A24 is an independent film company that can shoot anything and gives directors plenty of room to shine.

Its operating model is completely different from that of major Hollywood companies.

The works produced are indeed very strong, which is why it has been hailed by the media as "subverting Hollywood" and is said by fans to be the coolest film company in the world.

And now, this point is actually very similar to the model of Lu Pingan's movies such as "Hungry Platform", "Buried Alive" and "Time and Space Crime".

Some time ago, film producers asked Ping An Lu why you didn't make those movies anymore. That was so interesting.

The film producers who asked questions were the same film producers that initially cooperated with Lu Pingan.

They may not be able to handle the commercial films produced by Lu Ping An because they are too big, but this kind of interesting film is their favorite.

At the same time, Lu Ping'an's international reputation is not only very high in formal business, but he is also the number one in the restricted field. His representative work is "Chainsaw".

In addition, if Xingchen makes more interesting films like this, he can further develop a different track internationally and through Hollywood channels.

What we need to do with Future Stars is not just limited to domestic streaming video websites.


Lu Ping'an has already smelled the fragrance.

So it’s not a big problem to separate one now.

Soon Ning Hao received the call and immediately expressed his strong agreement.

For him, as a senior director partner, the benefits he will receive from the future listing of Xingchen will definitely be guaranteed, and he will be the top one. However, in addition to benefits, personal career expectations are also very important.

So when Lu Pingan said this, he directly stepped on his G-spot.

When making movies, first of all, making money is more important than having fun.

Just like the current "Wonderful Night 2", are you happy to be able to make such a blockbuster?

Of course happy.

But from a director's point of view, he actually feels that the restrictions are very big.

Industrial production, a producer-centered system, is certainly not very comfortable for directors.

Fortunately, Lu Ping An knows this.

When it comes to industrial films, we should not let go of independent films that highlight individuality. At the same time, we can also support new directors and give them more independent space to develop.

Of course Ning Hao supports it.

In addition, he also has a few friends, the same ones who worked together as "bad monkeys" in the original time and space.

Now Lu Ping'an said he was going to do this, just in time to get them in together.

The matter will be discussed quickly and once an agreement is reached, it will be officially announced soon. I believe that directors with dreams will come over as soon as possible.

Then the two started talking about "Wonderful Night 2".

At present, four modules of "Wonderful Night 2" have been filmed, and the time is about the same as expected. Ning Hao is still relatively stable.

Four modules have been delivered to the Star Center.

Some time ago, Ping An Lu didn't have time to check it out in Lao America, so now he can just watch it all at once.

More than an hour later, Lu Pingan had finished reading all the materials in the four modules.

Generally speaking, Ning Hao is still stable. There are some minor flaws, but not many.

Of course, Lu Ping An would not let Ning Hao reshoot such a minor problem. It was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it was really unnecessary.

Then he replied to Ning Hao, and Ning Hao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately he said, "The beauty shoot will start tomorrow. Do you want to come over?"

"I don't have time. The vacation given by the superiors only ends today, and I have to join the team again tomorrow."

Lu Ping'an immediately asked, "That's not right. Shouldn't the filming of Beauty's Walk be finished long ago?"

“There was an influenza outbreak a while ago, and many people got infected, so we had to postpone it.”

"Avian Influenza?"

"Of course it's not, it's just a common flu. Liu Qianqian and Lizi were both infected, but they are cured now. Lizi always said not to let you know, but Liu Qianqian actually said the same, safe, maybe Qianqian?"

"Don't talk nonsense. It's nothing. By the way, the temperature will cool down later. You have to adjust some scenes a little. If you can shoot them earlier, you can finish them earlier." "Understood, is there nothing else?"

"No, you go to bed early."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Pingan sighed briefly about the magic of this time.

This year's bird flu will be followed by a snowstorm in a few days, then an earthquake, and then there will be type A HIN1

What an eventful time.

After feeling emotional, Lu Pingping and Lizi went to the condolence call.

After chatting for half an hour, he called Liu Qianqian again. After getting through, Lu Pingping asked, "Are you feeling better?"

These four simple words made Liu Qianqian's nose sore, and then she began to complain about the rat: "I told him many times not to tell you, he is a traitor."

Liu Qianqian's tone was very cheerful next, and she was obviously in a good mood.

After chatting for about ten minutes, Lu Pingan continued to chat on the phone with the women.

Poor Liu Qianqian thought Lu Ping'an was one-on-one with her, but in fact he was a sea king.

Starting from the next day, Lu Pingan continued to work in the group.

The company also established the new company "Bad Monkey Pictures" with extremely high efficiency.

Ning Hao became the second largest shareholder and will be the art director in the future.

Then there was a direct official announcement: Directors and screenwriters with dreams in the industry are welcome to join.

Xingchen is going to support new directors. You don’t need to say it loudly. You only need to release the relevant news on the official website to cause a shock in the industry.

Soon many people came to consult.

There are veterans in the industry and newcomers to the industry.

Lu Ping An quickly found several suitable investment projects from the people who consulted.

As for seniors in the industry, director Guan Hu actively came to join in the fun.

This has long been famous, and Lu Ping An will certainly not use ordinary procedures to handle it.

So soon, Guan Hu came to the star center.

When they met, Lu Ping'an smiled and said, "Guan Guan, you are here to join in the fun."

Guan Hu laughed and said: "I'm not here just to join in the fun, I really have a project."

As he spoke, he took out the project book.

This project later led to Huang Bo winning the Golden Horse Award for "Bullfighting".

Then Guan Hu talked about the whole story.

It turned out that he wanted to find Huang Bo to play the leading role from the beginning.

Huang Bo has known him for a long time, and they had collaborated on "Get in the Car and Let's Go" at the earliest.

Then this year Guan Hu was preparing to make "Bullfighting", but it was a coincidence that when he contacted Huang Bo, Huang Bo joined the cast of "Wonderful Night 2".

Guan Hu didn't want to change people. On the one hand, Huang Bo was the most suitable, and on the other hand, he also wanted to get on the big ship of stars.

If "Bullfighting" is chosen by Xingchen, it goes without saying about funding, distribution, and so on.

It's just that Lu Ping'an is quite busy. He has been dealing with "Kung Fu Panda" some time ago.

Until Lu safely returned to China a few days ago, and then quickly came up with the "Bad Monkey 72 Transformation Plan", Guan Hu felt that it would be better to go through this channel directly, which would be considered a compliment.

Lu Ping'an immediately expressed his gratitude after hearing this.

Guan Hu took advantage of the opportunity to join the "Bad Monkey" plan when it came out, which is indeed a compliment.

If everyone has done this, then the next step will be easy.

"I voted for this project!"

Lu Pingan made a decision directly.

Not to mention the movie, if you can win a Golden Horse Award for the company's artists, it is worth thousands of dollars. (End of chapter)

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