soon began.

Then the scene shifts to the sea, where a fishing boat detects an abnormality on the radar. It turns out that a monster is attacking.

The huge monster made the audience in the theater instantly tense.

Fortunately, the Wanderer appeared at this time and rescued the fishing boat with a big hand.

Senior movie fans have now realized that this is a tribute to a certain movie.

Which movie is coming?

Forget it, let’s watch a movie first.

Then the battle between mechas and monsters officially began.

Seeing this scene, many people can only use one word to describe it, that is shocking!

In the film, the storm on the sea never stopped.

Heavy rain poured down and huge waves flew.

The two giants punched each other hard.

The speakers in the theater rumbled loudly.

This kind of look and feel is definitely unprecedented in previous domestic blockbusters.

Even many Hollywood blockbusters are not so "lively".

At this moment, everyone’s vision and hearing are satisfied as never before.

Under such extreme conditions, every move of the two giants appeared to be full of strength and extremely dangerous.

Then the plot took a turn for the worse. The monster was defeated, but it was a feigned defeat, and then it rose up and severely damaged the Wanderer.

"Brother" Hawke was also killed by the monster. Before being dragged away by the monster, Hawke used a set of smooth moves to disconnect the protagonist's brother, so that he could not be implicated and save his life.
In fact, when we got here, the mentality of many domestic colleagues actually changed again. At first, they thought that they would just follow this path in the future. This is the code of wealth.

But now, this wealth code seems a bit hot!

They expressed deep doubts whether such clips were produced by the Xingchen team themselves, or whether most of them relied on foreign aid.

How can pure domestic special effects be so awesome?
Before this, most of Lu Pingan's strengths were in ordinary movie techniques.

Either the plot is great, or the artistic level is high.

The only one who is really technically strong is "1937".

But "1937" is not about special effects, but more about photography, editing and scheduling.

In the past, Ping An Lu also showed its greatness in special effects.

But there is no reference.

In "Wonderful Night 1" and "Source Code", the special effects shots only last a few minutes, and they are all embellishments.

And the level of special effects is not particularly strong.

In their words, as long as they are willing to pay Hollywood to do it, it can be done.

But now, "Pacific Rim" almost fills the screen with special effects.

How much does it cost him?According to the cost of "Huantasma" of US$7000 million, it is absolutely impossible to do.

So either the cost was faked, or Xingchen really had his own team and solved most of the special effects problems.

Everyone leans towards the latter.

So if you really do it yourself, then the level of special effects production is simply not on the same level as that in China.

Has Xingchen’s strength really reached this point?

There was a sense of powerlessness in the eyes of my colleagues.

They felt that they had thought about Lu Ping'an and Xingchen enough before.

As a result, Lu Ping An is still exceeding expectations.
The film continues, and what follows is a standard Hollywood plot.

The protagonist survived the mission, but was disheartened and participated in the construction of the living wall alone and anonymously for five years.

In the past five years, the mechas have been defeated steadily due to the evolving monsters. Therefore, the world government decided to abandon the "Hunter Project" and instead began to focus on building the Wall of Life.

However, this so-called impregnable wall of life was broken by a re-evolved monster in one blow, and Sydney suffered heavy losses.

At a time of crisis, the "General" led the remaining mechas to defeat the monsters again, and the "Hunter Plan" entered the second stage, which was to destroy the teleportation wormhole.

Because of this, the protagonist, who had been wandering for five years, was recalled again in Alaska.

The protagonist who returns to the team again meets his future partner at the Xiangjiang base, the general's assistant and reserve pilot Xixi, played by Liu Qianqian.

Short-haired Liu Qianqian looks like a little rabbit at first glance.

In the words of the other actors present, it was a "vase."

The protagonist also thinks so.

But soon everyone will be slapped in the face.

After introducing a series of character environments in the base, the protagonist mecha appears next.

The dark red and gray mecha has the shape of ancient Chinese armor.

Overall, it looks more powerful like a Saint Seiya.

Anyway, super handsome!

As soon as the mecha appeared, it received awe from male audiences at premieres across the country.

Then the protagonist started her training career. It was also at this time that the heroine showed her extraordinary strength.

When Liu Qianqian took off her coat and left only her vest on the training ground, Liu Qianqian's fans were all amazed.

Liu Qianxi actually has muscles!

On the big screen, Liu Qianqian stood sideways with a short stick, wearing military trousers, a vest and short hair.

The muscles on the arms, deltoid muscles and the looming muscles in the abdomen cannot be seen as special effects at all.

Look at her look again.

Compared with the image at the beginning where he was wearing bulky clothes that covered his whole body, holding documents in front of his chest with both hands, looking like a scared little white rabbit.

At this time, Sissi's eyes were sharp and she looked down upon the male protagonist, feeling that dealing with him was like dealing with an ant.

The key is that she really has this strength!
When the sparring started, that is, the fight started, the heroine started to fight with fists and fists, without any pretense, which was completely different from the elegant little dragon girl in "The Condor".

This whole thing is a violent little dragon girl!

One second she was soft and weak.

The next second I will call you with a big fist.

That contrast.

Simply so!

Countless fans of Liu Qianqian are very excited.

Liu Qianqian can actually play such a role?
So handsome!
Of course, professional film critics think so.

Is this Lu Ping'an's trickery?

Use action scenes to make up for Liu Qianqian's lack of acting skills?
Thinking about it this way, Lu Ping'an is indeed a master.

Because my expression skills are not good, I simply set it as a quiet virgin.

Because the action talent is fine, I simply set it to move like a rabbit.

In this way, the contrast is there, the actions are in place, the advantages are magnified, and the shortcomings are covered.

So now the role of "Qian Qian" does fit Liu Qian Qian quite well.

I'm afraid Liu Qianqian will receive a lot of praise this time!

In the video, after a face-to-face encounter, Sissi threw the protagonist, who was also covered in flesh, to the ground.

In this scene, even colleagues who know action scenes have to admit that actors like Liu Qianqian would definitely not be able to do it if they had not endured hardship and practiced for a long time.

So is it a stand-in?

Everyone observe carefully.

The result was disappointing.

At least you can't tell it's a substitute with the naked eye.

So at this moment, the audience and the male protagonist in the movie also changed their attitude towards Sissi.

This is not a vase!
The male protagonist wiped away the nosebleed and shouted excitedly:

"I want her to be my co-pilot!"

(End of this chapter)

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